SML Movie: The Sticky Situation [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] oh man making macaroni sculptures is so fun i just hope i'm doing it the same way doofy's doing it all right kip and when you're done it should look like my ex-wife close enough so make sure you tell your parents your wonderful creation okay oh my god i can't wait to show my macaroni sculpture to my dad oh the glue is still drying though so i can't take it to him so he's gonna have to come in here dad dad dad come in here something really awesome what do you want junior well i made you something really pretty because i love you ew you're so gay oh and what's with this big mess wait it's not a big mess it's part of my macaroni sculpture for you macaroni's closure of what of a dinosaur wait wait what no this crap it looks like nothing but crap i can't believe you waste the macaroni on crap you know how expensive macaroni is it's a dollar and 51 cents that's a lot for a box of macaroni but dad i want to make something really cool that's not cool it looks like crap but i should be flushing that down the toilet right now i wanted you to put it on the refrigerator i wouldn't put that on the refrigerator if i put it on the refrigerator and walk past it it's going to make me lose my appetite every time cause it's crap i thought you love it no i hate it so make sure you throw it away and you clean up this mess you know what you're grounded clean up this whole mess and you're going in your room okay i better not see you the rest of the day what grounded it oh stupid dad i gotta do something to get back at him what's something i could do that'll really make him mad [Music] i could poison his coffee that'll get him back oh wait he doesn't drink coffee well i guess i could just glue his door shut yeah that's a cool idea oh charlie you're so funny man stupid dad i'm gonna glue the door shut and you'll never be able to come out ever again look at all that glue oh my god okay this door will never open again i'm gonna close it all right now all i have to do is make a reason for my dad to want to come out and then he'll realize he's stuck and then he'll cry like a big fat baby what would make him want to come out of the room uh well i know dad there's someone at the door we'll open the door oh you see him watching charlie golly okay i'm going uh i'm going to open the door oh charlie dad dad charlie's at the door what charlie yeah charlie said he wants to be the biggest fan what's wrong with the door uh dad charlie said he's going to leave you don't get there charlie charlie dad charlie said if you don't come out in five seconds he's leaving no no please lock the door don't let him go please always help me get out daddy daddy he left he said he said he said you obviously don't want to see him no that was too funny okay dad i'm i was just kidding i was just kidding dad open up oh the door's glued well he'll come out when he's when he's when he's feeling better i gotta shoot my dad not to be mean to me what's so funny chef pee pee what the hell is that junior it's a dinosaur oh no it's not a giraffe or something you stop making fun of my macaroni it's hilarious oh my god man you need to take some art classes oh stupid chef baby well you got a booger nose full of boogers um this stupid chef people making fun of my macaroni um i know i can use my glue to get back at all the people that are making fun of me and also just to mess with them yeah that's what i'm gonna do oh man i can't wait to eat this fried bologna sandwich oh man it looks so good let me flip it ah there we go oh man i'm forgetting the cheese garlic okay stupid chef peepee what can i put glue on to make you really mad now i can put it on your bologna sandwich no that might make him sick i don't want to make him sick i just want to make him mad oh i can put glue on his spatula and then we get stuck to his hand and it'll be really silly okay someone put in the handle yeah that's a lot of glue yeah okay okay got the cheese for my bologna sandwich and now i'm ready to eat my balloon's burning oh where's the spatula okay i gotta get it out gotta get it out hurry hurry up where's my plate oh forget it wait what what what's wrong this is all over my hand what the hell what's going on what was funny i glued the spatula into your hand champion how the hell did you do that i just put glue on it wait wait look how is that how am i going to get this off i don't know just water damn it to europe why did you even do it in the first place i would cover my ears forever that was really loud chef pee pee ah junior i'm gonna beat you i'm witches which i get special off me that's so funny that'll show chef pee pee to make fun of my macaroni okay um so what can i put glue on now i'm just gonna put on random people's stuff i'm gonna put glue on these headphones and then whoever listens to music will have them stuck to their head forever okay the toilet that'd be the funniest place to put glue because then whoever sits down on it their butt will be stuck there forever whoa that's a lot of glue what else can i put glue on shoes that's what you deserve junior yeah i gave you with that stupid spatula because you got it stuck to my hand you idiot wait is it still glued to it yes it's still glued in my hand it's like industrial glue or something oh so is it ever going to come off i don't know i hope it does but it's taking forever i hope you didn't put it on anything else no i didn't i probably yeah you better not have oh i'm trying to find a way to get this off oh he took my glue i'm just going to watch some doofy the dragon now oh hey toad [Music] toad [Music] what's up julia oh hey hey y'all can you can you hear me [Music] hey charles can