SML Movie: President Jeffy [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] all right class today we're going to be having a crass president erection if you become class president you get to make any rule for the craft that you want and i can't say anything about it so which one of you wants to be the crash president ooh i want to be class president junior do not take this erection from me i want to be class president well i want to be class president well you're too stupid to be class president well you're too dark at me class president i want to happen hey hey hush i don't want you to be class president but you can't be close because i want to be class president some of them will settle down crash there can only be one crash president that's why we have an erection okay it's gonna be a long hard process for my erection so i'm gonna choose i'm gonna choose two people to have erection it's going to be uh cody and jeffy you guys come up to the crest to be part of my erection and tell the crass why they should vote for you as crass president all right i'm gonna go first all right prepare to lose all right if you guys elect me as class president then there will be no more homework ever again homework will be illegal no no i actually think we should have homework because we might forget the stuff we learned at school and we have to keep learning because learning is power who's with me junior don't throw paper balls at me all right change of plans if i'm elected class president then all the homework that we get will go to this guy because he likes it so much no no okay okay watch this how about if i'm elected class president we're gonna have healthier school lunches like celery so that means no more pizza junior stop throwing things well if i'm elected class president then every day will be pizza day there will be pizza parties every single day your desk will be made out of pizza you will even be made out of pizza no no no okay if i'm elected class president uh you don't have to wear clothes to school anymore so so like you you know how long it takes to get dressed in the morning you don't have to do that you can just come naked and no girls allowed well if i'm elected class president you won't even have to come to school anymore but then you won't be president of anything okay okay okay how about this uh if you if you fail a test you can retake it well if i'm elected class president you won't even have tests [Applause] all right class i've heard enough so who do you guys want to be the class president so who wants jeffy for president [Applause] all right class we have a winner jeffy has won the erection and he is now your cross president yeah hey mario how do you think jeffy's stay at school is going it must be going pretty good i mean we haven't gotten a call from his teacher saying he's suspended for anything like pooping his pants or biting another student hey jeffy how was your day at school daddy you can't call me jeff anymore you have to call me mr class president jackie you got class president i sure did mommy all the kids in class said i was your smartest kid and now i'm the class president this must be something like a pity award or like a make a wish foundation thing mario why would they vote jeffy class president like what are you even gonna do for the class well dang the first thing i did was cancel school so now i never have to go to school ever ever again jeffy you can't make those rules you can't just cancel school yes i can because i'm the class president no jeffy the only way you could cancel school is if you were the real president well how do i get to be the real president you can't you can't because you're a kid and you're just too stupid to be the president hey mario speaking of the president isn't it election day today oh it is let's turn on the news and see how it's going [Music] breaking news okay the president of the united states has something to say before the election tonight let's go to that when i donald j trump is re-elected president again we do not want to share the moon with anyone ever again okay so what i will do when i'm reelected is i will hire space force to build a wall a huge wall around the moon so then it will be our moon and all the other countries will pay for that wall a wall around the moon daddy can i do stupid stuff like that no jeffy you can only do stupid stuff like that if you're the president well i want to be president jeffy you'll never be president ever mario jeffy can do anything he sets his mind to thanks mommy he'll never be president he cannot be president he can set his mind to as much as he wants but he'll never be president who's the door hold on uh hello hey man uh hey i got a really huge problem and i i need your help what is it well hey can i come inside because it's like november and it's freezing out here and i'm just wearing short sleeves and no pants okay sure come on inside okay all right so what's the problem well this is gonna sound kind of silly but you know how there's an election today yeah yeah well we lost the other guy what do you mean you lost the other guy i mean we don't know where he is like like we were playing hide and seek and we just never found him so he's just like gone now okay so then why are you here well i'm here to try to find somebody who wants to run for president and try to beat trump in this election and i was kind of hoping that'd be you me why me because you're mario everybody loves you you know they recognize you from the games a little bit like oh it's that guy well i can't run for president because i wasn't born in america oh okay what about you i'm from outer space what okay is anybody here from america right here well how old are you 16. uh okay we just won't tell anyone well no jeffy cannot run for president well look he's the best i have right now um i gotta say something if i poop in a strainer it makes poop spaghetti see look he cannot be president of the country no it'll work okay okay jeffy uh come with me you're gonna go debate the president okay no no hello and welcome to the presidential debate tonight we have president donald trump versus jeffy all right i'm going to ask both of you questions so just answer those as best you can mr president we'll start with you why should you be re-elected president so they should elect me president because i'm already president and i'm already living in the white house okay and so if they didn't reelect me it would take me approximately like four years to move all my knickknacks and paddy wax and give a dog a burn out of the white house it would take billions upon billions of boxes to get all my stuff out of there so to make it easier on me donald j trump you should just re-elect me president so i don't have to move all my stuff out of the office all right now jeffy your turn same question why should you be elected president mr president plea please don't interrupt he hasn't even said anything so he can't be wrong yet you should vote for me for president because if i was president i would ban all school no kid would ever have to go to school ever again and they get to stay home and play video games all day also i would ban green beans and make them illegal because you're disgusting and icky and i hate green [ __ ] first of all no one should ban green beans because no one has done more for green beans than i donald j trump since the jolly green giant shut up green beans need to be banned because they're disgusting and they're shaped like little green pepes wrong carrots are better wrong no one likes green [ __ ] all right all right all right break it up you two all right we're gonna go on to the next question now jeffy in your opinion what is the biggest problem in the world right now the biggest problem in the world right now is fortnite every time they update the seasons it gets worse and worse to be honest i don't even recognize the game anymore so let's make fortnite great again oh you actually like the dumb updates all right all right all right okay mr president same question what do you think is the biggest problem in the world right now okay so the biggest problem in the world right now is that legos are too small okay this causes a choking hazard for billions upon billions of children every single day okay so what i'm proposing is is that we make these tiny puny little legos huge okay we're going to call them huge blocks okay so so kind of like mega bloks i'm sorry what not mega bloks oh mega bloks yes that's exactly what i would call them mega bloks because we would be making america great again one block at a time no no they're called mega bloks oh yes this right here is exactly what i'm talking about so if you notice to show you guys a little bit of a diagram this is our border wall with the previous administration and this is our border wall with my administration the trump administration so yeah and also these are the exact same blocks that i want the border wall around the moon to be built out of so the wall will be huge i actually like the tiny legos the big ones are for babies mr president could you please stop saying wrong all right that is it for the presidential debate okay you know what whatever i'm going home we're just going to see who wins tonight there's no way jeffy wins the election tonight don't say that mario we have to believe in him i don't believe nobody would vote for him hey hey did they announce a one yet no they're about to oh good [Music] breaking news okay the election results are in and the next president of the united states is jeffy what's that mean no way you're president he did it that crazy son of a gun actually did it jeffy what are you gonna do now that you're president well first of all i get to poop wherever i want yes you can mr president and you also get this the nuclear football what's that well this will let you nuke just about anything well the first thing i'm gonna nuke is all the green bean farms and all the schools no no jeffy no no you can't do that cause if you nuked that you're gonna nuke our country and we're all gonna die well that's a small price to pay for me to be happy [Applause] goofy goober yeah [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 591,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, president, jeffy
Id: 7Iz06ZgrY7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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