SML Movie - Junior's Macaroni Art! - Full Episode

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macaroni art so on your desk you should have macaroni Gro and a piece of paper you have the entire day of craft to make your macaroni art and I'll grade it at the end of the day go guys we get to make macaroni art dude this is like a free day I'm totally going to have F this it really just gave us boxes of macaroni and cheese and glue like look look the cheese packet is still in there I could just make macaroni and cheese if I wanted to I could make three servings of macaroni and cheese well stop flapping your lips and go make it you know what I'm going to do that I'm going to go to the teacher lounge and cook this up so Penelope what macaroni art are you going to make it's a surprise for you okay all right guys let's do it and done what did you make Joseph oh I made a pile of throw up dude sick right it does look like a pile of throw up thanks dude what Penelope did you make a ball sack wao a ball sack no Junior I made a heart because I love you it looks like a ball sack yeah a ball sack would have been better dude I made a macaroni Dragon oh my God Junior that looks amazing oh dude you supposed post that to Instagram mac and cheese anyone I made about three servings holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Junior look at that macaroni Dragon it looks cool as tits you should put that on the ground I should really make an Instagram post about this yeah dude it's going to go viral uh nobody answered me about the mac and cheese of course we want a bowl of mac and cheese Cody pour it give me a bowl idiot I'm going to post this on Instagram I made a volcano erupting a make my volcano erupt Daddy I made the night sky with a bunch of stars in it you didn't even do anything yeah I did each one of these Stars CU have its own solar system with a a bunch of planets that could have life and worlds we haven't even explored yet that's gay yeah well yours is just a dick thanks for the mac and cheese Cody yeah I would have made it creamier but I didn't think you guys would want Cody's special juice in it I'm not eating it hey do you think the teacher's going to grade our macaroni art well you're going to get in trouble because he's going to think you made a ball sack it's not a ball sack Junior guys I think the teacher's asleep oh well since he's asleep you guys want to leave school early and come hang out at my house sure hell yeah dude no I'm not going I'm staying here cuz I don't want to get in trouble you're going to get in trouble cuz you made a ball sack shut up Junior I'm going to take this and put this on my refrigerator guys what do you think shf peip is going to say when I put this on the refrigerator he might get scared and think it's a real dragon dude did you ever post it on Instagram I did but I haven't checked on it let me see how it's doing oh my God Junior your macaroni dragon has 4 million likes who dude your Instagram famous what 4 million liked I mean I know it's good but I didn't think that many people would like it Junior you're never going to believe who commented on your picture who Stone Cold Steve Austin the wrestler yeah he says man this [ __ ] is Stone Cold and then he says what's your address buddy and then he said I'm going to kick your ass actually I don't know if he liked it or not well let me see if he messaged me oh guys he direct messaged me ooh I don't I don't think he likes it dude he commented on your thing three times he definitely likes it well you remember that world record egg picture he he didn't like that one either I think he just hates viral pictures on Instagram oh who's at the door I really hope it's not Stone Cold Steve Austin well let me go see hello hello hey there you the kid that made that macaroni Dragon yeah well you're going to be huge I tell you huge who are you I'm Steve stalberger talent agent and macaroni art Enthusiast have you ever thought about going pro pro in what well becoming a professional macaroni artist of course I didn't know that was a thing of course it's a thing a lot of people dream of being professional macaroni artists in fact tonight is the macaroni artist Super Bowl with the two best macaroni artists in the world go head tohe and I think you've got what it takes well I've only ever made one macaroni art oh come on kid I've seen your and if Stone Cold Steve Austin wants to beat your ass that means it's good he hates really good macaroni art it's the highest compliment you can get really yeah so come on you in uh I guess I'll do it okay be at the Super Bowl at 8:00 p.m. okay but I don't know where it's at I'll figure it out who's at the door Junior it was some old guy saying he wanted me to compete in the Super Bowl of macaroni the [ __ ] one the [ __ ] what the Super Bowl of macaroni dude that definitely made up no he sounded real he sounded like he meant it and he said I'm competing against another guy who's good at Macaroni art are you really sure yeah he said a 8:00 tonight it's tonight tonight definitely made up bro yeah no it sounds like someone just came into the front door oh no I hope it's not stold Steve oin bro if it's Stone Cold Steve Austin I'm out of here no Joseph don't leave who is that what's up [ __ ] what are you doing in my house I'm just trying to see who I'm up against in the macaroni Super Bowl wait you're the guy I'm going to verse yeah are you even good am I good you see this black guy Stone Cold Steve Austin gave me that he hit me with a stone cold stunner in the parking lot this morning when I was at the grocery store buying macaroni for the Super Bowl oh so I guess you are good yeah and I can tell you're not very good because Stone Cold Steve Austin would have already kicked your ass by now well he's trying to no he's not hold on my phone's ringing guys it's Stone Cold Steve Austin he's calling me hello hey a Stone Cold Steve Austin here's me Stone Cold Steve aus Austin I saw your little macaroni doodle it was cool too cool so