SML Movie: Bowser's Drivers License [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] okay thomas let's watch some tv watching tv oh what a boring cheeseburger oh hey kids i'm doofy the dragon and today we're gonna make this cheeseburger not so boring so the first thing we gotta do is take the top off then we gotta put the cheese on it and one cheeseburger isn't complete without a little bit of glass that's perfect so now we gotta put the rest trap on it perfect and then of course the nail that looks beautiful kids so come to mcdonald's and throw in our new goofy the dragon burger and every happy meal comes with a nine millimeter then i'm loving it guys look thomas did you see that a goofy the dragon cheeseburger oh my god i have to have one i have that one like right now i love cheeseburgers and i love doofy and they're both put together that's amazing oh my god i'm at cfpb he'll take me hey chef can you take me why because if it involves me driving anywhere i am not taking you what why chef pee pee do you see this big mess this is your mess you messed up all these dishes the cubs the balls the sippy cup everything i mean you helped out with that man no i didn't help out with anything if you need to go somewhere you go and ask your dad ask my dad yeah but then he's gonna tell me to tell you to do it well tell them i'm busy i thought chef pee pee you're stupid oh nice insult oh stupid chef pee pee won't take me to get my doofy cheeseburger and he told me to ask my dad my dad's not gonna take me he's too lazy and junior we need to swap batteries because like my remote is out of batteries and charlie is on i need to watch charlie oh okay you can swap the battery okay oh yeah while you're in here can i ask you a question what what no look okay you might be adopted i'm not sure what no no debt what no no i can you take me to mcdonald's to get a cheeseburger oh um no no i can't take you to mcdonald's to get a cheeseburger why don't you just add chef pee pee well i just asked him and he said that to ask you he said he's busy washing the dishes oh yeah they do need to be clean yeah so can you drive me to mcdonald's no drive no no no i can't no i can't do that come on dad just a simple drive it's like a 30 second drive i'm sorry i just can't drive you anywhere all we do is get in the car we drive there we look i don't have my license damn it stop interrogating me i'm not your son or anything oh you're harassing me why what you don't you don't have your driver's license no i don't have my driver's license my mommy wanna let me get up wait what what dad yes i don't have my driver's license well that's why i get chevy to drive me everywhere well why don't you just get your driver's license dad i mean like why should i get my driver's license i'm like in my 30s so i really don't need them i have somebody that goes everywhere for me well i mean if you got your driver's license you could um what could you do uh you'd drive everywhere you could uh if charlie's having like a meet and greet you can go meet charlie you can drive to go see charlie char char yeah i i could go and see charlie yeah you gotta if you have a car you could drive anywhere you drive new york city you could drive to san francisco you could drive to iraq north korea definitely get my driver's license now i gotta go and meet charlie oh you're doing go get your driver's license hey baby i need you to thank me to get a license okay hi there you bowser yes sir i am all right you ready to get your license today oh yeah yeah all right that's good to hear okay i haven't passed anybody today so please tell me you're gonna pass oh wow i got this in the back i'm gonna be the first one you passed all right that sounds good okay so is that that's that's the call you're taking yeah that's my car i look sweet right yeah it's a nice ride okay so uh i think that's about it let's uh get in the car and get started okay okay okay so well first off how you doing today i'm pretty good i'm a little nervous but i think i got it okay okay so uh what's the first thing you do when you get in the car oh man that's easy you just turn that sucker on oh yeah yeah i guess that's all right uh okay so so what's next oh ho ho you let the top down whoa whoa whoa yeah yeah like all right well no it tops down unnecessarily what do you do now oh simple i put my shades on gotta look fresh for the ladies you know no no what no you don't need sunglasses to drive a car i gotta look good no no okay so now what do you do well you know i gotta turn on some tunes oh i hope it's some petty one what are you doing all in your face these nuts no no why did you turn it off i'm bumping it no no bumping okay jesus you're not gonna be able to hear me oh my god dude you're such a barney boober all right well i'm sorry but now let's give your tunes you have your top down what do you do now oh simple i gotta check for the haters no i'm back behind me oh not on this side wait wait no nope not over there what are you doing so we're good there's no haters or are you hating no i'm not hating not yet well we're good then fine there's no haters there's nothing nothing like that now what do you do oh um you you put in drive right no no belt seat belt that's what comes next why would i need a seat belt when i have a convertible i could just fall out of the car jump out if i yeah yeah it's simple wow just jump out of a moving vehicle a seat belt is not going to help me it absolutely fine okay whatever okay you just want to put your seat belt on that's fine scribble something here wait wait what are you marking i'm marking that you failed the seat belt portion because you didn't put one on i'll get it right next time okay whatever so okay so all right next portion of the test okay what i need you to do you see those cones over there oh yeah i see them i need you to park between those cones without hitting any of them ah that's simple hold on let me get ready and i'm ready to go okay what what are you doing i was driving what you're going backwards why you told me to drive i said go between the cones ago those are the only cones come on you need to clarify next time i did just work between the cones oh come on we'll all part between it okay you're approaching the cones all right all right just just make sure you don't hit any of the cones okay oh i got this i got this starting to doubt that actually why would you doubt me i'm doing it perfectly okay you you are hitting the call wait wait did i hit it i obviously stopped stop stop stop wait you wait it's just the music that's the message you not feel that rolling under the car jesus christ what now man you hit the i didn't hit any cones you hit all the calls look look i bet ten dollars that didn't hit them going really check it really oh okay okay i will hit the cones oh no oh no you didn't hit the cones at all it's not like they're wedged under the car or anything no you didn't hit the cones you ate them so i didn't hit the cones nope definitely not i told you so what did i get on the parking test you get a d uh d for damn my parking is good yeah it's yours yeah yeah whatever all right so let's go to the next parking test okay so the next portion of the exam is the turning portion okay so you see those cones over