SML Movie: Black Yoshi's Money Problem [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] i want a nice calm robbery okay i don't want anyone to get hurt all right and i don't want anyone yelling or anything okay okay okay smooth and calm i know how to play it okay everyone hit the ground now this is a robbery i'm just bored i don't have anything to do hey black yoshi those new shoes oh yeah maybe my new red jays man you like them folks yeah those are those are awesome i mean bad boys out yeah whoa i wouldn't mind having a pair of those how much those cost only about uh three four hundred dollars three or four hundred dollars yeah for me oh it fly man wait black yoshi is that a new gold chain yeah yeah look at this the 24k gold chain i thought boys said giving how are you affording all these expensive things black yoshi oh i got this londo alone who would give you a loan get low shark folk a loan shark he's more like a lone dolphin though a lone dolphin who would give you a loan like you know it's dangerous to get a loan from a loan shark they'll kill you if you don't pay it back his heart is only five thousand dollars five thousand dollars mario stop getting your panties in a bunch yeah it's only five thousand dollars what what did you spend five thousand dollars on black yoshi uh about these about these fly kicks got these chain got my my tortoise beaches over there about my mama something uh bear my friend pookie out of jail i got some uh some kool-aid some watermelon uh some fried chicken uh some candy some skittles some starbursts all those things don't matter black if you didn't need those things those are wants they're not needs how are you gonna pay him back well uh i think he's getting close to the first of the month my website check could be coming in any day a welfare check's not going to cover five thousand dollar loan shark loans he told me i got three months to pay back will they gotta give me something three months okay well how long has it been since you got the uh oh hold on hold on hold on there's one on the door i wonder who this could be uh hello wait are you yes i'm a dolphin it's black yoshi here um i i i don't know does he owe you money yeah he owes me about five grand uh well hold on let me let me go see if he's here mario you doing bull but there's a dolphin outside where he's wearing a leather jacket yes he's wearing a leather jacket oh that's the lone dolphin man what is he doing here i owe him money oh it's been three months yeah i thought the wealthy should come in what do i tell them oh yeah well tell my people tell them i'm in jail or something man all right uh black yoshi's not here i can hear him we have an impeccable hearing hey man why are you just playing for me i was in bathroom oh right sure you're in the bathroom where's my money oh i i i ain't got it oh you better have it you're gonna be sleeping with the fishes and i can do that too because i'm a dolphin maybe calm down stop being a hostile folk man well they cut me loose this month i i ain't getting no i give him you better get a chat you better give me my money now or i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna oh damn it why do i do that oh you your rifle yeah i just wanna do that whenever i get agitated all right look sir listen black yoshi's stupid and he alone he took out a loan from money that he knew he couldn't pay back and uh we just need some more time to give you money back we're gonna sell all this stuff and we're going to get your money back so can you just give us a little bit more time i guess i could find a hotel to stay at with a pool sure but i'll be here tomorrow morning you better have the money or i'm gonna [Music] oh oh okay well i i am so mad at you well i'm so mad at you folk telling him you're gonna sell my js my chain he'll wrong with you because you are gonna sell your js in your chain because we need five thousand dollars to pay off the loan dolphin or we're gonna be sleeping with the fishes but we can't sell this because i lost the receipts how did you lose your receipts well when i went out the stove for about my js and my chain i said money ain't a thing make a ring i threw the receipts a nail money is a thing black yoshi we need money to pay off the dolphin or we're gonna die but why don't would you be so hostile for folks i'm being hostile because we owe five thousand dollars to a porpoise or he's gonna kill us vote man we ain't nothing to know poopers porpoise it means dolphin block yoshi how are we gonna get five thousand dollars by tomorrow morning i don't know about how you're gonna get five thousand dollars i don't need to get it you need to get it how do you usually make money uh i usually uh rob some gas station folks rob some gas stations we'll get going rob some gas station get the five thousand dollars a seat bar i can't why because right now i'm on some promotions and if i get if i get if i get caught with doing anything wrong they're gonna put me in the literature you're on probation black yoshi yeah promotions probation whatever folk me i'm on some promotions they say if i do it again i'm going to let your chest so you gotta do it folks the electric chair yeah you do have a lot of felonies well i mean how are we gonna get money then black yoshi uh you can rob the gas station folk what yeah you're white they ain't gonna do nothing about you photo if y'all just trying to fix it i'm not gonna rob a gas station black yoshi that's illegal i will go to jail for your white you can get away with it though black yoshi i'm not gonna rob again it's stupid that's crazy i'm not going to do