whenever I find you I'm going to kick your ass I'm going to leg drop you through a table you little punk why do you hate my drawing so much I mean it it was really cool look at it wow kid you must be really good Stone Cold Steve Austin was really mad I he broke his phone there yeah I guess that means I am really good at Macaroni art and I guess that means I have a chance to beat you then oh no you're never going to beat me I've been practicing macaroni art my entire life why would you do that well it all started with one man macaroni Jones who's macaroni Jones oh I'll tell you the story so I was in elementary school and we were making macaroni art and I made a smiley face and I thought it was the best smiley face you could make as a third grader so I called the teacher over and I was like Mrs Williams look and she gave me a thumbs up so I was like [ __ ] yeah I got got a thumbs up that's me but then there he was macaroni Jones he made a dinosaur out of macaroni like I'm talking it was gorgeous I thought it was a real dinosaur his art was so good and Mrs Williams saw it and said hey look class look how good macaroni Jones's art is and the entire class clapped and cheered and this one kid even pulled his eyes out and said I never want to see anything ever again because I've seen it all now I want that macaroni art to be the last thing I ever see so that pissed me off so I went home that night and I got a bucket a glue and a box of macaroni and I stayed up all night to try to make macaroni art better than his then I went to school the next day and said hey Mrs Williams check this [ __ ] out I made the best possible tree out of macaroni and Mrs Williams said very nice guy and it broke my heart very nice that's it [ __ ] then everyone heard a honk outside and we looked out the window and macaroni Jones pulled up in his macaroni car he made an entire car out of macaroni you should have seen the kid with no eyes he pulled his ears off after that he said that was the last thing he ever wanted to hear because it was so beautiful I even heard macaroni Jones made his entire house out of macaroni he even put a feather in his cap and called it macaroni so I vowed from that day forward to be the best at Macaroni art I never heard what happened to Macaroni Jones after that but I think he might be the quarterback for the New England Patriots now oh wow well what kind of macaroni art have you made since then well I can't tell you that I wouldn't want to give you any ideas but just know I'm not going to hold back just cuz you're a little kid you better bring it you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than some shitty little macaroni Dragon get good scrub wow Cody he was a meanie beanie yeah meanie beanie indeed wow Jor you have a lot of pressure you have to compete with him and Stone Cold Steve Austin's trying to kick your ass yeah well I can't back down I have to go to the Macaroni Super Bowl hello and welcome to the Macaroni art Super Bowl sponsored by Craft elma's glue and paper today we have the two best macaroni artists in the world facing off to see who can make the best macaroni art we'll be starting soon Hey kid good luck tonight thanks pych I hope you [ __ ] lose I hope you break your fingers trying to glue the macaroni to the paper cuz there's no way you're going to win there's no way you're going to beat my macaroni treat I've been practicing that since third grade wait [ __ ] did I just say what I was going to make no that's not what I meant I meant I mean I'm making broccoli no [ __ ] that still looks too much like a tree not not that I'm making a tree cuz I'm not no I'm making a cauliflower no that still looks like a tree which is not what I'm making it's not a tree it's a it's actually it's a it's a tree house but that's still a tree but it's not a tree it's definitely not a tree it's a stump I'm making a stump all right you know what [ __ ] it I'm making a tree okay but you're not going to beat it it's going to be the best tree you've ever seen it's going to be a photo realistic tree it's going to look just like the real thing okay you know what I dare you make a tree go ahead try it it's not going to beat mine try it all right we're ready to start on your mark get set go I'm blind I know I have a head start all right time's up let's see what you made well kid I think I outdid myself this time time Behold a tree the Mighty Oak just look at the detail the bark the hole well guy let's see what you did this time oh look at that a tree for the 25th year in a row but this one might just be your best thank you very much sir I tried very hard on it well let's see what you did Junior well Sonia paper appears to be empty H he choked looks like I win well no look this is what I made holy Jumping Jesus that's a fully functional macaroni car he learned from macaroni Jones [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it I can't believe this I hate my life so much well I guess we have our winner Junior wins I hate you so what do I win for making this nothing you just win wait I don't get a trophy or anything nope but go post that on Instagram that's it yep Oh okay it doesn't roll well on carpet oh well how did the Super Bowl go I won oh cool wait did you get a ring or something no they don't really give anything for winning well do you even have any proof that you won no what okay well does this thing even exist yeah know it existed and I won I made a macaroni car oh that's I mean that's cool how do you do that well I just built a Lego car and glued macaroni on it I feel like they would have disqualified you if they knew that well I don't think there's any rules it was just a guy uh oh wait what was that there was someone at the door hello I told you Stone Cold was going to get you don't you dare make a good macaroni art ever again Houston we're ready for liftoff 5 4 Jeffy play with that somewhere else 3 2 1 Jeffy you're being loud we have successful liftoff we are now in route to Uranus Jeff stop trying to sh that at my butt we