Dwarf Fortress: New Embark - (Conquering the World)

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so let's play some Dwarf Fortress here's the plan we're starting a new Embark today and something I've wanted to do for a long time but I've never done it before is I want to start on a uh we're going to do a smaller world I want to do pocket pooc it's a little too small on a smaller world and we're going to grab a whole bunch of cves and I want to I want to conquer the world so we're going to build ourselves a proper Fortress and we're going to make sure we get everyone all geared up and send them out into the world take everything out whether by burning them or conquering them and taking them as my own and you know running whatever I want to conquer the world so it's going to be a smaller world but it's still going to be a world worth conquering uh I have I have added in a couple mods um I'm just going to add in I found this null mod aaga mod and a rat folk mod so we've got a few different races in there just to add a little more uh variety to our world and that's all I'm that's it just that mod lots of sights hopefully let's make a world and Go destroy everything I'm not sure how this is going to go because sometimes you go in there and there's like a thousand goblins in in a goblin pit we'll see you know we'll see how it goes uh I was going to I was going to lower the minerals but it's fine we'll leave the minerals as they are and so we can get some proper um uh you know Gillan and and gear and all that okay see what we got here um I've yet to see I think the Naga one doesn't quite work I've yet to see the Naga pop up here so we'll find out snuggled dangled the the human town over here so looks like we got humans over here I like having the reason I add these extra mods in here because it it adds I don't know it kind of fills the map out a little more and also we're only 5 years into the game so I'm hoping to see like some of the cves growing as well in the time as as we as we go here but anyway we've got the the humans are up to the north more humans to the north we've got the dwarves are in the middle here looks like oh there's some rat folk the dwarves and the rat folk have the same type of place so these are um these are rat lands there a rat folk Fortress the name of that place Ki Kiki more rat folk lots of rat folk Apparently that is who is that that's a rat folk HCK that's just say Fortress maybe that's maybe that's Naga and I haven't seen him before anyway there's oh there's Naga hey I got him this time i' I ran like five of these things I never got the Naga to pop up found them Naga Naga Naga um oh you know what I guess we can do this we can build a bridge across here and go get these NES maybe we'll have to do that and we got goblins over this way I'm going to keep this map because I want to because I first time I've gotten a see Naga on here and we've got a null town down there this way and a null town there as well so nolles goblins little human population here in the middle we got some yeah yeah I like it and we should be able to see here in Legends there's going to be uh how many different cves we have we got 81 different cves and entities there's a lot of stuff in here we'll kind of go through and we'll we'll see what we've got once we get into the game all right so uh how many Origins we just have just two we have the the gore of yelling they got four SES up this way 270 dwarves and we have the dignified castle of dwarves which these guys right here kind of a rat folk and there's two sites led by Ono labu um I will take I'll take the two dignified Castle Gorge of yelling too too noisy dignified Castle is more more our style I think um I think I want to go I think well like a centralized location so we got kind of everything nearby us um maybe we'll stick like we're going to stick proper door Fortress today we'll build ourselves a mountain home for our killing um a little area there um ideally we're going to maybe avoid some aquifers looks like on the north side of this mountain is aquafer free no no um there's some spots over here over in this desert we can avoid it aquafer aers aren't aren't really too big a deal though especially a light aquafer um I've done a sand castle uh this is all sand a big desert here like white sand um I don't there's a volcano the only volcano we have his way over here um I don't see any Towers but Towers usually show up like later on they don't usually pop in originally like immediately um there's a nice a nice nice little mountain range right here kind of lonely mountain range I kind of like that over there what else have we got about over here um I think like a little bit more Central is a good idea this might be a good spot right in here this is next to some rat folk places and elves that might not be the worst um we'll have to build a bridge across this which we can do that could I suppose that could be the Fortress but that might kind of be rough on the old frame rate um this little finger of of mountains down here I kind of like let's do I I something about this little this little patch of of mountains what's it called The Faded horn I kind of like it aquafer we can deal with that everything's in there we got iron that's the important stuff flux Stone layer temperate I think I like the sound of this like over here like right right smack in the in the savannah mountains no water we can we can fix that 3x3 is kind of my typical thing maybe like in this spot oh maybe on this side right there [Music] let's do that one right there yeah okay so um we can prepare carefully I'm just going to throw the thing in there we just get us in there and we'll we'll charge in I don't care what we're bringing we're good we'll figure everything out as we get into here now um I have discovered well about names I'll get you names in just a second um I've got it set up for it this though but we've arrived Journey from Mountain Homes into the forbidding Wilderness beyond our track has come to an end party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of zingo dmar no supplies left but Stout labor come sustenance spring now enough time to delve secure lodgings a the dingos get hungry welcome to quest Castle strike the Earth okay uh so um what I've got I I finally figured out I've been trying to figure this out forever I finally got it figured out is we can come in here and we can say uh Auto Nick all [Music] bam I'm the beard Michael Carter grub Nash Griggs rudiger Dr loot Goblin and otaku in Alaska if you are a supporter with patreon YouTube member or twitch subscriber you're in my list there you are okay so for the we we I'll I'll I got some names over there I'll get you names in in here I just want to show that off for this one so when we get a new B bunch of dwarves in I'll I'll add you guys over here theyve already spent points um but let's let's go build a castle or a fortress of some kind uh so we got little dirt over there we've got looks like a little bit of a mountain hey not really um what we could do is we could like start down here hey how's it going where we want to start we got this sort of uh like a ramp up here trees all around there's some sand in there this is what this is shale jet o Jet Jet is nice nice I'm black that's [Music] cool where do we go where do we go this is the most difficult part of the game where do I start [Music] H where do I start this reminds me of um of um was a good one I got to find a good one oh you know what I'm fed up I'm fed up with Amazon I'm done ordering from Amazon I needed some some uh some grain for the chickens you know price was good delivery was quick easy only problem was after a few weeks they kept asking for my feedback so I like to I want to have like a like a I was hoping this would be a little more mountainous I could have looked and seen that but I didn't um let's [Music] go sand over over there we don't want to be build in sand where what's this this is gypsum we can we could like build way over on the side that doesn't sound as ideal let's do um oh I don't know what's calling me this there's magn down there this jet is calling me calling my name so I man I want to have like two layers of mountain just on top of my head it just makes it just makes it better um so I'm actually coming back to like over in here and digging in here what we could do is uh it just go straight down from where I'm at and then worry about something from there I don't know what do you think let's go in here right here okay let's go in and we'll get a um like all good castles fortresses we'll begin with the important stuff and then we will um Branch out from here what what actually what are we making what what's in here what is this this is chalk okay chalk is cool I had cool chalk fortresses that's I no more Prime Subs I'm sorry Amazon I'm sorry I'm sorry uh we want to clear out this thing uh let me get so let's go over here and get my dwarfs figured out so we got beard beard is what a name for a for a dwarf beard is is one of our miners I'm going to grab um GS over here and that's not the button I wanted to hit GS um I just call you g I'm going to give you mining jobs go get yourself a pick and go do some work buddy let's go get some trees are chopped so here's here's I guess mainly the plan it's going to be try to rush into like iron working and get some real gear so we're going to try to make like we want to have a nice fortified Castle so I don't die immediately um and then we're going to run out into the world so we are wish we could zoom in a little better uh we are right over here we've got we've got rats to the north we've got Naga to the West not big fortresses we've got a bunch of NES to the South some humans to the South also and then goblins to the east what a terrible place there's a null town of were roof were roof I don't know why it's so funny there's a dwarfen fortress a future Helm he got 200 dwarves in it is that the biggest one we've SE there's a rat no that's dwarves as well there's 100 rats 200 rats so the rats might be kind of difficult to take humans over there because we're so early I guess we don't really have there's no alliances or anything just yet that'll all sort of develop as time goes on um if we can do this we can go in I don't care whether whether we just we conquer It Burn It To The Ground whatever I want I want only me to be the only civilization in the world so we eventually we'll have to build a bridge get across here and get that little island but we can start out with like we'll probably start with the elves obviously we got to kill a few probably kill a few BRZ grizzly bears but if we get all geared up and I think we can do it every full moon they turn into basic housing that's the roof of the warehouse mhm mhm I probably should have gone down a little bit little bit further I don't like having my base so open here cuz if a tree grows and a CHP the tree ground there's going to be a hole in my in my Fortress that's not really the the best um maybe what I should wait I got an idea what I should do is let's remove that and then we'll build a um like a staircase here and we'll go down from here that's not very cented is it two three one two oh yeah yeah that's good that's good like that and we'll put a Stairway down from here we'll have to go work on the aquafer I guess we can do that first we'll get to work our way through this aquafer um something like that okay hey vett the red R is no oh they should they should know they should know I don't know how like how balanced these races are they've got they got good ratings on on the the workshop I've tried to I was not going to do any mods just in case things break I don't have the best of luck of with mods and D Fortress um but I wanted a little more variety out there um are other settings to make other races more or less violent expansive gold I don't um there's a ton of things you can do in the game the detailed options when you build the world um I'm not sure Sidetrack here I'm not sure um if you can do it in the game I know you can do it outside of the game let me set up a stock bile I'm just throw it over here