SML Movie: Jeffy's Doll!

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Marvin Jeffy get in here sorry baby I was wiping Jeffy and it was a stinky one Marvin he's 19 years old he can wipe his own butt you would think so but I don't know what I'm doing sometimes after I wipe my butt I just smack it to the wall and then other times I stick so much toilet paper in my butt crack I look like a peacock see that's why I had to wipe them wait what's all this stuff I went Halloween costume shopping Halloween's not for 2 more weeks I know Marvin but I had to get costumes before they sold out look I got Jeffy a ducky costume a Ninja Turtle costume what's up my ninjas Jeffy don't say that I got a cookie monster costume and a piglet oh piglet all day I'm going to go try this baby on you're not going to put that on before bed yes before bed Marvin look I also got this Chucky doll why would you get a Chucky doll because it's cool and it talks press the button I'll kill you I'll Slaughter your whole family isn't that fun oh yeah so fun he has over 25 different catchphrases press it again okay I'm going to kill you you bual piece of [ __ ] wait a minute how would he know I'm bald I don't know Marvin it's just technology well no he only has 25 catchphrases what are the odds that one of them about a bald person press it again he just had press it again yeah Marvin it's probably on demo mode press it I'm not on demo mode and I'm not a toy open this box so I can kill you he just said he's not on demo mode I I think this doll is possessed Marvin you're crazy look Marvin the news breaking news M the toy company is saying that their toys are possessed we have a press conference with the police officer now hey there officer guy here uh so we've been informed by the toy manufacturer that some of the toys they produce are going to become possessed on Friday the 13th which is right now cuz it's past midnight so be on the lookout for killer toys uh we have reports of 15 murders so far like we got a Mr Potato Head that's been killing people we got some Hungry Hungry Hippos that have taken a few kids fingers off so if you have a possessed toy in your house put them in a box and return them to the store for a full refund baby look the new new said that toys were possessed that doll is possessed no he's not Marvin you're being silly then why would the news say that because it was probably a Friday the 13th full State joke that doesn't even make any sense hey Danny check the fit piggy as [ __ ] Jeffy oink oink as [ __ ] Jeffy where's Winnie the [ __ ] Jeffy it's Winnie the Poo and stop cussing so much well stop being bald so much haha good one baby he just said haha good one I know that's not one of his 25 catchphrases Marvin it's just motion activated yeah let's say that this doll is possessed baby I think we should take it out of the box please no Danny where's tiger wait a minute tiger it's more soft Jeffy don't say that buddy my piggy costume's got a FAA the bigger the FAA the tastier the chalupa go to bed Jeffy Oh Daddy I'm actually going to run down to the market and have some roast beef and I'm going to wee wee wee all in my pants no Jeffy I just changed you so we opening this box or what no we're not opening this box I'm going to take this box to the kitchen so no one opens it a all right Chucky you're going to stay right here come on man Chef peee what are you cooking chicken alfredo with red food coloring so it looks like gut cuz of Friday the 13th looks yummy a thanks scary ass doll no no this doll is possessed there's no way that doll's possessed he knows how to compliment some food whatever you do do not open up this box whatever whatever leave me alone so I can cook come on man I'm real hungry just open the box well you did compliment your boy's cooking so I guess I could open it for a little bit not too long but you got to go back in okay this is some good chicken alfredo Chef Pee Pee thank you finally damn somebody said that [ __ ] God hey can you pass the pepper oh yeah I know my boy needs some pepper put some pepper in your Stu here you go here you go my bad you know Chef BP you're a cool dude yeah yeah you too Chucky but tell me something what the hell happened to your face man oh well I died in a toy store during a shootout with the police ah [ __ ] it happens it happens yeah so now my soul is trapped in this doll oh man that sucks uhuh but personal question does your dick still work oh yeah they made a whole movie about it oh that's great man that's great but tell me uh what are your personal Hobbies man what do you like to do I like to kill people look a man it's always the white boys and the gingers but tell me about yourself what do you like to do what don't I do I cook I clean I slave man I just wish everybody would die I could help you with that oh man nice joke Chucky but I know you're just joking I'm not joking I'll kill everybody uh I think it's time to get back in the Box before Marvin gets mad no I don't think so I think I'm going to kill everyone oh God not Marvin's going to be mad at me Marvin I can't believe you took my Chucky doll from me he's possessed no he's not Marvin you're just paranoid he's supposed to say scary things hey you want to die wow I didn't know he could walk he can't is that a real knife yeah you want to feel it look Marvin he's actually stabbing me is that real blood yeah now hold still this is so fun morvin look I'm actually bleeding I