was going to Uranus well Uranus is closed fly somewhere else all right Houston change your plans we're now going towards your black hole stop trying to shove that my butt we we going towards your black hole oh man we lost another one daddy hold on there's someone at the door hello hey Marvin I want you to meet my dog Prince Charles guess how much I paid for how much $2 million $2 million for a dog yeah because he's a woolly tuskin long-haired SCH snower he's AC a cross between a woolly mammoth and a Shih Tzu see what they did was they found a fossilized testicle of a woolly mammoth and they stuck it in the Vine of a Shih Tzu and out came him he's a oneof a kind there's no other dog like him well why'd you bring him here well because I'm entering him into a dog contest tomorrow Marvin and tonight I'm having a chocolate eating party at my mansion and obviously dogs can't have chocolate so I don't want to run the risk so I'm dropping them off here well no you're not dropping off here I don't I don't want the responsibility of your $2 million dog well I have no other choice Marvin listen look if you watch him for me tonight and he enters the dog show tomorrow and wins I'll give you $50,000 wait wait you'll give me $50,000 if I watch your dog for a night yes but keep in mind he's very high maintenance he only eats Japanese A5 wagu beef flown in from Japan if he eats anything else I'll [ __ ] all over your house um I mean uh is that a yes yeah sure I'll do it all right great here go ahead Prince Charles he's so heavy yeah he's part woolly mammoth Marvin keep that in mind come on Prince Charles uh oh Marvin you found a dog no it's Goodman's dog he wants me to watch him a what what's his name my name is Prince Charles bar you can talk of course I can talk I'm rich and bar hey morvin almost forgot to bring you his chew toys there's one of them right there oh is this like a squeaky toy no that's a real $10,000 you let your dog chew on money yeah he's teething I also have his gold bar right here that helps sharpen his teeth but you let your dog show on money and gold yeah cuz that's what he wants to do ew it smells so poor in here I agree Prince Charles you'll be home in the morning Marvin you don't know anything about watching a dog who is this witch oh this is my wife Rose you poor poor thing and Bun look baby he's paying me a lot of money to watch his dog hand me my chew toy peasant okay look we're going to be respectful in this house prin Charles he spent my face hand me my chew toy peasant here hey Daddy oh look a puppy what do you want Jeffy I found this moldy chicken nugget behind the refrigerator can't eat it no Jeffy oh no spit it out spit it spit it out yummy oh no what's wrong Marvin it's just a chicken nugget Goodman said he can only eat A5 wagu Bee from Japan that's ridiculous Marvin it's a dog it can eat anything uh-oh I have to take a dooky peasant carry me outside come on Jeffy let's lift him up what why do you have to carry him I'm too rich to walk oh come on Jeffy okay Prince Charles hurry up and take a dump I only poop on Bermuda grass this is St Augustine bar well look this is the only grass we have just hurry up and take a dump well it's hard to focus when I don't have my mountain side view well look we don't have any mountains around us all we have is this just hurry up well I guess I'll try hey look he's pooping I know it's gross I'm going to have to clean it up peace you wa is that money it is I only poop Cold Hard Cash you poop money Jeffy I think I like this dog I think it's like I like this dog a lot uh do you have to use the bathroom anymore I'm done now carry me a home bark okay all right Jeffy get the dog all right baby you won't believe it what's wrong Marvin the dog poops cash what yeah literally this cash came out of his butt Marvin there's no way that he poops cash he does so I made him this big plate of food so he can eat it up and we can print money you can't do that you can't use a dog for money it's the circle of life baby he eats food he poops money it makes sense I don't know about this Marvin come on Prince Charles bone appeti e no thank you what do you mean no thank you what do I look like to you a French Bulldog but but you ate the other chicken nugget that's because it was green like The Color of Money well I I can I can paint this green no come on just eat it I'm fool no Prince Charles you're going to eat this food right oh my God you B me oh Jesus Christ oh I think he broke my hand oh my God we need to get you to a hospital take me to a hospital Jeffy I watch the dog shit's crazy out here who are you supposed to be my name's Jeffy here play with your toy ho ho ho scooter CLA is in the house hey Scooter what are you doing well well well someone got a puppy dog that's what puppy dog says oh my God what breed are you w we w we look at all this money you can buy a lot of yo-yos with that money I want yo-yo what is this thing wait a minute does this dog talk yes good that dog can talk someone bear call the news this poor thing needs a haircut I do not need a haircut well how many fingers am I holding up four poor thing can't even see time to give him a haircut I hold him down when you cut his hair scooter go you are not going to give me a haircut oh still damn it and done now you look all pretty pretty yeah hey dog what have you done to me my beautiful hair how am I going to win the dog show now Bo n look like Rudolph The red- Nose Reindeer time to put a red nose on you don't you dare I'll hold him down give here a little fella but you look at that he look just like Rudolph I'm living in Hell come on Rudolph let's go to your North Pole you're so heavy get that fat boy see you guys later say hi to Sanda Claus for me Jeffy we're home Jeffy why is there fur all over the couch scooter gave Prince Charles a haircut a haircut oh no no no no no where's Prince Charles where is he he and scooter on the way to the North Pole to see Santa Claus Jeffy don't you screw with me where's Prince Charles I just told you he and