for now just to get our junk over here it's going to be basically just everything just get it move somewhere and then we'll move it down here when we get down here uh mostly I'm going to keep an eye on this aquifer here and we'll work our way through it as soon as we soon as we need to so mostly I think we'll just do we'll just go down I have a thing for for above ground forts I think they just look a lot cooler but I'll try to make it we'll try to stick with dual Fortress this time you know where is this so-called aquafer at maybe there's not aquafer on this side maybe we don't have an aquafer lonite [Music] um this a lot of Jasper and lme in there let's stick with uh what level let's go to this one this seems nice okay like that like that and then from here we'll build out wherever we want to go so we'll do like um things don't need to be on the same level but we could I think first level will be like industry land so we'll set up a uh like a maybe I'll do this actually a bigger like a a big hallway here we can like align the middle of the hallway with statues or whatever you come out get big hallway uh we'll keep everything kind of circular looking and we'll do like a door there a door there and we'll have some like workshops over here we'll get like the carpentry the Mason that over along this way not not don't don't build too big just yet oh there's the aquafer what level is it on this one is it on this level that's kind of annoying is this one that we can smooth our way through I wonder if it's I wonder if it's one level below us or if it's right above us we just sort of locked out and missed it weird that or there's like a lake around here somewhere anyway they'll get them digging things out um I would like to go ahead and get some sort of farming started up and I know we've got there's some sand around here um I like it to be inside though petrified wood wall um gypsum up there I think what I want to do is I'm going to go like back here let's do something um say crafty no let's let keep it simple here we'll just do that we'll go up a level to there and this should be sand we can we can sand um Farm again not ideal give me the most the most symmetric Fort I've ever made for right now it won't be eventually but for right now it is okay let's go ahead and get some building let's make some farming stuff Farm plot we'll make that's probably going to be enough for now well we'll just do something like that it's going to be plenty that'll give us some plump helmets and then bit of a walk down here oh it is all aaer isn't it uh you know what let's see what happens when we dig through that oh glass Fortress don't tempt [Music] me says it's wet but I I don't believe it yeah there's a little water seeping in there H this going to be tedious if we if we fiddle with this me we we'll come back and deal with this in a [Music] minute just the aquaus over there let's just smooth those walls real quick just keep the aquafer away and we'll go down another level yeah I did a Green a Green Glass Tower yeah oh you know what Sandstone I don't think you can smooth sandstone and and make it stop seeping see if this works had it all symmetrical too uh we'll see if it works if it's still wet we'll go down a little further or we may stick with up a little further actually maybe we'll just do that this is a few levels down this will probably work we can still be [Music] symmetrical okay we'll keep them at three that way we can get the I think I I'll keep it like that stick some statues in the walls what there's no no aquafer problems here looks like yeah it's still doing it okay okay so we won't we won't dig that out uh is that still going to go in yeah it is okay well all right just throw a wall [Music] there okay so this will be our level oh and there's that jet nice okay so you are going to be plump helmets all year long and you almost let me forget don't eat the plump helmets kitchen remember remember where my buttons are you go away go away so no eating the plump helmets okay that's all good um [Music] bodies we don't really need all the bones and well we'll keep them for now until we know what we need to do with them claim your use stuff okay okay think we're good we're good more like free water yeah it actually work out pretty well we can we can create a well uh pretty easily with it we can dig down there into it and I forgot I forgot forgot to look and see who if anything out here there in a kidna out here okay we begin with we got a a bull a cow duck Gander the usual okay um we will set them up maybe we'll put a pasture up top here for now um over here we want animal pin like that we'll throw in the things that need it before we before we go and eat them okay so we got food going um probably be nice to have a kitchen nearby but if we go down here we can still do I was doing before and have and have all the the workshops here and then maybe down one more we can do a bunch of um bedrooms and and all the the dwarf living stuff so um maybe I'll do we can do two levels top level or three levels maybe top one's going to be like work shops and things second level maybe forges and things third level bedrooms Tavern that kind of stuff something like that um we'll need a a stockpile of land [Music] also so let's do would I do three on [Music] that three and then we'll make up like a bunch of different we we'll try to organize my stock piles um figs the bill the build is conquer the [Music] world we'll see how that gets how how far that goes I got get a Ste and all that stuff running in here pretty soon let me just throw one up here for now just so we can get so I don't like starve and all that um we'll move it around in a minute but we'll just just so we get drinks [Music] going so we have like Workshop land um this will be storage and then we'll more down we'll make like a big Tavern We'll add some variety of this so I so it's easier for me to recognize what level I'm on um I think how I going to do [Music] this we'll just set it up over there for now small Tavern that'll work War dwarves yes yes yes hey Trey okay so this will go in yeah mine that stuff yeah very soggy War dwarfs yeah very chalky like covered in [Music] chalk oh it's drying up okay I guess okay the the smoothing worked okay okay yeah and you know what we can make our own well that's that's all right actually we need to be built differently prioritize more I think I just need to focus on getting like um getting the industry up running faster digging down getting the iron um coal if I can find it there's a good amount of wood up here though um we'll just set up a task of not that one um I'm going set for right now uh is this one done okay yeah let's just set up a a spot here for food and there for drink whoops that's not what I wanted to do that one is food but custom food cuz I want no drink okay and then we'll do another one I'll hit the right button here in a minute that and that one is going to be just drink okay there we go and then we'll get our Carpenter all that stuff running here in second um I'll stockpile things in here and I think what'll put down there is we'll start with just like just getting finished goods or something throwing in here for for now um up here let's get let's get some work done so we'll come over here and we'll get BL night um we'll do what I was going to do before and we'll set up like we can do separate rooms that's kind of my typical thing there and we'll set up like Carpenter [Music] room Mason [Music] room the Dwarven what's it called The Craft dwarf room a series yeah this will be a series it's like you know this is January there like nothing there's not a lot of stuff coming out so it's a good time for a dwar fortress Series so yeah I'll probably come back to this every week or two or so no promises on that but I'll come back to this from time to time yeah U let's see we'll get Carpenter okay and I like doing I like doing that stop in a Woodstock pile there so they don't have too far to go if they need more supplies they go down the stairs there's Supply land okay we'll build a Mason Stone worker is the word so the other thing different about this one's going to be I don't need to worry about pretty we just want to get effective always a great time for dwar Fortress series that's right that's right okay so I need to get these guys set up here so we need a um we need a um a bookkeeper which is going to be Dr loot Goblin he's going to want an office we need a manager which going to be uh otaku that's pretty much all we need right now broker will will do I suppose which can be I'm the beard I think aaku can do that too though appraiser um broker probably better to have the appraiser in there so we get good prices okay uh and then I'm going to go ahead and start up early on I always slack on this getting the craft store uh shop up and crafts up and running and then we get some some of those things working um I want to get work ORS and I would like we we Brew drink from [Music] Plants I want um 50 but I want it to be if there's less sorry I went with this one one if there's less than 25 then so between 25 and 75 drink should be good I think that seems all right um that's good for now Carpenter I'm just going to tell you some some things make me some beds beds let's get some doors and let's get some tables and chairs um table we'll do like two tables and a couple chairs is probably good enough for now obsidian furniture with gold flooring I we got a lot of jet around here so we can do some fancy things okay we going to work over here in a second those got to get squeezed uh let me go and put a stock pile over here so we can toss these plants over here um oh we want seeds there we go over there for now okay anybody working Michael Carter's greeted a masterpiece wood bed nice so there's food Land I'm going to go ahead and put in once that gets done we'll put in a table and chairs I'm not sure we have any of this stuff yet no you working on that there we go beds getting made doors and tables excellent uh let's throw a door over here nice chalk doors hey weird door for has been watching your videos helped me learn a lot of the game well thanks for popping in over here okay how are we doing all these things um food item oh yeah yeah yeah right right right uh make me some barrels barrels are good we got ourselves a we found ourselves a magpie this cart ready to go there's a few things in there there's an anvil in there we should probably not let that get run over um take that thing apart and can we get that Anvil moved in here please that'd be real nice uh so for the CS I want to go ahead and get this started up early because I want to get I'd like to get something to sell early on we can make like rock dice Rock figurines uh Rock mugs that's the coil 18 way I'm not opposed to that maybe some um maybe we sell swords we're Warrior Warrior dwarves we sell swords uh maybe not no not swords we guess we can't need sharpen sharpenable Rock not swords swords was a bad idea toys we make toys that's what we make um probably not repeat let me make well I have a lot of dwarves around here so we'll make a few toys I keep doing that um here Warrior dwarves but we also make toys we're not completely Warrior dwarves um finished goods I want uh is that toys right there I can't move that I think that says toys toys I don't care what it's made out of yeah that's all that's all fine I just want toys in there yeah whatever so toys chalk sword seems pretty cool all right so look like I'm the Beards over there working on that we'll get him some offices also we'll set them in here somewhere dog fighting some migrants have arrived excellent excellent where are they at welcome new folks I hope I got a lot of you how long i' been playing door Fortress did you play it during pregg Graphics era do you mean like pre like steam era I haven't played foress for what like seven eight years or so um I learned from Daz I watched quill originally and I thought that's a pretty neat game I should learn I should go play it and I had no idea what I was doing so I watched Daz he had a big big tutorial I watched and I had no idea what I was