SML Movie: The Monster [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] so mario where's jeffy he's supposed to be getting ready for bed [Music] all right guys i'm all ready for bum you ready for bed yup did you brush your teeth no well then go brush your teeth jeffy bunny rabbits don't have to brush their teeth daddy go brush your teeth jeffy i can't why because i ate all the toothpaste you ate all the toothpaste jeffy jeffy why would you eat all the toothpaste sure i wouldn't have to brush my teeth jeffy you're not supposed to eat toothpaste it's bad for you it's going to make you sick well then why is your bubble gum flavored huh yeah yeah you don't know you answered that one do you daddy take that daddy butterfly there's that okay time to go to bed come on go to bed all right jeffy is there anything you need before you go to bed um oh how about a bedtime story daddy what a bedtime story jeffy you're too old for bedtime stories oh come on mario it won't take too long well i don't know any bedtime stories oh i know one which one the little boy who cried wolf make it quick once upon a time there was a little boy who took care of lots of sheep and one day the little boy was really bored so he cried woof woof and all the villagers ran in to come help just to find out there was no wolf and the little boy laughed and laughed and then the next day and then the next day he did the same thing he said there's a wolf there's a wolf and the villager showed up and said wait he's a lying little [ __ ] there is no wolf and on the third day there actually was a wolf and the kid said please help me dear god there actually is a wolf help me help me and the villagers said nah we're not gonna listen to him he lied to it the first two times so the wolf killed the little boy killed a sheep and that's all that happened the end daddy what's your push fart what yeah a push fart why is it i i don't say that word i don't know just go to bed jeffy go to bed good night jeffy [Music] um where are you going mr blinky oh mr blankie why going on in the back oh mr blankie jeffy what's wrong daddy there's a monster under my bed and he took mr blankie jeffy there's not a monster under your bed yes there is dang come look mario i think we should check he sounds really scared but there's no such thing as monsters not a moth under his bed don't die i was so scared that you [ __ ] my pants wait what you [ __ ] my pants daddy why would you do that jeffy i didn't [ __ ] your pants well someone did and insurance hell wasn't me mario i think we should go check but but there's no monster there's nothing as monsters come on mario come on jeffy your blanket's right here yeah jeffy i thought you said the monster took it he did dig in he ran under the bed let's go to the bed for the monster uh no jeffy i don't see a monster under the bed rosaline do you see a monster no monster jeffy i don't see a monster one day i swear he took the blanket and you ran out of the bed jeffy you know what you're talking about there's no monster under your bed mario what if he's reenacting the boy from the story what are you talking about the boy who cried wolf what if jeffy is saying he saw a monster just to get attention jeffy are you doing that then i swear i didn't even listen to this story i just wanted to know what a puss fart was but don't say that you know what jeffy stop trying to cry and say there's a monster just go to bed go to bed good night jeffy yeah i was telling the truth huh helmet boy no one can save you now cause i'm gonna eat your butt he's gonna eat my butt i can't believe jeffy said there was a monster under his bed i think he was just influenced by that story mario well we're not going to tell him any more stories [Applause] jeffy what's wrong daddy the monster's in my closet now jeffy there's no monster in your closet jeffy you're just looking for attention yeah no daddy i swear the muscle's in my closet and he said he was gonna eat my butt jeffy the monster not saying he's gonna eat your butt yes he did daddy please come look come on come on daddy go come on come on see daddy look what jeffy there's no monster in here no monsters jeffy well this is horse [ __ ] daddy yeah jeffy this is horse [ __ ] there's no monster and you're bothering us and just want attention but daddy i saw the monster with my own two cross eyes i know it's in here daddy oh no jeffy you know what you're going to bed come on my daddy there is a monster no there's not jeffy stop lying jeffy you're the boy who cried monster like the kid in the story yeah you try to be like the kid in the story jeffy stop it no i'm not dang i swear the monster took my blinky and he went underneath my bed and then he ran to my closet and he told me he was gonna eat my butt daddy this is [ __ ] the monster is real jeffy it's not funny anymore you need to stop we're sick of this yeah jeffy we don't want to hear any more about this monster you're just making it up so just go to bed no dad the monster is real go to bed jeffy but the marshall's real daddy jeffy you better not leave your room anymore tonight hey kid you better not go to sleep tonight because as soon as you do i'm gonna eat ya i don't know why jeffy has to act like this maybe he needs to be medicated he could be hallucinating mario hey dying jeffy what are you doing out of your room well i'm sleeping on the couch tonight dang no you're not jeffy you're sleeping in your room no then i can't sleep in my room because there's a monster in there and he told me he was going to eat me if i fell asleep jeffy there is no monster i said don't talk about the monster anymore no dang i'm sleeping on the couch and that's final no jeffy no why are you so afraid of this monster jeffy even if there was a monster why are you so afraid of it you beat up the bully at school you don't let people pick on you so if there was a monster why don't you just beat him up jeffy you should use this bat next time you see him here you go yeah jeffy if there really is a monster just sleep with this bat and if you see the monster just beat him up with the bat okay daddy yeah yeah try that and take a blanket with you too me [Applause] [Music] hey guys i hope you enjoyed watching this video if you did enjoy watching it please hit the like button but i want to give a shout out to my friend nick tendo he's the one who animated the boy who cried wolf it was a really good animation and he makes really good animations on his channel so go check out his channel if you want to see him he animates the sml videos sometimes and they look really really cool i always look forward to watching him when he uploads them but thank you again nick for making that animation uh it was at the last moment i messaged him literally last night and i said nick i need an animation can you do it for me and he came through so thank you nick tendo you're awesome and guys if you want to collaborate with me i'm really open to collaborating with fans so if you have a cool skill or talent post a comment about something you could do and maybe i could even collaborate with you so thank you again nick tendo you're awesome go check out his channel i love you guys i i'm hoping to get back on schedule uploading every wednesday and saturday this week but i love you guys so much the sml movie is coming out soon and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,289,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, monster
Id: 2OKoQqDg-rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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