SML Movie: Who Built The Pyramids?

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hey Joseph you want to watch the new episode of Dr fle [ __ ] heck yeah dude hey guys I just got a job at Red Lobster as a sign holder shut up Cody we're trying to watch new episode of Dr fle shits oh I guess we're not doing this idea today hello I am Dr Fredick finle shits and today I will tell you how the aliens build the pyramids now originally everybody thought that the pyramids were built by the Egyptians but no this is a loot of kaka and I will tell you why you see there are 2.3 million Stones inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and each Stone weighs between 2 and 80 tons now that means they had to place 212 Stones a day for 30 years with no breaks now how is this possible How could a human lift a stone that is heavier than an elephant now a scientist would tell you they use cranes hm interesting well let's take a look this is a crane do you really think that this stupid bird could lift 80 tons with these little toothpick legs I don't think so and how would you even tell it to do that look at his stupid bird eyes you can't tell him what to do he's a bird he's stupid stupid no that is impossible I will tell you how they did it aliens that is how the aliens came down in their UFOs like and they picked up the stones and they placed the stones on top of the pyramid just like this and they built the Pyramid at exactly 29.9792458 de North which just so happens to be the exact same number as the speed of light which is 299,792,458 m/ second which is the secret to time travel the aliens were trying to teach us how to travel through time and if they would just let me inside the Tomb of the pyramid to talk to King's Mommy I could figure out time travel but no Dr fingles shits you're not allowed in there anymore you kiss the mummies too much wa I never knew aliens built the pyramids I know dude I thought slays did no Joseph slavery only happened in America oh yeah you're right you're right guys aliens did not build the pyramids yes they did Cody Dr fleit just explained it well he's wrong he's a c okay Cody then how did a human lift up a stone that weighed 2 tons they used ramps Cody you're telling me that you skateboard ramps Tony Hawk wasn't invented until like 40 years ago what invented don't you mean born Tony Hawk's a real person yes what really oh man he fled us all along I thought he was a video game character but no he's a real person he can really do a 360 ver MC twist yeah in real life yeah that's why they made video games about him well if the Egyptians had Tony Hawk and his ramps then they probably did build the Pyramid well he wasn't around back then then it had to be aliens but no it was hundreds of thousands of Egyptians all working together slavery wait Cody why are you wearing a lobster costume I thought we were going to do SML movie Cody gets a job at Red Lobster today no that's next week oh well I'll just take this off then I look like a crawfish anyway okay I'm back now where were we oh yeah the aliens did not build the pyramids and neither did Tony Hawk Cody then how did the Egyptians build the pyramids they had no technology no tools all they had was sand well they also had 30 years Junior okay Cody I'll give you 30 years to build a pyramid go well I didn't say I could do it well no all they had was sand you have all the technology in the world Cody go well they also had hundreds of thousands of Egyptians so if I clone you a 100,000 times you could build a pyramid well I wouldn't know how okay I'll even give you Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 for the PlayStation 2 there's your ramp oh [ __ ] that's one with the zoo level oh and you can play as Django Fett okay deal I mean you're not going to get a pyramid but I'm going to have a good time wait why are we even arguing about this why don't we just ask God who built the pyramids oh yeah we do know God hey God can you come down here hey guys what's up oh hey God hey sorry I just got out of the shower wait there's showers in heaven yeah well I mean there's one in my house and believe it or not the hot water still runs out I mean the pipes run all the way down from hell and you know how people say when hell freeze is over well apparently it does cuz my water gets pretty cold but whenever that happens I just hold my mouth up to the shower head and turn the water into wine it's 5:00 somewhere right well me and my friends were arguing because we want to know who built the pyramids I think it was aliens but Cody thinks it was the Egyptians and Tony Hawk I never said Tony Hawk well actually Tony Hawk's not a bad guess this one time I teleported Tony Hawk back to Egypt time so he could skateboard down the side of the pyramid it was pretty sick but no Egyptians and aliens and Tony Hawk did not build the pyramids then who built the pyramids I nobody's recording us right no okay well I've never told anybody this but here's what happened so I was sitting on my couch and I was bored I was just playing Tetris on my phone I actually had the iPhone way before anyone else did cuz you know I'm God so I looked over at Earth and said hm getting kind of boring over there so I walked over to the Earth and I changed the settings to creative mode and then I went down to Egypt cuz it was mostly just flat and Sandy and I started placing blocks and building pyramids kind of just screwing around honestly and then I went over to Stonehenge too and I built that and kind of just stacking stuff you know and then I went to the snowy area right and then I built a bunch of blocks as high as I could go until I reached the height limit and I called it Fort God but then you people called it Mount Everest which is kind of lame if you ask me I like my name a lot better and then I went and killed the Ender Dragon so that was fun and then the Mayans hopped on my server and they started building pyramids and [ __ ] in Mexico and I was like guys you're totally taking my idea so I was so mad I punched the Earth as hard as I could and I created the Grand Canyon so I turned it back to survival mode and flooded the Earth but not before I told this one villager named Noah to make a boat and I told him to put two of every animal on it cuz I