SML Movie: Bigfoot [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so guys what do you want to do today i know i don't know dude you want to watch tv oh yeah let's watch tv okay we're gonna watch tv oh okay uh i guess i'll just save this for another day then okay what do you want to watch uh what do you want to watch cody i always think we would probably doctor figure [ __ ] oh yeah yeah let's watch dr finger [ __ ] hello i am dr friedrich fingerts and today we will be talking about bigfoot now i know what you are thinking doctor finkelshitz you are cuckoo bigfoot does not exist or really well if he doesn't exist then explain this photograph this is a real photo of bigfoot see it is you it is you who are cuckoo not me i am not a cuckoo bird no it is you or cuckoo not finger shits so to prove it i will go deep into the woods there is one million dollars as a reward for anybody who captures bigfoot and i will go into the woods and find him alright i am now in the middle of the woods where bigfoot was last seen and i am dressed like a big juicy banana because that is what bigfoot likes to eat he is not a monkey but he does enjoy bananas i will now do the bigfoot dance bigfoot come and get this juicy banana banana banana i know guys this show is so fake dr finkelshitz dies in every episode and besides bigfoot isn't even real bigfoot is real cody no he's not junior just because there's one picture of him does not make him real well they have more than just a picture this footage of dr fingershe's getting killed by bigfoot there was a guy in a costume junior well your mom wears a costume no she does a fat suit yes bigfoot wasn't real why would they give out a million-dollar reward to find something that's not real they're not junior it's a tv show well i think bigfoot's real and i think we should go in the woods and try to find him oh yeah we should go on an adventure and then we can get a million dollars if we find him i know we gotta find bigfoot and cody can be a banana why do i have to be a banana because cody you have to dress up a banana because doctor fingers dressed up as a banana and look bigfoot appeared so someone has to be the banana and you're the perfect fit for it because you got a banana shaped head you banana shaped head freak oh yeah that's true i am not dressing up like a banana you're dressing up like a banana cody no i'm not see cody i told you'd be the perfect banana junior what's all that noise i heard yelling oh hey chef pee pee we're about to go outside and look for bigfoot look for the bigfoot junior bigfoot doesn't exist coming from somebody who doesn't even have feet ooh sick burn junior all right well you're not gonna find bigfoot cause he doesn't exist oh he doesn't exist well you're gonna be really jealous when we get a million dollars for finding them come on guys let's go look for bigfoot oh you guys are idiots all right guys are you ready to fight bigfoot yeah dude junior i really don't feel comfortable dressed up like a banana in the middle of the woods why you're afraid bigfoot's gonna eat you no because bigfoot doesn't exist if bigfoot doesn't exist cody then how did doctor figger should get in by bigfoot because that was a tv show junior that wasn't bigfoot it was a guy in a suit holy please shut up you don't know what you're talking about cody look we're gonna hide behind that tree over there and you're gonna sit here make banana noises banana noises okay cody go go what does a banana even sound like junior cody you know what a banana sounds like yeah dude okay what is he [ __ ] cody you're supposed to say the banana sound well i'm doing what bananas do they don't talk cody you know what a banana salad come on cody all right fine banana what oh come on cody more enthusiastic cody okay fine banana yeah yeah that's it cody take the banana costume off why junior i was doing the banana call well it sucked you sounded nothing like a banana yeah dude i was doing the best i could i was being the best damn banana that i could be well it wasn't good enough take the costume off junior what is the banana even supposed to sound like show me it sounds like this oh yeah junior you're an idiot cody you're an idiot how about we just look for bigfoot's footprints in the ground you know fine the costume's not working oh my god junior oh it's a hand well no way we're not looking for a big hand we're looking for a big foot oh yeah junior that's a human hand i think somebody died out here do you think it's the leftovers or doctor fingers when you got eaten oh it could be dude i told you she died yeah junior we need to get out of here i think there's a bear around here no cody i think it's bigfoot i think bigfoot the big one has to be out here junior this is really dangerous okay bigfoot where are you bigfoot i don't want to do this anymore cody look oh my god junior oh my god now that's a big foot two we found bigfoot yeah we found big brothers that's a human foot first we found a human head and now that's a human foot there's a murderer out here no cody you're just mad cause we found bigfoot and we're gonna get that reward yeah i think we need to get out of here cody help us i'm not and now that you've touched it your fingerprints are all over it well so now that our fingerprint's on it we can prove that we're the ones that found it yeah i don't want anything to do with this why you're just mad cause you're a banana suit and you look ridiculous yeah it's so chilly come on guys let's take this home oh my god guys i can't believe we found bigfoot i know right dude we didn't find bigfoot guys we found a severed human foot cody what's bigfoot's name it's it's bigfoot and what is that it's a bigfoot uh-huh so why are we even arguing junior okay if this is bigfoot why doesn't it look like the picture of bigfoot and dr finkelshit's show well or maybe bigfoot shaved what junior that it makes sense because look look and in the picture he had a lot of hair and look he doesn't have hair so he shaved junior you are an idiot well cody you're an idiot because you don't know what a bigfoot looks like that's a big foot and who do i call for my reward junior you call the police because we found a body part wouldn't you call a doctor when you find a body part you're right junior no you call the police because this is illegal