doing when I I think it took me like three or four times of like opening the game I got through like the Embark screen and then I and I sat and I I embarked I had no idea what I was doing um I never played I've I've played the ask version before but I I played with tile sets for most most of the time okay dwarves all need these dwarves oh we got a bunch of them here all right so I had a list okay so um scold you're going to be on my list also but it's okay scold exciting music for scold um what is it you and what is it you [Music] I saw a Harley in [Music] there a buzzard is stealing my plump helmets how dare they what else we got got Harley rth [Music] oops okay we got Mangus and six and chomo did I get everyone is that everyone that that request that sent the points in and then I'm going to push that that button again okay everyone yeah thank you thank you all right um thank you mods okay so I'm going to hit the button there's a way of doing this where like it like Auto does it but that's easy enough so three have been named who are they they are [Music] um uncle Drax big dog or duel big dog is always a child I think whenever I play [Music] this I played uh a while back um I played like I I I played this game a lot obviously um and I was like you know what what kind of dwar Fortress player am I if I don't know how to play the asy version so I sat down and I played the asy version and try to teach myself try to learn the asy version um and you know it it I'm glad I did because I think I think I picked up the steam version I think faster because because I I learned how to deal do the labors in the um in the asy version cuz very similar this version is pretty similar to the ASI version I think I think it I think it helped a lot um out some of those things a couple folks are kind of grumpy around here yeah we don't have a place like to eat and drink and all that we we probably should do some of that so we'll just set it there and there and then we'll go build a table here we go okay so now we have we have a um well a meeting area and um no we actually don't need that just said do we uh we want a dining hall there we go okay there we go probably need more DS now dogs Che on Buzzard Buzzard is stealing plump helmets okay let's make that not happen anymore uh I'm going to Ahad and get rid of the stockpile we'll just deal with my stock piles real quick buzzards are chewing on things uh we'll get rid of that no not that um if I hit the right button that one okay so we've got that's going move down here we'll make like a wood pile I'll probably just we I just connect all this [Music] stuff there we go we'll dig all this this out and we'll get some things moved in here so we'll get like we're going need Furniture a furniture stock pile um there it is we will need uh like a nice Wood stock pile a stone stock pile we'll have these like in rows wood we'll do if I should do like like a little walkway around here make it look nicer Stone what else do we want it's really important right now um maybe a um bars and blocks nub for at the top right that's that's for uh that's why we keep the important stuff then in the nub the Nook you mean the Nook the Nook that's what we call that uh I would like to um shrink you a little bit this nope not that one I'm sorry it's been a little while got to remember my buttons here okay um wood here we go oh look a little little opening here what's my shrink stockpile you stockpile I want to repaint erase there we go I got it okay I got it I got it repaint erase so we're have a nice a nice walkway around this cuz that's kind of cool we'll get a statue over there okay beds yeah we probably have a place to sleep so this will be main Tavern here I think what I'll do is I'm going to make we could either do wonder if there's wonder if there's an a for down here let's go figure it out bust stealing my fish micro Kleine cool we can make one big T I always make my Tavern too small there be like Tavern land then maybe we can have like our offshoot things I always I always want to do a Tavern with like rooms but I never do maybe we can make I can make my Tavern not not like not Corner myself into having a small Tavern in no rooms B maybe we got toy axes that's see that's that's the kind of junk that we should be I mean stuff we should be selling to the good people of the world toy axes trade Depot I thr up here well we'll put it in front like right there for now yeah lead toy axes excellent put a stockpile you know what I'll do that that'll be a stockpile of what do we have a lot of of I don't want food down there [Music] um I just put all in there we'll deal with it later I just want to get stuff out from outside brought in here toy boats chalk boats you put them in the water and they and they dissolve okay Limonite walls cool okay so I'm off of here I think we can we can build this will be room land and I would like this to be nice how can I how can I censor this to make it nice like a nice three row thing with like we could do four um let's go down here because I can set up like stuff in the middle for them to look at save the lead for the pots and the cups yeah um and then we'll do so they'll come out here we'll have like a main hall and then we'll offshoot corridors over here like this so they have to go by here so look at all the statues they say ooh that's pretty mood boost you know all that stuff might be a little early for this we can just stick with the dormatory for right now but we'll get a few of these done what's going to happen is we're going to get like a we beast in here going to ruin all my plans speaking of let's not let any we Beast into the place we lock those doors yeah we put a hatch on here that might save us a little bit well you know only the best from a dwarves 2 by two bedrooms well there it is it is filling up okay this will work out perfect cuz that's going to fill up and then we can put a well right in here and we can uh drink all that stuff excellent where my my new Tavern is is at excellent we got some nice dite walls let's get these beds in here that one can we get a rat folk that's a wear rat I don't know we get a a rat folk that's a wear rat from we roof I sure hope so the name of the civilization is called the Sorceress demon what kind of sies do we have in here so I'm part of the um oh my my government's the wordy Hammer nice uh dignified Castle we've also got the steamy fiend of the um the rats nearby so yeah you're all steamy fiend and this is just a broken down Wicked stalks is broken uh this is the disloyalty of Direction different rat folk these are different R these are the door curs different rat folk queen of mightiness Empire of stopping copper Nation so there's two different human Empires here there's humans down here also the Realms of consideration malice of gold is a different null group so the sorcerers demons are these two over here I thought' be kind of cool to see it this way starting on I never started on like five years in cuz everyone's going to be small and I'm hoping that like as the trade Caravan comes in and tells us about new stuff coming in we'll see like New Towns popping up and see these guys like growing and stuff I always like that part of the game um this is the oracular poison the Naga and then oh this we have two different Naga civilizations cuz we got the dungeon of births and then the Cooperative horror over there all by themselves Elder leap Elder leap oh we got two different kinds of elves oh I I miss these guys over here dark goblins over here too Afflicted barbarity Okay cool so like we got like a bunch of EMP room up here I'm hoping that folks will grow look at Sur kingdoms but it never seems to matter cuz some random legendary be shows up and ruins everything yeah it's probably what's going to happen yeah I have this big these big plans about you know Conquering the world I'm sure some like slug is going to come walking in and just like ruin everything guarante there's no such thing as as plans in dwar Fortress dwar Fortress plans you what is this wet oh man this kind of this is like an annoying aquifer this isn't a this isn't a proper aquifer it's just annoying one did we come with a sword I guess we did okay um I'll make yeah I will make one you know how to fight no uh six is a weapon weapon Smith you know how to make them I'm assuming you know how to swing them so we'll give you that job and we'll make a squad of I'm going to say um we'll do metal armor torches of of gliding um we may adjust this anyone us know how to fight uh skold knows how to swing an axe that this Mangus skull to my Miner though um I'll throw you in there we won't we won't like train anything just yet my clo can go in there we got a peasant Uncle Drax and anyone else um Panic there for a second cuz I saw the The Hourglass uh let's throw in that's that's probably good we'll give we'll get them started on working here shortly let's try to get one more group of people collus your militia and your whole weapon manufacturing ability in one fail swoop yeah this is true okay the bar is is happening stuff has been mov my Anvil has finally been moved in the doors are shut I hope doors are shut uh lots of junk laying around outside like copper battle axes what do we have all these battle axes what do we have all this stuff do we bring this stuff do we normally bring that kind of stuff weapons one we'll do a armor one uh ammo what else is out there [Music] another just trying to keep things somewhat organized here um and that should be good for now yeah we have a whole bunch of copper weapons okay cool that's something um so there he TI around so we can get we can get the metal production actually started pretty quickly let me go ahead and get this expanded a bit I don't know what whether I want to just fill this whole room up if I want to have some sort of organization here we'll leave it over here for now okay okay so you get me um we've got Merchants I don't know if the um if the rat folk and all them are going to trade with me or not well I hope these people like toys I got a lot of toys hello Ral world's the same as ever well that's kind of boring okay need for Windows is expected yeah right right windows of course um I got toys you like toys I got a lot of toys you can have all the toys big dog is going to be a sad little little dwarf child cuz he's not going to get any toys cuz we're selling them all we go he let's make us some money why is that showing up in the in the the reward requests some sort of twitch update hey Joey been any updates to Door Fortress there was one that um not too long ago um I think we have kids now right kids have faces that was that was one that changed oh maybe not I thought the kids had different portraits does that that not come through [Music] yet [Music] um windows will be try to quite a trade good to specialize in yeah I certainly would go go door to door selling them okay so you can have all my junk 20 bucks a piece please what do you got I could go ahead and buy a little bit of metal from you or um what what do you have that I don't have the ability to get much of a donkey copper cage would be nice battle ax would be even nicer how much is this stuff worth 678 I would like to have like things that do damage o an iron I bronze pick is as good as an iron when I'll take a bronze pick for digging boots Shields hats [Music] cloth's our food looking food looking okay um I think you don't have any like um you got a dice you don't have like any books or anything may may not be a lot of artifacts actually out there we're on year five there might not be a lot of stuff out there well my Buck I will buy I'll buy a spear well you know what I've got weapons we we came with weapons maybe I just buy like the boots why is that so expensive you don't have any armor you have some you have a hat a steel hat I'll take that let's get a a couple gauntlets that seems neat um bag nothing wrong with bags what's in this bag contains something pigtail I'll take your bag some llama wool oh you know what you know what we should buy is like cloth cuz someone's going to go nuts and then they won't have any cloth and they