SML Movie: Precious The Rapper!

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what do you want - stupid mud god shut up that's too much noise - you can just stupid dog he's making noise you want to go outside I can't share baby I'm sleeping Julie you better get up get up right now I'm tired of taking care of your mutt take your dog outside you do it sure baby julia is not my dog I'm not gonna take your dog outside for you what are you gonna do anything on the floor you have to clean it up look let's even take care of you so I'm not going to take care of you go and find a better home or chase up their cars or something bye toppy finally I get to go back to sleep I hope that dog never comes back [Music] man I'm finally awake Chompy Chompy let me take you outside javi come here boy should be be Oh nice look good man I feel amazing Oh Chevy be out where's choppy I don't know your stupid dog is wait What's Wrong Jimmy Chompy Chompy where's this stupid mutt Oh what's wrong Chevy but you get my choppy oh no no he must have ran away yeah that's it we ran away how to get outside uh you must have opened the door with this his hands yeah yeah yeah dog CPB doesn't have hands well I didn't let him out I was sleeping I was sleeping like a baby well I didn't even ask you if you let a mouse you let him out you know god I was right not you remember I remember you waking up and you're yelling at look I didn't wake up you're dreaming or hallucinating or something jr. no I didn't let him out you better find your dog shopping where you at job eh oh my god what did you do so big of a plan gotta think of a plan oh look I could just get him a little bit yeah he didn't want to take care of that stupid dog I can just get him a kitty cat yeah nice lazy fat kitty cat oh okay I'll just do that you got me a fat tubby cat mm-hmm that's precious wait wait wait you know this cat yes precious she conquered pillow force oh well okay well look junior I got you that cat because it's way better than a dog all they do is sleep all day they don't run away from you and they just they didn't leave a poop on the floor okay so it's way better than taking care of Chompy well I mean I guess the cats really cool I mean she's really fat and she's just sleeping it looks like so I mean thank you for the new cat chef peepee you welcome but you better take care of him okay okay I'll take care of the cat how much to all my friends okay whatever that's so cool oh my gosh I can't believe I have a pet cat hey precious what told you want to play with huh you want play with this this mouse you'll play with this mouse hard precious gonna play with your mouse mouse mouse mouse nice tract house okay you know you want to play with that um what about this dango dango dango go places you are playing with it yep no you you don't want to play with it you want take a nap oh I know I want to take a video I want to show all my friends I have a pet cat chip regice I'm taking a video look right this bug this pressure say hi to my friends got some bars man I need to find out a way to get in contact with you yeah all right I just got precious of meow Mix hopefully she'll like this what whoo yeah hello yo yo yo what up I don't have any money what no no look out see wrong aka tea sizzle whichever one you prefer what's up T says oh what's up on that man just chillin look just let me aside your crib oh so I can let you know how you can make Big Bang which Oh kitty cat okay so what's going on that cat right there it's gonna be a millionaire that cat yeah I saw the video you posted online and man she got bars but all she did was me out exactly look we don't go and record a song real quick and let the money come in just watch okay if you think she can make money precious you go to the studio okay yeah pressures come on of course oh come on yo yo yo yo - yo what so how'd the song turn out man Julia that's so would straight fire baby right precious what weight pressure the chain yeah purse is it straight gangster brother look I want you to see this music video we shot okay [Applause] [Music] you know it is Oh meow makes kitty treats in their pillow fort counting all the cat so she gotta make a [Music] precious oh you know oh that's my cat yes my dog miss my word Oh [Music] whoa that music video was amazing no right it is gonna sell a hundred million copies yeah you're a superstar yeah yeah I know she is I know she is look I'm gonna come back in a couple of days with the earnest it should be a couple million a couple million yeah we're gonna be ready because you're a rapper Omega okay check your chain oh that's so cool precious oh okay I won't touch it I won't touch anymore the hip song precious by the famous rapper precious is the number one song all across the world and it's making millions of dollars what you hear that precious number one around the world yo yo yo Junior well what's up I saw the way number one around the world how much money do we make oh I don't know how to tell you this but it's a couple mil you good for you huh couple million Oh precious you see all that money you made that with your rap song and that was just the first day sales man yo sale whole bunch mo oh look a one-day sales a couple million that's awesome see you could buy a lot of me I'll mix with this but look don't let her get into that cat yo I don't want precious to go down that path it's too addictive okay I'll make sure she doesn't buy catnip okay okay I'll be back in a couple of days to check in on y'all all right okay precious look at all this money but don't buy catnip with it okay I don't want you going down that path and getting addicted okay okay precious precious where are you catch me you know you're not going to be doing catnip but where's the rest of the money act you spread it all on catnip but you know not to the bike catnip yo Junior I gotta tell you some bad news what is it look we ain't making no more money on that song so I hope you say that couple million dollars we may just read it all away oh okay oh my god you have more money somewhere right now is no more money look we make it money off that song we have no more money who's that it might be the police look I'm out of here No okay hide you can tip it if it's the cops okay Ziya hello hey there is this where the famous rap of precious lives yeah she lives here yeah well we've been getting some tips that she might be selling catnip the catnip no no purse is way too famous to get caught up in catnip all right well I'm gonna come in and have a look around what no no you're not allowed in really you're really gonna make me go get a warrant oh god the paperwork takes forever just just let me in please well since you said please I guess you can come in yes but real quick oh no I have to sneeze that is the weirdest sneeze I've ever heard that is a very incriminating sneeze well come on in and look at everything there's nothing illegal in here see come on look okay see look officer nothing illegal here wait a minute is it cat way fresh this your diet all right she's going to jail not even hers oh yeah well it's sitting right in front of her what well yeah but someone broke in the house and threw it on her and then ran mm-hmm yeah that's what they all say please don't arrest my cat just got her look kid she chose this path itself she didn't want to do the time she shouldn't have done the crime she's my cute little kitty it's you the chain that says gangster yeah well maybe go to jail I hope a street cred of something well I was gonna be in jail for probably 15 to 20 years her whole life well you know maybe if she's a good kitty she'll get out in half that time but in the meantime she's going to prison all right precious duty oh you go girl oh you gonna D can you come here come here let's go to jail oh come on boys oh I can't believe my cat went to jail what am I gonna do [Music] okay the famous rapper precious it's broken out of prison keep your eyes down because she's extremely dangerous what precious escaped what precious you came back to me oh I love you forever we're gonna hide you from these cops okay [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 13,748,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, precious, the rapper, cat, kitty, meow, rap, song, music, superbowserlogan, sbl, superluigilogan, sll, bowser jr, bowser junior, bowser, super mario, nintendo
Id: UQCBd1Wy5Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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