I Built a SECRET Room In My Candy Shop!

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day two of building a secret base every day until my friends find me Preston or Nathan who that who's that who's that oh the aftertaste here the front door and today I got an entire candy shop come on come inside check this place out this is so sweet every candy you could possibly think of even candies from different country even massive versions of candy but the candy is not why we're here well maybe a little bit we're here for the secret bookshelf and if you open it it leads you to a beautiful storage closet take out the trash can and move some of this stuff there's a vent in here that leads me into my secret base we follow Nathan's tracker and we ended up in Dallas watch out Nathan we're coming for you well what's it say update me update me uh we passed them you turn brawling into my secret base this place is huge this is the back of the store tons of different candies microwave w a fridge more candy over here I got everything I could possibly need what's better than all this candy is my state-of-the-art security system beautiful 12 different cameras covering every angle of the store about to be sent on another wild goose chase of course the tracker tap to the back oh there's only one thing to do back to the car I left plenty of clues for these noobs but they're probably not going to find me here till the end of the day my goal for today is to plan out all my secret bases all the way up to day seven I got the first 3 days planned out tomorrow's already set up ready to go but day four five and 6 7 not set up yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo it's still red it's still it's still red it's still red here you go here you go two signs so far we got to turn left you have any idea where we're going no I'm just we're just following the signs dude yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh I got another one oh oh oh oh another one I think it's leading us to a mall Gabe there's another side grab it guess where we're going [Music] it's day [Music] seven secret base behind a waterfall yeah this might be bad just don't do anything that's going to draw us too much attention but we do have to find Nathan split up and then we'll revu in the center okay okay you go that way I got the other way okay I don't like this there's too many kids here I'm good with kids but one gets too close I'm I'm I'm going to punch [Music] them secret bases that have never been found who is that who is that that that that that that oh okay that freaked me out for a sec here at the front door it's just some random dude hopefully he'll leave in a sec look there he goes there he goes there he goes he's going out he's going out there he goes I mean this is a candy shop anyone can come in here at any time we just hope it's not James and Gabe I feel like if he was here there would be a big crowd in one area and there's not so but watch out dude I doubt he would be here oh wait let's check this trash can not in there you know every time I've been here it's been empty I don't think he's in there well James said me in the middle but I don't see him but we'll keep moving get that right there freaking genius you got nothing nothing you haven't seen him or a clue no nothing nothing let's get a place where it's a little bit quieter and then we'll call Nathan Nathan we're trying to find him no wait yo wait wait wait can we get your help he's hiding here somewhere we need to find if you find Nathan I will give you a lifetime supply of fruit blocks it's ringing why would the signs point us at kidzania if he's not even here look who's calling probably wondering where I'm at hey dude yo hey why are we at kidia followed you arrows I don't know you're probably following the tracker that I left there hey is there a hint here or are you still here I don't know dude all I can tell you is I'm surrounded by a bunch of rocks and I'm having a good time right now rocks yeah you hear the rocks look at all those rocks dude hey FaceTime us real quick no I'm good oh almost got him he hung up scrubs I wonder where that's going to lead him probably a mountain he said he's around a bunch of rocks this place doesn't have rocks at all this is a city this one will lead me to that I know that looks very complex but I understand it dude trying to find Nathan with all these kids is going to be so much harder oh I see something look at the look at the Earth it says I'm around a bunch of rocks that's exactly what he told us on the phone call I don't know what that means me neither let's go watch your video Let's Go Boulder Boulder Boulder his place he owns it that make sense let's go go both ways so I can go from there there or there back to there so it doesn't work I can come back here I can keep repurposing these secret bases hold on Gabe I'm making a right [Laughter] turn oh dude dude yo the brakes aren't working oh my gosh oh my gosh what it you it you're supposed to walk here James not drive yeah I am walking all right hurry up we have to find this dude we know this place by the back of our hand because all the videos we shoot here start low and we'll get higher okay okay my evil work is done here now it's just a waiting game till our next base on day three well time to eat some candy am I right boys let's go yo where's that one spot you hid that last time it was under here I'm hiding under the uh basketball Connect 4 machine all right check there nope dude he's not in bumper cars I don't know where James went but I'm going check up [Music] here no that's not Nathan bro where could he be yo Gabe yeah I think he's on the slides we're all going to have to go down together if we're