they're going to freak out where's cloth at thread I'll buy um I'll buy some thread oh we're in we're in the yellow now okay you can have your pigtail back I may have to get rid of the gauntlets it might be too much because I think that [Music] the do any CL yeah uh just you won't give me that whole thing will you there we go that'll that'll do o leather I can buy some leather too oh leather's cheap give me that uh well you know what just give to me individually give me those leathers and I will let you have couple these expensive guys back that way I'm try just trying to cover the the stuff that people are going to freak out about that I can't get because I should be having someone going nuts here in a minute okay we'll do that okay deal deal okay yeah black sandbag can he's black sand yeah yeah hey puppies all right speaking of puppies um uh what did the vampire say when he was told to clean the mirrors he said sorry I just can't see myself doing that let's make a big Stone stock [Music] pile let's grab the uh which one is it the the D dining hall and make it a little bigger here there we go I do that right yeah yeah what's that more lignites cites good stuff so I know I don't I don't understand either Joey hey we got more migrants all right what we have we had 22 oh we at look at all these guys people are just flocking to this place cuz it's such a nice place Place nice place let's go in in in what is there bees bees in my farm oh man okay we're we're going to build up a little bit do some extra farming I move my steel I need to move my steel down in here so let's do uh we'll do food stuff on this side we'll do a um that's centered yeah so Food Land over there we've got crafty land over here something else can go over here I don't know what yet but whenever I do figure it out I'll have it this my favorite song on the on the soundtrack I did that [Music] wrong okay that one somebody getting married rudiger and Grub Nash got married hooray well that's exciting what good [Music] news that was a good onea praise let's smooth this well a lot work let's just smooth out like that wall there for now and then let's go get some some tables and chairs and stuff made um I going to need an office and all that as well so we've got these man it's going to cause issues with this dang aquafer wonder if the aquafer is like this corner of the map or something I hope it is we need some off offices let's expand this on down here um put these in for a second cuz we'll get another row of houses or housing just kind of pre-planning some things here and then we can [Music] do like [Music] that we'll do a row here of offices may we get a front office should be good two's fine for right now hey T Kitty how's it going we'll lead to like the mayor's office down here [Music] somewhere any more [Music] beds Merchants are leaving marriage raining Jasper need empty food storage item need some barrels okay let's let's go let's this is the the tedious part but it's an important part let's let's do some of this okay so we need some barrels wooden barrels would be ideal wood wood barrel wooden wooden barrel okay so we'll set it up at like 5 but if there's less than two make some more so we'll always have empty barrels laying around okay um let's do trying to think of what what else do we want we could use we could always use like a bed a bed order so we always have beds around uh wrong one that one we don't need a bunch just a couple beds around if if there's less than one make a bed do I have a favorite door Fortress song yeah this one this one I already said um what's drinking industry yeah that's a good one too drink industry is a really good [Music] one um what else what else do I want table chairs those are always nice to have like a rock rock table Rock table and then uh we'll do a rock Throne again I'm going to set it same as I did beds we'll just that way would have a few laying around sometimes this works sometimes it doesn't like that and there we go okay so we have tables chairs beds barrels um drinks we won't have we don't have biscuits we should get some biscuits um I got to get a a workshop for that also I need to get a butcher done um you know we could set up like a we have a bowl and a we have a cow don't we we make cheese milk animals make cheese we'll worry about that in a minutes um make oh they're called easy meals now okay man my I'm like forever I will be calling it the old stuff uh let's get like we keep it at like 75 but if it gets below I don't know 50 would be would be a concerning thing there we go so we'll have a nice set of of easy meals for now it's fine okay so we'll we'll start getting those tables and chairs done and we'll I'll I'll set them up probably an easier way of doing this um is going to be go ahead and just do the the um dwarf thing this uh planner is that the right one how do I turn on planer that one that's that one how do you set up the um placement Auto placement cool you leaving yeah there it is okay let me pause real quick um let me take a quick break we just refill my water we got an ad running anyway so I'll be right back give me just a minute all right uh you know I forgot um we got new dwarves in I didn't name them so quickly or not quickly but just let's name these dwarves that one okay six new dwarf names who do we have uh we've got oh Big Dog grew up big dog is the one with a strange Moon as a matter of fact okay uh we got Chris Malloy Michael Schmidt Mr Atkins and that's it is that it Mark Markin is in here as well I'm so used to seeing Markin in there just because Marin's always a named one anyway thanks Draven okay so um let's deal with big dog real quick who's grabbed the stone worker shop and it's not there so maybe things are working all right we'll see if they've got everything they need um I want to get um names names that squared away and I want to start focusing on getting some of our fighting ready for fighting I think everything is pretty much squared away keep I'm keeping eye on this make sure we don't lose them the stone worker shop there they go you carrying right now you got couple things of chalk okay um let's worry about getting a little bit of Industry here I was thinking maybe the forges will be on a different level but I could fit them in here look how symmetrical everything is I've never made a fortress so symmetrical um if I do it's going to go way like way down here it's all wet and stuff we can put it up I guess we could go one level up for the forges what do we need we need um we need furnaces and kill and all this stuff uh which won't really fit as it is need them barrels okay are you working on it stacked cloth where did the that cloth go that I that I had didn't I just buy some I just bought some pretty sure I just bought some have two leather stock piles yeah that good old chalk armor there's the cloth if she doesn't want that what does she want stacked cloth we got thread we got cloth what does she want any [Music] ideas um I'm my I'll move my smiz into a different one I think I think I I need to um what could she want we have leather Food Land I was going to put over here so we do Food Land over here so [Music] farmer sorry kitchen kitchen over there we can put the farmer in there as well and I'll put the still over here also not that not that [Music] one I even have any any clue what they might be wanting [Music] stacked cloth I don't know what that might [Music] be um [Music] Loom [Music] clothes leather can be over here so you're going to go ahead and start weaving things in the cloth [Music] could be a certain kind of cloth that they [Music] want I know um Fortress is out of food that is a problem I'm busy looking at this um okay so I want to make sure that you're not let me set my my orders here um this one so don't automatically weave all the [Music] thread attack clo is either plant silk or yarn cloth with a specific kind of cloth that they want I was worried about that so we've got big tail silk do they want yarn um we do we have a sheep I don't see a sheep that's one we didn't buy that was one I I had but I got rid of it because I I didn't um I want to pay for it armor you got an animal to Shear go Shear them uh we're out of food we should deal with that where's all my pump helmets at [Music] okay um let me get a um I'm going to set up I'm going to build it out of here put my butcher in there and my hunter or my my butcher and my [Music] um my butcher and my fisherman out there [Music] okay then up here let's go ahead and get another Farm plot like that another [Music] one okay I going to do this one with we kind of some little variety Temple cup we little just a little bit of variety like [Music] that okay just a little bit of variety um oh he got it what whatever it was he got it nice I don't know what it was but we got it okay cool liight has been struck I'm just I'm looking my sound am I I get any sounds huh if you had a sheep named ed and the Sheep could sing would it be called Ed sheram okay we want to put in there it is there's the noises uh created whatever a chalk Crown opposite to the word Hammer thanks Big Dog Okay so up top here I want to get a a butcher um should I go one further back nah butcher there and we're going to put in on the other side because I think the fisherman is going to go back over here okay yeah some of my sounds aren't working but some of them are seems like maybe that fixed it okay so butcher you go and you do your job fisherman you go do your you go do your job okay we have a fisherman I know we got a couple Farmers planter uncle draxon just a peasant uh Uncle Drax are you in the uh are you in the Army yeah okay um are we ready to start training these guys we do have weapons I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to go one level up and this would be like furnace land and we'll set this one um like this way doesn't be too classy something like that and then we'll build look at all that iron um we'll just do forges and all that stuff in here actually you know what I think I'm just going to do this this would be Forge row and we can put a big block of raw materials on this side and then like maybe more over here and we'll get our furnace Forge all that kind of stuff be nice if I found some coal in these in these walls okay back to back over here there's always too much stuff to do uh do I have any chairs No I gave you a workshop order but my guy's probably not doing his job give me a um table couple tables couple Thrones okay and I may I probably need like other things as well um what do they usually want like an armor stand weapon rack and then Carpenter guy maybe some more beds let's get a few of those in you're making those Rock toys excellent fill the stock pods with those things let's s him okay and then so we'll get those put in here lots of gems laying around um so we got clothing line up top here when we can tell them to make things as soon as we get things um we'll make leather stuff like bags and backpacks and all that that goes out we got a cobal around here oh it's a rat folk oh where is it I want to see it probably put took off um oh look at those guys wow freaky oh they're in the base that's not cool okay call call the guards I hope you got weapons they do have weapons okay uh go get them and them okay he just like Cobalt trying to steal my stuff I notic there wasn't any Co wasn't any Cobalts in the map there any Cobalt fortresses which I don't think they normally start with a fortress they start with just sort of like groups so hopefully this hopefully they're still out there attacking the rat folk rat folk Thief help me they say another one there's one are you getting killed yeah get him oh is there a Cobalt here too there's a Cobalt here too um hey add add to your list uh kill that guy I think we're going to get them we need some training what are these walls Matti oh we got we got who somebody we got the Cobalt nice hey you guys aren't done done yet you got a you got a rat over here he's gone okay [Music] um yeah you done okay so let's set up these guys to actually get some armor and some training and all that let's do do we want to set them up what