SML Movie: Mr. Goodman's Egg!

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hey daddy i got a question what is it jeffy when pixar made mrs incredible why did they give her a union job class speed license heavy duty dump truck what are you talking about i'm talking about that wagon daddy mario don't look jeffy if you're gonna play with your mrs incredible doll take her to your room and does mrs incredible ever get constipated what because she's so stretchy shouldn't it just fall out like laying an egg jeffy go to your room and when she gave birth did it even hurt or because she's so stretchy did the kids just flop out like fish jeffy uh jeffy go to your room and play with your mrs incredible dog we don't want to hear it all right daddy he's so annoying huh who's at the door uh hello hey mario do you know what this is uh an egg it's not just any egg it's a dodo bird egg a dodo bird egg yeah and dodo birds are extinct but i bought this egg for 10 billion dollars at auction and it was preserved in an iceberg so they told me that it could still hatch as long as someone sits on it so me you want me to sit on it yeah because i was sitting at my desk after i bought it and i was thinking hmm who has a big fat lazy butt who doesn't pay their house payment and who doesn't have a job so i was thinking huh that's mario so hmm i don't want to sit on a 10 billion egg because i'm afraid something bad will happen to it yeah i'm afraid something bad will happen to it too mario but that's why i'm going to incentivize you to be careful with it by saying that if you sit on this egg i'll pay off your house but you'll pay off my house i sure will mario i'll definitely sit on i'll sign it so hard that's what she said and that's how i ended up with two kids oh okay look i'll be really careful with i'll be really careful as long as you pay off my house all right mario now be very very careful remember they're extinct good thing i bought two you bought two you spent 20 billion dollars on eggs i sure did because my thought was i'll buy a male dodo bird egg and a female dodo bird egg and i'll bring back the dodo birds but that's not gonna happen anymore thanks to you mario so what you might as well do is you might as well scrape that up and make a 10 billion dollar omelet oh okay look i'll be super careful with this one you better be mario that's 20 billion dollars really careful okay okay so you want me to sell on this until something comes out that's what she asked and that's how i ended up with two kids okay okay okay i'll be really careful with it all right okay goodman wants me to take care of this egg but i really have to use the bathroom first and i don't want to put it near anyone because i don't want anyone to break it so i put it right here yeah it'll be safe right there [Music] time to make some scrambled eggs who here's my first egg hey little egg you want to be friends yeah i want to be your friend psyche i don't have any friends boom next egg oh you want me to slam dunk you want two points i think i got a runaway egg oh you can't get away from me cause i'm about to dunk you wait what's wrong with you mario what'd you do with that that was right here uh uh it's in my hand okay orange orange okay my mind didn't have an orange thing on it i'm pretty sure it's in my hand mario let me sit okay okay oh thank god what are you doing why are you trying to destroy this egg i'm not trying to destroy an egg i'm trying to make breakfast wait that's a 10 billion dollar egg and you're trying to break it it's an egg mario it's not 10 billion dollars well stop trying to mess with my egg what's your god i catch it i'm trying to cook okay i got to put this egg somewhere safe so nothing bad will happen to it who's at the door uh hello freeze you're under arrest oh why why what i'm just kidding it's a little cop joke oh okay what are you doing here yeah listen i'm sorry i know it's late but i just got off work and my wife called and said she wanted me to pick up some eggs from the store but all the stores are closed right now because they're closing early so i was just wondering do you have some eggs i can think no i don't have any eggs come on man don't lie to my face like that i don't have any eggs i'm looking at an egg right there oh no this is my egg it's just like your egg like you laid it now you carry it around the house no no no no i'm babysitting it okay you cuckoo for cocoa puffs or something what's wrong with you no no no no no no okay look this egg is a rare dodo bird egg and i'm babysitting it because it might hatch okay listen i don't care what kind of bird it is i need that egg you don't know what my wife is going to do if i come home without some eggs she's going to be like boiny boiny why didn't you get eggs from the store so i can make it out with it four o'clock in the morning well lily you got to tell her that she's not getting her omelette and she has to wait until the morning okay why can't you just wait until the morning oh no i need this i just can't give it away okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i carried away okay look chef pee pee might have some eggs in the kitchen so go ask him that actually seems like a very reasonable solution to our problem thank you it's going to be a long day give me that day stop biting me sorry i said go to the kitchen i know and just it was just worth a try and it's so far away you're already halfway up the stairs go walk to the kitchen oh yeah i i guess you're right just i don't like you hey mario who was at the door oh it's good man you want me to watch this hey what was that for mario i have overphobia what is that i have a fear of eggs no you don't get it out of my face no it's just an egg get over it mario it's so freaky if you don't like it then leave well find it if you won't get rid of it i'll leave then i'll leave i have to watch it hey man what i uh i got one of the eggs from the kitchen but it has like this weird little red mark on it i don't like it okay and well can i trade with you no my dodo bird egg well how do you know this isn't