it well this poop is going to kill us then oh you don't care he's playing call of duty like nothing's happening well uh i don't own money no poopers so you owe money to the loan doc the loan dollar whatever you want to call folks maybe you need to get to five thousand dollars to pay them off oh look right i just need to think i just need to think about maybe i'm gonna go ask my bank if they'll loan me five thousand dollars wait wait if you do that call do this no no why i really need this loan mr please i need the 5 000 loan no i'm not lending you a single penny mario you're my bank you're supposed to trust me and give me the money please get the loan because you have bad credit and you haven't paid back any of your debt mario geez i don't know where we get this money now hey i guess i can ask bowser okay wait for charlie prince to come on hey bowser what do you want mario i'm waiting on charlie and friends to come on oh well um i i need a favor from you uh can i can i borrow about five thousand dollars five thousand dollars no i i don't have it i already have too much debt from credit card bills i've been buying so many toys for this little bread of mine oh okay well i guess that makes sense well wait where you're in debt right yeah i'm in debt so oh a bunch of so so me and you both need to find a way to make money right yeah i guess so well i mean i got an idea black yoshi gave it to me it's kind of stupid and crazy so uh what is it well well don't call me crazy but i would i'm trying not to would you like to rob a gas station with me gas station yeah yeah i know it's crazy never mind no yes i would what you will yeah dude i haven't robbed a gas station since i was like a teenager so you're completely down to do it yeah man oh i need some adrenaline to you know pop in my veins all right cool yeah me and you can rob a gas station yeah let's do it dude all right all right let's go plant out the black yoshi all right okay hey hey black yoshi what's up folks me and bowser have agreed that we're gonna rob a gas station yeah y'all crazy y'all really gonna do it yeah we're gonna do it all right all right well if you're gonna do it you're gonna need this what yeah my trusty old glock no we don't we don't need any guns we're not gonna be hurting anyone see you say that for yourself um i'll take it see boo's got the right idea for no we're not getting any murder charges we're just going to do this calm and simple we're just going to get the money and get out you want to do it the boring way mario you ain't got to kill anybody just go in there waving around scared some people following the ship what gas station do you recommend that we rob oh the one on w street vote that one is stead what what stock means pound cash piles of cash all right all right so what time do you suggest we go oh about 2 am there's gonna be a little girl in there she weep all you gotta do is just weigh that at her ah save me she fine focuses you're gonna give the cash up all right 2 a.m gas station on w street all right you think it's gonna work out yeah four just gonna go in there oh maybe uh bust a little caps off in there just scare them a little bit no no we're not shooting any guns but it's just just for show it's just for sure both couple caps you know i'll try all right all right so two am guessing w street all right if you run into some trouble tell phuket i said what's up but you just you bailed out the kill he called me back he said got back in well thank you for wasting your money like come on dodge let's go rob this place all right bowser we're here are you ready oh yeah yeah mask going and gun loaded why is the gun moving we're not killing anyone oh man just in case she tries to run off or something we're not killing anyone bowser okay look i want a nice calm robbery okay i don't want anyone to get hurt all right and i don't want anyone yelling or anything okay okay okay smooth and calm i know how to play it okay everyone hit the ground now this is a robbery okay you run that i need all the money in the register right now okay i i can't and i if i hear that silent alarm i swear to god it's just gonna be over with right now oh but bowser don't don't be so rude brother mario why are you singing my name you just said my name damn it now i gotta waste the no no no no no no no no no um ma'am can we just can we just get you know the money in the register you know stop playing nice you gotta this is a robbery you gotta be for real we need the cash right now put it in the bag you have to buy something oh don't play with me why do i have to buy something you you damn yeah buy one get one free granola bars well i mean i mean i am kind of hungry i'm hungry too but these cashiers always trying to rip us off with with buying stuff we'll get the granola bar god you do you have cash on you no i was in the car i didn't think we're gonna be buying anything well i didn't either it's supposed to be a robbery now we got to buy stuff in order to get cash how much is the granola bar 79 cents oh bring this up lady yeah you gonna bring that up oh yeah you better get that cash and i want all big bills i need it now i need it bad i got a son and home lady twenty five dollars what i'm gonna do with twenty-five dollars yeah we need we i thought i saw more money yeah it had to be more money in the register where is it you only keep twenty-five dollars in the register yep just believe this let's go take other stuff okay yeah yeah we can't just leave this place like this all right hold my gun mario why man i gotta give me a slushie i just can't let this chick rip me off all right coke oh