SML Movie: Jeffy Attacks The Judge [2024]

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hey Danny can we playing Doo dooo kangaroo what's doo doo kangaroo it's where the kangaroo takes a dump and you collect it there's no way that's a board game Jeffy yeah it's really fun no we're not playing that we're going to watch a movie hey Marvin I think the batteries in the remote aren't working hold darn now we get to playing doom doom kangaro no Jeffrey we're going to go to Target and buy some more batteries yeah it's probably a good idea cuz doooo kangaroo requires batteries too three doublea's come on Jeffy we're going to Target who Danny Danny Danny can I get Steve from Minecraft no Jeffy can I get the bees from Minecraft no Jeffy can I get Steve dressed like a bee from Minecraft no Jeffy we only came to get batteries well what about your short no come on let's go a all right Jeffy get in the car all right hold on there lost prevention what's the problem officer your son stole something from Target no I didn't what' you steal Jeffy nothing okay then what's on your shirt nothing I'm just fat let me see oh he's trying to touch my waiter aha Steve from Minecraft Jeffy you stole Steve for Minecraft well you wouldn't buy it for me I am so sorry officer if we go inside I'll pay for it right now no he's going to jail going to jail yeah he's an adult you're under arrest for shoplifting [ __ ] daddy the Streets Are Hard Out Here for a Pimp po hold it down Mama I love you order order order order wait a minute who replaced my gavl with a tiny one where is my gavl gotcha here you go sir I thought it was funny H yes I guess don't do it again order order order order I am the honorable Judge poer and today we will be hearing the case of Jeffy who is being charged with stealing a Steve from Minecraft toy from Target BFF may I see the stolen Minecraft toy yeah I'll grab it from the evidence room sir here you go ooh Steve from Minecraft this is so cool uh I I'm going to need to open this to see how fun it is to play with to see how serious the charge should be so Jeffy you can go ahead and explain what happened I wanted to steeve from Minecraft toy from Target but my daddy wouldn't buy it for me so I stole it I'm sorry judge please don't send me to jail yeah take that Ender Dragon this toy is very fun and worth every penny so I'm not going to go easy on you I think it's time you got a taste of your own medicine I sentence you [ __ ] [ __ ] you holy [ __ ] get off him screw you order order order I am the very much still in pain judge pu and today we will be hearing the case of the [ __ ] [ __ ] Jeffy who brutally attacked me and gave me a bloody nose and a black eye Jeffy [ __ ] you I was only going to give you 6 months of probation but ho ho ho you ruined that sorry for letting him attack you judge I just didn't expect him to do that but don't worry he's handcuffed and tied up now so that shouldn't be happening again just got to check my emails I'm sorry judge I just get angry sometimes please don't send me to jail oh no you're not going to jail you're going to prison I sending you to 10 no [ __ ] them [ __ ] that noise oh [ __ ] no again order order order Jeffy beat the [ __ ] out of me again what the [ __ ] were you guys doing why can't you stop him I am so sorry judge that will never happen again we have another officer here now and he's wearing chains and a mask yeah he better have a mask on he bit my forehead he gave me a broken arm a broken neck and a broken nose Jeffy what the hell is wrong with with you I'm sorry judge you just keep making me really angry please don't send me to jail oh you're going to be buried under the jail you are a menace to society if you do this to people I sentence you to death [ __ ] Simmons why did you grab him sorry mate he was just so quick come on let's get him order order order order order I am the honorable Judge Anthony judge bber has been murdered by Jeffy so Jeffy I'm going to sentence you to the most cruel and unusual punishment death by a million fire ant bites how is that even possible get the phone get the phone I got the batteries oh Marvin you didn't have to get those I found some batteries in the kitchen wow where's Jeffy he got arrested for shoplifting shoplifting why he stole a $10 Minecraft toy that I wouldn't buy him Marvin why wouldn't you buy it foren you know he can't help himself don't you blame me for this Jeffy should know not to steal well how long is he going to be in jail for he's not going to get any jail time they're probably just going to give him probation Marvin look the news breaking news m k a 19-year-old man named Jeffy has killed two judges in the courtroom he is to be executed later tonight Jeffy killed two judges there's no way this has to be some kind of prank hey there hey officer we just saw in the news that Jeffy killed two judges oh yeah he did he even killed one of them through the phone it was pretty impressive what are you serious oh yeah I saw him do it but don't worry he's not going to be killing anyone ever again especially not because he's going to be executed tonight by a million fire amps a million fire ants oh yeah they're being flown in specially from Madagascar you know that place where the lion and the zebra played by Ben Stiller and Chris Rock like to move it move it with the Lemur that