SML Movie: Shrunken [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] huh careful dude careful i know joseph shut up i'm nervous wow jojo just wow or dude it wasn't my fault you sneezed dude i have allergies well if it wasn't for your big fat stupid ugly booger nose my house of cards would be the tallest ever and it would be huge dude it was going to be that tall it's just a stupid house a car shut up joseph someone at the door god you're not my friend anymore hello junior i just invented the coolest thing ever you have to see this oh come on inside cody okay careful joshua careful so cody what is it dude what you knocked down my house of course i was trying to rebuild this so we could be friends again well shut up about that joseph cody invented something cool what do you mean all right guys i invented a shrink machine oh shrink machine what's it do it shrinks stuff oh it's in the name shrink machine i should have guessed that because it's in the name so it makes things small yeah why would you want to make a machine that makes things small well i was watching ant-man and i was like ooh i want to make stuff small so i did what does it work um i i don't know i haven't really tried it yet so i may have overhyped it a little bit oh okay how about um you shrink all these cards shrink them okay stand back everybody whoa chloe you shrunk those cards wow i can't believe it actually worked you know when i was born the doctor must have used a shrink machine on my wiener because my wiener's really small well anyway we should drink some more stuff yeah uh oh i know shrink this rubik's cube all right whoa cody it's so tiny that's what he said can you do my ball dude that's such a tiny ball that's also what he said cody can i please use the shrink machine i want to shrink some stuff i don't know if i trust you enough junior after i shrink something i can't make it big again wait you can't make it big again no once it's shrunken it stays that size well i'm not gonna shrink anything bad i'm just gonna shrink cool little items like like cards and stuff okay but only if you promise to be really careful i promise i'll be careful with it now give it to me this is so awesome i'm gonna shoot everything junior if you're gonna do that i'm gonna need you to give it back why junior don't point that at me i'm not pointing at you yes you are junior no i'm pointing at your glasses what wow junior just wow you had to shrink my glasses you said i could shrink anything as long as it wasn't important my glasses are important junior you shrunk the only thing that helps me see no if i was gonna shrink the only thing that helps you see i shrink your eyes what the [ __ ] you shrunk my eye yeah why because you said i shrunk the only thing that helps you see but your eyes are what help you see so sorry i shrunk one of your eyes so you did this for a joke yeah what junior i only have one eye now well don't you have both eyes just the other one's really small my other eye is microscopic junior the longer you hold the button down the smaller things get well i didn't know that you should have told me look i won't hold the button down next time there won't be a next time junior because you're gonna give me that shrink machine how about that shrinking fun stuff yes you are junior you only had the machine for 30 seconds and you've already ruined my life how'd i ruin your life you shrunk my eye junior it's gone well you still have one eye well i don't care junior you're giving me that machine right now no no joseph do you like your phone oh yeah dude why would you shrink my phone oh now you have the world's smallest iphone isn't that cool no dude i had naked pictures of my mom on here and i never get them back oh i'm sorry oh it's no sorry dude let's fight what oh yeah i want to fight fire yeah put up your dukes come on dude come at me bro i don't want to fight you joseph oh yeah you're going to fight me put up your dukes dude oh just because i'm small you think it will fight you oh i'll bite you like an ant bro junior you shrunk joseph he wanted to fight me junior i can't reverse this he's gonna be small forever well he shouldn't try to fight me then junior what if we step on him okay i'll fix that junior that doesn't fix anything he's even smaller now yeah he's microscopic so now we won't know if we step on him or not junior he's going to be stuck in your couch forever well i did him a favor he didn't have a house anyway he was homeless but junior give me the shrink machine what was that ken baby jr what did you do you shrunk ken he's shrunken shrunken ken yeah oh cody i'm sorry i didn't mean to do it you were trying to grab the remote and we were fighting and i didn't mean to press it junior this is all your fault well actually it's your fault cody for making the machine in the first place and it's also your fault for letting me see it oh okay junior forget it fine i'm gonna go try to make an enlarged machine so i can make all this stuff normal size again dammit dude you're such an idiot i'm sorry cody i mean ken is kind of cool that small well you know what i'm gonna have some more fun hey jeffy what are you doing oh hi jenna i just made a [ __ ] oh play-doh you want to hear talk uh sure that's what a [ __ ] sounds like what are you up to junior well i have a shriek machine oh a shrink machine what did you do well i want to show you the street machine so i shrunk your pencil it's too small now junior and dream me some of that purpose kuwait man what the hell what happened to my mother's buddhists they're so tiny mario please buy me some new watermelons you outdid yourself this time you made the perfect hot dog and i can't wait to put this wiener in my mouth in this plate full of cookies hey chef peepee what are you doing julia what are you doing in the kitchen oh playing with my shrink machine shrink machine that's just a stupid toy junior oh yeah you want to see it junior what happened to my wiener oh i shrunk it what do you mean you shrunk it i was just about to eat it well i mean you can still eat it i can't eat it oh get the hell out of the kitchen junior so you're saying size matters if it matters oh okay well um oh can i eat these cookies you know i'm about to eat those down cookies god well i'm gonna eat them you had to bring my cookies what no they're my they're my cookies you [ __ ] oh man i can't wait to eat this whole plate of cookies all by myself oh no you're not junior what chef pee pee why'd you shrink my plate of cookies because you struck my wiener okay i didn't give you a small wiener check pp god did oh whatever junior give me my shrink machine back oh you know what stay out of the damn kitchen okay man this shrink machine is getting kind of stupid yeah all right junior i made some blueprints so i can turn the shrink machine into an enlarged machine and make everything go back to normal like 10 in my eyeball okay so all you have to do is just turn the street machine into a large machine yeah i just have to use these blueprints so give me the machine all right [Music] junior