SML Movie: The President's Chef! [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] whippy the whipped cream man it's snowing all over whipped cream man julia what the hell are you doing in here making a whipped cream man look it's snowing all over him no you're making a whipped cream mess look it's a whipped cream everywhere and there's salt everywhere oh no no it's not salt it's snow look at all the snow oh my god julia just shut the hell up you can get out before i start strangling you right now oh but it doesn't snow in florida i have to make whipped cream i don't care junior just get out you just made a big mess that i have to clean up oh you didn't even turn off the tv before you even left wait what hello everyone i am barack obama and i approve this message uh i am in dire need of a chef and uh uh if you're a chef out there just send me a letter and i'll uh i'll write you back uh i really need a chef job filled oh my god the president is looking for a new chef oh that sounds like an awesome opportunity i wouldn't have to deal with bowser or junior anymore and i'll basically be royalty yeah i need to write that letter right now okay i just finished my letter to the president and i hope he chooses me to be his new chef let me go and mail this hey chef peepee where you going uh um where am i going to take out the trash that's where i'm going like if you're taking out the trash where's the trash bag oh wait where is that trash bag oh oh it's right here this this is the only trash wait you're going all the way to the dumpster to throw away a piece of paper yes the piece of paper is like cluttering up the whole house it's making it look very messy look i'm ocd dude just got my sack okay okay god okay time to make another whippy the whipped cream man julia what the hell are you doing uh making another whippy the whipped cream man look you don't need to make another whippy the whipped cream man okay but i won't be the whipped cream man i don't care what you want you're not making any more of the whippy the whipped cream man just go in your room and play with your toys okay my phone's ringing who is it it's some strange number oh hello who is this uh is this peepee oh yeah yes it's peepee this is barack obama oh my god this is so awesome this is weird um hello mr president i would really like to work for you uh yeah if you you really are interested in the position just come come to you know washington dc and i'll offer you a job okay i'll be there as soon as possible thank you sir thank you sir is going to washington dc this is a cool opportunity oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm going to washington to meet the president of the united states oh this is like a dream come true oh wait wait damn it what about bowser he's never let me leave oh i need to come up with an excuse yeah yeah oh man i can't wait for charlie and friends to come on uh bowser what do you want chef pee pee i'm trying to watch charlie and friends oh i just need to ask you a quick question okay oh well spit it out damn it well you see bowser i need to go out of town for a few days for what um my great-great-grandma she's really old she has explosive diarrhea and it's just ripping up her insides and if i'm not there to wipe every five minutes she could possibly get an infection to the anus oh that sounds like me last week uh how many days do you need off uh just just two just two and then i'll be right back here okay um i guess if it's just two days you can have those two days off but i promise you there will be a big mess for you to clean up here and when you get back okay so just i want you to be ahead of the game all right oh yeah yeah yes sir yes sir if you're just giving me the two days off thank you bowser thank you oh my god a giveaway bowser believed it oh that's hilarious i think i got everything packed hey chef pee pee where you going oh i'm i'm not going anywhere but uh well you have a suitcase you're going somewhere oh i'm just going to my grandmother's house my great great grandmother who has aids and is very contagious and she doesn't like children or toys i have to watch her for a whole weekend oh well um can i go with you no what part of that she doesn't like children or toys do you not understand she has aids too that's contagious oh oh okay um i just didn't know if i could go with you no i'm packing my stuff i'm already ready to go okay well have a fun few days chef pee pee yeah whatever he's not going to he's here his grandma he's going to washington dc to meet the president and i'm going with him okay i'm all ready to go bye bowser bye junior i hope i never see you again washington dc here i come oh man this is so cool i've never been to dc before i'm so excited oh oh man the president said he could be here at any minute so i need to put on something fresh let me unpack okay what am i going to wear what am i going to wear okay let's see what we have here what the hell are you doing here oh gosh there's no air in that suitcase no no no explain right now why are you here oh well um i heard you were going to washington d.c and i didn't want you to be alone so i snuck in your suitcase wait i'm not going to be alone i'm here to meet the damn president julian you're not dude the president that must be him who can i meet the president no no you stay right here don't touch anything just make sure everything's okay okay um do i look okay uh