place oh where is Jeffy at right now well he's locked away in the most ultimate super max Ultra Max Michelob Ultra Big Mac knick-knack Patty wack give a dog a maximum security prison jail okay no seriously take me to Jeffy right now I need to talk to him I don't think you understand let me explain in great detail exactly how hard it would be for you to get there and exactly where he is with this pretty little animation so Jeffy is handcuffed put in a straight jacket tied up with ropes and chains with a blindfold on and his mouth is duct taped and then he's put in a coffin which is also chained up in a biometric heat sensitive chamber where the oxygen levels are dropped so low that it keeps him alive but his muscles are not oxygenated enough to move then that chamber is dropped into a safe with plasma lasers pressure plates and landmines so if he got out the lasers would cut him into pieces like a lightsaber and the mines would blow him up then that safe is put on top of a castle in the highest room of the tallest tower like in Shrek and the castle is guarded by a dragon that donkeys that castle is then dropped into the bottom of the marana's trench which is the deepest place known to man and the castle is then surrounded by great white megalodon sharks with laser beams and heat seeking rocket launchers on their heads then above the Sharks is a giant squid that's been trained specifically to eat Jeffy so even if he got past all the rest of that he'd have to get past the squid and then above the squid is James Cameron in a submarine with an IMX camera filming the whole thing so if Jeffy escapes James Cameron can let us know and make a sick ass movie out of it and then above him is a military submarine with a nuclear torpedo pointed at him so if Jeffy gets past James Cameron they'll blow him up and then above that is three aircraft carriers carrying F22 Raptors which are the coolest [ __ ] jets ever in my opinion are you serious oh I am very serious it can go up to 1500 mph that means it could fly from LA to New York in just under 2 hours I mean yeah it would have to refuel somewhere over Colorado but don't worry because it can refuel in midair and it can pull up to nine G's that's more G's than lasagna and baln combined both of those words have G's in them why what are we talking about I'm talking about the F-22 Raptor the coolest jet ever made I want to talk about Jeffy fine yeah we can talk about Jeffy sure I mean the F22 Raptor is way cooler than Jeffy I mean it's not like it's the most expensive jet ever made I mean it's not like it only costs $150 million per plane with an operating cost of $68,000 per hour but I'm sure you already knew that is Jeffy really in that Maximum Security Prison oh yeah he's never getting out actually now that I think about it I'm not really sure how we're going to get all those fire ants in there we might have to funnel them in with a straw or something oh hold on I'm getting a call oh it's James Cameron hey cam with the cam what's up what he what no come on what about the sharks with the lasers and the rocket launchers and the giant squid really what about the submarine and the torpedo yeah okay but what about the donkey [ __ ] Dragon it drowned oh yeah I guess that does make sense yeah okay but but what about the F-22 Raptors though no really well tell me at least you got it all on camera no James you didn't come on Jeffy escaped but he escaped I don't know James Cameron said he recorded the whole thing and it was the coolest most James Bond Tom Cru [ __ ] he's ever seen but his memory card got corrupted because he didn't eject it properly and he lost the whole thing oh so where's Jeffy at now I don't know but I'm not going to catch him not with my no legs if only I had an F22 Raptor with all the options in the fishing package D dadd ddy help me you have no idea what I had to do to escape that place please tell me I have to know how you got out of there shreking donkey saved me oh I didn't think about Shrek and Donkey yeah Shrek said yeah you're coming with me and Donkey said I like puff you ever had a paff before you ever meet somebody you say let's go get some paes they say hell no I want no paes and then donkey went and [ __ ] the dragon and then Shrek grabbed me and then sharded so hard it propelled me through all my entrapments all the way up to the surface and I got back here well you're back under arrest [ __ ] what Jeffy did you really kill a judge you were only going to get probation well sometimes my brain don't work right and that's why you're going to be executed by a million fire ants wait are you sure he really killed the judge yeah I saw it with my own eyes well because I see judge poy right there no don't look at me I'm not here wait judge poy I thought you died no me and judge Anthony paid Jeffy to beat us up and pretend to kill us so we could go to Disney World wait so judge Anthony still alive too yes and I'm right here wow so I guess the only thing you're guilty of is shoplifting and I'm really sorry well that's good enough for me you guys want to talk about F22 Marvin we need to wake Jeffy up so he can have breakfast before school you're right Jeffy get in here Marin they removed an jumu off the syrup bottle what a jumu the lady that was on the syrup bottle she ain't there no more Marvin I think he's talking about