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hey guys welcome to Roblox today we're going to be playing doors g g we're going into this room right here the zero to four room this one I'm in the elevator y go in the elevator take it to the hotel am I supposed to be hearing stuff cuz I don't hear anything did anyone have a key oh I got a key where does the key go to right right here this door door's open interesting where are we going I found money ooh I got a chest so what are we supposed to do oh I'm going into Narnia it's super dark in here oh I got a candle okay why do we hide oh I don't like this oh I ah black eye oh [ __ ] was that that was a spider Joseph bit me oh [ __ ] whoa whoa I got eaten my eyes [ __ ] oh my God what the what is happening you died to the eyes all right so we know not to look the [ __ ] in the eyes I didn't even see eyes I have the key all right you got to reach door 100 so this is door two oh this is different this is a different all this different oh keep running jph h no no oh it's what was that oh oh what is that well what the [ __ ] was I supposed to do this is hard okay so you die if you go too fast you die if you look people in the eyes you die if you play the game there's so many doors and so many rooms and so many hold on why is that right there oh see this is my Narnia damn it I got nowhere to hide why am I dying I don't know what do you want from me it says eviction notice and Dam pushed out of hiding oh we're not in hiding anymore we got pushed out is stopping you from hiding oh well that's [ __ ] okay so we didn't die okay good I'm going back in there oh I got the key to this door guys this way I'm trying to leave oh for [ __ ] come on what the dupe yeah who the [ __ ] is the dup lame oh no I opened the door and there was a dup what did I die from how do you die to hide ah Ru 15 go it has to have a number on it all right you going first now I'm in the V I turned on the duping express maybe that opened up the big scary fence thing that was keeping us from going to the door am I right or am I right I was right [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we're going to die we're going to die we're going to die we're going to die sound good run run oh there's a creepy light up there that doesn't look good oh it's the poter [Music] guys dup door godamn dupes the damn it was Screech just do you did you have a key Joseph I did so you got it this time just pick it up okay I guess I'm going to have to get duped because there's no other option but do there's literally no other doors [ __ ] that genuinely scared the ever loving out of me look in the drawer look in the drawer look in the drawer right there oh is just dead body with a smile on his face I didn't you die no no no you see that [ __ ] behind me I didn't see him but I got duped from behind all right guys now we're playing flee the facility because that last game was dumb I'm a Survivor i g that bar it just popped me up at the water G I think Cody and Joseph are you here I'm in a room I have a hammer are you a killer Cody oh I'm a killer I got a hammer and everything OJ Simpson's on his way where oh hey that looks like I got him through the door you killed me through the door you [ __ ] what do I do now oh oh I'm dragging you oh you dragg me away dragging you no somebody SA me okay you I'm a paric I guess I take you to one of these things oh okay okay I got it wait wait you get away you bastard where'd You Go Mexico is Joseph not [ __ ] playing I am playing I'm trying to hack the damn system's never going to find me I'm not where the [ __ ] did he go you had me in the first half but I came back where did he go this place is so wait I see somebody no it's Hammer Time not the hammer oh damn wait did MC Hammer make hammer time no he's dragging my body oh yeah you're in a tube I got you I Tu I'm rocking hey Junior I'm walking as fast as I can oh my god get back here yes what what the hell happened I can't I hait you I'm running oh my God he's still after me oh my God this is so hard that's what she said Joseph where you at I'm in a tube dude oh [ __ ] yeah I'm done I'm back [ __ ] you you come yes yes no you're going to get two you're going to get tubed is there a tube in here please let me go mom help me damn it I keep dropping you I I was almost at the tube why are you so bad come e let me tube you I'm watching you this time you're not getting away I I'm beging you please no there you go you're in a tube all right now where is Jeffy I am in the best hiding spot and con never going to find me after I got in the tube I was screwed dude like I don't know how to come back in the facility where Jiffy you'll never find me well you got it like you're supposed to hack computers or some [ __ ] I don't know oh is that what I'm supposed to be doing well it says three computers oh [ __ ] all right well I hacked one of them one of the toys is giving me wicked dome right now talking about where are you me and Joseph are in Paradise yeah let's go to Crystal Cove Crystal coat you guys sound like you're having a good time we're in Disney World we're like a lake and lit Jeffy maybe you do want to get Frozen no did you did you see me no just they're having a good time so maybe you should to catch you I saw you for a minute when I second you go but I ran back to my hiding spot there's no furniture in this house you guys are in a much better place than I am no Cody there's a waterfall there's trees I want to know where these [ __ ] computers are that we're supposed to I know where you are it was in that one room at the beginning of the game you you first saw you Joseph just jumped off a waterfall oh I think I'm getting a computer computer it takes so [ __ ] long to hack into this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I found a sheep yeah you keep playing with the Sheep I'm trying to hack into this computer I found one of the computers no you didn't no no I got a little computer icon that boy got to be in the Cod you you're in the middle of the ground police find me they they keep giving me these amazing hiding spots so even if you find me you're not going to find me where are you are you holy [ __ ] I got 6 minutes [ __ ] I didn't know there was a timer on this [ __ ] got to be around here somewhere Cody you're you're not good at killing Cody I I killed you yeah but like you're not really wait a minute you can hide in the closet no that's right I did not lock we go in the tube yeah I didn't [ __ ] damn Jeffy you're a beast Cody I'm the beast that's right I'm a beast we all end up in the same place living in Perfect Harmony oh I'm going to kill you guys it's over no you know oh I don't like this at all incorrectly put in my password to this