SML Movie: Jeffy Breaks His Leg!

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all right Jackie it's time to go to school Danny let me tell you something I don't like school I know you don't like school Jeffy but every kid has to go to school except for me because I don't you do job you do have to go through checkout on time to play games you're already running late look I'm gonna go wait in the car you better be out there in two minutes I have to brush my teeth first then brush your teeth really fast and then meet me in the car okay I'll be outside all right come on we don't have all day you have to go to school get your ass in the car Jeff it's time to go to school I don't have to you don't have to Jeffy you do have to go to school get your ass in the car I'm giving you a spanking well you better clap these cheeks daddy cuz I'm not going school get your ass in the cars everyone get out taking your fortnight fine dan you win so annoying where'd you go Jenny where'd you go Jeffy well you know what I'm gonna leave without you after school is gonna take you on a toy shopping spree but since you want to play games you know what you're not going so I'm leaving without you Jeffy leave it without you what was your leg doing behind the tire why would you put your like anywhere near a carton going school who was it worth it was it worth not going to school by breaking your leg oh no daddy no I've been school let me call it come on somebody call a doctor is that a chicken leg oh yeah you caught me on my lunch break it's okay I got time what's up well I accidentally ran over my son's leg with my car how do you accidentally run over your son's leg well it's a long story we just want to know if it's broken well if it's broken why is he chewing on how do you even know it's broken well Jessie are you sure it's broken oh no not me make sure what if it wasn't broken it definitely is now well what do we do about it well let me take an x-ray of the leg and I'll be right back all right so I got the x-ray is it broken oh no it's perfect actually really yeah just look for yourself ah man doesn't that look delicious look at all the meat on there it's gonna be so good when I take this first bite what are you doing my son's leg oh yeah yeah that'd be smart I should probably do that too why would you x-ray a chicken leg Oh we'll see I'm paranoid and I x-ray all the food that I eat you know in case somebody tries to hide some glass or razor blades or something in there I'm like a walking Chernobyl from all the radiation that I've eaten my balls have balls I have a tail I pee green slime but that's that's probably from something I did in college you know wrap it before you tap it all right so what are we doing what about my son's like it get x-ray that yeah sure I can do that but uh first I'm gonna I'm gonna eat this rude x-ray my son's like so we could see if it's broken fine okay so I got the x-ray is that a chicken leg again no it's his son's leg this time so it's broken yeah his fibula he looks pretty bad it looks like a chair after my ex-wife sat on it broken because she's fat all right Howry fix my son's a broken leg no it's fine I'll just put a cast on it it'll heal on its own a cast what da [ __ ] what he doesn't have any toes Geoffrey your hoppity toes my little piggies went to your market that's what my mommy told me yeah they must the wee wee weed way the [ __ ] home they must the love roast beef well can we give him like a toe transplant a toe transplant what are you gonna donate your toes I don't have any to give ok ok let's just get back to the leg so you have to put a cast on it yeah I guess I can put a cast on the leg right now all right so how's the cast coming oh it's coming pretty good I'm almost done Jeffy could you hold that down for me yeah and dimed oh look at that it's just like new now we can finally eat it oh come on us buckle wrap my fudge broken leg oh yeah yeah I guess I could do that too just do that it's like it's broken right fine yeah all right it done there's the gas how's the cow's feeling your leg jumpy there's a bigger shock Danny it's not a sock joke it's a cast there's more baseball back 16 inches of geoffrey pyatt how long way to calf for yeah probably about six to eight weeks six to eight weeks that's forever what are you five years old oh that's four that's what you sound like okay what about him going to school I was gonna go to school no he can't go to school he pretty much just has to sit in bed and not move just get him whatever he needs I already do that for him oh good then this shouldn't be too hard all right well I will see you again in forever chef you look what's just getting bad so you can't move all right daddy pick up all PP is your leg all right Jeffy look you're gonna stay in your room for six to eight weeks into your leg gets better so if you need anything just call me Dad what jaffe dang I don't wanna be in my room anymore go back to your couch I just brought you to your room Jeff you won't you tell me that when we were leaving the couch only when you left all right let's go to the couch all right Jeffy you're back on the couch well now Danny I wanna go back to my room but no Jeffy you're not going back to your room we were just in your room and you want to come to the couch so you stayed on the couch change well I'm not gonna help you walk them here to your room over and over again well if you didn't break my leg then I would just walk to my room myself I didn't break your leg Jaffe oh okay day well I guess a ghost was driving your car and put your car in reverse and backed over my leg I would have ran over your leg if you didn't stick your leg under the tire I guess you're right Jeff yeah share