there yeah i see those cars all right you're gonna make a sharp turn without hitting any of those cones so uh oh okay so let's let's play a game okay let's pretend those cones are our kids preschoolers okay little little orphans little orphans without homes sad little orphans cute little girls okay so we're gonna try to turn without hitting any of those orphans right because we don't want to we don't want to kill orphans right now bye-bye orphans whatever they didn't have bears anyway so it's not like it's a big loss no they never will okay okay i'm gonna get out see how many orphans are lodged under the bumper you monster okay then those poor orphans all right before you say anything i'll admit i may have hit one or two but only two at most no right on the dot one one or two yes so what's next well i don't even see what the point of continuing at this point is oh i mean what well you're not you're not doing so hot no look look just give me another task to do and i guarantee you it'll wow fine okay so uh i guess next dare i say get on the road yeah i'm about to get on the road baby okay okay so far so good i told you i'm a good driver man all right there's a stop sign coming up so what do you do oh well is there anybody around what do you mean well you run that no stop you stop at a stop sign what what why what do you think stop means well spin tires on pavement no it means stop like it says it does i thought it was an acronym jesus turn right here okay well i feel like turning left hold on hold on yeah didn't use your blinker didn't use your blinker what what what i didn't know i had to use a brinker you didn't tell me that i don't have to okay we're gonna try this turn signal thing again all right all right all right i want you to make a right turn here okay right turn right turn oh my gosh i got it that was the wrong wrong turn signal wait what you're trying right it's okay okay whatever you're trying to mess me up but i got it okay just ignore it hold on grab the wheels jesus what are you doing all right come on man hey mom he's taking a test um because he's not driving the car what are you cooking for dinner jesus christ what okay spaghetti i guess we're gonna all right mom all right all right i'll talk to you later stop stop no no no no it does not matter you are taking a test and you're driving this is dangerous she's cooking spaghetti it does not matter what she's cooking for dinner you are taking a driving test you're gonna kill everybody oh my god what you don't want spaghetti are you a hater i'm not gonna move for spaghetti okay okay then we'll we'll take this driver's test then okay you actually stopped at the stop sign get rid of that acronym stuff that that's actually kind of impressive okay so i'm doing good right you're doing better okay so we're gonna turn right here and we're gonna go down this road okay and it's got actual cars on it so i need you to be careful okay i don't know why i'm doing that a minor right i could do that i could take it right nice simple right all right okay turn signal do you usually turn something yeah i used to right you're learning this is good this is what this is for okay okay so we're just gonna go straight all right all right all right switch legs on them that's fine am i doing good okay i'm doing awesome sure why does guys be hey hey stupid chinese what the hell's wrong with you you don't know what he's saying you know what he's gonna have to hear something when i get up to him come on don't be like he doesn't stop signing oh we're gonna meet up just a test why would you do this during a time you're gonna see what happened i'm not just going to let somebody cut me or is it people just because hey hey you stupid chinese what oh i feel sorry i don't see you there well you need to open up your damn eyes fix me someone shake it bastard i just failed him what i don't know why he's driving a cop well you need to revoke his car or something call the police i guess maybe god wow oh oh he oh he's looking at the window screw you screw you okay well you're not you're not helping put the car in park okay so what's next we're done in more ways than one what do you mean so how did that do okay how do you do okay well let's just let's just take it one at a time okay so first off you put the top down that's that's not a big deal it's a little unusual it's not too bad you gotta let the sun in yeah sure and then came the loud music now the loud music i mean i wouldn't do that in the tests it's not it's not it's not too bad okay the seat belt that's where the problems start you didn't want to put a seat belt on you never put a seat belt on you have a sunrise i should have just failed you there but i didn't for some weird reason so no seatbelt that that's gonna cost you um oh jesus i don't even know what it again uh no no turn signal no turn signal then when you figured out turn signals existed you used the wrong one well at least i used it you tried so there's that um no stop sign you you completely wanted to just blow through the stop sign didn't really seem to understand the concept of the word stop would nobody ever educated me about that that is unfortunate um what else oh you yelled on the phone about spaghetti while you were trying to drive made me take the come on man it's spaghetti doesn't matter okay i'm not even gonna go over that with you uh you you yelled at a chinese man you yelled at the chinese man you wanna yelled at any man a black man chinese man you you yelled at him and you told him to open his eyes which is which is offensive for numerous reasons i don't even feel like i should have i mean if he can't see a big vehicle that i'm driving in he needs to open those damn mountains oh my god well it's road rage and that's not that's not good so as you can probably see from all the f's all over the page there's kind of a theme here you failed i mean that's what i wrote that you failed i thought it was fantastic no no it's for fail because you did awful i mean i i would never give you a license i wouldn't let you near a car i wouldn't let you on a bus no no mode of transportation is safe for you man that's not right i should have a a like for awesome i did good no no okay i'll tell you what you go home you study up right you practice you take some time come back with a different driving instructor because i'm not i'm not doing this again with you never never again so you try again with somebody else maybe you have a shot at getting a license i doubt it then you could try i forget that i'll just you know find a different instructor he'll probably pass me now let's switch those batteries dad you're back oh yeah did you pass your driver's license test uh yeah of course what you did can i see your driver's license oh no and um they gotta mail them in in like a couple of months well they got to mail it in a couple months yep yeah you know post offices and stuff you you didn't pass did you die what what you didn't pass you know what get out of my back dammit [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 697,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, bowser, bowser's, drivers, license
Id: K1YMZc7mYS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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