you hear me hey i like green too green's my favorite color no no i glued those [Music] i can't really hear you that much it's kind of stuck to my head but but it's cool i love music [Music] touchdown okay all right all right now we're gonna release the kraken they're butt cracking oh god all right well that that worked out for me it worked out really well all right don't get the light we gotta land on my crack come here come here curse your tiny arms well i well i didn't have to wipe today i went yesterday well let's let's carry on [Music] oh what what are you doing but let go of the toilet like right now well it appeared that my bub crack has attached itself to the toilet seat let's try flying off let's see if that works no didn't work all right well plan b don't get don't can't come here what do you watch wreck don't get i have some very urgent news i must share with you what i and the toilet seat have become one what what are you talking about i knew this day was coming for a long time donkey i just didn't know it would be now what are you talking about my butt has attached itself to the toilet seat stop playing a round trick just get up look don't get i can't huh why is it stuck donkey if i knew that i wouldn't be calling you in here to help me out okay hold on try to lift up oh hey shrek there seems to be glue on the toilet seat come on donkey why would there be glue on the toilet seat i was not up all night playing arts and craps i i don't know why there's not supposed to be glue and that's why your butt is stuck you sat in glue don't get i did not sit and glue you we need to do something about this okay what do you suggest we do i i don't know just try to lift up okay hold on i'm gonna grab your arm and i'm trying to pull you off oh i love the rosebud in the toilet i'm sure you're disgusting i mean uh i'm going to call somebody to try to help you get off you do that donkey hurry up i'm starting to crush hello thank you so much for coming glued it to a toilet seat yeah yeah i don't know how he got what i don't know i don't know why someone put glue on the toilet they just need to help get them off you know you're the only kind of people that have these problems i don't i don't go to anyone else's house for this kind of stuff really no not at all you're the only ones i ever show up at well i mean can you you think you can get them off the toilet seat what else am i gonna do sure yeah all right shrek i think i got somebody to help you get off the toilet seat oh good it's this thing again well yeah he's an ogre so well donkey i think i've came to terms with spending the rest of my life on the toilet what are you talking about well i'm already in the bathroom 98 of the day so i could just eat cheesecake and let it flow right through me no no you're not staying on the toilet for the rest of your life shrek do you think you get them off uh that depends on the kind of glue let me take a look oh my god what this is this is this is military grade industrial strength elvis glue yeah i haven't seen glue this strong since the third grade what is it is it bad oh it's very bad this glue this glue is so strong it could have held together my marriage no no this is serious there's no time for jokes oh okay uh so how would you expect to get him off the toilet seat uh i i don't really know i mean how do you usually get something from sticking to something hey um you gotta get a spatula a spatula um oh chef baby oh what what do you want uh do you have a spatula yes it's stuck to my damn hand what you it's glued to your hand yeah yes it's glued to my hand it's stupid brad junior did it but junior did that yes he glued this stupid thing to my hand now it's stuck i don't know how to get it off well guess what the shrek is glued to the toilet seat yes really yeah oh it must have been junior oh get my hands on him what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to take that spatula and put it under his ass what i don't want to touch his ass well look i don't want you touching it either chef donkey look i'm the only one oh my god you know what i'm just going to hurry up get it over with it oh my god wow god oh it stinks oh wow how would i get this off oh um you wouldn't happen to have another spatula would you follow me come on come on finally oh wow it worked thank you thank you thank you yeah thank you so much for helping us yeah that's good i can't wait to put my hands on junior hey when uh what are you guys gonna pay me you have kind of a big tab running right now and i was just curious when i uh was gonna get paid what were you talking about about jupiter he glued my hands to that damn spatula i can't wait to put my hands on him why don't you get him back oh look the glue's right there why don't you go do something to him hmm you're right you're right i'm gonna glue some of his because he actually could have hurt somebody i'm gonna glue something that is all right what do you think he's gonna glue oh oh now you're talking to me okay yeah that's great oh junior yeah chef pee pee oh do you know where thomas is um no i mean i i i was watching doofy the dragon so i don't know where he's at oh he's going for a little ride hey why is thomas up there oh because you've been gluing everything today and i've got tired of it what should you glue them up there yeah yeah yeah you don't need to get him dude get him down ah nah he he's enjoying the ride right now i know like thomas how do i get him down oh damn you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 624,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, sticky, situation
Id: olR8z-03hUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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