scooter on the way to the North Pole to see Santa Claus oh no no way this is my life no way this happened to me I can't believe we lost that dog Marvin calm down we have $20,000 and a gold bar on the sofa we'll be fine no we will not be fine Goodman needed that dog for a show tomorrow for the internet National exotic dog competition you've heard of it yes Marvin the winner gets $5 million $5 million he was only going to give me $50,000 well look we lost Goodman's dog and now he's going to kill me Marvin I have a plan what we can take all the money and run away to Hawaii he'll never find us there he will find me there he has a Tracker in my ass until I pay off the house okay look we just got to find a dog to put into the competition tomorrow Marvin you can't find a dog by tomorrow yeah yes we will um oh Jeffy do you still have your dog yeah poopy butt yeah go grab your dog okay I got it an idea here you go Daddy all poopy butt that dog right there that dog is going to win the competition Marvin there's no way that dog is going to win the international exotic dog competition sure he can he's paralyzed from the neck down well they don't need to know that he can't even walk Marvin well Prince Charles couldn't walk we had to carry him everywhere so they won't know when we're carrying him around look look look look all we have to do is just tape all this fur onto him tape or staple it I mean he's paralyzed he won't be able to feel it look look look I promise once we get all this fur to him you won't even know it's not the the the rare dog that Goodman had Marvin this isn't going to work I need it to work all right everyone grab some tape and some glue and some Staples okay let's get to work and done doesn't he look just like Prince Charles he looks terrible Marvin but no he doesn't he looks just like the other dog he had all this fur maybe if the other dog went through a wood chipper you're just being mean he looks just like the other dog I don't want to be a part of this you're being a quitter what do you think Jeffy yep what what do you think about the dog I think he looks like a cat's hair ball and he sounds like one too no Jeffy he looks just like Prince Charles someone's at the door you have fun with that Daddy okay stay right here uh Prince Charles uh hello what Goodman what are you doing here bad news Marvin the chocolate party got canceled it got canceled why turns out I don't like chocolate so I came here to pick up my dog pick up your dog you're not supposed to pick him up till tomorrow you should come back tomorrow because me and the dog were having so much fun I know he's great isn't he he shits cash I noticed so you should just come back tomorrow what happened to your arm you get carpal tunnel from beating your wiener too much in there no I I fell down the stairs but but anyway uh yeah just come back tomorrow and you can get your dog no it's okay I understand that your arm hurts I'll go upstairs and get them all right here's your dog you think I'm stupid don't you but no this is Prince Charles look say your name say I'm Prince Charles did he have a stroke uh no he's just sleeping he's having a bad dream where's Prince Charles at he's right here that is not Prince Charles where's my Prince Charles okay look he's on his way to the North Pole to see Santa well tell Santa Claus he owes me $2 million look look look listen look your dog bit me in the hand and then I left him alone with Jeffy and then Jeffy shaved him and they thought he was a reindeer I don't know why I keep trusting you with thing I don't know why either I told you I did not want this responsibility so it's kind of your fault for trusting me I can't show up to the Internet National exotic dog competition with this this thing well you're just going to have to find another dog H I got an idea why you looking at me like that welcome to the international exotic dog competition our first contestant is toodles the black bear poodle he's a mix between a black bear and an actual poodle yeah and our next contestant is say it bark bark bark oh my God what kind of animal is this sir it's a [ __ ] who likes to lose people's do Marvin our Halloween costumes are so cute jeffy's the cat and the hat and we're Thing One and Thing Two and thing three is in my pants I'm just tired of Halloween already it's my winner Marvin don't say that Halloween's amazing you get to dress up in costumes you get to carve pumpkins and you get to go trick-or-treating cat penis Jeffy stop it well Danny what does a cat wiener look like I don't know I'm going to Google it listen I'm just I'm tired of Halloween like your dress up in costumes every year it's so CH I don't want to look at a cat weener Jeffy why is it bigger than mine put your phone away Jeffy okay so what do what does everyone want to do for Halloween well I think since I'm dressed up as the cat and the hat I should try to rhyme every time I talk okay uh what's your favorite candy Reese's Pieces um what's your favorite part about Halloween Reese's Pieces you can't say Reese's Pieces everything Jeffy uh what's your favorite color Reese's Pieces but that's not a color Marvin maybe he's saying he likes the color orange and brown and yellow pillow yellow and pillow don't rhyme Jeffy yes it does Santa Claus that doesn't rhyme okay look I'm going to stop getting so mad about your stupid costume in the Rhymes all right listen so what are we going to do first let's carve pumpkins what carve pumpkins I asked what's carve pumpkins but you can't rhyme your first sentence with we're going to go carve pumpkins Jeffy come on okay Jeffy you're going to carve this big pumpkin right here and I'm going to carve this tiny one if my Wier was your pumpkin it'd be the tiny one that didn't rhyme Jeffy Reese's Pieces you can't end every sentence with Reese's Pieces that doesn't count well rhyming is too hard so I give up okay look let's just carve this pumpkin what does carve pumpkin mean baby show them what it means okay you take a knife and then you stab your pumpkin