SML Movie: Jeffy's Lie!

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do me a favor what do you want Jeffy can you throw this baseball as fast as you can at my eye why would I do that Jeffy good y'all want to see what a Bad Seeds when they hit your baseball Jeff you don't need to see what that looks like wearing it one point out jumpy why would you do that really hurt look like well oh I thought with a ball hit me in the face and then it hurt doctor she said I'm not gonna throw a baseball at your eye get someone else to do it honey you get your black eyes no favor we saw okay you win mr. hippo I was supposed to be a donkey oh okay anyway can you do me a favor and throw this bass boys fast as you can my eyes sure I love throwing baseballs let me see it okay get ready for the super fast double decker fast he makes fast don't send fastball special okay you get a wicked boo-boo on your eyes you should get your mommy to kiss you my mommy's in jail mine too best friends forever okay okay see you later miss Raymond see you at school all right class today we have a guest speaker it's a cop do I smell bacon crap how incredibly inappropriate all our crap now remember hide your Rhodes we're not here harlot well you might get all rested yeah well anyway I am to guest speaker I um the bacon I guess but I'd rather you call me office of Brooklyn tea guy now I'm here today to talk to you about why police officers are your friends in that you should be nice to them okay but you know as a cop I guess I should probably start out by saying you know don't talk to strangers and all that unless they get money I mean you know how that goes you know like he said don't do rugs with the D in front of it it's bad but mostly I'm just here to tell you why you should be nice to me and the kind of things I have to deal with on a daily basis so every morning I wake up next to my fat wife who spits in my coffee and tells me I'm worthless and that'll never amount to anything so obviously I've got a lot of rage built up after that so I pull over the first car I see just the very very first one I just really let him have it you know I just really lay into him I just turned off the old body cam and really give it to him I'm tasing them hitting them with the Taser I'm just done just on beating them up right but I have two that I've got all the rage out of my system so the next car I pull over I just let them off for the warning unless it's a hot chick you know then you know maybe you show me a little something that all that you go you know there's this one hot chick oh I pull her over every single day she's like why are you pulling me over I'm like you know why come on show me let me see him that's right she's got the best Pokemon Cowen's mmm mmm I'd give her a slowpoke if you know what I mean anyway yes oh oh Jeffy oh you're here what happened to your eye oh yes well oh we gotta fight no I think you gotta [ __ ] look at his off with a bear no the final family of bears no party Joe jump out of a burning building and land on your eye well would that be cool that'd be so cool and he said yeah what happened Jimmy tell us what happened yeah it was something cool Oh something cool yeah it's something cool oh that guy you guys going here she'll cool yeah what happened all right this is exactly one half hey hey was I talking Oh were you talking because I'm pretty sure I was talking Hey look at this look it says guest speaker right here in chalk that's me I'm the guest speaker I came here to talk today unless you have a better story to tell all right come on up here come on and tell you a really cool story no I wanna hear your story about how much of a hero you are and how you save lives every day like me come on no come on up here I want to hear it yeah if you don't there tell your story yeah tell us okay come on up here big man can't wait to hear your story that's a nice black guy you got there you know I had a black guy one time you want to know how I got it I was saving a dog from a hot car and I opened the car door too fast and hit myself in the eye but I still saved the puppy so yeah all right let's hear your stupid story all right so this is this story on how I got my black eye so I woke up this morning all right the story is pretty similar to mine so far but go ahead and I heard on the news that dairies are building on fire yeah I'm a firefighter so that doesn't really not a big whoa but there were 45 babies trapped on the top floor yeah really yeah and no fire fire was brave enough to go in through your burning building because it was too hot oh no and then I saw that there was the only work for Jimmy until I ran into your building and I jumped over your fire and I ran all the way up to the top floor and all I did we started grabbing all the babies so I was holding 45 babies now we're trying to run out of your building as fast as I could but I got the mini media but I cut the baby with my foot so I was hopping and I realized it yours no way out so I had to go to the top floor of your building so on the roof of the building and look down I said I'm gonna get down from here but yours no way down so I had to dig quick try hurry up yeah I made a parachute I mean the baby diapers it's genius jump down yeah parachuted to safety oh thank god landed safely on the ground popped out in between the earth and he said oh I'm hungry for baby and I said no mr. Rajah babies are not on the menu today and and then you pump in yard Godzilla only using one of my eyes and one of my foot you know I still hopping on my foot I bring his face and I beat him up and then and and then all the babies got adopted Wow oh my god that was the most beautiful story I've ever heard yeah you're a hero yeah you know I take my shirt it in my hat so you deserve it kkuk last place champ in him he's a hero he saved those babies and he saved the world everybody cheer hero hero hero you know how you [Music] breaking news okay a 15 year old boy has saved 45 babies from a burning building and then he saves the world from Godzilla we have a Brooklyn tea guy now with a live press conference Brooklyn thanks Goodman I'm here with Jeffy the true American hero who saved 45 babies from a burning building and then kicked Godzilla into space yep sure did Jeffy we'd like to present you with this WUSA medal the world's Savior award we'd also like to present you with this the saving babies from a burning building medal for all those babies you saved from that burning building oh you just called me to change I'm out here oh okay we're getting word now from scientists who are saying that there was no earthquake recently and that there's been no seismic activity your mom is showing signs of seismic activity ouch ouch ladies and gentlemen he's not just a hero he's also a burn specialist what hey they have father of a hero what's going on hey you can call me to change Oh out here I'm making moves daddy yeah your son's a real hero he saved 45 babies from a burning building and he beat up Godzilla oh he did all that yep sure did daddy yeah didn't you see the news he's him get the black guy to prove it well actually know that I'm looking at it you have a black eye - how'd that happen oh my son Jeffy threw a baseball at my face wait what or don't you remember daddy he