do we want to do first this is the question do we want to set them up with armor and training do we want to get the armor and training made first like make the stuff train stuff I don't know um let's let's let's get the the stuff like the crafty stuff done first so let's get a wood furnace go down the line here wood furnace we need a smelter we'll need a [Music] Smith [Music] ashery make some blocks um is that it for now yeah put a Boer down here and start working on that I guess a little bit I don't know Bowzer guess they do they do the job I suppose okay so we'll start those up uh over here in this land we're going to set up a metal stock pile um of I think it's under Stone isn't [Music] it metal ores can go in [Music] there okay uh and then over the other side we'll need to put some coal down here at some point um and that might be what goes over here that or we just put bars metal bars over there and then we'll set the coal up somewhere else there's coal land okay furnace make Ash uh I should do work order for this so make we'll set it for 10 right now 10 charcoal 10 Ash okay smelter when you get fuel you get do your job you'll do your job when we can Boer let's make some wooden crossbows um make me 10 of them okay and we'll go to the this fella making them toys cancel the toy job let's go make some wooden bolts and I'll make or out of it so make me wood [Music] bolts bolts and let's do like 20 is a lot we'll do 10 10's probably fine okay so there's there's weapons done at least started so as soon we'll let that kind of do its thing and then we'll go uh go get them started up we'll get a chair over here and there go into space table table uh I want this to be a office oops like that and we want an office over here okay maybe we can do like extra things so like they have their own dormatory and all that or sorry their own um dining room and everything cuz they're going to want that uh so uh otaku needs one and loot Goblin needs one so this belongs to otaku this belongs to loot Goblin there we go okay nice there set up if I have any beds laying around that's not where I should put that okay there's a few more beds we can get in we'll do have to do a dormatory real soon do I make any any extra tables and chairs no um I know there's a I forget maybe I have to go in here and do it this way and set up an allow placement mode I forget how to do it um let's expand the stock pile a little bit [Music] like that and same thing for this stockpile okay food and drink get brought in there tables and chairs we'll have in a minute um that's set we're going to need water real soon and we can do that real easy I think we're safe to go in it's not going to come up fast enough I don't think it's to be a problem what I can do is I can set um there dig down to there oh yeah there yeah we dig over fill it all up stick a well in there oh you don't want to do that okay baby them here we get him this we may be able to do this like I want there we go okay okay all good all good that'll fill up a little bit uh we'll slap a well over there um right now there I need blocks and mechanisms of course you make blocks just do it forever right now and we need a mechanism guy there hydrate there we go work orders are happening now he got himself a a bench now we can do some jobs uh and another thing I want my bookkeeper to be um highest okay Precision these black ones are cool this this uh jet stuff make my floors out of that here's some ash are we filled up uh down here uh where is it up here oh we are hematite okay um charcoal I should put a charcoal stock pile over here oops I'll get it right one of these days charcoal and I guess we can put Ash in there too um where is that what is Ash can I type it in not not that's not is it that no it's ashes in like the ash tree isn't it it's not a blocks bars and blocks Ash there it is okay okay so we can make Coke from lignite melt some things down we can smelt some hematite ore magnetite we got gold in here too smelt that hematite then uh you're supposed to make me some bows are you doing it you did do it so we got some bows laying around um do what's wrong with you we out of wood it might be probably a good idea to have a a wood stock pile right here for him he can do his job easily uh where's the wood yeah we're out of wood okay so let's go back out here CH some trees okay we go okay so there's a bunch of wood uh now training room we do it ideally it's a lot like higher up we what we could do is I could set it up like in this area here so like they're like training somewhere in this Zone be kind of nice but I can set this up as just like training land right here first thing to come to I course like the idea of having it sort of in the in the front area here is it safe to put it there though another one okay we need a lot of logs um let me set the other thing is to put a Tavern at the front so some something comes in they chew on the tavern first heard this background music somewhere before a lot of these songs are this are sort of like the this is the indie game soundtrack and so you'll hear this a lot it's also yeah it's it's to Fortress is where you'll hear it this these are from um soundsense but um a lot of IND gamees use this stuff let's let's clear this one out we'll make um a place for the guard and I think we might set up like their own dormatory also for them yeah oversimplified usism yep yep okay nice mmith Forge is getting used I was I was trying to make some stuff out of that we attacked not we don't have like any a good defensible place but what I could do is set up when I come to the door we could set like a tower up on top here that would also fill in this area move my animals around somehow or even just like wall it up and keep these animals somewhat safe with a little bit of a wall and have my arches stand up here shoot on some folks if we get archers built I don't have an Archer Squad we got an iron mace cool cool that's real cool we out of hematite we might be um well you know what uh that was six that made that wasn't it six what kind of what kind of gear you uh oops what kind of gear are you using where are you copper battle axe why don't you get something cooler like that there you go use the good stuff iron bars okay so let's make let's get some armor first we'll make some iron breast plates um give me I think a few of those 10's fine if we can actually get 10 I don't think we can but if we can get 10 great think I have enough whoops think I have enough hematite for that I do hematite and if we've got [Music] some oh Coke yeah make that after we can make some pig iron which will then eventually lead into the good stuff the real good stuff everyone I think everyone's named in here so far I get you in there whenever uh new group comes in just remind me Ash charcoal [Music] excellent okay look looking good um I need to set up my my clothing industry which is a pain so I'll worry about that later uh I want to go get a mechanism get a couple of those like that and then we need them blocks we makeing blocks chalk blocks perfect so down here where the water is starting to flow in it's going to flow into my base unless we stop it somehow um you we can we can open this whole place up or something let's get a well in here will it come through the well hole I think actually might well yeah building rofes is a real pain yeah I love building outside stuff it is a real pain though okay there we go there's our dining room looking great um we got two tables two chairs well now we got four okay uh do we have any barrels is uh are you making any barrels you got a work order for it make me some dang oh maybe you don't actually did I make that one up that one barrels you do okay very busy around here 22 of us in the world okay mechanisms are good Farmers Workshop I don't have anything set for um for shearing you know what that that went through when I did tell him to Shear an animal so maybe there is something that to that Shear if there's any there's not going to be cheese you can milk something is there something you can milk there is milk whatever you can and make some cheese out of it and then we going need to processing Appliance right now uh kitchen we don't have the stuff for the meals have a sort of a lack of of these things let's a little more there's some chickens we can eat over here we can set up in this same spot we'll put in a chicken land some eggs there's chicken land there no actually we can do it back here where where the stone is um so this is going to be a barracks and we're going to let torches of of gliding here they can sleep and do everything here and so when I get some Beds which I might have some laying around we're going to set them up I got two beds that's something um we need to get archery targets where are we where are we Archer at this can be Archer side three archery targets sure I do have weapon rack and armor stand laying around weapon rack armor [Music] stands I think they might need a chest in here we'll have to make one of those here we go Uncle Drax is here ready to ready to go um speaking of anyone else know how to fight oh look at that melee efficiency and oh hey that's handy it's real Handy look like Marin likes to fight so Marin I'll let you get in there as well uh but we're going to make a new Squad I'm going a squad of go away Squad of archers steamy fortresses perfect led by I want range effectiveness and I also would like need for training I I think iess that's fine range potential maybe loot Goblin the bookkeeper maybe not we'll do Harley wait we're all garbage at ranged I even know how to handle a cross no no one's no one's ever heard of a crossbow before so Harley will lead the lead those any peasants no except for him well Mr Atkins can can do it so we have a couple couple Bowman okay and I was going to I'll move my my chickens can come back and live where there is no sand cuz all the sand we can Farm on and we will We Farm all that so Chicken Land will be over here let's make some nest boxes stop doing that way we do it this way make me five I'm curious how another reason I started with with um year five is there isn't really a lot like there is I don't have any 2,000 Goblin spots the biggest one we've got is some rats with 200 that's going to be tough I'm not sure we can be get through that but there a lot of these are pretty small 60 in there there's 60 in there 30 over there I think we can handle that 20 goblins easy 20 humans no problem handle that so we'll see how what happens next um go back and make I saw one of those got interrupted let's do iron what else I have there's some pig iron there [Music] um make some steel if you can make steel make some steel let's see what we can get out of that be cool to have some steel with us spring has arrived tables are done I probably need to just like set a big work order up for tables this isn't going to be real effective but um I want to try something now the elves have arrived huh I don't even know who the elves [Music] are [Music] hey Croc thanks for subscribing um elves have arrived elves do you like toys I'm tempted you know what do we start this off on the right foot and just take their stuff I'm I'm well maybe we should wait till we get a few more folks in there people going to be scared if we're at War and all that but they are elves and there is there only one of them there there's only two elves there they have a leopard they have a leopard I can take a leopard okay it's worth the leopard yeah it's worth the leopard how we doing are we are we equipped yet no we got some yeah we got some armor now we got armors we got weapons yeah we're ready to kill things we got bows we have arrows yeah okay so I'm going to grab everybody um I want all of you to move and stand right here we got these shiny new weapons and well we're about to make them a little less shiny okay so I want you guys to kill those two yep yep okay kill elves that should just be always that should just be permanently listed under your name there okay job done everyone do all right with that elves have arrived I would like to I probably need I might need to take out this guy before he runs