SML Movie: Chicken!

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so Joseph what do you want to do today I don't know dude I'm kind of bored guys guys quick turn on the news you're not gonna believe this but what's going on Cody just just turn on the news okay breaking news okay Australia is on fire over 1 billion animals have perished in this horrific incident and firefighters are working tirelessly to put out the fires oh that's really sad no no not that keep watching and now to the weather this week's draw the weather winner is Cody nut kiss and his drawing predicts that it's gonna be raining cats and dogs and look he literally drew cats and dogs falling from the sky how close and cody also wins a $25.00 Applebee's gift card congratulations see I did it i won they picked me they put my drawing on the news you see the news this thing where they have you draw a picture of the weather and when you win they put your picture on TV and I did it i won i won a $25.00 Applebee's gift card this is awesome this is the perfect day the world is exactly as it should be today I wouldn't change anything about the world I'm gonna go to Applebee's I'm gonna get an appetizer in an entree and a drink and that's it cuz it's only $25 and Ethel B's kind of sucks but I don't care because like one but Cody a billion animals died yeah wait wait oh no jr. that was just a drawing it's not really gonna rain cats and dogs wonder or not you're drawing that the Australian fires is killing a lot of animals no that yeah it's that sucks I guess but what about my drawing though there's something we got to do I won't be able to help the animals you too dude yeah I guess you could donate money what's doing money gonna do Chloe he's gonna throw money at the fire give me the fire bigger yes made of paper it's gonna spread yeah yeah yeah you're not gonna throw money at the fire you're gonna use the money to pay firefighters oh let's do that okay um I don't have any money Joseph yeah money dude I don't have money I'm poor Oh Cody do you have money well I have a $25 Applebee's gift card but that's off limits okay well then how can we raise money to donate I'll show you there's somebody got to do mm-hmm oh cool yeah I got an idea what if you made a machine that could make more animals okay like I can just make a machine that just makes animals yeah you make machines all the time so why don't you make a machine they can make more animals because a billion animals die so we gotta make a billion animals replace those animals yeah yeah I mean I guess it is a YouTube video and I've made weirder stuff so okay I'll try yeah Cody go make it you'll make you can do it I really hope it works all right chef Rafi I'm hungry well I'm cooking forget the old bouncer that's disgusting I don't want that you know what I want it's a good old-fashioned country fried finger-lickin chicken that means you've got a kitchen alive take his head off and cook it for me fresh that's so disgusting mouth it takes so much effort just buy it for the store you know I want it fresh so get to it okay Butler neither whoever cooked the five chicken guys guys I did it I actually did it what'd you do it what we're talking about it well I went home well actually first I went to Applebee's how was that well it was very mediocre because there was a hair of my food and it was kind of cold but then I went home and my stomach hurt because I ate Applebee's you know how it is yeah and then I finally got around to making this machine so what to do well it can turn anything into an animal anything anything oh dude it's so cool it's really cool wait what's that white stuff oh that's my every jungle animal converted unpredictably like any Thursday immediately or now what's that mean it's an acronym Oh where'd you get the white stuff well let's just say I had to milk some animals even ones that don't have others if you know what I mean okay so we can turn anything into an animal yeah like you could turn this remote into an animal yeah sure Oh L know what those are illegal in California really right I don't know I I just found that out yeah well anyway it's really cool your machine turned a remote to a hedgehog I know right hey dude what should we name it huh I don't know we should name it something original hmm how about Tyler no Joseph everybody names their hedgehogs Tyler you're right what the restaurant yeah it's really originally she's very copywriting man oh hey start the Hedgehog like a video game I know right okay hey sorry I put you on the ground okay oh that's so cool Cody's you made that machine yeah what should we turn into an animal next Oh but Joseph you're already a turtle well I don't want to be a new animal how about like a t-rex or something something cool oh yeah you're cool doesn't do an animal okay whoa Joseph you're a squirrel I'm a squirrel dude yeah well I am craving nice yeah welcome to my will well Cody why did it turn into a squirrel well it's unpredictable Junior I can't control what animal it turns into well Joseph are you happy being a squirrel oh dude I love it now can actually go and touch the power line oh go touch one okay dude squirrels don't get elected you too when they touch power lines yeah oh okay so uh we should go turn chef peepee and do an animal okay let's go do it how's the won't even know the difference I'm ticking hey chef peepee Oh what do you want Junior oh you got me can't see no that's not for you that's for your bad look he wanted me to cook a live chicken and I'm not going to do that well instead of cooking a live chicken what if you were chicken what Cody yeah when I said what if you want a chicken you're supposed to turn shank of you into a chicken well I can't control what it turns people into Junior it's unpredictable okay well when I say what if you want chicken try the turns I could be into a chicken okay but he's probably not gonna be a chicken what if you weren't again what are you idiots uh cool oh did you shoot oh okay no Junior he's actually a slot they're really slow what they are [Music] me I mean could you take you to a sloth less animal rate thing [Applause] [Music] all right see if you can keep being silly Meiko turn more stuff into animals see you later oh man Shep he's funny as a sloth yeah funny funny funny stuff all right well should we turn into an animal well jr. we've been turning people into animals but we're really supposed to be turning objects into animals oh yeah we got to help Australia we got to make 1 billion animals so let me go grab a bunch of random object to turn in animals okay okay all right Cody I grabbed a bunch of random stuff from around my house I got the Pixar ball okay I got Simon