SML Movie: Junior's Sick Date!

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oh man jeffy are you ready for game night hey gail hey guys i brought penelope along for game night since joseph couldn't come why couldn't joseph come junior you know he's canoeing across the atlantic ocean today i totally forgot well you know the rules no girls allowed you never said that well i'm saying it now i don't want penelope here tell her to leave she's already here well but cody we were gonna play hungry hungry your mom good one junior but i guess penelope can see what she's gonna be when she grows up shut up junior yeah eating bowls i'll have you know when i grow up i'm going to be a surgeon you're not going to be a surgeon you're going to be too busy painting your nails and talking about ponies junior there's plenty of female surgeons name one uh well you name one male surgeon dr phil he's not a surgeon he's not even a medical doctor yes he is he does surgeries on his show all the time you haven't even seen his show have you no but i know he's a doctor well what about dr octopus yeah he's a doctor well he's not a medical doctor either and he's not even real he is a medical doctor he gave himself like spider spider tentacles on his back can we just shut up and play hungry hungry hippos no she thinks she can be a surgeon so i challenge on a one-on-one of operation okay fine let me go grab the game okay penelope you think you're gonna be a surgeon but i'm gonna prove to you that i would be a better surgeon yeah right junior i'd like to see you try well i'm about to get all these pieces without touching the sides because if you touch the sides you lose so you're never gonna get a turn because i'm gonna get all the pieces so i'm gonna start with this one he died junior no yes he did you touched the side i didn't touch the sides the nose lights up when you touch the side no the the nose lit up because we started the game no it lit up because one more chance one more chance one chance okay i'm do it again very careful you did it again junior i never said i could be a surgeon she's the one bragging saying she's gonna be a surgeon so i'd like to see you get all the pieces about touching the sides i can without touching any of the sides i can get every single one of these pieces oh yeah well they haven't we have a little wager if you touch the sides you have to go on a date with me i'm talking dinner movie and it has to end with a kiss ew no junior why are you scared you think you're gonna touch the sides no i'm not scared okay then take the deal wait wait wait junior what does she get if she wins he never has to talk to me ever again oh yeah and he has to go on a date with me and it has to end on a kiss with tongue for 15 whole seconds i'm talking mississippi's like one mississippi two mississippi oh no i'm not gonna agree to that hi you're chicken well no i'm not checking okay fine it's a deal if you win i have to go on a date with cody if i win you have to go on a date with me so don't touch the sides i'd like to see you try to get these pieces she's not gonna get the pieces nope [Music] oh no junior she only has one piece left i know pucker up junior it's gonna be the longest 15 seconds of your life i'm gonna clean your teeth with my tongue you're never gonna be able to talk to me ever again come on junior you got to do something turn the lights off oh i got you what what happened to the light you touched the side you touched the side that doesn't count you near the lights went out that's not an excuse if you're a doctor one day doing surgery and the power goes out you're gonna kill the guy well hospitals usually have generators what if the generator doesn't work cody you should be so good at being a surgeon that you can do it with the lights off but that's not fair don't be a sore loser you have to get ready for our date oh fine but i'm not gonna enjoy it ha ha hey junior did it work what you had jeffy turn off the lights no junior you're such a cheater well it's better than being an anteater yeah it's better than being an eater who wants to eat ants what a dumb animal why don't they eat cake they can't eat cake yes they can they make cake eaters what they did no they only eat ants yeah why are they choosing only it is it's dumb they don't choose it that's just what they do what a dumb animal i mean i eat cheeseburgers they're gonna call me a cheeseburger eater do you want me to call you that yeah okay i guess i'll call you a cheeseburger yeah well guys i have to get ready for my date okay i look really good for my date now all i have to do is brush my teeth oh no junior i have to pee what are you doing in here i dropped my toothbrush in the toilet ew throw it away we're not gonna brush my teeth junior oh you junior i have to brush my teeth cody you're gonna get sick i'm not gonna get sick oh i'm so sick junior i told you this was gonna happen how did i get sick there weren't any germs in the toilet there's always germs in a toilet even after you flush yes what's the point in flushing i i don't know well i'm not flushing ever again you junior i can't be sick i have a date tonight oh maybe you should cancel i'm not canceling it penelope has to kiss me i'm gonna kiss her well she's not gonna want to kiss you if you're sick oh you're probably right oh maybe i can call her and reschedule the date oh yeah that's a good idea let me get my phone okay it's ringing what do you want junior hey are you getting ready for our date tonight yes i'm getting ready well you don't seem too excited about it do you want to reschedule oh no i want to get it over with now but you know if you're not happy we could just do it another night if we don't do our date tonight then i don't have to ever oh okay well you don't understand an emergency just popped up and i kind of need to reschedule why do you want to reschedule junior because my friend uh bobby bobby yeah bobby he's at the store right now returning something and he needs me to bring him the receipt because i have it why do you have bobby's receipt junior because um he bought something and i said there's no way you bought that he said oh yeah well here's the receipt and i said whoa you really did buy that so now i have his receipt and now the thing he bought he wants to return and he needs a receipt see the thing he's returning it was impressive to buy but not impressive to have so the receipt's more impressive than the thing we're not rescheduling junior i'll meet you at the restaurant at seven but what about bobby then bring bobby let me guess she