how they took Ana off the bottle oh they did that like 2 years ago douge why did they do that because they said syrup was racist or something Bo I don't know who know PR Milling Company is but I'mma have to use Mrs Butters Works cuz she got the fat ass well then use that then all right Jeffy get in here hey Danny can I wear my highest [ __ ] frog I you schooling today no Jeffy why because you're going to distract the class well they don't have to look at me take them off Jeffy now did you eat breakfast no but can I drink this entire bottle of syrup for breakfast no why you never let me do anything fun all you do is say no he kind of has a point Marvin you do say no a lot he keeps asking to do stupid [ __ ] well Marvin I have an idea the other day I was at the thrift store and I found this coin it says yes on one side and no on the other side so from now on instead of you just saying no all the time we can flip it for the answer that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard I like that idea mommy can I wear my high as [ __ ] frog icy school today I don't know Jeffy let's see it says no you can't wear it darn it I like this idea that was a good idea Baby thank you mommy can I drink this entire bottle of syum for breakfast I don't know it says yes oh Jeffy that's disgusting all right Jeffy now that you're going to die of diabetes you have to go to school well let's get the coin can I skip school today you can't skip school now Marvin we have to flip the coin to see what it says skipping school should be off limits Jeffy had said yes you can skip school yay I love this coin now Daddy what if you for breakfast nothing well can I make you a milkshake and no matter what I put in it you have to drink it no coin yes drink up [ __ ] all right Chef jeffy's going to make my daddy a healthy breakfast milkshake we're going to start off with one egg also some garlic oh yeah definitely mayonnaise that's breakfast oh yeah harer harer oh yeah make me mayonnaise everywhere Daddy all right and then now some mustard and then also some chili beans oh yeah looks like poop all right and then obviously green beans because my daddy makes me eat green beans all the time and then some corn oh yeah that's going to come out of his poop later and then some toilet paper whenever he's done going to the bathroom he can wipe and then obviously don't forget some Pepto Bismol just in case he gets sick all right and then we're going to top it off with some oat milk all right let's get this baby on the [Laughter] road oh yeah my Daddy's going to love this but I feel like it's missing something H oh a cactus put that there all right it's perfect now let's take it to Daddy all right daddy or her up your breakfast milkshake is ready bone Apple titties wait what's in this diarrhea what no I'm just kidding but there is toilet paper in there what's that blue thing Cactus I'm not drinking a milkshake with a cactus in it Jeffy but Daddy the coin said that you had to drink it and I even got you a Chuck-E-Cheese straw no I don't care what the coin says I'm not going to drink your disgusting throw up milkshake I don't have to do it I don't care what the coin says I don't have to do it what are you I am the plot hole Goblin I'm here to stop plot holes from ending the video too early holes what plot holes the milkshake Marvin you have to drink the milkshake no I don't I don't have to do what that stupid coin tell me to do yes you do because the coin is cursed what the coin is cursed where'd you get the coin I got it from The Thirst store a cursed thrift store everything in there is curs except for the prices okay so how is the coin cursed well you must do everything the coin tells you for 15 no 20 questions or else you and all your loved ones will be thrown in a pit of Hell to burn until your flesh Falls from your bones oh oh oh oh and the only person that can ask the questions is Jeffy because he asked the first question okay Jeffy hurry up and ask me questions like did I fart have I blink no the questions have to be a task like you have to do something and it has to be funny oh oh okay so Jeffy ask me a question no drink the milkshake first Marvin I'll be watching oh my God this is so why is it happening to me why' you have to go to a curse thrift store I'm sorry okay let me let me try to drink this milkshake oh God I couldn't stop throwing up that was the worst milkshake ever you want another one no no no h thank God it said no oh darn I really wanted to make you another milkshake Daddy all right Jeffy hurry up and ask some questions all right can I shave off your mustache and turn you into a girl no no [Laughter] no all right d now you look all bra pretty Marvin you look terrible okay I don't look that bad it's pretty bad Danny what are your pronouns cuz now you get to put them on Facebook and Instagram and act like people give a [ __ ] look everyone just stop looking at me Jeffy ask another question all right Daddy can we TP the neighbor's house with toilet paper let's see if you guys are committing a crime tonight yes oh well I actually don't like the neighbors so let's go do it Jeffy okay Jeffy we're going to throw toilet paper all over their house so be really quiet okay okay I'm going to go first ha see look there's toilet people all over their house you go now all right run hold on honey I'm