like this you st the baby pumkin in front of each Mommy you're going to hell murderer Jeffy murderer murderer Jeffy you're supposed to do that what Cari pumpkins is murderer okay come on Jeffy you guys kill your baby pumpkin we carving murderer that's how you carve pumpkins Jeffy hey there somebody called the cops or should I say a Jedi what hold on damn it stupid thing um give it a second it's supposed to light up ha a Jedi isn't that sick isn't technology amazing you know like those velcro shoes you don't even have to learn how to tie your shoes I sure didn't anyway why' you guys really call me my parents are murderers oh no were they killing younglings yes that sounds like Sith Behavior to me ow you come here ow okay I took care of them but what's really going on okay we were carving pumpkins and we stabbed the baby pumpkin in front of the mommy pumpkin yeah ow okay first of all actually also anyway nevertheless uh carving pumpkins is not illegal we were trying to tell Jeffy that it's not illegal yeah okay so I'm going to go back home and pass out candy which is what you should be doing okay all right guys we're going to do what the cop said we're going to go pass out candy come on all right Jeffy when you hear the doorbell you're going to pass out candy okay okay there's throwing at the door what Jeffy you're supposed to wait for me to open the door oh okay trick or treat ow but Jeffy no you're supposed to toss the candy in the bag oh okay let me try again well no don't give me more C ow I'm racist cups we don't pass out candy to racist cups no racist cups all right look you got enough candy so you can go but he didn't put the candy in the bag look just go okay okay Jeffy I'm going to pass out candy to the next trick-or-treater because you don't know how to do it there's someone else tricker trous your boy douge you're supposed to say trick-or treat church is chicken what no no look you can't trick-or treat at your own house but I don't want no candy I want some money I'm not giving you money well I need the new coolerist dood look look we you can get that later well I'm the Kool-Aid man oh yeah bye your boy douge wait where's my money okay look let's go upstairs and figure out something else cuz hanging out candy is not fun okay we just passed out candy we carved pumpkins I'm ready to go to bed no Marvin we still have to go trick-or-treating yeah Danny I want some candy okay let's hurry up and go trick-or-treat let's get it over with actually Marvin I'm tired I'm going to stay home well no if anyone gets to stay home it's me I don't want to go out in the cold well someone has to pass out candy yeah dny she's got a point well I'll pass out the candy no Marvin you're Thing One Thing Two by themselves doesn't make any sense yeah Dad I got T too right here Ono come on let's just go okay Jeffy let's hurry up and go trick-or-treating so I can go to bed what trick-or-treaters hello treat what the [ __ ] what Jeffy don't don't throw candy at him uh what are you doing here Goodman I'm here for your house payment Marvin already yeah cuz it's the end of the month oh well me and my son were about to go trick-or-treating Marvin do you know what my costume is you're a horse yeah and in case you're wondering the carpets do match the drapes I got a horse CER Marvin okay yeah so since you don't have my house payment I'm taking your candy that you're going to give out to the kids in your neighborhood so now you look like an [ __ ] oh don't do that Trigg or Treat come on Jeffy let's go okay Jeffy this is the first first house Danny why do I have a cupcake pan because we didn't have any trash bags are we poor yes a oh trickortreat Jeffy be nice hello trick or treat suck my ass but Jeffy oh what lovely man is that's the spirit I'm count succul I can suck anyone off yes you can I was her first victim before you knocked on the door thanks for interrupting uh what are you supposed to be oh I'm tiger the rapper Oh I thought you were a Tigger o you one letter off and getting the ass whooping boy here you go here's some candy all right Jeffy what do you say piss off what Jeffy come on oh kind of suck you little I think I need to be a victim again me out okay Jeffy this is the next house this is not the candy you're looking for oh hey it's you guys I guess you came here for the good candy well too bad cuz it's all mine especially the Reese's Pieces no one can have those those are my favorite now Bo don't be stingy with the candy this is my wife she's a mermaid it has nothing to do with Star Wars Bo you were supposed to be my Prince Eric yeah well I don't know who that is so you can have fun passing out the candy but don't give them ie's pieces uh can we have some candy please okay sure there you go happy Halloween more Jeffrey no come on Bo I handed out the candy wait a minute one two Karen two of my Reese's Pieces are missing your what my Reese's pie of D Oh I thought you said Reese's Cups we don't have any Reese's Cups Karen well I'm sorry B I didn't understand the directions hey you guy Jonathan what are you doing here well since I'm your brother I figured it was okay if I just walk in your house no leave you didn't even ask me what my outfit was I'm to cuz I like toes get it Caren show me your toes oh I'm a merid I don't have to show me a booby Shin okay Jonathan I think you need to leave can I have some candy first no I'm killing mom don't tell Mom damn it Karen I can't believe you gave away two of my Reeses pieces I'm going to I know where those people live I'm going to go find them and I'm going to get my candy back Bo you leave those nice people alone okay guys let's look at all the candy we got from trick-or-treating yeah okay well I got some fruit rollups I have not quite enough Snickers to spell snickers but I can spell Ricks and I have some Starburst Cody what is your Halloween costume supposed to be yeah dude I was wondering that all day really come on I'm Harry Potter oh you look like a lawyer what a lawyer is this what you think a lawyer