SML Movie: Jeffy's Drone [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] so because i don't have any toys to play with and i'm bored what type of toys do you want are you bored do you have no toys to play with then you need to buy a drone you can fly it around everywhere and it's super cheap it's just 75 payments of 19.99 buy it now see that's what i want i want that you want a drone jeffy yeah it's really expensive well it's only 19.99 75 payments of 1999 that's 1500 jeffy when you put it like that it's expensive you know what fine jeffy i'll get you that drone but as long as you promise me that you won't play with rat traps anymore all right daddy all right let me just play with him all right jeffy here's your drone yay all right jeffy just don't do anything stupid with it i'm gonna go use the bathroom all right daddy hold on is it number one or number two it's both ew yeah just don't fly it in the house okay all right daddy it's like a booty hey jeffy what are you doing whoa is that a drone don't touch it it's my expensive ass fidget spinner and i got four of them oh okay well you want to fly it in the house hell yeah junior yeah you can hold on to it and i can fly you around the house i can fly yeah as long as you hold on to it oh yeah dude let's go do that let's go do it all right jeffy are you ready to take off yeah junior let's go all right let's go do you like it jeffy no dude don't get me down i'll try to get you down it's not working i think this is a gameboy sb [Music] oh oh i found the tennis ball [Music] jeffy i told you not to do anything stupid with that drawing you know what you did you did something stupid with it one daddy i just really wanted to be a bird well jeffy don't be a bird do not attach yourself to that stupid drone all you're supposed to do is fly it and not even have to fly inside it's about to fly outside okay so don't fly inside anymore okay stop being stupid oh jeffy that was a closer what'd your dad say he said we have to play with the drone outside junior outside oh yeah jeff you know we should do or we should fly that drone to mars hell yeah but do you this time can i fly it yeah sure i don't know how to control it anyway let's go okay oh it is a perfect day for flying just beautiful up here there's not a cloud in the sky all right let's talk to the passengers all right ladies and gentlemen this is your captain brooklyn t guy speaking i have turned off the fasten seat belt sign so you are now free to roam around the cabin uh we're expecting a pretty smooth and easy flight today uh it's gonna be the smoothest actually this is going to be the smoothest and safest flight anyone has ever had i'm going to say that right now that's a guarantee from me your captain this is going to be the safest flight you could you could make you could make a house of cards right now in the cabin and it wouldn't even fall over eight stories high doesn't matter it's not gonna fall over because this flight is gonna be so smooth i i don't think i could crash this plane if i wanted to you know i really don't think i could and if you're worried about hijacking don't worry about that because no one would even bother to try to hijack the plane because they wouldn't want to ruin how smooth this flight is going to be all right so you have nothing at all to worry about over and out all right jeffy are you ready to launch this drone and go to mars yeah let's go even more let's go to mars whoa it's going so high up jeffy keep going higher i'm going younger even higher oh it oh my god we're going down scream everybody's screaming scream for your lies that's stupid playing here or drones oh you jeffy we should go inside run run run okay oh hey daddy what are you doing no just sitting here on the couch that's what you're doing i'm just watching tv jeffy what's wrong you seem nervous oh i didn't just find drone into an airplane or anything why why why would you say that why would you think that wait what what wha wha what's wrong jeffy what are you trying to say they have a question what if a flying didn't have wings anymore would it be called a fly or would it be called a walk because you'll be walking everywhere it goes what yeah kind of like the airplane outside doesn't have wings anymore should it be called a walk too well jeffy shut up the news is coming on right now hold on it seems important [Music] breaking news and clay a plane carrying 250 passengers has crashed into cornfield and the pilot brooklyn t guy is to blame the reason why it is his fault is because he was driving the plane if i was driving a car and i crashed into something it would be my fault so since he was the pilot of the plane it is his fault ladies and gentlemen he managed to crash a plane on a sunny no cloud day like today here is his picture ladies and gentlemen so make sure you shame him for all of eternity more on the story as it develops oh my god a plane crash those poor people my poor drone see jeffy that's why i don't like flying flying is dangerous planes and crashed out of nowhere for no reason or someone could have flown their drone into it jeffy what do you keep saying you keep saying something if a fly didn't have wings wouldn't it be called a fly or a walk no jeffy you keep saying something about your drone where is your drone oh um i sold it at a yard sale a yard sale where um that way jeffy why would you sell your drone on a yard sale because i didn't want it anymore okay well then where's the money you made from it oh i bought a new drone and i flew that drone into the plane what jamie that was you you're the reason why that playgrass well no he flew his plane into my drone jeffy i told you how to fly it outside dammit oh [ __ ] that daddy i was flying it inside and then you got mad and said go fly it outside and now that i flew it outside now you're all pissed off that i shouldn't have been flying it out sean well i meant you're not supposed to fly it high outside oh i'm not supposed to fly it as high as you are then okay okay look what do we do do we call the cops what do we do i don't know this is your fault daddy