SML Movie: Jeffy's Summer Detention!

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all right crafts today is the last day of school so if you think you're gonna sit there and do nothing and have a day off then you're wrong you're going to be doing the most school work so you don't forget anything over the summer oh this sucks thanks teach I wanted some more knowledge in my noodle before that long summer break I'm gonna miss school oh I hate you so I'ma come around and pass out these worksheets just getting to pizza party everyone come up here and get us right I'ma be jamming [Applause] shut up nerd you need some help dude yeah Pizza more like poop sir I am gonna grab something and remember Christ only take one piece of pizza so everyone else in the cross can have some yeah cheese pizza where's the pepperoni jabroni it's right there for me oh man this pizza looks so good hey wait a minute Cody you grabbed two pieces of pizza you're only supposed to grab one per person I did get one per person one for me and one for Ken he's a dog dude he can't eat pizza yes he can't judge him he's not a dog Joseph ten loves pizza does him check him out the damn and wait a minute Joseph you grab three pieces yeah and I deserve it dude this is the I'm sorry for slavery Pizza this is the uh segregation pizza and this is the reparation slice well you owe us one bag because we just gave you the Little Mermaid oh dang you right you right here here you go and also we just gave you Splash Mountain too no Splash Mountain bin races dude yeah it's true okay you get that one hey wait a minute Penelope what are you eating it's a pizza Lunchable Junior but there's real Pizza up there but that's greasy and gross your face is greasy and gross that's mud pepperoni pizza all right then we'll just have some cheese that's my cheese pizza yeah there fart Pizza well fortunately for you I like spit fart Pizza oh my God you two destroy the perfectly good pizza and you're both fighting on the rough day at school that is it I'm calling the principal oh the principal oh no no the dream table okay which one of you two students am I here to punish finish him fatality well principal Steinbeck these two boys were fighting and they drew Pizza on the floor Pizza on the floor [Music] Papa John's Pizza 12 inches 14.99 are you wasted let me tell you boy something oh you've done it now oh I'm about to call your parents no I'm a meter because I have the perfect punishment okay baby all our bags are packed for our non-refundable trip to Hawaii Marvin how do you think jeffy's last day of school went I don't really care all I know is when he gets out of school we're heading to the airport to go to Hawaii Marvin did you pack my toothbrush you don't have teeth did you pack my lipstick so you can only put it on your top lip yeah yeah I got it yay where is his parents hey who are you I am your worst nightmare I am your son's principal oh did you drop Jeffy off from school yeah you're told Papa John's Pizza and threw it on the floor why would you do that Jeffy because your other kids spitting farted on it wait he did what get it up my tongue girls oh you're suspended for two weeks for fighting wait wait a minute today was the last day of school so is it gonna be suspended for the next two weeks of next year's class no that's so you have to show up to school for the next two weeks or your expelled wait wait a minute wait a minute he can't because we have a non-refundable trip to Hawaii right now well like your trip is canceled so he better show up to school and for the next two weeks or he's expelled and you two will be arrested for child neglect well Jeffy this is all your fault well it's not my fault that kid's spit and farted on the pizza Jeffrey why'd you get the fight over a dumb Pizza you could have ate all the pizza you wanted in Hawaii but now we can't go and the Trip's non-refundable Marvin we can't go no [ __ ] I don't even talk about the whole time you're not been listening oh listen you know what we are still going all right I'm gonna go back no no Jeffy you're not going me and Rose are gonna go and I'm gonna get you a babysitter that's donkey dick no it's not yes it is uncircumcised what like guys calm down listen Jeffy you're the one who decided to get in trouble so you're not gonna make me and Rose get punished for your stupid mistake so me and Rose are gonna go to Hawaii and I'm gonna call you a babysitter I'm so mad I can eat my fingers hey there somebody call a plumber a what a plumber do you mean a plumber that's what I'm saying plumber it has a b in it the B is silent you should be silent anyway what do you need me to plumb we don't need anything plump we just need someone to watch my son Jeffy why did you call a plumber if you don't need anything plumbed I plumb the things listen me and my wife are leaving for Hawaii in one hour I grab my phone and your name was the first name of my contacts you don't have any contacts from a to P plumber is the first thing that came up my name is Brooklyn guy that means I'm in your phone as plumber listen can you watch my son or not did you say you were going to Hawaii yes I like Hawaiian Punch okay did you like Hawaiian Punch I I do yeah it's pretty good so can you watch my son or not holler what what color Hawaiian Punch do you like red yeah that's the best one