looks like well you have a tie on in a suit in the Harvard scarf what did you think this thing in my hand was um like a pen so you could write down stuff in court but no why do you think I have a broom so you can sweep up your office dude I thought you were a lawyer but from Antarctica what Antarctica yeah cuz of the scarf duh oh yeah no Joseph what is your costume supposed to be isn't it obvious dude I'm a green astronaut oh yeah famous green astronaut I've heard of those Cody you haven't asked what my costume is yeah I'm trying not to think about it well come on guess is it my mom no but really no it's not your mom it's your mom but in Minecraft Jesus he's thinking outside the box Junior you've already been my mom for Halloween before but I've never been your mom in Minecraft I guess that's true okay guys let's trade some candy okay what's your first offer okay well I really want that Starburst so I'll trade you a Milky Way for your Starburst no no no no no way no way I'm trading my Starburst for a little tiny mini Milky Way okay how about this I will trade you um oh my kit kat for the starburst M no no how about your cheit for my Starburst I'm not trading my cheit I love cheit okay so how about I trade you my fruit snacks for your Starburst well I already have M fruit snacks and that's actually pretty similar so no okay okay Joseph you have two Starburst so I'm going to trade you something um I'll trade you my chees it's for your Starburst oh deal dude what the [ __ ] junior that's exactly what I wanted but he has two Starburst so he he has like more to trade than you do yeah dude I'm not going to pass up on a good deal but it's the same it's not the same deal look now give give me my give me there you go should have been greedy should have gave me the starburst this is [ __ ] hey guys call me the baker man cuz I got a cupcake pan oh sweet Lord Jesus are those Reese's Pieces oh dude I'll trade you all my candy for the Reese's PC no my candy for the Reese's pces no I want the Reese's pces back off guys the Reese's pces are mine yo man darn it I'm done with this stupid holiday baby can you help me take my costume off okay Marvin be careful you don't want to touch my thing one my my one thing what Benny I struck gold check it out two packs of Reese's Pisces wow Jeffy that's really cool yeah I'm going to eat them not so fast those Rices pieces are mine what wait wa actually he got them trick-or-treating so they're his yeah well my and I hate to call her this my wife accidentally passed those out and she knows they're mine so I am am taking these and if you have a problem with that you're going to die well then you're going to have to fight me oh yeah my red things out my things out oh no I dropped my lightsaber if you strike me down I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine ow my eye I'm telling my mommy all right daddy open up a pack of these Reese's [ __ ] so guys you ready to go to school oh yeah let me just grab my cup oh dude I almost forgot about mine you ready hold on just one second dude I'm going to go to school junior where's your cup yeah dude what cup your Stanley Cup well I don't play professional hockey and I've never won a championship so I don't have a Stanley Cup no silly your Stanley Cup what are you sipping out of yeah this thing I thought a Stanley Cup was a hockey trophy no Junior this is a Stanley Cup this is the new technology and drinking yeah it's very futuristic I'm talking congesting style dudee well what's it do what's it do Joseph you hear that this knucklehead just asked us what it do Silly Billy is doing what it do it holds 30 o of drink Junior and check this out it keeps your drink cold for 9 hours and your ice doesn't melt for 40 hours wait if the ice doesn't melt for 40 hours then why does the drink only stay cold for 9 hours shouldn't the drink stay cold for 40 hours who knows Junior maybe the ice cubes get hot and look it even keeps the ice cubes hot for 5 hours dude it's unheard of well how much is it it's about 50 bucks wait Joseph how' you get one dude you know I stole it I got Sticky Fingers wait so can I just go buy one no no they're sold out everywhere yeah you won't find it anywhere dude well I guess I'll just not have one and go to school well I mean you're going to get made fun of yeah you going to get thirsty ain't it what no one's going to make fun of me cuz no one's ever heard of these things you guys are the only ones that have them oh you've obviously not been on Tik Tok bro it went super viral come on well look I'll just go get a drink from McDonald's and drink out of a normal cup what and have your ice melt and then water down your drink no way Jose rookie mistake well can can you put a root beer float in it oh my God all right Joseph come on let's go to school he's so naive well I was just wondering if if the ice cream melts after 40 hours or just just stay ice cream and Penelope you have one too Junior where's your Stanley Cup no he doesn't have one yeah he's missing out Junior you're totally Lane you have to go get one I can't be with you unless you have a Stanley Cup I don't need one it doesn't take me 40 hours to drink my drinks with ice I bet you like it when your ice melts you sick [ __ ] yeah dude you're super lame I don't need one why would I need one because Junior you don't look hydrated thirsty ass hey guys PJ CR showw PA of jam crw jamy jam crw oh my God no ST cup bro thanks I would give anything to take a sip out of your cup why cuz it's a BBC big black cup I just wanted to invite you guys to my Stanley Cup party we're going to sit around and sip cold drinks for 40 hours and of course it's B yo C bring your own Stanley Cup well what if we don't have a Stanley Cup who doesn't have a Stanley Cup do we have to go no I'm going I want to go I'm definitely going I'm going to get a Stanley Cup right now okay grape you're going to tell me what I need to know or your brother's going to die so cough it up talk oh you ain't going to say nothing okay [Music] okay you think