going to go check and see what was banging on the garage door sounded like a raccoon toilet paper now who would be handing out free toilet paper in this economy now wait just a darn second did someone try TP in my house those damn Hooligans I'm going to go ask the neighbor and see if they saw anything oh Mommy it's wild it's crazy in this [ __ ] we tpd the whole house the whole house is covered in toilet paper it looks like a mummy my heart's racing and as we were running away I heard sirens my life is a movie are you guys okay I'm as okay as I can be after being chased by the cops hold on there's someone at the door I I'll get it hello can I speak to Marvin please I am Marvin Jesus Christ I won't ask about your pronouns I'll just check them out on Facebook later but I came by to let you know that there's been a crime committed at the hucker do household what crime someone thought it would be funny to TP the hucker do home and I think one of them was a [ __ ] because they just threw the entire roll of toilet paper right at the garage door made me think it was a raccoon oh well I I didn't hear anything or see anything oh okay I just didn't know if maybe you're a Nest doorbell camera or something caught all the footage oh no I don't I don't pay for that to work it just it's just there ah so like a scarecrow huh anyway I just want to let you know that I will be reporting this to the HOA so just keep your eyes peeled and I do have a question for you did you uh like cut the whole thing off or just tuck it in your booty cheeks uh I I'm just dressing up okay uh well then uh I'll let you get back to transitioning okay all right bye bye who was at the door Marvin it was Hank hucker what did he know you TP his house did he call the cops he didn't call the cops he doesn't know it's us but I did get an idea what if all of jeffy's remaining questions are about the hucker do and we can torture them instead of me Marvin that's mean no it's better them than me Jeffy do you have any other questions about the hucker do um yeah can we order 12 paches to the hucker D's house as a prank let's ask the coin yes it says yes yay call an order Jeffy all right la la la la la delivering pizzas yeah hello hello sir I have the 12 piezas you ordered who the [ __ ] would order 12 piezas at 11:00 at night I don't know maybe you're having a pizza party well I'm not so you can take them back with you we don't want them return to Cinder kabish but sure someone's got to pay for these pizzas listen we don't want the goddamn pies honey what is going on out here this pizza boy thinks that we ordered 12 pies at 11:00 at night we didn't I think he's a [ __ ] so I'm going to let you deal with it okay you're good with dealing with kids with special needs now young men we did not order 12 pizzas Well ma'am listen someone's got to pay the $322 for all these pieas well we don't have that kind of money well you could always pay in another way let's just say instead of you giving me a tip I give you a tip well I do love pizza uh-oh you know what never mind I think I'll just take the cash oh my God they really tried to deliver the pizza oh man that was so funny as long as we're using that coin to mess with other people instead of me Marvin I don't like this coin it's evil and it's meant to do bad things I wish we could just get rid of it we can't get rid of it until we ask at like 13 more questions there must be something we can do H I do have an idea hey plot hole Goblin get in here what do you want well we're kind of getting tired of asking the coin questions well too bad you you have to well Jeffy ask the coin this okay I got it what no no no Jeffy ask the coin can we stop asking the coin questions and not be cursed okay can we stop asking the coin questions and not be cursed no you can't do that but we're asking the coin but well damn it no ask it again okay can we stop asking the coin question and not be cursed God damn it yes yay we're not cursed anymore you guys won this time but I'll be back next time a video has a plot hold hey Joseph you want to watch the new episode of Dr fle [ __ ] heck yeah dude hey guys I just got a job at Red Lobster as a signh holder shut up Cody we're trying to watch new episode of Dr finle shits oh I guess we're not doing this idea today hello I am Dr Frederick fle shits and today I will tell you how the aliens build the pyramids now originally everybody thought that the pyramids were built by the Egyptians but no this is a lot of kaka and I will tell you why you see there are 2.3 million Stones inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and each Stone weighs between 2 and 80 tons now that means they had to place 212 Stones a day for 30 years with no breaks now how is this possible How could a human lift a stone that is heavier than an elephant now a scientist would tell you they use cranes hm interesting well let's take a look this is a crane do you really think that this stupid bird could lift 80 tons with these little toothpick legs I don't think so and how would you even tell it to do that look at his stupid bird eyes you can't tell him what to do he's a bird he's stupid no that is impossible I will tell you how they did it aliens that is how the aliens came down in their UFOs like and they picked up the stones and they placed the stones on top of the pyramid just