computer I'm hacking yeah keep doing that keep doing that keep putting your incorrect password you got to hack it Cody hack them computers Joseph what are you doing oh you're done get down here [ __ ] get down here you're going back to Heaven ah [ __ ] a damn um how do I drag you you got to whack him again with the hammer I want Cody wait hold on I heard something why did you hear give me a hotter cold we can't we don't even know where you are you don't hear my song no oh oh you're done Jeffy wait don't get me wait what the you crawled through yeah [ __ ] iing hit you with my hammer Cody I reallying hope you're trying to hack the computer because I I'm trying so hard I don't know where you guys this place oh no oh yeah you're in there aren't you you [ __ ] where you at [ __ ] you no I'm not I'm not there I don't know what you're talking about that's not me oh yeah look at your look at your body I'm about to do things you maybe it's not so bad after all I am going to put you in a thing no you're not you're lucky I can't find a capsule oh there it is oh man there you are it's up to you Jeffy I think you can come save me oh you're done oh you're done oh you're screwed yeah no all right I got to wait for you to get up [ __ ] run to me a [ __ ] you why are you faster than me cuz I got a superpower of running [ __ ] and now I'm just being drug around like a dog that doesn't want to go outside and there it is I win I I think I did better than Cody time for a change man beast mode Let's go you're the Beast Joseph yeah yeah get right you're not going to kill me I am good I don't even know how to get my hammer oh I got it let's go all time to hack into your computer is whacka to oh no no no no no you don't see me I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here you don't see me no don't know what you're talking about for what I want you to try to hack these computers where you going am I on this side or on the other side where am I going to go go oh damn he whacked me you bed me that's only one down I got to put him in the two I we should have little freeze guns oh I see it yeah damn it what the hell [ __ ] you I'm gone you trying to do a dash on me man [ __ ] yeah am I am actually draged to do a dash on you oh [ __ ] you can jump through windows I didn't know that oh no I'm on your head you guys police busy with me okay wait are you oh wait I was trying to H oh [ __ ] I'm going to go hack I did not know I was supposed to be hacking oh yeah you can't get away black a Bo I lost him that was close I lost [Music] him I hope y'all get the [ __ ] computers damn it I'm I'm going as fast I can I'm hacking make sure you pay attention because it's going to ask you to do little squar her ex's on on the [ __ ] screen I know I got it I got it I got it I got it smallus I I did it it's hacked no you no please D this is taking forever where'd you go buddy now I turned into a Jeffy popsickle now it's that's is great I think I'm pretty far you know you know scary scary how scary bu wacka it won't let me grab your body wrong one I Pi the wrong [ __ ] I better not have to take an hour to open this godamn door run run Junior get out of here save yourself wait did you hack all the computers I hacked all the computer oh damn no no yeah he just I'm almost free I'm at the Chum Bucket I'm at the Chum Bucket I'm out yes Junior Live for the both of us I'll tell everyone about about you got you get away you go away can't get away I'm going away from you oh good the door's open ah [ __ ] yeah Junior you how many computers do you have I hacked one Cody did two but I think I did most of the work oh okay yeah I'm a Survivor who's the Beast yes Jeff is the Beast yes I am the best oh I'm here I am the best [ __ ] I could not have landed in a worst possible spot you're already out unbelievable I landed right next to him and right next to a tube unbelievable I am going through Osan Bin Laden's files you got to be yes you suck you suck I'm going to play with your butt dude [ __ ] God damn it time to go do the tube why is he so fast that's what I did I'm trying to find you so I can help what what are you going to do Joseph yeah how are you going to help I'm going to hit you with the D do I'll give you one with a view about that look Joseph where is you Cody were you trapped too I was I'm on your ass you get me out Cody Cody get me out hey Cody how the [ __ ] did you did you get out I was freed oh D all right come on time to go to I'm still trapped Jeffy I don't believe that cuz I heard what y'all were saying yeah me too I'm still trapped too I'm confused there was a m skin you see cucumber where are these where are you this is a weird place for a computer where's the computer's at I'm going to be really pissed if y'all team up together and then actually hack the computer yes come on you I thought I heard the the thumping Cody can you please get me out of here when he traps me why now I know you guys suck I'll do my best but I'm busy he's busy trying to get Joseph out no I'm hacking somebody messed up over there I thought I was pulling him but now I seem to have lost him where God D it no Joseph dear God help come on I'll help you Joseph hurry hurry hurry press the buttons Joseph oh for [ __ ] sake oh no oh no you got [ __ ] C okay we got it we got it let's go let's go let's go guys I'm tubed again we're coming for you you're not going to get here in time well how much time do we have left the progress carries over so I'm pretty tubed no Cody there's two computers left I hacked one we you just hacked one I'm just going to Camp the computer until you [ __ ] come down here no that's not fair I don't know how to get up from here big fat booty Latinas oh no juy Latinas I said ju ju is the key word b you again Joseph I'm captured you got to get me out you got to get me out J I'm hacking the H slasher I died oh God damn Junior I was just coming for you Junior welcome welcome to hunky land I'm Joe pissed yes yes yes got you just dragging my ass yes a man yes I got I was so close to winning got that time all right guys that does it for this Roblox game so who do you guys think is the better beast and the better Survivor clearly me because I had you guys all dead immediately but I didn't know you could revive your players hit the like button subscribe for more SML gaming videos
Channel: SML Gaming
Views: 663,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml gaming, sml, gaming, jeffy, heres jeffy, jeffy gaming, roblox, flee the facility, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, scary, fun, video game, game, logan, lance, lovell, pablo, joke, jokes
Id: vcC9aw_HA4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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