SML Parody: The Play-Doh Sale!

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so guys we're eating my super cool thomas i made out of play-doh oh dude that looks so cool yeah junior it doesn't really look like thomas what yeah it does look at even there's the face it looks vaguely like a train and that's it wait no it's thomas you can talk see us the face and the chimney and even his number one because he's thomas and he's number one it's kind of terrifying junior i bet i can make something out of play-doh that's way better wait you can't make anything better than this uh honestly dude i kind of make something out of play-doh too oh well if you guys think you can make anything better than i want to see you try go ahead all right fine then whoa cody it looks so good i told you i could do better junior well it might not be better than mine but it's still really good but dude what do you think of mine though uh joseph what is that it's a basketball dude like the one on my shirt yeah joseph it literally just looks like a clump of orange play-doh yeah joseph it kind of looks like crap what no it doesn't do it it looks better than your dumb thomas that's true it does but not as good as my gorgeous food plate yeah it really is good uh cody can i have a bite a what i want to bite junior it's literally play-doh fun to play with not to eat no cody here's why you're stupid because the slogan is fun to eat not to play with haven't you seen the commercials what no junior it's the opposite it's play-doh not eat dough cookie what do you think i was gonna do when i was doing my thomas you what i was gonna eat it looks like cake you you were gonna eat it yeah no if you eat that you're gonna get so sick no i'm not and to prove it i'm gonna feed this to my dad and i think he's gonna love it you're gonna what hey dad are you hungry hungry for what junior some new food that cody whipped up why does it look like that what's it made out of well it's me at play-doh i mean love lots of love it's made out of love yep so you want to try some junior if you poison this i'm signing the adoption form it's not poison yeah right okay i guess i'll try some [Music] oh hello that was so good i need more you're actually eating it oh your junior take this wait what no is that a 20 bill junior can you make more of that stuff uh i guess so can you buy me more play-doh for what well uh never mind i'll just go meet you some more yes please do junior it was so good and done guess what yeah why junior what no one carried the dumb tower cody look what i got yeah wow twenty dollars yeah you know where i got it from yeah no my dad why do you steal it what no i'm not a monster i fed him the play-doh yeah you what yeah he loved it he went in this little shock after he ate it he loved it so much junior he's gonna die he's gonna be fine you can eat plato all you want he said he wanted more junior you can't feed people play-doh yes you can and you know what that actually gave me a good idea cody since my dad paid for the play-doh i was thinking we make more play-doh food and tell the people on the street yeah junior we can't go around feeding people play-doh for money yeah we can people do with lemonade all the time they're lemonade stands and stuff they're the difference between lemonade and play-doh there's no difference cody you eat lemonade or you eat play-doh there's no difference yeah wait yeah i guess but yeah well junior if they bust us it's your idea of course it was my idea i want all the credit for this when it goes big now come on joseph let's make some play-doh food yeah fine [Music] so [Music] wow guys we did a really good job on his food yeah food junior you do know it's play-doh right cookie you can't call it play-doh you have to go in the mindset that it's food no one's gonna want to buy play-doh i don't think anyone's gonna want to buy this anyway you think people are going to buy my basketball dude no no yeah i don't think so no one's going to want that oh well come on guys let's get all these food stuff in the food truck and sell it to people yeah food truck [Music] yeah junior where did you get this food truck i bought it but how did you buy it well with the 20 bucks my dad gave me come on it was 20 bucks at walmart 20 junior yeah it's like an investment for our up and rising food company it's play-doh junior you can't keep calling it play-doh cody or people aren't gonna buy it oh wait you're guys our first customer everybody get ready let's sew some food yeah oh what the since when was this in our front yard hi welcome to this super cool awesome super dope super epic food truck of awesomeness can i get your order junior is that you yeah jeffy you're our first customer what you want to eat what is this it's a food truck that's kind of cool uh well do you got a chocolate cake uh no oh why not because it's not on the menu menu oh uh can i get taco then uh sure wine taco coming up hey cody jeffy wants a taco yo what yeah so i need you to get on that junior we don't have tacos well then why'd you put it on the menu i didn't you're the one who got the food truck oh yeah oh what do i do he's expecting a taco yeah ask him if he wants a hot dog okay uh so jeffy we uh don't have any tacos either why junior they're on your menu yeah i know they're just really hard to make out of play-doh what uh i mean uh we're out of taco shells yeah that's it fine see you later junior no wait jiffy uh maybe i can get you a hot dog instead you like hot dogs not really oh well let me get you a hot dog you can try it fine ah there you go sir the world's finest hot dog yeah that's