like this and they a pyramid at exactly 29.9792458 de North which just so happens to be the exact same number as the speed of light which is 299,792,458 m/ second which is the secret to time travel the aliens were trying to teach us how to travel through time and if they would just let me inside the Tomb of the pyramid to talk to kingat Mommy I could figure out time travel but no Dr fingles [ __ ] you're not allowed in there anymore you kiss the mummies too much wa I never knew aliens built the Pyramid I know dude I thought slaves did no Joseph slavery only happened in America oh yeah you right you're right guys aliens did not build the pyramids yes they did Cody Dr fle just explained it well he's wrong he's a c okay Cody then how did a human lift up a stone that weighed 2 tons they used ramps Cody you're tell me that you skateboard ramps Tony Hawk wasn't invented until like 40 years ago what invented don't you mean born Tony Hawk's a real person yes what really oh man he fooled us all along I thought he was a video game character but no he's a real person he can really do a 360 ver twist yeah in real life yeah that's why they made video games about him well if the Egyptians had Tony Hawk and his ramps then they probably did build the Pyramid well he wasn't around back then that it had to be aliens but no it was hundreds of thousands of Egyptians all working together slavery wait Cody why are you wearing a lobster costume well I thought we were going to do SML movie Cody gets a job at Red Lobster today no that's next week oh well I'll just take this off then I look like a crawfish anyway okay I'm back now where were we oh yeah the aliens did not build the pyramids and neither did Tony Hawk Cody then how did the Egyptians build the pyramids they had no technology no tools all they had was sand well they also had 30 years Junior okay Cody I'll give you 30 years to build a pyramid go well I didn't say I could do it well no all they had was sand you have all the technology in the world Cody go well they also had hundreds of thousands of Egyptians so if I clone you a 100,000 times you could build a pyramid well I wouldn't know how okay I'll even give you Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 for the PlayStation 2 there's your ramp oh [ __ ] that's one with the zoo level oh and you can play as Jango Fett okay deal I mean you're not going to get a pyramid but I'm going to have a good time wait why are we even arguing about this why don't we just ask God who built the pyramids oh yeah we do know God hey God can you come down here hey guys what's up oh hey God hey sorry I just got out of the shower wait there's showers in heaven yeah well I mean there's one in my house and believe it or not the hot water still runs out I mean the pipes run all the way down from hell and you know how people say when hell freezes over well apparently it does cuz my water gets pretty cold but whenever that happens I just hold my mouth up to the showerhead and turn the water into wine it's 5:00 somewhere right well me and my friends were arguing because we want to know who built the pyramids I think it was aliens but Cody thinks it was the Egyptian and Tony Hawk I never said Tony Hawk well actually Tony Hawk's not a bad guess this one time I teleported Tony Hawk back to Egypt time so he could skateboard down the side of the pyramid it was pretty sick but no Egyptians and aliens and Tony Hawk did not build the pyramids then who built the pyramids um nobody's recording this right no okay well I've never told anybody this but here's what happened so I was sitting on my couch and I was bored I was just playing Tetris on my phone I actually had the iPhone way before anyone else did cuz you know I'm God so I looked over at Earth and said hm getting kind of boring over there so I walked over to the Earth and I changed the settings to creative mode and then I went down to Egypt cuz it was mostly just flat and Sandy and I started placing blocks and building pyramids kind of just screwing around honestly and then I went over to Stonehenge too and I built that and kind of just stacking stuff you know and then I went to the snowy area right and then I built a bunch of blocks as high as I could go until I reached the height limit and I called it Fort God but then you people called it Mount Everest which is kind of lame if you ask me I like my name a lot better and then I went and killed the Ender Dragon so that was was fun and then the Mayans hopped on my server and they started building pyramids and [ __ ] in Mexico and I was like guys you're totally taking my idea so I was so mad I punched the Earth as hard as I could and I created the Grand Canyon so I turned it back to survival mode and flooded the Earth but not before I told this one villager named Noah to make a boat and I told him to put two of every animal on it cuz I really did not feel like making all those animals again and I gave him creative mode powers to build the boat obviously and then I just went back to my couch wa well can you turn the Earth back to creative mode so we can build something yeah no no no no no no way absolutely not the Mayans ruined that for everyone so you can thank them thank you Mayans anyway I got to go I got to go convince Tom Brady to come back but it's going to take a miracle I'm going to have to part