I'm [ __ ] playing with you huh huh hey sh peee yeah no more family members just cuz you didn't want to talk no more family reunion [ __ ] wait Chef peipi oh what's up Junior what are you doing oh I just was trying to find out why are these grapes seedless it's a mystery oh I was wondering if you could go get me a Stanley cup what I I can't do that Junior I'm not athletic I don't even have legs wait Chef what is this it's a water bottle wait how long does it keep drinks cold for like 24 hours 24 hours I mean that's that's got to be good enough but if you could go get me a Stanley Cup I'd really appreciate it Junior I can't do that well look I'm going to take this but I know if you try hard enough you can get a Stanley Cup I believe in you you really do my mama didn't even believe in me okay I'll do it Junior all right guys check out my Stanley what the hell is this where didd you get that knockoff cup from teu or Ali boooo [ __ ] well no guys it's a take you it's like a Stanley Junior nothing's like a Stanley there's only one Stanley yeah Stanley's one of one dude well no it does exactly what the Stanley does it keeps my drink cold for 24 hours 24 hours that's nowhere near 40 yeah Junior what are you going to do when we want to do our 40-hour drinking binges oh boy he's not going to last I don't need my drink cold for 40 hours 24 hours is long enough but Junior by the time you go to bed your shit's going to be melted yeah it's going to be a slushie bro well look look this will keep my drinks hot for 12 hours yours only does 5 hours it'll keep your drinks hot forever because your ice is going to be melted after 24 hours bro it's not even winter why are you drinking hot stuff well guys let's just go to PJ's party you're not going to get into the party with this you need a Stanley yeah he's going to notice that fake you dude well he's not going to notice let's just get in he's going to notice because they don't make Stanley in this color piss yellow yes it's a dead giveaway and where's your straw there's a straw under there let me see here what Junior that's not a straw that's a hole dude it's going to spill everywhere okay guys fine I'll go try to find a stand damn where's the Stanley where's the Stanley at Hey sir I can tell you're looking for something frantically can I help you uh do you have any Stanley Cups do we have any Stanley Cups kid do you even know what you're asking for that's the hottest Cup on the market right now look over here look we just sold the [ __ ] out see all we got left are the camp mugs are the camp mugs cool no that's why they haven't sold out yet who wants a camp mug who camps who mugs oh well can you check the back and see if you have any I'm telling you right now we don't have any sorry if you're not first you're last wait is that a Stanley oh yeah yeah I mean a it's not one of the cool ones I mean it only keeps the drinks cold for 17 hours but it's still pretty neat I mean hey it's got a picture of a bear with wings on it who's also a king so that's pretty cool well can I buy that one from you no I don't want to be a lame get your own Stanley Cup can you please double check the back all I know we have back there is a yeti maybe it could eat you so you don't have to live with the embarrassment of not having a Stanley Cup is it a real Yeti no it's actually just the kind of cup we have I mean it's not a Stanley but it's second best well can you grab it okay I just need something all right guys look what I just got oh Junior a Yeti d 2015 called they want their cut back guys a Yeti is just as good as a Stanley look it has 35 o yours is only 30 okay but how long does it keep your drink cold for what's the mileage on that bad boy uh it doesn't say does it that's cuz those [ __ ] cowards were afraid to put it on there cuz they knew it was embarrassing no I bet it keeps it cold for like 38 hours no it doesn't Junior if your dick's big you brag about it look at Stanley he just whipped it out said 40 hours what are you going to do about it Yeti ain't packing nothing yeah Yeti's a grower not a shower dude big ched energy no guys look the Yeti's cool just look at it what oh my God you can see inside it yeah you can see what you're drinking Junior look at this you can't see inside the Stanley am I done who knows look at that the sun's going to creep in and melt your drink but drink's already melted and a Yeti they are look guys look the yeti is cool enough I just paid for it well how much did you pay for it $40 oh Junior for $10 more you could have had a Stanley they don't have Stanley they're sold out everywhere that's too bad Junior Joseph come on we got to go to that party should I go should I show up with the yeti if you show up with that Yeti you're going to get kicked out yeah loser I'mma get a Stanley stupid Yeti oh I need a Stanley Cup well maybe my dad bought one a long time ago and put it in the cabinets no no Junior I did it I won the Stanley Cup what you won the Stanley Cup trophy yeah yeah and it wasn't easy I did so well though that they made a new Stanley Cup trophy for me let me tell you what happened so I joined the Toronto Maple Leaves hockey team they needed a goalie so it worked out perfectly because I don't have any legs so I just sat that in the goal it was the preseason so I knew it would take a few months to make it to the championship but out of nowhere all the teams in the NHL PLS crash leaving only my team in the Vegas golden kns so they had the finals today and the game was tied one to one very slow ass game and the other team hit the puck right at me hitting me in my face knocking out my teeth and giving me a black eye but the puck bounced off my face and flew all the way across the ice into the air goal and we won the stanle leag C can you believe that and the best part about it Junior since the maple Lea haven't won since like 1967 they deigned and name this trophy after me it's called the peee cup so here junior have your PP cup it's way better than a Stanley Cup I'm sorry Chef peee I