great nobody can get without mustard yeah what mustard can i actually just get the bun you just want the bun yeah i don't like hot dogs there you go jeffy there's your bun thanks junior well thanks for the sale cody we just made our first sale okay where's the money oh money well yeah junior the whole point doing this is to make money oh well i think me and jeffy forgot to get the money what you forgot junior you have to ask him for the money before you give him the food okay i won't forget oh wow cool food truck junior that'll be 20 bucks what oh sorry you didn't order yet uh what do you want to eat morty uh don't take the uh oh the ice cream looks good really more that's the hardest one to make i'm sorry fine i'll go get your ice cream all right morgy there's your ice cream whoa it looks really good what the something wrong why isn't it cold uh because it's a uh a special food truck recipe uh it's ice cream that never melts ice cream that never melts yep and that'll be a 50 bucks 50 you said it was 20 and even that's a scam well it was 20 but uh jeffy ordered a 30 hot dog and he didn't pay for it so you have to cover the cost that's not my problem that's his fault well i'm sorry but somebody has to make up for the lost money you're lucky i have a lot of bitcoin oh wow 50 bucks thanks morty what a scammer cokey cookie look we just made our first real sale is that 50 junior yeah i got it from mori for the ice cream you sold morty ice cream for fifty dollars well the ice cream was only twenty dollars but i did charge him an extra thirty because jeffy forgot to pay for his hot dog ah junior we're gonna go to jail for this cookie stop stressing out we're gonna be fine now look i need you and joseph to take this pizza to frank what we deliver now yup and i need you to take this pizza and when you do ask for 25 and uh charge him 20 bucks for the delivery fee fine but i need you to watch over the food because we don't want squirrels to get to it no squirrels are gonna get our fake play-doh food cody now come on go deliver this pizza fine all right dude this should be the place now remember junior said we need to get 25 for the tip 25 no one's gonna pay that well you better do we had to walk all the way down you're just giving me dumb pizza and the box literally says plato on it there your highness is that better yeah no one's gonna want to buy this whatever dude oh finally the delivery boys with my pizza yeah don't see a drink though you didn't order a drink we don't even have drinks the funny thing is is i did i did i was told over the phone that i was getting a drink well then he lied i don't know why he would say that kid what you see anything wrong with this no because i see two things what number one i specifically remember ordering a large that that is the large that's the biggest one you kidding me you joking no second off what is this with the box what'd you do what you flipped it upside down then just flip it around we know what i expect from this what sauce all over the box my cheese is completely off the pizza probably i don't know you better expect this to be the best pizza ever yeah really what you want to read that for me four eyes play-doh so can i expect a real pizza or a play-doh pizza i don't know what them open the box and see yeah well can you get back here what do you have to say for yourself well dude that'll be 75 plus tax plus service fee plus delivery fee plus walking fee plus pizza fee plus premium fee plus get out okay fine dude whatever i don't care uh where is everybody when they're hungry don't think there's perfectly good food in here oh man i have another customer in ages where is everyone oh my tummy's kind of grumbly i guess we'll go on a five-minute lunch break okay i'll just take a five-minute lunch break and then i'll be right back and then i bet i'll have a lion customers dying to try my food oh me and dude i can't believe frankie and pierce for the pizza i know junior better be making bank at the food truck what what is that a squirrel now yeah get them off get them off get them off get them off get them off all right everyone i'm back what the heck cody oh no cody yeah junior god help him out i don't know kogi this is kind of funny to watch god come on come on junior help oh fine come on help out [Applause] junior the food truck the food truck oh no look junior he got all the food food cody you know it's play-doh right don't be stupid coe cody what are you doing i quit you quit cody come back god i give up oh come on cody you can't give up we've already made 50 bucks yeah junior this squirrel got all a play-doh i don't even care oh yeah uh you might want to get yourself checked for rabies why well cause that squirrel looked pretty rabid i think you only have like a day to cure that god god junior yeah my body can't take the stress anymore the stress of what all of it the plato the food truck oh come on yeah it's not that bad look if play-doh wasn't safe to eat then the slogan wouldn't be fun to eat not to play with oh junior dad oh my god what happened junior that food you fed me oh i think you have to call 9-1-1 wait what no dad my food couldn't have made you sick it was made out of play-doh no and plato's 100 safe to eat so you should be fine it wasn't my food you fed me play-doh well yeah you loved it you want more looks like someone's gonna get put up for adoption [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 742,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KhDAdcXF7eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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