off I want to claim um go haul all this stuff in yeah give me give me all this stuff is he going to run away with all his stuff no he's just running away he's experienced some trauma do you have all the stuff nope you're just a just a sickly horse okay my stuff excellent uh we should have dumping stock pile let's go dump it in I saw there was like a little Pond up here we can dump it in the pond well maybe we fish there let's not do that we'll throw it off the ledge over [Music] here not that way not that way this one uh garbage dump there we go get that stuff out of here like you and um and you for those of you that just joining the stream I'm sorry you had to see that we we could use a oh yeah we could use a good draw bridge and elf launching tool that's always a good time uh so we have now a Jaguar we have an owl as well all kinds of good stuff I think the Jaguar what are we going to do with the Jaguar do we want to just like set them up let them out we can like set the C we'll set the an we'll set them up right there for now wait I I'm want the one with the Jaguar does he show up there's the owl put the owl out there there's a donkey in that one we can release him water buffalo there's a leopard nice he's tame is a leopard tame crazy frog out there he is tame oh you know what I we doing that we'll let him out what leopard out yeah hey buddy yeah yeah come on in welcome to the Fort yeah he's domesticated we can make him a a hunting or a war a we want him to be a war leopard that's for sure okay excellent um there we go oh I'm that's that's good stuff okay so up here what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a a roof on this up here we'll ladder our way up there a [Music] baby Harley gave birth to a boy nice I want a stairway it's kind of dumb because it was a bunch of different because wood and stone it's okay uh anyone want to go live out here let's see we want puppies can stay inside we'll let the donkey and the water buffalo out uh the owl he can go wherever he wants got a lot of dogs okay back over here farming Nest box okay this is a pin for chickens uh do we have we don't have any chickens we have a we have a duck and a gander I think the Gand I'm not sure actually if the gander can live in there it's also a boy Gander it won't do a lot of a lot of Eggland hey otaku thanks for the sub otaku you're in here that get that box moved hey someone left their their breastplate and their mace on the ground pick that stuff up oh yeah baby boy that's right Jeep you've arrived n caps lock is on for some reason we go welcome to the world Jeep we have two steel bars we should use those for should I use the steel for axes or is it better for armor be nice to have a steel axe Steel battle axe I don't know which one I want maybe we'll do Ste maybe do one of each steal battle ax steel breastplate I know steel makes a really good really good axe because it's sharp it's strong and sharp can't be sharp anyway loot Goblin and Michael Carter are now married he okay let's get a roof on this can make it out out of let's not make it let's let's pick our material here jet oh 30 wait why why does it take 36 blocks is that I guess it is isn't it that's a lot there we go and then we can go in here and this is chalk so we can come in we can cut some [Music] Engravings so we can shoot out that thing so we can put this as an Archer spot there we go now we got a tower make a little more difficult to get [Music] to oo what's a dwarf without a dwarf andm made battle axe I don't know what is the dwarf is this a joke or is this just a thing remove them ramps no no no no no don't do that what did I just do um no don't don't do that [Music] um I'll learn my buttons here in a second I'm sorry sorry wa to remove them ramps thank you okay don't do that one though okay okay there we [Music] go next time someone comes in and tries to trade with me and we want to take their Jaguars we can just pop someone in the tower and blast him okay okay um so I didn't never set up any any orders here so let's schedule these guys I want to do a um I want to staggered training but what I wanted to do is oh that does the three on three off it's actually not that's fine actually we'll just do that both of them can do that some training in this place Skilling up um I made bolts uh there should be an armor stock pile down weapon yeah there there lots of lots of gear um we need looks like pants U my archers need some leather stuff they have arrows so we need Shields Shields make out of wood okay let's work on is this overflowing it is overflowing isn't it is it coming is it going to come through am I about to have a real problem here I don't know if it'll go through that well or not I think I think it actually might maybe I should cap the floor the the steps no reason to go down there put a floor over it no reason to go down there so we'll just seal that off I don't know if the water will come out of the well I worry that it might if it does um we'll have to go down there oh we do I've always had it like further down and it's never been an issue so I don't know this might get interesting master piece barrels recruits excellent if it all hits seven and then and then it's then it'll start so right now it's still just slowly filling up hopefully we can drink enough to keep it from filling up too much okay we got plenty of room in there for things um lots of what's that food y okay um I'm dreading messing with this the the um the clothing industry which I really need to be doing but I don't really want to um let's go worry about Metal okay so I got a whole bunch of iron bars let's make some pants I would like 10 pants Iron Pants iron what are they [Music] leggings leggings uh 10 of those will do and then let's make what else we make out of iron iron What helmets then we'll do [Music] um my warhammers are good are good with heavy material too like silver warhammers iron um iron iron [Music] coins I did I make boots yet let's make boots okay and then um I want to go back back [Music] over here keep thinking that that my work my industry stuff is lower than than what it is uh let's go back and make some toys make Ro toys forever food's looking finally looking okay Meats fine or sorry seeds are fine no meat um the chicken the the one duck is living in here happily speaking of living happily I forgot my wife my wife's birthday you may stop me if you heard something before she was mad at me she told me she just hates it because I keep forgetting these things I I really don't know don't know why she said that was was awful let me let me try this one again what do you call a rude cow beef jerky how about that how about that one is that that one better beef jerky okay I'm going to make I I I I I dread making bins because they're kind of a pain to work with what's we out of wood need logs yeah logs going be causing some problems um like that like that beef jerky joke someone like the beef jerky joke who liked it who was that oh is that Harley someone like the be tricky joke I don't know who spent the points worth every penny of them 750 JS uh 750 points what is all this flowers flowers in my home are we at war with the elves yet no they don't seem to mine we don't even really know who these guys are they're like ah happens you know send trador out no one ever comes home real game here is trying to just find that Jaguar where's that Jaguar at that's the real game can you make more steel do you have more Steel in you you can make we can make golden bars let's do some gold uh we'll have a few that we can make some statues and things uh I got bun charcoal that's all good I don't have a soap maker yet we should get one of those uh snatcher okay oh he's a they're in my base okay uh get to killing those guys we're going to watch uh can we if I lock the door will we lock them inside that would sure be funny yes we [Music] will what do you got oh we got bags bags and vomit [Music] okay I have all that stuff let's unlock that [Music] door please run one there we go okay coming into my house carrying bags bleeding all over the place okay there we go there's plenty of beds for now we'll get more eventually um I can make a few more of these like weapon racks and things that probably would be handy that worked out all right hey there's a loot over there you know what we don't have a temple yet where we going to put all that going to I guess that's going to go downstairs down here like this is Tavern land we can we can build off of Tavern land I think we can have a like a hallway here I want to be a classy hallway here we go the columns yeah bad neighbors there's that Jaguar there he is he's over here eat that owl I think well it's not flooding out yet if it gets real problem problematic we come cut this wall out and fill it up and all that stuff couple beds uh let me do a quick let's just do I want to make like give me 10 beds is fine and give me 10 [Music] tables and 10 chairs arm button arm [Music] button make these things out of steel uh Rock Throne there it [Music] is oh the humans have arrived ah hello humans may be a little more oh what I hit um not that one uh humans there it is humans okay uh do you like toys I'll trade with you they like fish it looks like many toys do I have we got we got a few we got a lot we got lot we got lots of toys we got lots of toys Santa's here okay um oh I got a bunch of uh elf garbage too think they want this I might have some armor that that doesn't fit me wooden armor I don't want [Music] this wooden wooden uh helmets lot of shoes I'll keep the shoes we can wear those m that's probably good enough they probably won't have anything really that great okay we should get these guys out of here can we dump these dump these bodies here please we take off we took off both our hands oh it's glove never mind yeah my Goose um I would like if they have some animals it' be nice to have like chickens would be nice to have or something that's going L some more eggs more Ducks we I have a girl duck so if I had a boy duck around I'd be all right with that is there a mark all there it is um what do you got oh you just only have that oh no no no okay still on there nah like that something doesn't seem right uh I'll take one of those my scroll isn't working I'll take I'll take a rope sometimes the scroll screws up um how want you that's not good maybe you have something well I'll buy some I'll buy some leather that's not a bad never a bad purchase I'll buy some cloth I'll buy like um what I want the uh like wool cloth couple of those do you have any uh any good like mus maybe not musical instruments but written things artifact things no you don't you got some sheets we can make our own stuff not sure if I'll ever do that but grab those do I want these are all too big for me iig too big for me I can't have these we'll take I'll take the Quivers oh that's expensive that's a fancy quiver [Music] I'll take some fish I guess I wish you had something better give me that give me that crown and I'll just take some more cloth chests are easy to make but I'll take these oh I'm in the yellow [Music] now um they probably still do it but let's drop something here we go okay yeah um I would like to get some Library stuff going that's what I was thinking before we'll put it down like in here and have library and temples and all that down here um speaking of so is there any good artifacts out there we only know of three I'm guessing these are going to be slate slab where's this at where's that one at last in searchd Frozen marches it's weird there so there's so few of them nobody has anything because it's so early in the game this is going to be this isn't going to be an artifact collecting game unless we go in and we just like anytime there's an artifact we we snatch it up it's really the only only other thing we can do I don't see anything we don't know where anything is but doesn't mean we can't ride our own um I might have put my no I don't know might put my yeah I might have put my soldiers in the Army so they're train or my miners in army so they're training instead of working uh so it's always a good idea to have your minor at least