a dodo bird egg it's a regular egg well but maybe it's a dodo burger it's not look i'm not trading eggs if your wife's gonna eat it why does it matter if has that dot on it okay listen i'll be honest my wife didn't really want eggs i just i wanted to get a head start on coloring easter eggs this year because there's like an easter egg coloring competition coming up and my neighbor fred huckadoo is really good at coloring easter eggs so i was going to paint this one green but the little red mark on there's messing me up so can we trade no well if it turns out dumb it's your fault i'm gonna put it right here nice and safe hey daddy who are you at the door jeffy do not touch this egg you shouldn't have told me that i didn't even notice the egg until you said something about it but jeffy jeffy this egg is super valuable and i don't want anything to happen to it did you win an egg daddy no jeff hit it laying it wait wait a minute i should tell him that i did lay an egg and then he'll help me take care of it he won't want to break it yes jeffy i laid an egg oh are you a chicken daddy but no cece i'm not a chicken that's the weird thing uh humans aren't supposed to lay eggs and i'm the first human to lay an egg so this egg is super valuable and you could have a little brother or sister in there i want to be an only child i don't want a brother or sister well why not because i don't want one i don't want to have to share toys i want you to give me all the attention and i want you to buy me all the toys i'm going to get rid of this thing i don't know what to do with it i don't know what to do with it jeffy you give me that egg right now okay daddy wait really catch wait anybody seen the cue ball oh there it is all right now i'm gonna break all right look at that break what are you doing playing pool you want to play no this is not a ball hey you put my cue ball back i didn't scratch hey where you going my cue ball daddy what are you doing well jeffy since you're trying to break this egg and ruin my life i'm gonna put it in a safe so that it's safe oh that's smart yeah it is smart lock that up so now you can't break it oh really ah why are you hitting me because you just broke the egg jeffy i thought you said it was safe no now now it's broken oh daddy that didn't break the egg wait you don't think so nope my dish will what jeffy i swear to god if the egg inside this safe is broken one daddy i just wanted to tell you that scream you did earlier was so loud and so powerful you could have filled up an entire monsters inch scream can with how loud that was i'm talking you should go live in monsters inc world and power the whole city you would put mike wazowski out of business shut up jeffy and you're broken what do you think jeffy hmm i'm gonna go strong no you know what hold on maybe a crack i think i'll give you a crack well that's what you're on if you think it's not broken so is it broken yes it's broken did i oh it was worth 10 billion dollars well i'm at least worth a smooth millie but it's okay daddy i'm glad to see that you're picking favorites jeffy do you know what was inside that egg a dodo it pooped no a dodo bird a poopy bird no jedi i extinct jeffy look look this bird was extinct and we could have brought it back and you you just don't care daddy don't cry don't do all that i don't want to see that down here was your prank what the egg inside that shape was one i got from your refrigerator here's the original egg why would you do that because it was funny no it wasn't jimmy i laughed do not touch this egg who's that well i'm not leaving this here because i don't want you to touch it uh hello well i see you didn't make an omelet no no i didn't what are you doing here well i came to check on my egg well your egg is perfectly fine and you can have it back because i don't want to sit on anymore why because i just don't want to sit on anymore it's uncomfortable my butt hurts and it's worth 10 billion dollars and i don't like stressing about it so here have it back all right mario nothing happened to it did it no no nothing happened to it it's perfectly fine look it's a perfect round egg no cracks no scratches no one threw it off a balcony no one used it as a cue ball while they were playing pool uh no one put it inside a save and threw it down the stairs it's it's perfectly fine it's the original egg and it's yours so you can have it back okay but it does look a little different mario no no it doesn't that that's a dodo bird egg like if you google dodo bird egg that's what that looks like it i just don't want to deal with it it's stressful i don't want to deal with it anymore but mario your butt is so nice and plump it's perfect for sitting on eggs you got that dump truck mario i don't i don't have a dump truck so you see look it's a normal normal truck actually it's not even a truck it's a small car see mrs incredible has a dump truck you should hire mrs incredible because she's got that dump truck i saw it today so so my butt is not perfect for that egg maybe your butt would be perfect but not my butt okay mario that's fine why would you do that you really thought that was a dodo bird egg mario that was just a regular chicken egg that was a regular chicken egg why did you make me sit on it because i was bored mario it was me elon musk jeff bezos and bill gates and us billionaires were sitting there making bets on if you would destroy the aggro knot i'm honestly shocked that you didn't well well thanks for wasting my day you're welcome now i got one more task for you mario what is it hold on one second i need you to sit on this dinosaur egg [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 10,861,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, mr goodman, mr goodmans egg, egg, goodman, puppet, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, chef, cooking, clown, pool, super mario, mario, nintendo, comedy, skit, laugh, hilarious, safe, mario bros, logan, dodo bird
Id: 6AG6hi2ojL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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