don't need a hockey trophy I need a Stanley Cup that I can drink out of you can take a lid off it and drink out that [ __ ] no it needs to be like an actual Stanley Cup I'm sorry shfp it's not good enough exactly like my father said [Applause] oh I need a Stanley Cup God please give me a Stanley Cup hello my son who are you I am the trend God the trend God yes anything that has ever trended have gone viral I have created I create Trends maybe you remember the fidget spinner or shutter Shades or even way back in the 1800s top hats oh and I know for a fact you've heard of airpods overpriced wireless headphones I'll take three but my favorite thing is making things for basic white [ __ ] oh Ugg boots Starbucks North Face jackets and my best creation of all Taylor Swift yes that's right I created her in a laboratory I never thought she'd be this big sometimes my Creations go a little rampant she's actually gotten a little too big do you know what she's doing she is taking her music that she's already recorded and made money off of and she's recording it again exactly the same way and calling it her version and you know what she's going to do after that she's going to do it again and she's going to do it again and again and then eventually she's going to have kids and they're going to make her own and they're going to call it Taylor's kids version and they'll going to do that a thousand times oh she is a money-making machine God I am so [ __ ] Rich so you made the Stanley Cup too oh yes one of my finest Creations see my friend Stanley bet me that I couldn't reinvent a cup that already exists and make it trendy so I did and I named it after him the poor bastard oh so simple but so [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] love it though well can I please have that one my all my friends have one I want one no of course not if people had things they wouldn't be trendy if everybody has something it's not trendy that's the whole point of being trendy if everybody has it it's just tube socks which I also invented and they were trendy at one point oh well I just really want a Stanley C well I can't give you my staning cup but I can give you this one of my more regrettable Creations maybe you remember baby shark do you can have that a baby shark cup yes yeah not real proud of that one but you can have that I must go now I have other Trends to create oo I have an idea what about putting googly eyes on French fries before you eat them yes and then kids will eat the googly eyes and they'll have to go to the hospital and it'll be like Tide Pods all over over again oh how do I do it I am brilliant I'm just going to leave on my Razor scooter now T [ __ ] it's hard to do in the house I'll try to get in the party with this next let me see your Stanley here you go sir okay you're good next let me see your Stanley here you go okay you're good next Hey everybody please have your Stanley ready with the logo facing me oh no they're checking Stanley's at the door yeah Junior you can't get in the party and let unless you have a Stanley Cup did you get yours uh I got this junior you really think that's going to get you in this party it's the only thing I could get well I have to go oh I really need a Stanley hey Junior oh hey Patrick hey could you hold my Stanley I lost my shoe in the road over there and I got to geted you need me to hold your Stanley yeah yeah uh yeah I can hold yours yeah I'll hold it right here buddy thanks Jun yep that's a Stanley you can go in have fun at PJ's party next I have a Stanley what is that even a Stanley yeah it says it it that Stanley well it's not a 30 Oz but I guess that counts okay you can go in yes hey guys thanks for coming to my Stanley party appreciate you inviting us dude ain't no party like a Stanley party yeah you know how to throw him man it's a total rager PJ guys I got a Stanley who junior you got a Stanley no way it got to be a knockoff dude no there's no way my bouncer will let somebody into the party with a fake guys it's a real Stanley I got the smaller one because it's orange like me Junior your Stanley only holds 35 hours of ice dude what you going to do for the other 5 hours die of not cold drink guys you can't make fun of me I got a Stanley a Stanley is a Stanley yeah he's right the Stanley is a Stanley you know what guys let's just drink our Stanley next hey I think somebody stole my Stanley and came inside the party sorry kid I can't let you in if you don't have a Stanley PJ's rules no I think somebody stole my Stanley and came in the party but what' your Stanley look like it was orange huh now that you mention it I think I did let a kid in this party with an orange Stanley okay let's go confront him hey that kid stole my orange Stanley yeah that kid stole his Stanley now wait just a minute somebody stole a Stanley it was Junior hey I did not steal no stupid Stanley Patrick's lying cuz he couldn't get a Stanley he got my name on it let me check Junior how could you going outside dude I I I didn't know stealing a Stanley's the most uncool thing you can do I just want to get in the park get out of my party I I thought get the [ __ ] out of my party go but I just wanted go Patrick reclaim your Stanley hey Junior what's up yeah what's up dude you guys aren't mad at me for stealing that Stanley oh no Junior that's over we're done with Stanley's yeah that [ __ ] did dude what you're already done with Stanley well yeah Junior was just a trend yeah dude it's over with what you're already done with Stanley you made a big deal about it they were just cups Junior yeah it's never that deep bro but you were talking about the 40 hours well no Junior it didn't even work that well I put ice in mine for 40 hours and it melted after only 20 but that's fine cuz we're onto a new trend now gluing googly eyes onto french fries
Channel: SMLs
Views: 42,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nog9KgmwLY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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