so can you watch my son until they redesigned the Hawaiian Punch guy he looks like a Pixar character now I don't like it what yeah put up a picture see that look how they massacred my boy oh can you watch my son or not wait isn't he 18 can't he watch himself yes but I need someone to drop him off at school for the next two weeks so you're telling me that car downstairs with his name on it does not belong to him I don't trust that he'll ask I drive to school every day so you want me to drive a grown man to school every day while you're in Hawaii yes well it's not fair I want to go to Hawaii well I don't have anyone to watch Jeffy so if I find you a babysitter I can go no then why did you offer I did it you're the one who brought it up I came over here thinking I was going to Hawaii no you did it you found out about Hawaii once you got here well I'm thinking about it now listen you can't go no one can go me and my wife have to go can you just babysit my son Jeffy why do I get out of it you get time away from your wife true I do hate her how long are you gonna be gone two weeks two weeks Jesus what am I supposed to do for two weeks drop Jeffy at school off every two weeks I mean for the next two weeks you gotta be going crazy can you watch him or not what can I not do in your house what what do you not want happening in your house anything bad Define bad are you gonna do something bad bro what come on it's me what does that mean you know me come on what bro okay go baby grab our bags we're out of here all right Jeffy listen your parents are gone so now you can just run around and do whatever the hell it is you want to do I don't care just leave me alone okay so tomorrow I'm gonna take you to school I'm gonna come back here and make myself some pancakes okay that's the plan got it so just run go do what you want to do oh man this is great there's nothing better than bumming on somebody else's couch well nothing better except for a bumming on somebody else's couch with Hawaiian Punch I'm gonna go check the fridge let's see if they get some Hawaiian Punch oh they do and it's new they haven't even opened it yet oh my God I want to take a bath in Hawaiian Punch oh that's such a good idea oh it's bath time [Music] all right it's all nice and filled up time to get in I can't believe I got to spend my first two weeks of Summer at school this is all your fault bro no it's all your fault you're the one who's spitting farted all over the pizza I spit and farted on your mom last night you take that back no welcome imbeciles to Summer detention be quiet I need complete silence this music to my ears oh I love that sound you too you made me miss my first two weeks of summer vacation I can't believe you now I'm stuck here at school watching y'all you know what I actually like being here I don't have a life boy I'm lonely but I'ma make you guys life a living hell for the next two weeks you're gonna set a complete silence wow I paid a birdhouse oh boy yeah and if I hear a peep out of any one of you yeah any one of you you're going to the closet of Doom what's the closer to do you say no it's just the most fiery hell blazing closet you've ever seen well is actually an ordinary closet I'm just trying to scare you but just don't say anything shots while I paint my birdhouse hey what's that hey Bubba I want some bubble Bubba no you don't get no Hubba Bubba it's my Hubble bubble I just want a piece bro come on no you farted and spit on my pizza you're not getting my Hubble bubble give me that [ __ ] off you are here talking oh go off the time yes time for real pain and you go [Laughter] okay we're back from Hawaii ow I'm so sunburnt and bruised I told you not to swing on the hammock but it looked like so where's Jeffy who Jeffy who my son oh [ __ ] oh yeah I I dropped him off at school like two weeks ago and I never went back to pick him up well you did go pick him up no I forgot sorry I'm about to go to the school and see what's going on oh wait wait wait wait wait just just one more thing uh I I I saw some Hawaiian punch in your fridge and I thought it would be cool to take a bath in Hawaiian Punch so I did so now your bathtub is all red and sticky yeah yeah well yes sorry about that hey hey you like my birdhouse I painted it myself it took me two weeks pretty neat huh yeah so where's my son oh he's in hell hell oh yeah yeah the closet of Doom that closet right there yeah uh Jeffy you got any fours go fish oh hey Daddy what are you kids doing we've been in the closet for two weeks we've been pooping in the corner and the only thing we've had to eat is Hubba Bubba every time I fart I blow a bubble yeah I'm pretty constipated kids get out of there Jeffy I am so sorry you were left at school for two weeks are you okay what I'm sorry I had something in my ear I think I got it well Jeffy at least you got your detention over with [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,358,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffys summer detention, summer detention, principal, marvin, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, fun, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, joke, brooklyn guy, hilarious, school, summer, junior, joseph, cody
Id: fqyrVSILDqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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