the seas or some [ __ ] I'll just walk from here dude I recorded the whole thing Joseph you weren't supposed to record it yeah God said not to dude it's a one in a billion opportunity and I'm going to get rich off of it I'm going sell this to the news no no Joseph do you really think he's going to sell to the news Junior look [Music] V breaking news M there is shocking video evidence of God admitting to flooding the Earth just because he was bored there are currently riots happening all around the world oh wow he actually did it do you think God's going to be mad look guys all this Buu cash I just got I got $20,000 off that God video they only gave you $20,000 for the only video evidence that God's real I mean I kind of bargain with him hey oh God oh no God damn that's right me damn you weren't supposed to record me look I was broke God I needed some cash break bread with a [ __ ] well what are you going to do with all that cash when the world is flooded that sounded bad do you think he's actually going to flood the earth oh no Junior What's happen me oh no Junior wait guys what happened Junior God flooded the entire Earth and it's Joseph's fault dude I just want some money God yeah well what good is that money if the whole world is flooded help help Junior no one's coming to help the whole world is flooded kids kids thank God you have this floating couch do you know what happened well God flooded the entire world because our friend leaked a video of God without his permission it's not my fault it's all God's fault dude why don't you just apologize yeah say you're sorry to God I'm not apologizing just say sorry this W coming I'm sorry God I think everything's back to normal I think the world's not flooded anymore wait kids can you explain what happened again now that's why you don't mess with the wrath of God next time you're getting a meteor I've started over once and I'll do it again what do you think happened to the dinosaurs that's why you don't cheat at Connect 4 wait wait so you're telling me God flooded the entire Earth cuz he was mad at your friend well you do know you killed like millions of people right yeah yeah and I think you took my money too my $220,000 it's in the water yeah and that's theft so I I think I have to arrest you what yeah yeah I I think you're under arrest put your hands behind your back we're going to court oh order order order I am the honorable Judge Pac and today we will be hearing the case of God versus Earth as you can see our old courtroom got flooded so I had to set up this crappy one which is extra annoying because the old one was made of wood so water damage is going to be a [ __ ] I mean termites out the ass and the floorboards are going to be all squishy oh and my gavel got wet so I have to use an actual Mallet now yeah so oh also my 1967 Volkswagen Beetle was total and that was all original parts so I don't know how insurance is going to cover that [ __ ] anyway God what was your plan what was God's plan are we chalking this up to mysterious ways or what well your honor a video of me was sold to the news without my permission and that video was supposed to remain private I mean he never told me specifically not to record I specifically asked if anyone was recording and they said no there was nobody recording at the time order order order order it doesn't matter if he recorded the video or not it doesn't give you the right to flood the Earth and kill what do the body count now three billion people I didn't know that many people didn't know how to swim for 30 seconds Counterpoint I'm God so I can do whatever I want H yes I guess that is true you could just turn me into a toad or pillar of salt or paprika or something there's really nothing keeping you here how about we just say it was an act of God and we can call it square is that good well you see the first time you flooded the Earth America wasn't like a thing so there were no laws against it but now there are and mass murder is very illegal so I sentence you to three billion life sentences all right I'm tired of playing with you guys I'm going home BFF stop him he's God what do you want me to do even if we put him in Chains he could still get away oh well I guess I must repent then sorry God for trying to put you in jail my bad hey what about my $20,000 well guys today was weird dude I lost $20,000 you were never supposed to have it to begin with wait I got a question guys so when God flooded the Earth it destroyed my house and then when Joseph said sorry we all came back and my house is fine but 3 billion people still drowned does that mean your house is destroyed Cody oh [ __ ] I got to go check out my parents I don't have parents I'm going to just chill here wait Cody before you leave so you said that the Egyptians built the pyramids right so I got a challenge for you so look here's a Great Pyramid of Giza Lego set so I'm going to give you 30 minutes to build this because the real Egyptians only had 30 years to build it and they weigh tons and tons these are little Lego pieces so you have 30 minutes to build it and if you don't build it we get to stomp on your glasses I'd rather go home and play Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 but my house was probably destroyed so I guess I'll do this yeah go not even so Joseph what do you want to do today I don't