one minor not in the military yeah well you aren't maybe you are rakus is a dabbling minor I'll let you go get a pick get some things done okay grab all our stuff bring it back [Music] in rth has become a dog um I could use a little more charcoal I do [Music] believe lots of iron bars but we're we're out of coal we out of fuel finding some ore would be real nice and coal probably going to be a a cavern here pretty soon which I don't know that I need I don't need to at the moment I don't need to go down there hold off for a minute bed's done okay yeah let's finish up getting hey pinus coal there we go pinus right there that's what we want okay excellent so the tavern land and we had bedroom land down here okay I do this no no [Music] we'll fill in as many of these as we can [Music] get [Music] hey goat I just finished DS9 H how was it one of my favorite shows [Music] ever if that starts leaking we will I'll just go in and um smooth it [Music] out sure there's a lot of dogs in here okay so I was going to put in the uh like temples and libraries and all that in here um let's do do a um we'll do a temple first I'm not sure what I'm doing something cool though look how cool it is think I prefer to TNG I do um I was I was always a a huge Next Generation fan it's always my favorite Next Generation but I never really watched Deep Space 9 I'd watch like a little bit of it but not enough to like really watch deep Deep Space 9 you know um just the occasional episode here and there um and I finally sat down wasn't that long ago maybe maybe 10 years ago or so and and watched start to end DS9 and um yeah I like it better and next generation is great but I think I do prefer dj9 just the character development I think is so much better okay we'll make this into a um a temple of somebody yeah even more gets that's right even more gets character development that's right a whole [Laughter] episode [Music] I would like whatever bed they want to put in here put them in here anyone ever gone through and and selected like manually picked which which bed gets put in so all your beds are the same color could you do that like if you if all your beds are is that possible to make all your beds like the same wood and the same fabric um do we need get these just yet we'll probably go ahead and get a doctor Dr dwarf we don't have anyone that knows how to do doctor stuff andbe we'll find one eventually we could use a drct place which I suppose should go in here let's build it over here this will be our Med Bay over there depends on wood use so you can do [Music] it okay so I want to make a meeting area like uh that and it's going to be a new Temple who's going to be a temple too I don't know uh anyone worship any of these guys we got two fur Old Death blight and disease and deformity 11 bronze rocks that it that's all we know of okay bronze rocks it is Temple of crystals uh what do we want in here we want instruments and a performer we can probably get a performer in here who likes to dance big dog get in there and dance and stone cut whatever you want to do uh I want to put in how do I store instruments in here is that a furniture and then instruments [Music] yeah do I have any instruments in here I thought I had some [Music] instruments I need [Music] chests the right button [Music] eventually and then and all if they're all palmwood they all have the same color the the color of the sheet corresponds to the is this working let me clear this one out yes let's fix this uh the color of the sheet goes with the wood color the type of wood that's how that works that was dug out [Music] quick see if that worked six has a very wet bed no migrant this season but I did so much trade so many [Music] toys one of one of our guys is kind of cranky should be good now they got they got a temple uh let's get a library in nothing really put in there but we'll put a library [Music] in [Music] I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I'm just just [Music] um that that's good enough Library Big [Music] T here we go I for Library hey gry malcon thank you for subscribing I'll make sure and get your your name into the list in fact I'll do it right now those of you that have subscribed that weren't already in here I'm not sure if if I'm not sure if it'll go in there [Music] immediately or uh if if I to like reset the game in for it to do it we had a baby in here [Music] also one dwarf has been named wild shot this is a lot of jet it's a jet Library so making new meeting area there going be a big Library [Music] here like that um yep [Music] okay Library wants writing material MH um we also need a scholar and a scribe and they're the ones who's going to be writing that stuff and we'll see if we can do this um scold yeah go in there and and Scholar some things and then scribe we'll let six do it maybe maybe we'll let Chrome handle it CU six is kind of busy okay we'll get a chest in [Music] there couple of them if we can um so this going to be a very big Library I think I need chest on the other side too also there we go and the musical instruments which I I can do at a craft dwarf place I cleaning up yeah so you stop doing that make me some make an ebus and then I guess we'll do a Debon debbon as soon as those pieces get done we can make one of those can we make can we make a couple euses ibus you know I didn't look at I forgot I made two fancy things but never looked at what they were a chalk Crown circled with bands of oval chalk cabish adorned with hanging rings of llama wool that is what it needed was wool and menaces with spikes of chalk worth how much worth 2,000 bucks something like that and then we have this this Mighty mace iron mace started with iron lovely lovely what what a lovely mace 5,000 bucks orth something the the the Jaguar is over here oh sorry the leopard is here doing some some studying here in the library as well so's the goose uh we want bookcases tables chairs we should make some of those I don't care what you make them out of um bookcase gold bookcase maybe a gold bookcase make them all out of gold I don't need that many May me like four golden bookcases in there um and [Music] then just we need we got two chests we need we have the instrument stored in there is that what it's saying five of five yeah okay okay yeah we did okay they got it moved in there cool I'll still finish my other thing my um I won't oh I need a I need a DE debbon bag where do I get a bag from I need a debbon bag that's not made here Deon bag where is that oh there's a Bellows as well make one of those do I need a debbon Bellows also and then assemble the divon I'm not sure where we make the maybe at at I don't know let me make some oh yeah we need we need backpack um we need like we need 15 of those and we need some water skins 15 of those probably need some more leather for all that and we can get leather real quick by hacking up some some animals here these Yak guys I think are going to give me I think they give me fur what do we want to get rid of we got a bunch of puppies couple hunting dogs um get rid of them no beds Markin has grown attached to a cop battle axe okay A cat is sparring is it ax dorf charges the stray cat cat looks surprised by the ferocity of the ax dorf's Onslaught colls with the collides with the cats cat's knocked over cat stands up cat is no longer stunned oh he was he just was into the he was in the barracks while the sparring was going on the cat shouldn't stand there oh the Bellow was made okay someone made it I don't know where we made it at someone made it okay um are we making the um the debbon we assembling the debbon do we know where we do this at we'll find it hey Andia how's it [Music] going I would like uh a bookcase four of them as a matter of fact okay we got two of them that's something okay classy place no written objects but maybe we will begin to write things as soon as we have the things to write things with which um remember all this the uh oh somebody else is here um what what are the steps to making to making these books find a book I need a book binding does it have to be made out of can I make it out of like rock a rock book binding let see what happens there who's this oh it's you okay okay hello it's been a year already it has been a year sorry I didn't get any windows for you this time that's okay need rings and metal bars oh I got I got that okay anything else to say to me that's it world the same as ever okay let's go trade uh do you like toys how come nobody came to to live here this time I'll make some more statues or I'll make some statues okay I'll give you all those um I got these grown things you can have those okay we need make choirs right is that how it works um what word starts what word starts and ends with the letter e and only has one letter in it I I know this [Music] one envelope I I know I know all of them I go through the um the uh uh the place I find my jokes I see them all make that um make that charcoal [Music] more [Music] charcoal okay um written on qu okay I was going to make that then on that one make one let's make one book best I have right now you know I I keep them coming keep them coming mud they're all taken all dwarf names are taken um all the I I finally figured out how to get uh a name list so if you're a patreon twitch subscriber or YouTube member you're in there and you just automatically get named saves me some saves me some typing o four gold bookcases are done get them in [Music] there okay um I feel like there's something missing [Music] here yeah it's kind of ugly let's get um let's make some metal where's this guy can you make um I got a metal statue a golden [Music] statue make um make a few of [Music] them why can't it be an old why can't it be in alphabetic order statue [Music] 10 of [Music] them okay am I um am I ready to go mess with clothing I think I might save that for for next time um shearing any shearing to be done there is [Music] Market starts with a p and probably has at least a thousand letters post office I haven't heard that one before but I I can think I I think lot of shields laying around here how's how's equipment looking uh they're not grabbing any Shields oh they probably want metal Shields yeah we can change that um I don't want to um looking for a metal shield you're looking for a metal shield I can give you a metal shield yeah okay fine that's probably fine I think there is a difference for a while there was wasn't a difference in Wood I guess they both do the same job but I think there is a a lighter metal is good as far as I figured [Music] out so like I think maybe we should make it out of copper good copper Shield tons of iron Ling around let make a out of [Music] iron IR Shield oh 10 [Music] [Music] shelds okay you guys want statues well here you go okay there's some St statues for you ideally uh I got that's why I made this I put statues in here kind of line along this way um I want statues down here in this this wide hallway we going to look at that and and Marvel at the nice statues uh no one else wants anything they don't do they and our Expedition leader doesn't oh he does have a room okay so they're all happy the hammer dwarf has entered a marshal [Music] trance who is [Music] that is that you pondering migratory patterns okay you Ponder away backpacks are getting made good Merchants are taking off did I ever trade with you guys I did didn't I did I did I trade with you guys I don't remember if I actually hit the button to trade with you guys I don't think I did I'm pretty sure I didn't uh sorry there it is okay get them before they leave believe okay uh everything I would like what do you got you have anything like any artifacts no but you do have some parchment I'll take the parchment some instruments some crutches Cow Cheese my favorite kind of cheese yarn plump helmets low on drink for some reason I'll take a couple of those kangaroo bone scepter I think I'm happy with that that's probably pretty good uh I'll take a Rum Barrel a milk Barrel pen uh yeah okay okay that'll do okay we'll lock the uh the pin in here any other uh animals like that I where'd you come from that the one I just