SML Movie: The Class Pet!

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all right crafts today we have a crafts pet it's a goldfish and i named him crab cake hero crab cake oh it's so little it's so cute wait wait you like little things like are you impressed by little things i'm talking about the fish soul crass you're probably wondering why we got a crash pet in the first place was to teach you all responsibility so each week one of you is gonna get to take the fish home and if the fish dies while you have it then you're automatically expelled so who wants to take the fish home first me me me i want it i wanna i wanna i want it i want it shut up you don't know how to take care of a fish let me have this but i want to take care of you who should i pick me no pick me maybe i'm yelling louder than her i'm yelling i'm really louder than you okay stop creaming stop creaming i'm tired of you creaming right in my ear it's like you guys come up to my ear cream right in it but since junior and penelope both want to take crab cake home we're gonna let crab cake decide so junior and penelope come on up here let crab cake decide he's a fish you're just mad he's gonna choose me no he's gonna pick me because i'm pretty all right whoever crab cake swims towards gets to take him home so go come here crab cake come here cracking swim towards me check trigger me he chose me he chose well good junior you good to take him home first yes what's wrong penelope don't talk to me are you mad because the fish chose me and not you you're gonna kill it oh thank you i think i'm gonna kill it too i think i do a good job taking care of this fish no kill it as it will be dead oh oh oh yeah well we'll just see how dead it is when i when i when i kill it no i meant like kill it and then take care of it kill it like you did a good job like i killed it guys you ready to come over to my house and watch me kill it like like not like kill it like take care of it yeah dude i got the class pet i got the class pit that's nothing to brag about junior if he dies you get expelled he's not gonna die cody because i'm gonna kill it stop saying it like that i'm saying i'm gonna kill it like i'm gonna do a good job well you shouldn't say it like that now joseph do you want to take care of a fish oh yeah dude it's easy all you have to do is feed him like once a month wait once a month once a month yeah look if he gets thirsty he has all this water he could drink yeah look at all this water junior i don't think you're going to take care of this fish right okay cody said you're so worried you want me to feed him right now we can feed him pizza he can't eat pizza junior why not because fish don't eat pizza yes they do in that spongebob episode that one fish ordered a crusty crab pizza that was spongebob it was a cartoon but i like pizza so he should like pizza junior he can't eat pizza okay how about we call penelope and ask her what fish eat i don't think penelope's gonna help us because you took the fish from her look look i'm gonna use my smooth voice and then she's gonna come fast all right guys it's ringing what i didn't say anything i meant like what why are you calling me oh well penelope that's not my name it's penelope whatever pennsylvania i was just thinking about what happened earlier today and i wanted to call and say i got the class pit i got the class pit how mature why are you wasting your time calling me i want to know if you want to come over and help me take care of the fish me help you but i thought you were so amazing you could do it on your own well i i am i can do it on my own i'm so amazing i'm the best fish taker care ever ever i just want to see if you want to come over and see a master of someone who takes care of fish i'm hanging up no no no no wait wait penelope i'll be honest if you don't come over and save this fish it's probably gonna die oh fine but only for you cody yeah all right guys i'm gonna brush my teeth she's not gonna kiss you maybe i should use toothpaste she's here hey baby ew i'm so glad you decided to come over i brushed my teeth for you oh do you even floss no disgusting where's the fish it smells like it could be nearby i meant crab cake upstairs oh all right baby here's the fish hey cody oh hey look a fish what's he doing he's doing fish stuff look at that what do you guys need my help with well cody says the fish doesn't eat it's gonna die that's true so we don't know what to feed it fish food what's that i knew you would be unprepared so i brought some you brought some baby see look we're meant for each other you're always prepared i'm always unprepared you complete me no cody completes me yeah all right joseph since you've had a fish before i think you should be the one to feed it okay no problem dude joseph what are you doing what that's how i feed my fish dude i give them all the food all at once once a month so i won't have to feed them again you're only supposed to give them a little bit yeah yeah now the bowl's all dirty we have to clean the bowl we have to clean the bowl all right who wants to grab the fish i'm not touching that what are you looking at me for it i want you to grab the fish grab it like with my hands yeah i'm not a bear junior i can't just grab fish just grab it cody what am i supposed to put it in once i grab it uh this cup what you know i don't want to do this this is disgusting cody baby it'd be so manly if you grab that you're backing up the wrong tree come on cody please grab it oh okay i'll grab it you you you it's the wiggly junior put him in the cupboard cody did you just drop the fish down the yeah you killed him you killed him no no no no no no he's not dead