they're paying attention when I was driving so I guess it is my fault for breaking your legs so I'm sorry apology accepted daddy well whatever Jeff if you need anything just call me what what do you want to eat french fry you're not eating french fries for dinner Jeffy that's not healthy oh well I'll just sit here with my my broken leg that you caused and just starve and think about french fries all right be fine I'll get you french fries we're great job green ketchup yeah there's no such thing as green ketchup fine Jeff you just lower your voice all right Jesse here's your french fries work mom bring ketchup and here's your green ketchup Oh oh yeah daddy let me see it all right I I'm about to sneeze well you know what Jeffy you better eat all of that we're not eating that [ __ ] looks like bird poop well Jeff I went all the way to start I went all the way to the store to get that you're big a [ __ ] like Okeechobee we're gonna do this what do you mean doing it don't like it I want always the store to get your green ketchup now you're not gonna eat it hmm I can't believe Jeff he's being annoying where's it at hey Rob behind you so if you why don't you just keep torturing me dang oh here's your cap kid oh I'm sorry Jeffy thanks daddy why are you hitting it with your broken leg doesn't that hurt oh it hurt real bad daddy well then use your hand anything just call me what Jeffy I love you instead of screwing my name every time you want something look here's a bill so every time you want something just ring the bell and I'll get it yep that's how it works every time you once I'm just ringing the bell all right so I'll see you later chubby stop it what do you want a ball of ice cream you're not getting a bowl of ice cream because you didn't eat your french fries at the green ketchup ice cream no ice cream ice cream no ice cream ice cream no ice cream you little [ __ ] my tummy's like did you call me alright Jesse here's your ice cream what do you want now a new daddy why cuz you're [ __ ] why would you say that jumping where's the chocolate cream at guy you never said you wanted chocolate ice cream you just said you wanted ice cream well next time say you want chocolate ice cream so I know what you want jogger ice cream I'm not getting you chocolate ice cream chocolate ice cream you already have ice cream you'll have chocolate tre I'm not getting you chocolate ice cream spongebob toys spongebob I'm not getting you spongebob toys all right Jeffy there's the only spongebob tour I could find Danny what's wrong with spongebob you know just crack down as you are Jeff you look it's just a fun toy help me stretch it that's what she said look Jeffy why'd you let go of it cuz there was annoying as [ __ ] well Jeffy that was the only spongebob tour I could find more spongebob toys well they didn't have spongebob but they had Patrick daddy that was my face when I saw the girl with the badass there's also my face why I found out that we have any chocolate ice cream more Jeffy that those the only two toys you can play with there's only ones I could find oh not pinata pinata oh it's not your birthday where am I gonna pinata okay Oh Google I'll find it alright Jesse here's your Fortnight pinata daddy where did you bump your head what that is not the board not pinata well I don't know important that is go fight for tonight a try again alright Jeffy how about this oh you are talking about get me [ __ ] why would you break it jumpy why would you break it well if there's cool stuff inside it like like whatever those are and toes yeah look but this some at the door so let's just just play with this I'll be right back dad uh hello hey Jeffy teacher and I see you know come to school today and I hear you break you're ready yes Jeffy broke his leg and he's not gonna be able to come back to school for six to eight weeks all just because he break his rig doesn't mean he doesn't have to run so I bring you six to eight week worth of homework and he has to do it was he failed oh yes he still need to learn even though he broke his leg so I'll make sure he does this okay all right thank you all right Jeffy who's your daddy it was your teacher what a he's a sworn well he brought you the next six to eight weeks worth of schoolwork schoolwork school yes Jeffy but just because you broke your leg doesn't mean you can't learn brain don't work we all know that jumpy I'm not doing it yes you are no I'm not yes you are eat my ass know what no more bill no more bell for you Jeffy watch out homework I've got and that's gonna be your teachers face when you finish all this homework oh all right Jeffy you'll have a few more pigs of homework left kill me Jeffy I think that's the doctor it's been six to eight weeks I think you get your cast off today yeah all right and there you go the cast is off and you like it's back to normal well back to normal for you you know toe havin freak well doctor thanks for fixing his leg Chevy I hope you learned your left knees last six to eight weeks I'm sure did Danny no get ready to go to school okay okay hopefully Jeffy learned his lesson what Jeffy where are you at jumpy Jeffy what are you doing Maddy you better hurry up and run these [ __ ] over cuz I'm looking forward to another six to eight week vacation [Music]
Channel: SLL
Views: 38,351,237
Rating: 4.7782121 out of 5
Keywords: fun, supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, broken, leg, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, laugh, logan, jeff, jeffry, superluigilogan, sll, doctor, puppet, plush, super mario, mario, video game, nintendo, friends
Id: yIkeQXaiMdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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