you told me to go play right now and if i call the cops they're gonna think it's my fault because i should have been watching you with that stupid drone and i shouldn't even give you a drone okay okay what do we do uh you know what no we're gonna sit here and act like nothing happened because if that drone really did crash on that plane it disintegrated by now and there's no way they'll find out no no there's no way they can track it so we're gonna start right here and we're not gonna worry yeah who's that hold on joey stay right here uh hello hey buddy hey uh you got a shirt i can have maybe some underwear at least what are you doing outside my house why are you naked oh you know i do this all the time i like to stand outside the house naked in the freezing cold that's my favorite thing to do especially today yeah today's a good day in my book uh-huh it's a big win for me today oh oh okay well i i think i can get you a shirt or some underwear can i can i maybe just come inside so i can cry in there okay yeah sure come on in thank you thanks for the diaper it kind of suits me perfectly because i'm going to be crying like a baby all day yeah so what's wrong what happened well i assume you heard about the plane crash it's all over the news oh yeah you were the pilot how are you alive well i landed the plane safely nobody died oh okay so if you land it safely then what's the problem well i crashed the plane into a cornfield and the farm is all pissed because i ruined all his corn so he's suing me and the airlines pissed cause apparently crashing a 300 million dollar plane and endangering the lives of 200 passengers is a big deal or something oh so so you only lost your pilot job what about your other jobs oh no i lost all my jobs nobody will hire me i lost my police job i lost my doctor job i lost my plumber job i lost my electrician job i lost my fire fighter job and i lost my hair stylist job and i lost my mailman job and i lost my pizza delivery guy job all those jobs all those jobs so what are you gonna do for work i don't know no one wants to hire me whenever people see my face all they see is plane crashes they're calling me mr plane crash guy that's not my name my name is brooklyn guy mr plane crash guy was my brother he died back in 2001. okay well what about your wife she has a job right oh no she left me she didn't want to be married to somebody associated with plane crashes she thought i crashed that plane on purpose and don't even bring up my ex-wife i tried going back to her yeah i offered her a free gift card for a buffet and no she said no to that can you believe that it's the first time that fat [ __ ] ever said no to a buffet in her life i must be terrible okay well you said they won't hire your face well why don't you get a job as a telemarketer all they're gonna do is hear your voice they don't know your voice no no they know my voice too yeah they got the recording from the black box in the cockpit all over the news they get it on loop listen [Music] breaking news okay we have an update on the plane crash we have received the black box data recording of the conversation that the pilot was having in the cockpit as the plane was going down let's take a listen mayday mayday tower 1-4 this is doritos loco tango bravo i'm missing my left wing and engine we are going down we are currently in a downward vertical spiral to a mach 6. if anyone could get a picture that'd be pretty lit for the documentary they're going to make on this i'm going to alert the passengers to brace themselves good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking if you look out the left side of the plane you will see that we don't have a [ __ ] wing if that's not already obvious that is a problem i'm going to turn on the fasten seat belt sign even though i can already hear you guys rolling around back there my co-pilot is in the bathroom so that's going to be a terrible time but don't worry i'm going to try to land this [ __ ] in this cornfield uh let me turn on some music oh hell yeah now this is some music i could crash a plane too [Applause] is everybody okay back there that was awesome did you see that i just landed this [ __ ] with no wing suck it sully wow his fault his fault ladies and gentlemen unbelievable see it's not that bad i was professional through the whole thing i never lost my cool yeah that's not that bad and are you sure you didn't see anything hit the plane no it was a beautiful day for flying we were just on autopilot cruising along you know this is the plane and the next thing i know it's gonna crash we're all gonna die we're on fire where's my kid he's on fire too there well okay well look it was it was an accident and it was we don't even know what caused it it was the plane just did that randomly nothing hit it not a drone nothing nothing like that like just completely random so it's not your fault and i'm not judging you for that so you know what i'm going to be your friend and i'm going to support you through this whole thing so so what do you need me to do well i was kind of hoping i could stay here for a while and just mooch off you or at least i'm just till you get tired of me and then i can just go somewhere else and mooch off them for a while until they get tired of me and then i just die sad and alone in a diaper i just peed oh come on guy don't give up you sound like you're giving up i don't want you to get you're gonna you're gonna get your life back on track you're not gonna give up uh are you kidding me i i i do you see me right now i'm i'm i'm i'm in your house in a diaper and i just pee okay i need you to change me this is me giving up oh you're not gonna give up we're gonna get you back on your feet i don't even have feet i'm a no feet having plane crash and loser come on come on you're not a loser are you hungry yeah you want some spaghetti no you want some chicken wings you said wings like the plain eye chris oh okay okay okay do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yeah but no crust though okay yeah peanut butter jelly snack for no crust though okay i'll get you that