look he's in there we can get him out he's still alive just you go sit over there we don't need someone screaming right now all right cody we have to call a plumber yeah i'm going to throw up look over there don't stop in the sink we're coming fishy gotta call a plumber hey there somebody call a plumber yes mr plumber please please mr plumber was my father you can just call me plumber okay plumber all right so what's the problem well we were cleaning out my fish's bowl and we accidentally dropped the fish down the sink oh that's no good but don't worry all drains lead to the ocean finding nemo taught us that one but that that's actually the garbage disposal yeah nemo doesn't want to go in there he's gonna end up with a whole bunch of more bad fins well can you get my fish out i should be able to let me just take a look see if i can see them oh man it's dark down there i can't see anything you mind if i turn on a few more lights yeah you can all right this should help i just flip this on what's well you know you ever done one of those like three thousand piece jigsaw puzzles yeah etsy fishy he's dead yeah i guess he no no no no you you really don't want to see that but he's dead yeah well i'm gonna expel from school now i didn't know that maybe you told me that i'd be more careful what am i gonna do i i think the the bet the best thing to do would to be what what is that hold on i think i hear my phone ringing what i don't hear anything yeah no that's definitely my phone i left it out in the car i should i should go answer that in my car hey i don't know what am i gonna do cody pineapple cody do you think the fish is gonna be okay we call the plumber he'll get him out it's fine how's the fish junior he's been better where's the fish junior uh what part of him what do you mean what part uh he's in about 35 pieces why what happened the plumber turned the garbage disposal on what awesome dude oh my god you killed him i'm not the teacher you're gonna get expelled no no no no you're not guys get her get her got it get in there all right stop screaming my dad's gonna hear you okay joseph you're gonna stay here and you're gonna guard the door okay okay i got you dude come on cody all right cody if the teacher finds out i killed the fish well you killed the fish me yeah because you dropped in the garbage disposal and then the plumber turned it on so you're like secondhand killing it we all we all did it yeah we well you mostly you but anyway if the teacher finds out that the fish got killed i'm gonna get expelled well well you could always try replacing that fish with another one huh you're right cody that's genius i have some in my pantry wait what right here wait jimmy that's a goldfish cracker don't call me that call you what you said that's a goldfish cracker no i said it's a goldfish cracker because that's what it is just don't just don't call me that word what would you call it i would call it the snack that smiles back goldfish okay so that's not gonna work no junior you're gonna have to do better than that go get a real fish from a pet store okay all right cody i got a new goldfish junior this fish is huge it's the only one the pet store had but the last one was so tiny how are you gonna explain to the teacher that it grew twice its size well maybe it's the grinch what because you know the grinch's heart grew twice its size junior this fish didn't steal the last can of hoo hash at least it's a fish and i'm not gonna get expelled over your stupid shaky slippery hands aren't you used to grabbing like weird wiggly things yeah so then why'd you drop the fish i don't know it's just all slippery and slimy okay look we're gonna take this to school and the teacher's gonna believe we'll just say that we fed him a lot of food and i don't know this is stupid look we're gonna work it out we're gonna work it out okay oh man guys i'm so nervous i don't want to get expelled dude you're not going to get expelled you left for the fish and you came back with a fish that's all that matters but this fish is twice as big as the last one oh sorry crass i'm raped it's raining cats and dogs outside so if you're hungry go outside and catch you some food anyway let's get started for today uh where's penelope uh uh uh she's sick oh okay all right junior i'm gonna come check out crab cake and make sure you still arrive the hero crab cake you're a huge crab cake junior what have you been feeding crab cake actual crab cakes uh yeah yeah he loves his crab cakes he eats cheeseburgers and he eats steaks see he's on the seafood diet if he sees it he eats it kind of like cody's mom she eats everything that's in front of her oh well i'm sorry crass but we no longer have a crass pet because i'm going to turn him into some sushi how did you get out cody yeah take her back to the closet okay come on you what was that oh uh that was penelope you know she stayed home sick from school today and she came to the school to see what the homework works for tonight because she's a nerd and she really loves doing homework so cody went to go show her what the homework was oh okay so does that mean i'm not expelled no you passed you brought me dinner for tonight you get a pros yeah [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 4,966,310
Rating: 4.8862805 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, the class pet, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, class, school, cody, joseph, friends, fish bowl, fish, goldfish, jackie chu, hilarious, joke, comedy, skit, entertainment, puppet, show, puppets
Id: Aupses-Mp6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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