Says Hey and I got my Thomas Thomas but junior you love Thomas I know Cody but we gotta save Australia okay I also got blue-eyes White Dragon no jr. not blue-eyes White Dragon I know he's super valuable but Cody we got to make a billion animals yeah I guess you're right I also got my copy of flushed away for the Gamecube no junior not flushed away for the Gamecube Junior put that back it's too valuable I know Cody it's super valuable and no one else has it they would die for it but Cody we have to make a billion enols we gotta save Australia look we're two ten-year-olds will go down in history for saving Australia okay but this better count for two animals because this is quite a sacrifice I know Cody so Starla flushed away Junior I don't know if I can do it looks like a whale with a unicorn horn it's a pretty lousy exchange for flushed away in the Gamecube is what it is well it looked like it's supposed to be in water yeah it is I'm gonna go put it in the bathtub you take the machine and just keep turning things into animals okay okay let's turn him stuff into animals huh blue-eyes White Dragon oh cool a turtle okay go walk dogs throw your buddy all right go turn some more stuff into animals all right Thomas I love you so much but it's an all the time oh cool a bunny rabbit go to Australia Australia okay Simon Says whoa cool a dog I think okay Australia yeah that's where you're going okay the pixar ball okay you're gonna go to Australia okay yeah okay all right well can I turn into it oh who can I mean I turned Thomas into an animal so Cody can sacrifice kin for an animal wait kid get your chicken all right kid now go to Australia and help out all the animals feel so good helping out the planet is my fried chicken ready I told you I want it fried chicken chicken what's wrong with you Junior turn me into something look I want it for a chicken hey you're gonna make me a fresh chicken okay you know what there's a fresh chicken I'm gonna take it to the soul and you're gonna fix it for me you got that all right chef peepee the chicken is in the pan all you have to do is cook it now get the cooking God marry Junie the narwhals all set up in the bathtub you make any more animals oh yeah Cody I made a bunch of animals I made a turtle I made a rabbit I made a cat I made a dog and I made a chicken oh good job Junior so what do you want to turn into an animal now um ooh what do we turn the couch into an animal gonna be awesome it'd be a really big animal all right let's try okay so cool wait Junior where's Ken who ken he was sitting on the couch you know the characters of giraffe where is he oh I haven't seen Ken I haven't seen him all day did you even bring him over to my house yeah he was sitting right here on the couch what happened to him uh well I mean if the couch the drop then maybe uh maybe he's on the giraffes head hold on let me check hey you doing no he's not up here either okay well since you're way up there I got something to tell you so I might have accidentally on purpose turn kin and do an animal them and do a chicken it would be because you know I thought that you know I turned Thomas into an animal and I didn't care so I thought maybe you wouldn't care if I turned Ken into an animal and he turned into a chicken what you don't get it do it we're just trying to help Australia it doesn't matter we could have turned anything in the world into an animal why did it have to be my boyfriend well can I turn Thomas oh I didn't think you cared but calm down look can't you just turn him back into a doll no I have to make a whole new machine to do that all right Cody so go make a new machine and then I'll go try to find Ken okay okay just hurry up and find him okay thank God I got here in time to put out that fire this chicken almost got burned I got here just in time it's cooked perfectly what do you think he started the fire well you forget to pluck the feathers off the chicken before you started cooking it so they call it fire and also the chefs a sloth so that's a problem the chicken had better so was it a new chicken oh yeah it was a fresh chicken I mean it they must have been alive just literally a few minutes ago few minutes ago Oh Oh No hey sloth you mind if I have some of your chicken it looks pretty good yes Oh No cooties gonna be so mad when he finds out all right Junior I made a new machine to bring Ken back what's this one called this one's called the bring us together to help others love everything machine it's also an acronym well does it work well I haven't tried it yet okay well then try it on the drop and see if it turns into a couch okay Koni the couch is back it worked thank God okay so where's Ken ken yeah you were supposed to find him oh yeah chicken yeah yeah I thought I found him okay well then where is he oh he's downstairs I'll do it I'll take about give me wait why can't I go oh because um what you see oh I got us in this mess and I should get us out of it so let me do it okay okay you stay right here don't come downstairs I got it I'll take care of it okay this is a pretty good chicken oh hey kid you want some chicken it's delicious uh no thank you suit yourself oh man I really hope this works yeah that's actually really chewy Oh what what I'm eating a toy what oh boy uh how did that get there sorry firefighter um I'll just take this back to my toy room thanks for helping with Australia what all right Cody Ken's all that normal yeah janek's so happy to see you whoa Ken I don't remember you being so dummy thick I didn't realize I was dating Shakira because those hips don't lie yeah he's all back normal like that that's how I usually look well wisey of tape on him Oh tape yeah there's tape don't don't remove that he's doing a new workout to get a bigger butt okay yeah so don't remove the tape but yeah everything's back no oh yeah yeah I'm just really sad that we didn't get to help Australia we were supposed to make a billion animals Cody yeah I guess all we can do now is just donate and that's what you can do just go donate to Australia in the link in the description yeah well why the power go out yeah hey does anybody know this squirrel he chewed through a power line outside and no the whole neighborhood's out of power Oh Joseph [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 20,248,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, puppet, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, ken, chicken, bowser, bowser jr, bowser junior, animal, animals, help, hilarious, super mario, mario, nintendo, adventure, cody, joseph, friends
Id: hY-ifljk890
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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