come on man really you shrunk both of my eyes you are making this so much harder than it needs to be cody i'm sorry my finger slipped no it didn't junior i hate you oh cody come on all right fine it's fine it's fine i'm not mad because we can still do this all we need is the blueprints i'll just feel my way around so just put the machine down in front of me and read me the blueprints okay i'll put it in front of you junior what was that noise uh uh i farted oh ew well just read me the blueprint so i can fix this uh okay uh the blueprints yes the blueprints uh what what part do you want me to read the beginning okay um uh uh what's the problem junior well you see it uh i just uh i can't read your handwriting what junior it was printed from a computer it's mostly pictures anyway what are you talking about you see it's just it's just so hard to understand it's small junior just read me the blueprints okay cody um if i tell you something will you get mad yes junior anything you tell me at this point is gonna make me mad unless the next words out of your mouth are cody i can fix your eyes i'm gonna be pretty mad okay well i'm not gonna tell you all right fine i won't be mad okay you promised you won't get mad yes all right so when i when i sat down the shrink machine in front of you i accidentally shrunk the blueprints god damn it junior what is wrong with you you said you weren't gonna get mad oh i'm mad junior of course i'm mad you keep shrinking things junior i don't know what we're gonna do now that was my last idea junior i can't see anything joseph is microscopic he's probably been eaten by a bedbug or something by now i know you don't give a [ __ ] because you have eyes but i don't know what we're gonna do well cody why don't you just make new blueprints make new blueprints junior i can't see because i don't have eyes oh okay well um oh i got an idea i got ideas just calm down cody okay what is your master plan okay so what if i call the doctor right i just call it doctor what is a doctor gonna do well he'll give you an eye transplant so when you have new eyes then you can use your new eyes to make new blueprints and then use the new blueprints to make the new and large machine you make a large machine and you enlarge joseph you enlarge kin you enlarge your eyes and everything goes back normal yeah okay great junior the only problem is the eye transplant that's going to take forever let me just call the doctor and see what he says just calm down we're going to fix everything all right just just just don't touch the machine fine hey there somebody call it doctor oh i did i called me i did it but okay great so what's the problem all right so my friend here he doesn't have eyes why why doesn't he have eyes what is he a freak well he was born without eyes oh well that's really sad yeah he'd cry about it but he just doesn't have eyes doesn't have the eyes so what do you want me to do about it well since you're a doctor i was hoping you could give him eyes oh like like an eye transplant yeah yeah an eye transplant yeah i mean i guess we could do that but the problem is you'd have to find somebody who's willing to give away their eyes you don't just have some eyes you can give them oh yeah i'll just go grab an eyeball from the bucket of eyeballs i have in my car oh okay i don't have a bucket of eyeballs but you're a doctor i thought you carried all the body parts oh yeah we just carry around body parts with us that's what's inside the ambulance right no no look if you want me to give your friend eyes you're going to have to find me somebody who's willing to give away their eyes hmm somebody that's willing to give away their eyes oh i know i'm going to ask the perfect person i finally made another hot dog and this is perfect hey chef pee pee no junior get out of here with your stupid shrink machine well i i don't have the shrink machine with me chef pee pee so what are you doing in here well i got a question um can cody have your eyes what can cody have your eyes like cody lost his eyes so he needs an eye transplant so you're wondering if you will give him your eyes no junior he cannot have my eyes because they're my eyes no okay dumbass huh chef pee pee said no chef pee pee sounds like a smart man so how are we gonna get cody eyes now i don't know you're gonna have to find somebody who's willing to donate their eyes well what why don't you go in your eyes no i like to see plus i need both of my eyes to do the surgery well why don't you just give him one of your eyes i mean he only needs one all right junior i guess this is better than nothing yeah i gave you my left eye because that's my bad blurry one i'm so grateful yeah so read your blueprints and let's fix all this okay wow you really did shrink them huh yeah oh god i can't read that at all okay i'm gonna have to go make some more blueprints yeah okay junior i brought the new blueprints and don't shrink them this time okay fine i won't shrink them i just before you fix it i want to shrink one more thing all right fine here shrink this coke i only need one sip anyway all right that's so cool yeah great now give me the goddamn gun okay all right now i can get to work um i'm gonna need a screwdriver oh i shot one earlier hold on what junior you already shrunk this yeah it's cool isn't it it's such a small screwdriver okay junior how about you just get out of here okay junior i think i fixed it what you did i think so all right what should we try it on i don't know let's try it on something that's not important all right ken no it worked can baby look your giant muscles in my heart just fell off oh [ __ ] ugh i am so sorry about that i taped it on real good this time like i was saying ken baby your giant muscles are bad please don't ever be small again i hate small well cody your machine works so let's work on fixing your eye okay yeah okay how do i look [Music] shut up junior i didn't say anything well at least i have two eyes now let me go get my glasses yeah all right now fix the glasses all right cody you're back to normal thank god okay good we fixed my glasses we fixed my eyes and we fixed ken now give me that we're gonna destroy this gun so you don't shrink anything ever again okay yeah that's a good idea come on all right all right junior hold it down while i beat it with this mallet okay okay that ought to do it all right okay junior we destroyed the shrink machine we don't have to worry about that ever again yeah we have to worry about ever again just don't make something like that ever again no i won't okay so we're not forgetting anything are we ah no i don't i don't think so yeah no i don't think so either yeah okay well i'll see you tomorrow junior all right well good night yeah come on ken guys dude you forgot about me oh i still want to fight you junior you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 548,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, shrunken
Id: o-5aaLE2Ys0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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