got jelly gave me the black eye oh yeah oh yeah Godzilla gave me this black eye yeah he he started flying and his wings hit me in the eye well Godzilla doesn't have wings oh yeah his tail hit me in the eye oh yeah yeah that makes a lot more sense yeah I'm so glad my son Jeff he told the truth in and said he saved all those babies and and did beat up Godzilla like do you have proof that any of this happened well I mean there are some questions I mean we don't know anything about a fire happening recently and they haven't been able to prove that there was an earthquake but he had the black guy so I believe him you know but anyway I'm just gonna leave you two alone you have fun being a hero sheppy explain why you lied to the entire world and said you did all this stuff that you didn't do what day I was going to tell my friend what really happy with my black guy but they wanted to hear a cool story so I had to make up something cool so that they thought I was cool chubby you lied to the entire world now they think you're some hero or something you didn't do it Jeff you know what you're gonna sit here and think about what you did because I have not raised no wire but day nothing bad is gonna come of it well y'all will see jumpy hey oh hey friend don't call me that Yolo dial 1 I about I know how you really got that black guy and you didn't really save all those babies and I know Godzilla personally and you sir did not fight Godzilla he is a nice man so we'll see who the real hero is next time a building catches fire why are you wearing shoes stuff let's just watch TV [Music] okay there is currently a hospital that is on fire with 50 babies trapped inside the fire department and emergency personnel are currently not responding because we know that the hero Duffy will arrive shortly to save the day pampers has already air-dropped the box of diapers to the top of the hospital so if Jesse gets to the roof he can build another parachute out of diapers and glide to safety Jeffie if you can hear us we need you now more than ever well would you look at that Jenny there's a hospital on fire with 50 babies in it and they expect you to save them so go save them I didn't expect to do it again what are you doing jumping I'm turning off my ears - oh I can't hear you anymore you can't just turn off your ears w how it looks Jenny you can't turn off your ears if you can hear baby Jeffy thank God I found you there's a hospital that's on fire their fifth wheel hold on don't waste your breath he can't hear you why not because he just turned his ears off y-yeah he just turned his ears off yeah apparently he can do that well can he turn it back on this is an emergency Jeff he can you turn your ears back on for the nice firefighter man please all right Danny my ears are back on what job okay there are there's a hospital that's on fire and there are 50 babies trapped on the top of the you're just gonna turn us back off Jimmy you listen to the man let's head to him back on turn my ears back off did you even listen to the firefighter now listen okay Jeffy there was a hospital that's on fire and there are 50 babies trapped in the top and then in the top floor Jeffy but it wasn't right that barn dang Jeffy there are 50 babies trapped in the top floor of a burning Hospital and you are the only one that can save them well I can't do it right now what what are you talking about there's no time for this we need you to save those babies I don't feel good what we can't have you're not feeling good those babies need you yeah Jeffy is there something you need to tell the nice firefighter you know maybe you should tell the firefighter the truth is there something you need to tell the nice firefighter man maybe but what was it what was I supposed to get from that what you trying to tell you was you tried that he's a liar he didn't save any babies there was no earthquake if there was a Godzilla there was no other babies he didn't do anything he just threw a baseball as I wait you telling me he didn't really kick godzilla into space no cuz gods doesn't exist so he made all of this up he made it all up he's a liar oh my god what are we gonna do we gotta save those babies from the burning hospital well why don't you call the fire department they all quit because they thought he could handle it was they all quit yeah I was gonna quit - I just put in my two weeks notice well then you're the only one that can save the babies more do I look like a firefighter yes you can go say those babies get in there and save those babies you really believe in me yes you can go do it go do it okay yeah yeah you're right this this is my chance to finally prove my wife wrong I am where it's something all right yeah I'm gonna go save all 50 of those babies yeah you go do go save all 50 of those babies [Music] breaking news okay it turns out that the Jeffy kid was a liar he didn't save anyone he's a straight-up liar anyway we have a new hero in town firefighter Brooklyn T guy who just ran into the burning hospital and saved all 50 of the babies we have an interview with him now Brooklyn did you say I saved all 50 babies because I didn't I mean I only saved for I mean that there's still 46 babies left in that building back there I mean it's it's really hot in there okay I mean you can see it that that buildings on fire it's really it's really hard to breathe okay I mean I did what I could I save for I mean one of them get a little burned but oh wait never mind it can we cut that no no it's live well I mean I'm still a hero right I still get a medal right I gotta say five babies for the medal what are you kidding me have you seen that building oh no I'm not going back in there it's not worth a medal for that no it is it is way too hot in there well I saved for I'm happy with that you know that's that's for more than that Jeffy kids saved I'll tell you that yeah but we talked about that haven't we talked about how he lied okay made me look like a fool on national television yeah there's no way he saved 45 46 whatever babies from that building over there I couldn't even save more than four he only saved for hey there hey buddy how's it going well I learned that fire as a hot and babies are heavier than they look yeah yeah so you only say four yeah yeah I did you know I wanted to save more but I didn't because it was hot and it was fire like everywhere just you know like fire just all over the place like right up in my face and I couldn't breathe but you know I still save for babies which is four more than either you two loses so yeah Jeffy well I hope you learned your lesson I hope you learned your lesson to tell the truth all the time and to always be honest because lying always get you in trouble it's always better to tell the truth and to be honest you turned your ears Jeffy [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 30,730,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, puppet, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, lie, superluigilogan, liar, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, super mario, mario, nintendo, firefighter, fire, hero, save, plush, adventure, show, friends
Id: 7VtRZPvYasA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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