really did not feel like making all those animals again and I gave him creative mode powers to build the boat obviously and then I just went back to my couch whoa well can you turn the Earth back to creative mode so we can build something yeah no no no no no no way absolutely not the Mayans ruined that for everyone so you can thank them thank you Mayans anyway I got to go I got to go convince Tom Brady to come back but it's going to take a miracle I'm going to have to part the seas or some [ __ ] I'll just walk from here dude I recorded the whole thing Joseph you weren't supposed to record it yeah God said not to dude it's a one in a billion opportunity and I'm going to get rich off of it I'm going to sell this to the news no no Joseph do you really think he's going to sell to the news Junior look the [Music] news breaking news M there is shocking video evidence of God admitting to flooding the Earth just because he was bored there are currently riots happening all all around the world oh wow he actually did it do you think God's going to be mad look guys all this Buu cash I just got I got $20,000 off that God video they only gave you $20,000 for the only video evidence that God's real I mean I kind of bargain with them hey oh god oh no God damn that's right me damn you weren't supposed to record me look I was broke God I needed some cash break bread with a [ __ ] well what are you going to do with all that cash when the world is flooded that sounded bad do you think he's actually going to flood earth oh no Junior what's happening oh no Junior wait guys what happened Junior God flooded the entire Earth and it's Joseph's fault dude I just wanted some money God yeah well what good is that money if the whole world is flooded help help Junior no one's coming to help the whole world is flooded help kids kids thank God you have this floating couch do you know what happened well God flooded the entire world because our friend leaked a video of God without his permission it's not my fault it's all God's fault dude why don't you just apologize yeah say you're sorry to God I'm not apologizing just say sorry this wave coming I'm sorry God wait I think everything's back to normal I think the world's not flooded anymore wait kids can you explain what happened again now that's why you don't mess with the wrath of God next time you're getting a meteor I've started over once and I'll do it again what do you think happened to the dinosaurs that's why you don't cheat at Connect 4 wait wait so you're telling me God flooded the entire Earth cuz he was mad at your friend well you do know you killed like millions of people right yeah yeah and I think you took my money too my $20,000 it's in the water yeah and that's theft so I I think I have to arrest you what yeah yeah I I think you're under arrest put your hands behind your back we're going to court order order order order order I am the honorable Judge Pac and today we will be hearing the case of God versus Earth as you can see our old courtroom got flooded so I had to set up this crappy one which is extra annoying because the old one was made of wood so water damage is going to be a [ __ ] I mean termites out the ass and the floorboards are going to be all squishy oh and my gavel got wet so I have to use an actual Mallet now yeah so oh also my 1967 Volkswagen Beetle was total and that was all original parts so I don't know how insurance is going to cover that [ __ ] anyway God what was your plan what was God's plan are we chalking this up to mysterious ways a lot well your honor a video of me was sold to the news without my permission and that video was supposed to remain private I mean he never told me specifically not to record I specifically asked if anyone was recording and they said no there was nobody recording at the time order order order order it doesn't matter if he recorded the video or not it doesn't give you the right to flood the Earth and kill what do the body count now 3 billion people I didn't know that many people didn't know how to swim for 30 seconds Counterpoint I'm God so I can do whatever I want H yes I guess that is true you you could just turn me into a toad or pillar of salt or paprika or something there's really nothing keeping you here how about we just say it was an act of God and we can call it square is that good well you see the first time you flooded the Earth America wasn't like a thing so there were no laws against it but now there are and mass murder is very illegal so I sentence you to three billion life sentences all right I'm tired of playing with you guys I'm going home beff stop him he's God what do you want me to do even if we put him in Chains he could still get away oh well I guess I must repent then sorry God for trying to put you in jail my bad hey what about my $20,000 well guys today was weird dude I lost $20,000 you were never supposed to have it to begin with wait I got a question guys so when God flooded the Earth and destroyed my house and then when Joseph said sorry we all came back and my house is fine but 3 billion people still drowned does that mean your house is destroyed Cody oh [ __ ] I got to go check on my parents I don't have parents I'm going to just chill here wait Cody before you leave so you said that the Egyptians built the pyramids right so I got a challenge for you so look here's a Great Pyramid of Giza Lego set so I'm going to give you 30 minutes to build this because the real Egyptians only had 30 years to build it and they weighed tons and tons these are little Lego pieces so you have 30 minutes to build it and if you don't build it we get to stomp on your glasses I'd rather go home and play Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 but my house was probably destroyed so I guess I'll do this yeah go you're not even open them you're just burying your face in them are you guys going to like help at all no it's only you ND out need some [Music] ramps
Channel: SML
Views: 3,946,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, fun, who built the pyramids, pyramid, pyramids, egypt, aliens, junior, joseph, cody, hilarious, joke, adventure, animation, logan
Id: 60aqLbHUlLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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