know dude you want to play a board game sure but all I have is sorry oh yeah sorry it's all right dude guys guys guys me and Timmy just had a great idea that'll make us rich why you hanging out with Timmy uh uh uh we were at my house practicing our vocals yeah in his closet he's really good with his mouth uh for for singing let show them oh my God on the spot okay okay um the wheels on the bus go round and round wa he's actually pretty good for a white boy so what's your idea I was thinking we should start a boy band like the Backstreet Boys are in sync or One Direction wait Cody we already started a rock band called Lizard GS lizard GS yeah but that's a rock band this is a boy band we like dancing [ __ ] well he's right dude boy bands do pull a lot of girls you're telling me I could have a lot of girls all over me wait Junior aren't you already dating Penelope yes I have a girlfriend but famous people are allowed to cheat on their girlfriends facts okay I didn't know that well I was just going to do it for the boys yeah me too the boys except I'm not gay though yeah sure okay yeah I'll join a boy band so what's the name of the band going to be I was thinking we could call ourselves the Joan ass Brothers o or Instinct o o or one erection oh my God I love that but what about the back door boy oh I love that back door boys that's the one you know what I'm out we the joke different where you going so Junior you're going to join our boy band uh I mean it's either that or we play Sorry sure I'll join all right let's go to the stew all right guys come on let's get to cooking I thought we were recording a song no no Timmy cooking is what people call making music oh in that case we should totally make a chicken alfredo how about we just make a song Timmy yeah guys let's record a song so every hit song is something that people can relate to so let's make girls feel good oh yeah that sounds really hetero yeah Junior I think it's got to be Wicked gay ooh what if it started something like this you got the key to my heart you do you do oh and then the next line could be I never ever want to lose you lose you o I love that yeah that's good and then it could be like I want to lick you where you poo poo poo poo oh my God so hot yeah right I mean I I guess that can be kind of straight all right guys let's record the song you know what let's just just record the music video Let's improv everything yeah let's do it all right let's go yeah this song goes out to all the single boys in the world and girls but mostly boys you got the key of my heart you you do I never ever want to lose you lose you I wouldn't want to live without you out you I want to lick you where you do do doo doo we're the back door boys making some noise don't need no toys we're the back door boys our is destroyed like cow we don't like women we're the back door boys pull down your pants like they're full of ANS yeah schlong so big put me in a trans like a baseball bat at first glance damn booty so big got to be imp plant damn throw the ass back boy Make Me Dance ielt out were him like we in Fr this ain't no ordinary romance too fast do you do I never ever want to lose you lose you I wouldn't want to live you without you I want to make you you we're the back door boys making some noise don't need no toys we're the boys our a is destroyed ring like cowbo we don't like women we're in the back door boys oh my God we sound so amazing guys we're going to be huge we're going to be bigger than Justin Bieber yes and Taylor Swift whoa that is where I draw the line mister I'm a total Swifty guys you don't want to you know re-record the song and just straighten up the vocals oh what's wrong with the vocals they just sound a a little gay Junior look this song is going to have me neck deep and chowed and you're going to be lapping up muff like a dog drinking water out of a bowl oh that part yeah that's what I'm going to be doing me too wolf I guess so just release the song oh I already uploaded it what do you think everybody in the world has heard it yet maybe let's go check the news okay guys let's check the news breaking news Okay a scarecrow is winning an outstanding Achievement Award for being outstanding in his field but hey it's in his jeans oh I guess our song was too weird for people to listen to it but that doesn't make any sense it was a Bop you know what check Yahoo news Okay Yahoo news oh my God we made the front cover of Yahoo news only the most famous people get on Yahoo News we're famous I know right I've seen Kim K on there like 12 times hold on guys my phone's ringing hello Junior I just saw you on Yahoo News you're a part of the back door boys well not like a big part of it I think I should have been on the left side your song is number one it's huge wait really yes all my friends think you're so hot really why do you sound so excited Junior well I I don't sound excited I just thought it was kind of cool your friends thought I was hot you know what I don't want you being in that boy band anymore if you're doing it to get other girls of course I'm doing it to get other girls famous people can cheat on their girlfriends what Junior you better not make any more music with that group okay fine I won't sorry guys I can't be a part of the homo boys anymore no Junior we need you we're the back door boys yeah three