thank you here you go buddy here's your peanut butter and jelly sandwich no crust you know what the crust on this sandwich and the wings on that airplane have in common what they're both off oh come on you told me to cut the crust off i changed my mind i like the crust now okay you know what you're gonna eat this sandwich and look you can eat the crust by itself like look at this look open wide for the airplane it broke oh god i'm such a loser oh okay i'll make a sandwich with the crust okay all right here's your sandwich with the crust what'd you do well you took too long so i made myself into a peanut butter and lose a sandwich you made a huge mess i know and i think i need a diaper change the worst part is i'm allergic to peanut butter so you should probably go ahead and call a doctor because i don't feel too good you're ridiculous let me call a doctor hey does somebody call a doctor hey that's my line and my job oh yeah who are you supposed to be a peanut butter and loser sandwich hey you didn't laugh at that joke when i made it oh it's just the way he said it so you're the new doctor yeah my name is bronx dude i got a lot of new jobs today i'm the new doctor cop lawyer firefighter pilot you name it i do it yeah those are all my jobs oh yeah wait a minute i saw you on the news today yeah you're that you're that brooklyn guy crashed the plane good gun buddy yeah it could have killed a lot of people there good thing you didn't but you could've are you going to stop him at some point okay look he's allergic to peanut butter that's why i called you oh yeah he's allergic to peanut butter you sure about that he got it all over his body i'm pretty sure he'd be dead by now if he was actually allergic to it oh okay okay fine i'm not actually allergic to peanut butter i just wanted to see who took my job and now that i know [ __ ] you oh yeah yeah up yours buddy oh yeah yours oh yeah you want it you want to come over here and get a peanut butter and knuckle sandwich i would but i'm afraid i get some diaper on me you big brooklyn baby hey it's been a very rough day okay yeah i couldn't tell by all the peanut butter and bread on your face you mook well hey you come over here and say that you come a little closer oh yeah you think i'm scared of you that you shouldn't yeah you should when you think they'll crash a plane into me oh oh oh yeah big man make fun of the plane yeah i better not catch you on my side of town buddy we're in the same town jack yeah we're in the same town yeah yeah yeah we're in the same town yeah at least i don't look stupid with bread on my face oh yeah i'd rather i'd rather be a bread head than have that stupid hat what's with that hat it's stupid oh yeah well you're ugly yeah yeah all right all right break it up break it up bring it all right you can leave because we don't need you anymore yeah you're getting my bill yeah it's stupid you clean yourself up uh what a dick right like he was he was a dick well okay look you're the one with bread on your face and and peanut butter okay let's turn on the tv right and watch some tv [Music] breaking news okay a new update on the plane crash situation the pilot brooklyn t guy is not to blame we have new information developing that a drone was flown into the plane's jet turbine which caused the wing to come the [ __ ] off science is truly amazing ladies and gentlemen so the new person to blame is mario he's the one who purchased the drone and registered the drone into his name and also he obviously thought that it was more important to spend fifteen hundred dollars on a drone than to pay his [ __ ] house payment so you're telling me i did all of this because of you no actually it's not my fault it's my son's fault because my son won a drone so i bought a drone so he'd stop bothering me and then he went through the drones i blame him yeah yeah it's real good parenting and because you gave your son a drone he crashed that drone into my plane and ruined my life well actually no your life's not ruined anymore see the news said they're not blaming you so look and get your jobs back that dude took all my jobs well well you well look look they'll hire you back right hmm all right i got an idea uh could you order a pizza for me [Music] come in okay come on come on you bastard i got a large pepperoni pizza ha ha pizza face not so peppy rony now are ya yeah there's not too mushroom in there is there i hope you like your pizza hand tossed now i can finally get back to work and stay out of my town hey mario good news i got my jobs back oh you did yeah and my wife came back which is not as good news oh that's still awesome what happened to the other guy oh let's just say he had a special delivery let's just say i murdered him what yeah let's just say that i slowly smothered him to death with the pizza okay yeah but i got all my jobs back well that's good i guess yeah the bad news is that my boss told me to come arrest you arrest me why because of the whole drone incident i mean you did take down a plane with a drone no no no that was my son jeffy i didn't do that well it was your drone it was registered to you but don't worry since we're best buds now i'm not gonna arrest you i'm just gonna tell them that you resisted a rest so i had to shoot you and now you're dead so they're gonna stop looking for you and a dog came and ate your body so there's no evidence so you're totally fine [Music] okay yeah oh uh i i gotta talk to the kids real quick hold on uh hey you watching this video right now if you have a drone uh don't fly it near a plane that's that's very illegal and uh also don't don't kill anybody with a pizza or just just don't kill anybody at all really don't don't really don't really copy any of the things you see us do in these videos just just as a general rule [Music] the jeffy puppet is now on sale so go get yours today at [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 878,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, drone
Id: quZPeQEp73U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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