didn't want to reschedule no oh but i got an idea what if you come to the dinner with me as bobby who is bobby i don't know but she wants to see him apparently what why do i have to be bobby i i don't know listen listen okay i gotta think of something how about i call a doctor to see what's wrong with me and you go find someone named bobby why why bobby i don't go go find someone hey bobby okay go okay i gotta call a doctor hey there you call a doctor oh you don't look so good i'm really sick doctor i was sick one time you want to hear about it i have a date in a few minutes when i was little i was in school with this kid that had like a really little arm like one arm was like way smaller than the other one so we all used to make fun of him you know because he kind of looked like a freak anyway his dad was really protective because his whole family died in an accident when the kid was little so one time on a school field trip we all dared the kid to go touch this really sketchy looking van and the kid actually did it but then he got kidnapped by the guy in the van who like turned out to be a dentist so the dad being all protective decided to track the kid down and find him so he teamed up with this girl that had memory problems like she couldn't remember anything all she could remember is the address of the dentist's office so then they met some sharks that didn't eat fish and i don't really remember what they did but then a bomb went off and then they met a sea turtle and he was very nice and he gave them a ride to australia and this this is the plot of finding nemo i didn't live that see sometimes i get my memories confused with movies that i saw oh i did throw up one time i guess that's the story i really have to get better before my date oh right yes well i i do have this really experimental medicine i can give you but i don't know the side effects will it make me better i don't know i can try it all right i'll give you a shot of this and see what happens it's not gonna make me worse is it maybe wait a minute i'm starting to feel a little bit better there you go now you go on your date go get a tiger is she hot oh she's hot oh yeah i bet she has daddy issues oh she has daddy issues she's a redhead oh damn feisty oh man what's the name penelope that's a hotness wait a minute that's my daughter's name she my daughter well have a home by eight okay yeah i can't be late for my date hey junior i found bobby who you know bobby you wanted me to find someone named bobby i bought it you bought what i had the receipt but i took it back to the store but i still bought it yeah i guess he bought something cool well buying it was cool but he took it back so i don't think it was i don't have time for this so no bobby sorry bobby sorry i'm late i already ordered for you and i started eating because i don't care of course you already started eating you're so fat you know what junior i wish i wasn't here with your ugly green fa why is your face green cause i get sick when i look at you then why did you ask me out i didn't ask you out the only reason we came out because you lost operation this was your idea i only wanted a 15 second kiss oh no that was the deal between you and cody you and i just have to kiss i'm getting my 15 mississippis oh no especially if you're green or in sick i'm really sick why'd you order me garlic bread in case you were a vampire i wanted it to burn you of course you you're one of those weird kids that read weird vampire books they're good okay i think i'm gonna throw up where where junior you turned into a bee i didn't turn into a ah i'm a b i'm allergic to bees i'm out of here oh we stopped the kidneys i can't kiss you i'll die oh i have to call that doctor hey you call a doctor oh you are a big old b that is a b you turned me into a b well i didn't mean to uh oh you know what happened okay so i was supposed to give you ibuprofen but instead i gave you ib profin it turns you into a b well turn me back i don't know how but you know what this reminds me of when i was a bee i was voiced by jerry seinfeld and that that's the bee movie no that didn't happen but you know it did happen i had a friend that was really bad at cooking but i was good at cooking so i would get on top of his head and pull his hair to make him cook good and we cooked a plate of ratatouille that was so good it made this really harsh food critic have a flashback to his childhood and think it was okay to have rats in a restaurant wait that's ratatouille man that didn't happen either don't listen to me well you can't turn me back well i mean i don't know i mean you should be happy to be a bee you know bees are going extinct you're saving the planet i was supposed to kiss penelope but she's allergic to bees well see now i'm glad you're a bee i don't want you doing that with my daughter no matter what i said earlier come on change me back oh there's something there's nothing you can give me to turn me back into a human i mean i guess i could give you multrin but that would just turn you into a mole it's too bad there's no medicines that sound like people oh just change me back hmm man we are we are right there we just gotta i just gotta wrap this up oh you know what you know what you know what uh it wears off yeah it does is medicines wear off it happens look it up it wears off in a few right now it wore off yeah hey there you go i told you it would and look you're not even sick anymore all the problems are solved i have to go kiss penelope oh not my daughter penelope vanessa i can finally give you the kiss junior i feel so sick what happened to you penelope i think it's something i ate we're supposed to kiss though i don't think we can do that now we'll have to do it another time because i think i'm gonna throw it well don't take medicine from your dad he's gonna turn you into a bee hey junior you know i've been hanging out with bobby and he's actually really cool like he buys a lot of stuff well he usually returns it but you know he has the receipts to prove it yeah i bought it oh i wasn't able to kiss penelope that's okay junior we can always do our 15 second kiss [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 9,379,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, juniors sick date, junior, sick, date, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, joke, penelope, brooklyn guy, cody, joseph, hilarious, adventure, logan, lance, bee, bumble bee, animation
Id: ebrung8T1b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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