back doors this way better than two guys my girlfriend said I can't who's at the door let's answer it together okay hello hey there I'm Talon agent and walking Target on my back Steve stalberger what are you doing here well you kids are the back door boys and I'm the front door man with the front door plan and a suitcase full of cash I like the cut of his jib Junior he's got a well- cut jib he is very handsome wait wait wait explain what's going on well the song you boys made is huge I tell you huge so I want to give you $500,000 to make a new song and signed with my record label and become slaves to corporate greed well the thing is my girlfriend just told me I can't make any more music ah fooy I guess I'll find a gayer group of kids to give this money to no no no no no no I want the money we'll do it we'll do it I knew I'd get you with the money okay just give me a few dollars no no no you got to make the song first come on guys let's go back to the stew okay guys let's hurry up and record this song and can we please make it straight this time okay A little straight got it isn't Penelope going to be mad she won't be mad when I show her $500,000 in cash you're not getting all $500,000 yeah we have to split it she won't be mad when I show her $250,000 in cash you're not getting half either we have to split it three ways I don't know what the number is split three ways well that would come out to us each getting about 166,000 I would only get $166,000 well actually after taxes it's more like 104,000 you're telling me I'm going to record this stupid gay song for only $104,000 Junior that's still pretty good it's $104,000 more than you would have had otherwise okay fine I'll record the song but only if it's straight yeah we'll make it super straight so what should our next song be about I get one word Cowboys Yeehaw hey Cody why don't you come over here and be my little horsey on my way ride it like a horsey boy okay ride it like a horsey boy okay ride it like a horsey boy okay ride it like a horsey boy okay get on top turn it around reverse cboy I'm going to town like a pig in the mud I'm rolling around s booty I hope I don't drown I want you to be my gay cowboy I want you to beboy put on a saddle spank me with a paddle hit me so hard make my ass cheeks rattle Hit Me Harder daddy you know I won't tattle hop on my horse so I can't get D where you going baby the fun just started don't think that smell is because I just farted you know I'm like Moses cuz your cheeks just parted if you leave me I'll be brokenhearted okay guys no I'm done I want to leave the band what come on Junior you didn't even sing your part yeah you totally choked and not in the good way I just can't do it I I can't sing this song the lyrics are too gay what do you mean it's not gay it's about Cowboys you literally said Smack My Ass make it rattle well yeah I was talking about the horse you know when you're riding a horse you smack its butt to make it go faster what about the part where you said ride it like a horsey boy I I was talking to the Cowboy and telling him to ride the horsey what about the part where you literally said I want you to be my gay cowboy Oh my god gay as and happy like a happy cowboy Oh that's not what I meant at all I meant like straight up homosexual Cowboy see that's why I want to leave so I just I'm just going to leave well you're not going to get paid for the song well just pay me from the first song it was a number one hit well we didn't make any money off the first song we uploaded it for free on a non-monetized channel oh well I guess this chapter of my life is over cuz I'm done oh wellow so we finished the music video well yeah ride it like a horsey boy hey Junior we got our cash yeah it's a shame you had to leave them in a twah junior yeah you know I wish I could have stayed but I just didn't want to leave a really bad digital footprint out there Junior you've said the n-word before yeah I know I just wanted to pick a path and I chose that one I just didn't want too bad things out there so I'm kind of glad I left what are you going to spend your money on uh probably spend it on my Harvard tuition o I'm going to buy a pony like a real pony God damn it oh my God that's my father I need to straighten up Timmy what's this pickle looking [ __ ] I heard on the radio uh it's for a school project father no sir re Bob you're one step away from conversion Camp there mister so you take your Fruity Pebble Flintstone ass on home and yab a du do your homework can I at least say bye to my friends first no go home and read your Bible Leviticus 18:22 read it over and over and over again and ride it a thousand times and put it on the refrigerator let me have a word with you kids stop trying to turn my son into a homo okay stop trying to make him eat Skittles and taste the rainbow and [ __ ] I don't think your son needs any help stop it zip it knock it off okay well we were making money off the song I don't care about your chump change and also why is my Hungry Hungry Hippo sticky what leave them alone C can I can I have Timmy's
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 487,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: Jeffy Attacks The Judge [2024]
Id: 9-iSDu1N_xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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