all right i mean i'd hit it joey just shut the hell up oh i want to meet him oh my god oh my god it's the president oh all right all right please stay calm pp the president no junior stop god i told you to stay back there oh okay hold on wait mr president no wait you're not the president who are you are you pp yes i'm pb um now oh okay get on the ground yeah what's going on in the room who are you united states secret service oh okay um please don't hurt me i need to secure the room all right yup we're good oh who are you what the hell is that uh he's a turtle like i think oh but look where's the president at i'm ready to meet him now it'll be here in five chef phoebe the president of the united states of america oh my god the president of the united states of america is here oh it's such an honor to meet you sir uh it's an honor to meet you too pp and i hope you could no good for me as my personal chef if you complete this challenge oh okay that's so cool um wait who's that guy over there oh him ah yeah that's just mr tinkle he's a part of secret service yep he just makes your bullets don't hit me oh baba back up sir oh that was incredibly rude what the hell was that for just just don't talk for the rest of the day okay wait wait he can't talk for the rest of the day nope not at all wait that means you can't make any noises uh nope not a sound i'm gonna try to make him laugh boogers poop butt hole big butt hole better not laugh big boogers with cheese on them you better not laugh butthole again damn it oh damn it i filled you sir it's all right i know but just just make sure you shut up this time uh baby can you follow me over here all right pee pee i need you to make me uh peanut butter and jelly sandwich wait is that inside yes i'm a simple man and if you can make that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so delicious for me um you might be my new chef oh my god oh my god it sounds so awful sir you know what i'm gonna get to making it right now hey obama while chef peepee's working on your sandwich can we do something fun together oh we could go and walk some monuments oh walk around the monuments yeah we can see lincoln and everybody else oh okay that would be cool but are we allowed to do that uh are we oh yeah it looks like we are oh oh okay we gonna do it together all right bye chef pee pee make that sandwich good whoa what is that thing oh that that is uh the washington monument son oh whoa it looks like a penis that's still good not mine oh well it's so big yeah it is you want to get close to it your penis nothing no no the monument son uh yeah sure i can get close to it only michelle can get close to this okay let's go close to it all right let's go whoa the george washington monument that's so cool obama yep it's 555 feet of uh your stone boy oh pure stone yep built in uh 1884 and uh as you can see the storm changes oh yeah yeah it changes colors right there halfway yeah why'd you do that they ran out of money they were cheap oh but you know we got it done oh well can i go touch it can you touch it once once oh okay one time whoa i'm about to touch the george washington monument okay touched it whoa it's really soft okay look i told you uh only one time oh he's hectic about that type of stuff oh okay yeah but you want to go inside what this you would go inside this hollow hollow on the inside okay guys go inside i'm not sure that i've never been inside it okay let's go inside together let's see here we are we're inside whoa this looks so cool whoa what is that um that's the capitol building i think the capitol building yep well it's construction going on yeah there's always construction you've never been inside the george washington monument before uh nah you want to take a look oh yeah come on i want to look through this way no no i want to show you that personally oh okay oh look at the other windows come on now if you look out there you can see the jefferson memorial or the jefferson memorial yeah yeah it's pretty cool whoa you see that there yeah that's my house i'll show you that later well really well yeah it's really far away i can't really see it that way yeah yeah but it's beautiful i can tell you that whoa whoa that was so cool going inside there i know i never been in there before yeah it was really going really tall you can see everything it's so cool yeah i said what do we do now uh we can go through that building over there oh okay what is that building uh i think it's lincoln right lincoln okay i want to go look at it yeah let's go behold that's uh the lincoln memorial oh oh wow that's really beautiful yeah beautiful scenery right there uh the building's really far away can we get closer to it uh of course i wouldn't just leave you here would i okay let's get closer to it let's go now look at this mountain it is truly beautiful yeah it is beautiful can i throw a penny in it no that is totally disrespectful oh i want to throw a penny in no we're not doing that you're going to get in trouble okay let's just go to the lincoln memorial okay and now we're even closer to the lincoln memorial whoa we we walked to really far districts look how far away that is yup that's really far yeah yeah it is is that the building on the back of the penny yeah yep it is whoa did it cost a penny to make it oh no no it cost three million dollars that's a lot of money for a building not out of my pocket oh well oh wait can i