okay fine cody i'll call the police but they better give me my reward okay so uh i don't want to be here when the police come because i don't want anything to do with this okay so i'm leaving all right fine cody when we get our million dollars i'm gonna split at 50 50. right yeah yeah you don't get a share of it let's call the cops all right let's do it junior's such an idiot [Applause] what is chef pee pee doing man i can't wait to scare junior this is gonna be so funny he's gonna think that he's actually getting attacked by bigfoot chef pee pee what are you doing scooty look look i'm dressing up like bigfoot the scared juniors oh my god that's hilarious i know right so can you help me put my head on yeah sure oh yeah it's a zipper back there make sure you zip it up okay [Music] uh oh the zipper broke wait wait the zipper broke yeah uh it looks like you're gonna be stuck in that costume for a little while it doesn't matter i'll just cut it off later after i get that scary junior okay i'll go upstairs and hang out with junior and joseph until you come scare him okay all right i'll be in there in a second hello hey kid did you call 9-1-1 what's your emergency they they should ask you that on the phone but they don't tell me nothing i'm so glad you came i caught bigfoot oh oh oh you caught bigfoot huh yeah oh yeah yeah oh wow where is that bigfoot oh he's out he's upstairs oh he's upstairs you got the tooth fairy up there too huh well what about the easter bunny are they locked up there no i only got bigfoot oh just just the bigfoot okay well i'll tell you what kid 911 is for emergencies only okay we can't have kids calling us because you found a spider under your bed and you think it's a monster well no no i have the real bigfoot upstairs i promise i swear all right show me what you got come on all right officer here's bigfoot well well you're not lying that that is a big foot yeah it's bigfoot so uh where's our reward yeah what what reward what reward what the million dollars there's a million-dollar award for whoever can find bigfoot so we went out to the woods and we found bigfoot you found this in the woods yeah did you find anything else uh we found a hand but uh yeah we didn't want a hand we wanted bigfoot oh of course not you you're just looking for the foot yeah so are we getting that reward uh well before i give you any kind of uh reward i'm just gonna take this back to the forensic lab and see how this big foot got detached from its big body and then i'll be back uh most likely with the warrant oh okay take this and be on my way uh please hurry yeah please yeah those kids are going to jail so joseph what are you gonna do with your five hundred thousand dollars oh dude i'm gonna buy a new mom that's awesome hey guys oh what's up loser what's up choddy good one junior so what did the police officer say oh he said he's gonna get a reward and a warrant oh yeah jealous much i think you're jealous yeah yeah i sure am so what are you doing here child i thought you left oh i didn't have anything to do so i came back oh well that's good so so when they bring us our million dollars you can watch us bathe in our money yeah you know you didn't catch the real bigfoot right wait what wait what are you talking about well junior i i think the real bigfoot's still out there somewhere no way wait no no we caught we caught the real bigfoot no i don't think i don't think you did i think he might be closer than you think wait what what take this down to the forensic lab run some tests boy i am really thirsty i you know what i i'm gonna go get a drink out of the fridge i i come here all the time i practically live here man i really hope they don't have diet drinks man i'm gonna scare those breaths i'm gonna be like rhyme what oh my god it's bigfoot it's actually bigfoot oh oh hey officer no no no this is just the costume why are you filthy you're coming with me [ __ ] against the wall bigfoot it's just the gospel we finally got you after all these years we finally got you bigfoot the legends were all true okay bigfoot you're coming with me no no no cody what are you talking about we caught the real bigfoot yeah junior i don't think you did i think it's still out there [Music] breaking news and good bigfoot the real bigfoot has been found let's go to the press conference now okay okay uh hello yes press conference uh the reports you are hearing are true we have captured the real bigfoot and here he is help somebody help me get out of this cage look at him isn't he such a majestic creature look i am not bigfoot i am just a chef in a costume and it's stuck well after all of these years we finally found bigfoot hiding in a child's home in his kitchen but uh yeah so now that we have bigfoot our scientists are going to do all kinds of painful excruciating experiments on him and uh you know just to see what kind of freak he really is and uh i think it's all for the greater good someone found the real big fight oh this shows dude i'll never get to buy a new mall now oh no oh no no no this this is bad what's wrong cody oh my god get guys that's that's chef pee pee wait what yeah yeah that bigfoot on tv that's that's chef peepee okay cody i understand that we call your mom a pig all the time but calling chef pee pee bigfoot just because he's hairy that's an insult no no junior i mean that's that's literally chef pee pee in a costume he he put on a bigfoot costume to try to scare you guys and i guess somebody actually thought he was bigfoot that's not chef creepy well but yes it is junior i promise that's a bigfoot junior that's not bigfoot that is chef pee pee in a costume i'm confused now i'm gonna go check you're lying cody chef pee pee cody says you're bigfoot should i pee pb shot baby guys i can't find chef pee pee yeah i know junior because he's in that cage oh so cody you're really telling the truth look at that chef pee pee yes junior oh then what are we gonna do guys well junior there's only one thing we can [Music] no do can't believe i'm operating on the real bigfoot but wait a second nah i didn't mean you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 633,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bigfoot
Id: eRIiqrC4L1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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