SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee The Robot!

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[Music] burn mac and cheese my favorite chef pee pee what are you doing i'm cooking burnt mac and cheese like you asked burnt mac and cheese oh no no no no chef pee pee i'm not eating this again you just cook the same thing over and over again you're like a robot all you do is cook and clean and do it over again look i just do what you ask okay if you want me to be a robot i'll be a robot oh man i can't wait to eat burnt mac and cheese you're right i am a robot people people i'm chef pee pee and i'm a robot yeah i know you're a robot chef pee pee you're a big stupid robot chef pee pee is a robot chef maybe he's a robot oh my god i do tell my friends guys guys guys guys guys guys what's wrong dude yeah junior you sounded really scared over the phone and in person guys what i'm about to tell you is 100 true well spit it out yeah what is it okay chef pee pee is a robot no way dude he can't be a robot what junior what makes you say that well it's burnt mac and cheese night and i was going to the kitchen wait wait wait tonight is burnt mac and cheese night yeah you mean to tell me chef peepee was cooking burnt mac and cheese and you didn't invite us over for dinner well there's the bed well i i just i want it all to myself okay junior i'm gonna need a bowl of that burnt mac and cheese if you're gonna finish your story uh me too dude oh fine i'll give you something like burnt mac and cheese yes this burnt mac and cheese is delicious oh yeah dude so delicious when the burn hits the back of your throat there's nothing like it yeah well i really like the crunchiness yeah so crunchy so crunchy yeah i know all right guys i know chef pee pee's burnt mac and cheese is the best but we have something more important to talk about what yeah what chef peepee's a robot well now that you mention it i think only a robot could burn mac and cheese this good yeah he has to be a robot dude well look guys what happened i walked in the kitchen and i heard chef pee pee say i'm chef pee pee and i'm a robot beep boop beep boop out loud he admitted it and then my dad said yeah chef peepee you are a robot huh well wait let let's just ask your dad first before we go jumping to conclusions yeah that's a good idea i should go ask my dad a chef he's really a robot all right guys you continuing the burnt mac and cheese i'll go ask my dad can do yeah you don't have to ask me twice charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys i'm charlie and today i'm gonna do a handstand oh yeah i just got in the shower now you want to see me do a handstand guys watch this wait wait wait wait i'ma do a handstand without any hands look at this one [Applause] [Laughter] oh charlie you can't do a handstand without hands you need those silly hey dad can i ask you a question what is it are you gay yeah you're gay go ahead and admit it so i can chop it off because i can't afford that surgery we got some perfectly good scissors downstairs no no no no dad that's not it look i overheard you talking in the kitchen and i heard you say that chef pee pee's a robot damn might as well b all he does is cook the same thing over and over and over and over again like a robot yeah exactly you know what run up to his stupid face and call him a stupid dumb robot hey bee boo bee boo i'm chef pee pee and i'm a robot so dad chef pee pee's a robot yeah damn skippy what is that a yes yes it is it might as well be oh okay so chef me be the robot guys guys guys hold on junior i ate the whole bowl what about the little burnt noodle right there trying to hide from me are you come to daddy you joseph did you eat the whole bowl oh yeah dude i ate all of it and i almost threw up too you know because it's burnt yeah well guys my dad basically confirmed that chef pee pee's a robot wait really what'd he say well i asked my dad i said is chef pee pee a robot and he said damn skippy no way that means yes i know right that's what damn skippy means i think so guys chef pee pee's a robot dude i can't believe it i know i've been living with a robot all these years wow that's weird i know so guys i think we should go up to chef pee pee and try talking to him you know i've never really talked to a robot you know ever since i know he's a robot so let's go look him in the eyes and see if we can tell he's a robot like let's see if we can see his laser vision or stuff yeah let's do it dude all right guys let's go talk to chef pee pee the robot i can't wait to have a bowl of this burnt macaroni and cheese hey uh chef pee pee what do you want junior oh i know you want a bowl of this burnt macaroni and cheese don't you i know i'm full yeah no thanks chef pee pee well what do you want then we just uh we just guys i've never seen a real life robot before i know he's so lifelike we just uh want to stare at you what why stop it why are you looking at me who made you my mom and my dad oh he thinks he's a person did they make you in like a laboratory no they made me in a bed but ass naked what where'd they get the parts for you what look a baby is made with a man and a woman and nine months later a baby is born wait so you need a woman to do that yeah ew gay wait so girls have two butts no what what what's wrong with you junior that's what i hear yeah that's what i heard too all right chef baby do you poop yeah i poo like everybody else wait do you poop batteries what why would i pull batteries does it look like i put batteries up my ass junior well then how do you get a charge you can get a charge many ways like hitting old lady he gets charged up by hitting old ladies who would make a robot like that oh how else do you get a charge i mean you can get a charge from a lot of illegal things like uh robbery or burning stuff burning stuff looks like a burnt mac and cheese it'll make sense now look what he gets charged up by committing crimes who would make a robot like that awesome oh how do you take bass like everybody else i take my clothes off and i get in the tub junior you don't short circuit why would i short circuit that's a stupid question look i'm not a robot dude do you think i'm a robot or something oh he's out to us so stupid oh god