i'm gonna mix it up i'm gonna mountain dew blue raspberry and cherry oh okay you got all that oh yeah yeah i need to get the top hold on hold on no you don't have time for that i mean i'm making a mess already man please come on guys all right all right let's go come on let's go let's go wait hold on do you want anything i mean it's just over here i mean come on you gotta get some doritos yeah i do want some doritos hey mario fire some shots off make it seem realistic like what cowboys adrenaline rush right yeah i mean but but we only got 25 dollars i mean that's pretty good for you know first-time robbery right no we needed five thousand dollars look baby steals mario baby stuff we gotta take small steps first but we need five thousand dollars by tomorrow we only got 25 from this gas station well we can just you know take that 25 and maybe invest in the stock market you know that takes too long and also they know our names mario and bowser we said it on the cameras they know who we are why aren't we gonna get caught well i i think there's a bunch of bowsers and mario's in this world mario i guess i'm pretty sure we won't get caught yeah i guess you're right but what are we gonna do we need five thousand dollars by tomorrow and uh i mean i don't think we should stress over it that much yeah i guess i mean we did we did get a slushie yeah i mean and doritos too so we got snacks on deck yeah i mean yeah we robbed her like yeah she didn't know what had it yeah she was so scared look on her face she was like no don't shoot me i got kids at home maybe i just assumed yeah you got the cops oh god does it look like i got the five thousand dollars no i got twenty five dollars twenty five dollars black yoshi from an armed robbery that plays supposed to be stan you told me it was supposed to be sac but they only got twenty five dollars let me take my mask off and that's great mario you ball boom everyone everyone shut up yeah bobby bobby ball like what are we gonna do how are we gonna get five thousand dollars by tomorrow well i i don't know man every time i go in that place is always dead i don't know what the problem is my granola bar i'm hungry oh oh uh i ate it in the car you ate it i mean i mean i didn't think you were gonna eat it you know it was granola no i thought was it buy one get one free damn it it was she oh that cashier lady ripped us off wow she robbed us and where the robber she is hey wait what is that wait oh what is that oh what is that that's a scratch off oh i heard it in buffaloes my friend pookie won finals on wait like we didn't steal a scratch off no we didn't she must have gave it to us as a constellation prize for robbing her it says win up to five thousand dollars so someone get a coin we gotta scratch this we gotta scratch this wow get one get one going all right i got it going i'm scratching all right come on bowser let it be a winner let it be a winner we need that five thousand dollars like you should come on okay what's that what's it say i can't read this junk let me read it it's so stupid you match three and then you win that amount all right all right so let me see we got five thousand by then oh my god what is it we want five thousand dollars all right what are we gonna do oh okay so now we gotta go catch this ticket in and we get the five thousand dollars to the dolphin oh no no no we gotta get half of your dolphin and the other half we bought some more days with it though no i said we get some food we give it all to the dog it's cool wait what what's this who's that at this time of night hold on hold on who could that be uh hello it's a lone dolphin what are you doing here it's it's me i couldn't find a hotel with a pool so i thought i'd crash here for a while are you are you bald yes i'm bald but that's besides the point anyway we have your five thousand dollars oh you do wow i'd like to see that oh we wanted on this scratch off look see it's a winner in match three take a look at that wow holy you actually pulled it off i did not think you would do that well that's yeah we won five thousand dollars black yoshi come here i was waiting for the boat oh man it's the load off me give me the ticket yeah i'm gonna give him the ticket just uh just put just put in my mouth okay so once we give you this you won't kill us right uh no no no absolutely not all right there you go yes we paid off your debts like yoshida i'm getting the house all right okay black yoshi i hope you learned to not take loans from bad people whatever mario i got the 25 though whatever fine all my worries are taken care of who could that be uh hello i mean i mean hey officer uh what seems to be the problem well uh i just stopped by to question you about something that occurred earlier this morning mario uh what happened um where were you at about uh 2 am where was i around 2 a.m were you at a gas station no i was not guessing i was here playing bingo with my friends so you were here at 2am playing bingo with your friend yep all right uh do you have anybody to back up that story uh yes i have my friend black yoshi black yoshi come here what's your wonderful uh where was i at 2am this morning oh twain you are robbing the gas station with boozers uh-huh so uh mario uh you and bells are gonna have to come with me oh now i gotta waste the no no no [Music] [Music] no [Music] you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 763,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, black, yoshi, yoshi's, money, problem
Id: GZj8qPCR4nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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