go inside it oh you want to see my [ __ ] what do you mean just come on come on okay and right here you have to be very quiet okay wait why do we have to be quiet you have to pay respect to lincoln you free the slaves he's like my [ __ ] oh he made me president of the you know white people oh oh oh okay well how tall is he oh he's 19 feet tall i don't know if he was really that tall he would be a great basketball player i don't think he was 19 feet tall he'd be a giant yeah yep he's a giant wait is that really his body though like he's like is that him frozen is it yeah yeah yeah i think so they freeze president so i'm gonna be frozen soon oh well okay you want to go to the white house oh really yeah let's go this is my house whoa the white house that's really your house uh yeah yep whoa it was made in 1792 and uh i think we finished it in 1800s and it burned down in 1812. wait it burnt down then why is it still there uh we rebuild it of course i have to stay somewhere oh well why wouldn't you like chef pee pee inside it you can't just let anybody inside we gotta give him a test drive well can i go inside no no hell no no wait why because you're a bad thing how you're gonna damage the white house you can burn it again oh well that's a really cool house mister yep yep now what do you want to see next um i don't know anything about history this is cool learning about it okay come on follow me okay that should be it it should be perfect now uh are you done with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich oh yes sir i am completely done with it it should be delicious all right can you vacate the room so i can uh eat it do you really need me to leave yes i need everybody to leave so i can eat my sandwich in peace oh okay do i have to leave too oh yes especially you you've been annoying today oh okay all right you ready tinkle this is a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich now is it safe to eat [Music] did not take not a talk damn it look just bite it chew it chew it chill it now how is it how incredibly rude you know what i'll try myself damn that was awful ah what are we gonna tell and then we saw the george washington monument which is like 555 feet tall and in the lincoln memorial he like frozen sitting down like this and then and then junior all right i heard you okay just shut the hell up oh oh hey mr president uh did you like your sandwich [Music] it was all right so can i be a new chef obama uh look i'm gonna have to send you a letter in the mail within the next two days it's just gonna say whether you're gonna be my new chef or not you know because if it's a no you might you know shoot me and we don't need that to happen okay so uh just check your mail within the next two days and hopefully you're going to be my new chef mr peepee oh thank you thank you thank you sir that's so awesome yeah that really is awesome chef pee pee all right make sure you check that mail baby oh that is so cool i might cook for the president i hope you get the job [ __ ] people i know hey hey hey we need to hurry up and head home i need to check my mailbox okay wait before we leave um uh follow me i gotta do something what i need to go there junior the national archives why why why are we here i have to do something before i leave what well 180 years and i'm three feet away what the hell are you talking about julia those who have the responsibility to take action need to take action junior what are you talking about i'm gonna steal it what i'm gonna steal the declaration of independence washington dc was so fun chef pee pee oh it was fun for you wasn't it because you weren't invited and you just jumped in my suitcase well yeah but i mean at least i got to steal this but still what the decoration of independence you gotta be kidding me junior you didn't steal that did you i told you i was gonna steal it get the lemon juice what the hell is wrong with you oh my god oh my god and there's a big mess in here ah bowser said he was gonna leave a big [ __ ] yes brother hey chef pee pee something came in the mail for you today wait what what was it these nuts got him oh but for real oh something did come in the middle it's on the kitchen counter oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god the letter is here and it has my name on it it's official let me read it dear shapi i regret to inform you that the chef position has been filled and not by you wait i don't get it i just made a good sandwich before i left that peanut butter and jelly sandwich was awful here is a white house snow globe for all your hard work make sure you pay your taxes barack obama [ __ ] i don't understand i thought i made a good sandwich before i left let's find this treasure map i need more lemon juice where's the map let me flip it over oh oh [ __ ] baby i ripped the deck like the independence i i need another one what do you mean you ripped it well i need another one i ripped it see it damn it junior we can't get another one there's only one copy now we're owned by the damn british whoa the white house hey candy can take a picture for the white candy candy all right shaky candy shake that ass candy
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 981,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, president, president's, chef
Id: J3v9Ev3bjwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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