what are you doing junior guys i have one more thing that'll prove chef pee pee is a robot what more proof do you need yeah what is it dude guys if chef peepee can't do this then he's truly a robot okay all right let's take it to him hey uh chef pee pee what do you want julia i'm trying to eat my macaroni and cheese can you do me a favor oh what now can you do this caption on this website that says i'm not a robot okay i can do that wait what the hell are you not supposed to be on this website what are you doing on there i watch minecraft videos no no you're not watching anything on there look at your laptop wait wait chef pee pee why couldn't you do the capture on that website i can't do the capture on that website you're not supposed to be on there you can't do it you're the robot robot i'm taking your laptop junior he's taking my laptop for spare parts get out of here go to your room you better not come back in the kitchen so guys it's official chef pee pee's a robot you think you know a guy dude it's so weird i know all these years i've been living with a robot and i had no idea i can't believe it yeah who's that i don't know guys let's go check it out okay who could that be hello hey going by this potato ten dollars it's not a potato that's a rock oh you wanna buy this rock twenty dollars why would i buy a rock from you when i can find one in my backyard uh 15. what's so special about this stupid rock oh listen it's hard like a rock that's how rocks work most rocks don't do that look i'm not gonna buy a stupid rock from you okay how about you take your rock and leave god i hate people i wish they would all die guys did you hear that he wants to kill all the humans oh my god yeah guys did you just hear what i heard yes dude chef peepee hates people he's gonna kill us all he's gonna wipe out the entire planet what are we gonna do we're doomed guys we're the only ones that know this information so it is up to us to save the world yeah what are we gonna do though dude i don't know how do you stop a robot oh i know water yeah water maybe yeah yeah we could fill up a cup of water and throw it in his face and maybe he'll short circuit wait but junior he said he takes baths no problem maybe he's waterproof but did you listen to what you just said he said he takes bass there's a reason he doesn't take showers because he avoids getting his head wet yeah yeah you're probably right that's where the motherboard is in his head yeah so let's go throw a cup of water in his face and maybe he'll short circuit and die okay yeah let's do it let's try that hey chef pee pee what die robot he's short circuiting why would you don't want it in my face we thought your mustache was thirsty i'm not thirsty you idiot god oh guys why it not work i don't know why it not worked junior cody we saw like robots you're right he's starting to take over her mind oh no joseph talk uh hello he sounds like a robot oh no it's happening to me oh my god we have to hurry up and stop chef pee pee before he turns us all into robots yeah all right guys why did the water not work well maybe chef pee pee's skin is like hiding his circuits and everything yeah his skin is protecting the circuits so guys what if we go try to rip the skin off chef pepe's face and then you throw water at it and electrocutes them yeah let's do it all right let's go rip his face off why is she being so annoying today hey y'all chef pee pee oh what do you want junior can i touch your face what no why i just really want to touch it no you're not touching my face but it's just so pretty don't get away from me i'm cleaning i just really want to talk don't touch my face oh that didn't work i kept trying to pull and pull and pull but his skin is really on there yeah he just get really mad yeah dude so how do we get the skin off his face now uh maybe we should just whack him with a baseball bat and knock the circuits out of him oh man and then we can submerge him underwater yeah i like that idea okay let's do that joseph go fill the bathtub with water okay cody grab a bat we're doing this idea okay okay cody there's chef people be washing dishes like a freaking robot so i want you to hit a home run with that bat okay okay i got him you got him junior what why would you eat me with a bat well these circuits are showing i knew that would work i i'm going to kill you where are you going junior where did we go run up the stairs junior where are you go going run cody right cody go on without me junior you have to get up no it's too late for me save yourself no just get up okay look come on let's go junior you can run forever run go and go that way [Applause] come here you can't get away wait wait wait wait for me [Music] no [Music] we had to do it we had to save the world you did the right thing junior i'm gonna miss chef pee pee so much me too dude what who's that i don't know let's go ahead to the door uh hello what [ __ ] baby yo what's up how are you upstairs i was on vacation and i just came back no you were a robot you know i hired a robot that looked just like me so you wouldn't get mad because i was on vacation look how did he do did he look just like me did he act like me well i know he did he was good right well he uh well actually uh just come look okay so you're using my damn robot well we thought it was gonna destroy the world and kill everybody he was gonna destroy the world it was a good robot how do you destroy something that i paid for i rented this i don't know how i'm going to pay for this now what am i going to do well you know we just thought that we were saving the world well i know this might be a bad time chef people but can you do me a favor what junior what do you want can you you know do the caption on this website [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 9,052,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, chef pee pee the robot, robot, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, joke, junior, friends, cody, joseph, burnt mac and cheese, macaroni and cheese, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, entertainment, logan, lovell, charleyyy and friends, remake
Id: 0cfBeGxCCMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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