in a candy store we got to eat some candy do I start with the lollipops the chocolate the sour stuff do I start with the Froot Loop gummies yo the world's hottest lollipop how much money for you to lick this how much you want to offer I'll give you a 100 bucks to lick it yeah sure wait for real you ready yeah I'm ready all right yeah that's pretty hot oh oh this 100 bucks bro the register is locked I don't have the key you got PayPal yeah yeah I'm going to catch some a yeah my hat my hat I lost my [Music] head did you find him I didn't see him that means we have to check right I mean we can't not check dude we're like high right now gab's too scared dude what a re supposed to do there's so much dude look at all the freaking soda like bro how much soda do you need bro mac and cheese gummies um yeah I don't really know how I feel about that does it taste like cheese it does kind of taste like cheese dude we don't need gig trust me you and me we could start the reaction J what's up dude I'm on dude I was bold enough dude I hate that guy yo no way look it's an oxal since when do candy stores have oxal Nathan oh we found him black olive soda I already see your face on this [Music] one um dinosaur dump look bro the dinosaur is literally on the toilet dude [Music] I mean oh oh the aftertaste at first it kind of tastes like root beer and then it just tastes like like dookie G just grab him it's not him it's not it's definitely not our Nathan are you fortn iting right now did you know that you can eat money by the way here's your 100 bucks thanks dude wa look it's Simon it's a cat in a box that races oh he's fast I found a hole but Nathan wasn't there we're almost at the very tippity toity is it better now yeah you see him bro come on please tell me you see him what's it say read it to me I'm hanging out with a bunch of nerds and and he left his Nerds candy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait nerds like bro we're in Dallas he says nerds there's only one place to go let's go let's go I don't know where to go dud yo where is he I know he's hiding him here where's Preston or Nathan Preston or Nathan where is he where's Nathan at yo yo hello say it now tell us or this is going this is going where is he where is he a nice monitor tell us where is he where are you hiding you TR Nathan do it oh it's not glass you didn't even break that now it's broken now it's broken you guys the clue you know he actually gave you this guy no I'm just kidding he actually gave gave me this give you guys this that's literally it oh I didn't even get to the desk I'm sorry but like that's Prett what's that supposed to mean I don't know that's the toe we gave me there's nothing in here well he L there's a piece of paper right there and people are trying to work in here so why don't you guys maybe get out hold on this is more important oh we'll be sending the invo too unable this is for no no unspeakable yeah you need to leave no I'm trying to go overedit stop I swear he in that little hid can that quick all that four all that four make sure you get a nice shot what's on the screen back up Gabe let's go back up why am iuh you have what you need and you're still Sho me what what the know what you even saying I'm about to blast off what does that even mean I know where he is I know where he is come on come on come on about time you haven't done anything all day bro don't make me go in Bounty Hunter mode once I put on these glasses we're going to figure out the answer last where do rockets go to space should I see if NASA's nearby or something just type in rockets in Dallas it has to be a place oh there's a candy store that's called Rocket Fizz you think that's it that's the only thing that makes sense that's rocket a Rocket Fizz bro I'm so full I'm closing the door all right it takes so long to get back here right just got to close there we go we're in honestly dude I think I'm going to take a nap oh yes I don't know if this looks comfy on camera to y'all but this is a freaking Vibe I'm going try to take a nap to pass some time if this isn't it I don't know what it would be dude it it even looks the same dude we got them this time dude this is probably the coolest candy store I've ever been in dude there's so much Bob Ross mints you ever had Bob Ross mints before you ever have zombie brain juice I love me some Taffy red velvet don't mind about it stop playing around let's find Nathan yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo oh FR blocks yo fresh he was here this looks a little weird what do you mean it's just a door yeah it's just a pantry dude it's the ace event oh there's a secret door get this out of here what in the world this candy store has it all dude give us the camera this room is empty Nathan's not even in here he didn't even finish it he left some in there yo wait unspeakables pulled up on the laptop he was watching us must have just been here why is unspeakable pulled up on the laptop there's no hints no hints check the printer check the printer nothing oh oh no that's I know that dude I don't know what that is though do you know what that is ball Tower Dallas in Dallas that's it right yeah yeah all right it's called it's called Reunion Tower I have the address let me take a photo let's go let's get out we don't need the photo we I know I just could crawl through this whole weekend why I didn't want to crawl that's so unnecessary we're good dude we're saving time yeah okay bud subscribe for day three
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 1,601,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: W2Tc0_xrD7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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