think I might die you're next okay I locked the door Jeffy Jeffy you ever heard of knocking daddy me and Peppa Pig were about to Pork we were going to do it piggy style and I was going to take the dirt road home because the Red River was flowing Jeffy call 911 that doll's trying to kill me I'm on it Daddy let me grab my phone all right 91 one I think I'm on hold that's not a real phone Jeffy yes it is why is the cord plugged in oh [ __ ] Jeffy use your other phone okay all right Danny I got my phone hurry up and call 911 all right aato what the hell was that it's du lingo I'm learning to speak Mexican Jeffy no call 911 what's your number give me the phone come on please answer please answer 911 what's your emergency oh thank God well wait a minute you sound like the cop from the news yeah I don't want the fame to go to my head but yeah I was on TV so that means you're going to understand what I'm talking about so there's this crazy crazy toy oh this is about the killer toy yeah yeah yeah this is toy and it killed my wife oh he killed your wife well in that case maybe you should send him to my house he'd be doing me a big favor please no I need you to come over well if you just put him back in the Box he'll get your refund no no no I just need you to come over and help me so you don't want the refund most people are calling about the refund I don't give a [ __ ] about the refund it's trying to kill me and I want you to stop it from killing me okay oh I think I see what's going on you want me to come over and help you yes yeah see the problem is that sounds scary wait it's your job to help me yeah it is my job all right whatever I'll be right there thank you hey Daddy I don't hear the guy at the door anymore I think he left let me go check I don't want to open up the door in case he's still there let me check under the door see if I can see him no I don't see him hey there come on let me stab you come here oh know as Miracle you're still doing du lingo we're trapped in this room and we can't get out esap banaan what did you just say Jeffy Let's Escape out the window good idea there's someone at the door that's probably the cops but we can't answer it cuz we're trapped in the room I'll get it die wa excited little fell aren't you well could you stop brandishing that knife at me please oh yeah sorry anyway we're the police and we got a call that there was a killer toy here oh no no killer toy here oh that's good well you just been a prank call yeah we've been getting a lot of calls about killer toys tonight hey wait where's your mommy and daddy they're dead oh you hear that Simmons he's an orphan oh he's never getting adopted yeah he is an ugly orphan hey buddy what are you doing with that knife oh I was cutting cucumbers oh what are you making pickles who makes pickles oh yeah you're right people usually just buy them oh what happened to your face buddy I ran into a door was it a door full of scissors good one Simmons anyway it's raining I like to State obvious things it helps me Focus you're ugly Simmons thinks you're ugly too oh man you can read my mind yeah anyway uh we're just going to take off but if you are a killer toy could you stop by my house later and help me kill my wife will do all right thanks buddy wait a minute does that mean you are a killer toy no killer toy says what what H gotcha put your hands behind your back you're under arrest killer toy five bucks he runs double or nothing Simmons deal damn it free okay ugly we got your corner now just turn yourself in or will beat you up and make you even uglier but I didn't do nothing well he has a point I can't really prove that he did do nothing I might look there's a body a body where right there right there you see the clue too where on that couch on the couch I don't see it look down look down there is a dead body now let's put these Clues together a dead body a scary guy with a knife and a 911 call about a a dead wife you did kill her oh man you guys caught me okay we can do this the easy way or the hard way I always pick the hard way Simmons the Box on it gotcha we got him the easy way okay Marvin you can come out we got him are you sure oh yeah I'm sure he's dead oh no he's not dead even better we put him back in the box and we returned him for a refund wait he's still alive so he can escape and come and kill me oh he's not going to escape that box is closed and you got a refund oh yeah we didn't even need a receipt it's free returns within 14 days well can I have that $100 hell no you didn't even want the refund remember you made me come and deal with him oh well my wife is still dead can you try to revive her I guess I'll put my doctor outfit on and try okay she's alive look Marvin the doctor revived me yeah it wasn't easy bringing somebody back to life when they've been dead for fiveish minutes but I did it and she might have some permanent brain damage from the lack of oxygen but other than that she'll be okay it's fine she's not the only person I know that has brain damage hey Daddy I frost Peppa Pigs turds Peppa pink and or booty hole [Music] Brown
Channel: SML
Views: 5,983,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffys doll, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, joke, marvin, rose, chucky, doll, scary, horror, parody, hilarious, fun, brooklyn guy
Id: PN28FR_oflg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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