SML Parody: Jeffy Plays Among Us!

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hey junior what doing i'm playing among us among what among us it's a cool new game everybody's playing and look i have such a good hiding spot the impossibility's not going to find me oh wow looks like fun can i play no i'm in the middle of a game ah well how about when you die i'm not gonna die jeffy i mean look at me no one's gonna find me in here ugh what about when the round ends well fine when the round ends you can have one game one game art great oh man i can't believe i lost oh man i can't wait to play i really hope i win this emergency meeting what's that oh well they're gonna see where the imposter is oh it wasn't me [Music] oh man this game's dumb oh man i can't believe i lost jeffy you broke my ipad well i got mad okay you shouldn't have thrown my ipad in your pool well i got mad i really want to play again well so do i but we can't play anymore uh oh i got an idea junior what if we play among us but in real life yup what do you mean that could actually work that would be pretty fun yeah we could go our friends together and then get a hat and then draw little pieces of paper and it'll tell us if we're the imposter or not it could be really fun yeah that'd be great if we could have like a button for when we might call an emergency meeting oh yeah we could pretend we're in like a spaceship and oh it'll be so cool yeah let's go do it okay who do you think want to play oh let's just get my friend and maybe morty maybe he wants to play you think daddy won't play well probably not but we can try and ask okay let's go see hey daddy what now jeffy what could you possibly want right junior why does gina get to look like that but i don't well cause daddy you're big and round and we already talked about in the other video you gotta be really fat and ugly for the rest of your life but but that's not fair junior doesn't have to look like that well he's junior yeah i'm junior people actually like me unlike you because you're fat and old junior that's not very nice now what do you guys want i think we're a little bit too mean to him junior uh okay daddy we were wondering if you won't play among us no i'm not buying you a playstation 5 jeffy no no we're gonna play in real life a real life game like a fortnight game yeah really every time you do one of these stupid games in real life and you ask me to play what do you think my answer is it's always no i never want to play these stupid games with you in real life so what makes you think i want to do it now all right guys you ready to play among us in real life hey what are you doing jeffy i don't want to be here oh it's not that bad if you win you get prize oh well i mean if if i get a prize i mean it'd be pretty fun what is the prize i'm just kidding there's no prize no prize no prize then why am i even here watch for fun no it's not fun for me well you'll have fun trust me this game's really fun oh dad what who is that over there what what are you doing on my bench oh oh hey mister you won't play a game oh what game is it it's called among us oh what are you doing well there's crewmates and then there's the imposters and the crewmates have to try not to get get by imposters oh get get by the imposters i'm really good at doing that oh you want to play jeffy we shouldn't let this guy play he wants to play all right mister you're in oh great i can't wait to play all right everybody so i'm gonna bring a hat around and it's gonna have different cards and it's gonna say if you're a crewmate or an imposter yeah pick one all right all right dad you're gonna pick one card from the hat only one card right yep it'll tell you if you're a crewmate or an imposter fine and i only have to play one game right yeah only one game all right fine give me a card all right oh wow crewmate wow that sounds really fun you know i'm gonna go take a nap y'all cody i got boring crewmate what did you get well junior i can't tell you but why not i told you what i was well junior that's your fault you're gonna find out i'm gonna find you no cody i told you what i was so i think you should tell me where you were i'm not telling you junior oh cody come on please sorry junior no go and come back all right now that you know if you're a crewmate or imposter i can tell you about the red button this red button is very important if you see somebody get slicked or you see something that's not right then you go ahead and press this red button and it'll alert everybody and everybody gathers around and we can vote somebody out and if the crewmates vote out the imposter then the crewmates win oh jeffy i have a question what why does it say easy on it well because it's an easy win for cowards oh i'm a coward that was easy oh this is fun one more you're not supposed to press it yet but i really like pressing the button well the game didn't start yet morty oh well also jeffy my ticket says that i'm a crewmate well morty you're not supposed to tell anybody oh geez i'm sorry all right so when the game starts if you see somebody get slicked then you can press a button okay fine all right everybody let's start i'm imposter oh he's to be fun all right who just slick first is that daddy hey daddy hey daddy what do you want is the game over no game's not over just just started and daddy guess what what i'm the i-m-p-s-r-u-t-o uh i'm the imposter daddy you're out i'm i'm out yeah you're out so so the game's over for me well i guess for you dad you gotta pretend like you're you fell asleep forever i was already doing that all right fine oh man who's next oh man i'm getting nervous already i really don't want to get out by the imposter oh man is that mario i don't think he's breathing maybe he is oh man i think he might have gotten out by the imposter i'm gonna go press that button oh jeez oh god oh man someone get over here fast morty what are you doing junior i i think i think mario got get by the imposter he got god he got god so good he got god yeah no well then you don't have any proof so why are you pressing the button because i got nervous and i'm a coward well morty if you don't got any proof then you're probably just covering up for your own slickage because you probably got him i'm not the imposter why would i be someone got him before me oh jeez whatever morty we're skipping this boat who's gonna help me find out who the imposter is oh geez oh man i gotta get junior and cody and morty and now i'll win junior duh cody someone already got him what the all right kid time to get slick time to get slick wait i'm an imposter oh duh you're an imposter too uh uh that's me i'm an imposter as well we're both imposters so guess i can't slick you oh well so you got cody and uh junior oh no no no no that wasn't me i thought it was you and me because we're both imposters wait but if you didn't get them and i didn't get them then who got them i i don't know kid just stay here i'm gonna look for my dagger oh man i don't even know if they're breathing oh god daddy we got a big problem big big problem daddy jeffy what do you want can we finally go home no daddy junior and cody they both got slicked and i'm the imposter right and i didn't get them well they probably are just faking it they're not faking it daddy i can tell well did you check their pulse well nobody could tell they're not breathing whatever probably the other imposter gone they're just faking it they're really good at acting he said he didn't get him either well i don't know what to tell you i just want to go home oh jesus is getting scary ah where's my dagger where's my dagger dagger you over here dagger you up in the tree i gotta find that kid before he finds out who i am there who's sucking my leg the old man got slicked too he said he was the imposter what's going on here ah jeffy calm down we've won what we won see look i was the imposter wait morty you were the imposter yeah i'm pretty good at lying right i mean you think i was the crew mate but morty in the beginning of the game you said i know what i said i had to get you tricked because i didn't know if you were the imposter or not oh my god wait morty what i still don't think they're breathing [Music] well [Music] so you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,832,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QUvp8omVJC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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