bought yeah I thought you were a small I thought it was a smaller one than that okay so th those two will go in there and lay eggs and the boy Goose will not okay and over here I think we are good I keep hearing like a rumble I don't know if it's like storming at my house or if it's in the game oh it's storming okay oh it's prob my bedtime anyway I don't power to go out and get kicked off again what you should call it a day cancel that order chop this guy down keep hearing strange rumbles I what is going on okay yeah it's storming outside I received some armor through the post I claimed if I didn't send it to someone else I would have bad luck this chain mail is getting out of hand I haven't heard that one good stuff good stuff that's the beauty of of of these this Dad joke thing when I first started throwing these jokes out you know it might be kind of like what am I going to do when I run out you know I will never run out there's an endless an endless supply of them I'm never run out [Music] um you and charcoal I was run out of wood that's a little bit of an issue with that I had some coal uh laying around but we got no fuel okay tons of iron what we going to make with this iron now um we need some gloves so we need five five gloves okay I'll make some iron gauntlets not like that I want to do it this way all right don't type [Music] thing why is it working there it goes okay maybe uh 10 of those are good hey getas deliver mail mailman or woman I um I I I think I talked about this before I um I went and got uh I got the like the job I I got hired to be a mailman for a long time ago when you start out as a mailman you got to start out you got you go through you do a test you know um and then you um they they give you uh uh you like like the bad route you go in and you you're the backup guy and it's it's like you're on call all the time so the the normal mailman like you know what snows outside he I'm not coming in send the other guy in you have to go in and work on those days and you get one day a week um but but you have to use your own car to to deliver the mail on it I had a standard so that wasn't going to work that's almost a mailman but not quite let's see uh kitchen I need I need um rendering some fat is what we need to be doing so let's get some butcherin going Rend some of that fat let's go and catch this real quick probably to do we'll do puppies because we got a bunch of them laying around I know it's the worst uh and we'll catch them and we'll get the fats wait for it to get where is it fat get haul already I think it did um I want to go into here and say don't that fat it already Okay Fat's getting rendered watch this fat real quick do that now don't but don't make a meal yet okay there's a fat Okay so we've got the fat in here that was kind of a tricky thing we have to worry about uh go into kitchen where's the [Music] fat okay is it can I can I can I do it now do you're going to have to get the uh get a route but no that's how we treat the noobs yeah [Music] yeah am I am I missing something why isn't the fat showing up in [Music] here it's getting used already I I have [Music] the dog fat taged by a task um forbid it maybe that's forbidden now maybe I can use it fat always immediately goes to the kitchen quick about it okay don't uh use that that one maybe it um Tallow Tallow first okay okay yeah that's that's it it has to this isn't rent there it is that's what we want we want the Tallow okay so this isn't rendered yet we want the Tallow that's the one one that we say Don't eat okay okay okay now we're good yeah thank you okay so now we can go to the soapman who we'll put in we'll probably keep them up here well we we'll stick them down where all the ashes or up sorry where all the ashes he already there so now we can make this stuff eventually won't we get some uh Ash I have Ash and lie um where's my ash did I ever make an ashery I didn't that's what I'm missing man every time I play this game I it's always always soap making soap making always throws me fellow puppy soap puppy soap enjoyer normally I like cat soap cat soap is usually what I stick with because I like keep cats around um puppies are the next best thing I've only got the I haven't had a cat explosion yet this time just the two um okay so we going to make some lie and then we'll take that stuff and make the good stuff yeah wash my hands of soap making I would love to I get made eventually uh might be idea to have like stockpile there of that's a bar of so I'm sure that's where we really want it that's fine put little in there so do it forever well we'll just set up and order here we go soap okay so soap is done um I about to say let's let's go out on a high note here we're going to put in a um a doctor um uh where are they is it under is it under meeting area yes chief medical dwarf to do we have one nope Mangus you know how to make clothes you know how to sew people congratulations I tell you the joke about my my wife's birthday I tell you that one yet oh Well I got I got another another one for you so I walked in today walked into the kitchen and my son was sitting on the floor the kitchen floor washing dishes man he just really can't stand washing dishes is it a cheetah or a leopard it's it's a Jaguar it's actually a leopard but we pretend it's a Jaguar okay two of those uh what do we need in this thing we need all kinds of stuff um Dr Mangus diagnostician I don't know I I I don't you can't do multiple ones I wish one person could do all this stuff Dr Mangus is all we're going to worry about right now I would like attraction bench couple more mechanisms couple traction benches what is that a uh I have an altar we get that from the where we get that from we must have gotten that from the elves snatcher need gold bars need tan hides need tan hides need gold need tan hides okay axe dwarves we got filthy stinking Cobalt s nope we got filthy sing rats okay we uh we do the same we did before we lock the doors and we kill the rats oh yep yep both you guys get those three rats we go and nice look it's nice that have we have this all right here next like at the front Okay job done open the [Music] gate we go and give me all your stuff now what another one man these rats getting all my nerves what we do about these rats where they at uh Rat folk so I got rat folk null and Naga are in in here S I hit the Windows button so the r folk are real close to me they're they're right up here the uh the steamy fiends if this way and the Naga to my to my West and then the nlls are down here the South and over here I haven't seen any nlls yet is that guy still out here son heard that he had to do the dishes I'm sure he was floored um what are you guys doing here you guys still here well they still here hanging out why are they just standing over there that's strange why are they still there okay I don't know if you guys are making any eggs or not unclaimed unclaimed unclaimed they don't seem to care about the nest boxes this one claimed hey that one no unclaimed yeah I'm not sure that these things lay eggs I mean ducks lay eggs but I'm not sure it actually um I'm not sure that they actually will lay me eggs for this it's nasty in here bunch of uh Rat folk pieces okay we're pretty well geared up um I need to go to bed but I'd like to go out on like a like a real high note you know none of this nonsense um of like medical Bays or whatever let's go get somebody we got rats walking into my Fortress and well I'm not happy about it so I'm going to go out with a high note and there's a rat folk hilic of dungeon basements they call themselves The amusing nightmare I'll show them amusing nightmare we're going to send them in we'll send the five in and our job is just a raid just a raid and you know mess some things up steal some livestock that's good I'm happy with that let's go get them get out there I think they can come into my house and leave their blood all over my floors well I'll show them my ducks are in a Zone and in a in a row they are yeah yeah they're um in a Zone I think I did it right um I also think think that if you put them you can just do zones like on the box and that's it I know um but I think I think that works I think it works you should be back in no time because it's it's a real quick walk unless they get captured then it's going to be a real bad day who's that are you leaving now yeah okay so they're all out there that's Markin being [Music] see if this works are they coming back already coming back already it's like right across we just went across the street we we've we have started a war with the uh steamy [Music] fiends so we walk across the street year six six-sided led the attack Defenders were led by uh r folk um six's tactical planning was Superior Defenders had a strong position though Mangus confronted and killed killed Old AEK scold confronted vuka boa's dead Marin confronted Dima dima's dead and we looted treasure what we get we got a pair of wood chest a bronze helmet an Ashton Sint and one chopped giant rat liver that's going on a statue on a pedestal one giant rat's liver like what look look what we got a liver anything else there there's still about 10 okay oh okay that's that's that's that's where we we end this but not until we make a uh what's a pedestal we want a p pedestal make it now I make this I should make the pedestal out of gold or something and we'll put it where should it go I think we should put it like in our dining room stormy outside stormy stormy display is it made yet no got got your liver um is it done yet make it already [Music] you make it yet all right what are you doing over there I it make it out of iron make me P iron what do you call [Music] it got be [Music] Furniture h [Music] there it is finally why is there a bolt in my dining room okay on the display I would like one liver please where would you find the liver there it is one chopped giant rat liver slap that on there there we go will it rot up there not and it looks like the well is holding the water back that's good okay I was really worried about that all right think of the smell when it starts decomposing oh the smell of Victory I think is what you mean by that my book binding is there did we ever make that um Q thing choir I think we it's not in the the list not sure if we made it or where we make it at um well they now that they've got the stuff I got to make a book binding and that was here wait was that the uh the choir there okay there it is and then we got to make this okay there we go parchment sheet is in [Music] there okay is written on okay so they go right on it in so is it wri now for them down here and then yeah it's in there okay and then they go sit and they will write this thing eventually there's not really anything I can do about that I think they just I think they just sort of do it on their own yeah um it's easier I think if you have like if you have one they can make a copy but um it's been a long time since I've had them actually do it on their own so I don't remember how it works I think it sort of works on their own they sort of that's just part of the job and they just sort of do it I think okay I got to go to bed it's getting too [Music] late uh the only mods I've got are I've added in nolles Naga ratman easier to discover original knowledge early in history oh good good yeah we're on your six so good all right yep I got to go to bed thanks for hanging out tonight I'll come back we'll play some more of this uh we will conquer the world we've so far we've we've only angered rats maybe some Elves along the way um but we're going to conquer this place and what I'm going to do what I want to do is I'm going to send these guys out and you know sometimes you can go in here and you like demand surrender and occupy and then you guys stay I'm fine with that um as long as we conquer everything and everything is mine Victory we may need to come in and build a few more forts we'll definitely have to have a bridge that goes across here to um get to the smaller Island and we'll do that eventually but um that is where we end it for next time thanks for hanging out I will see you um what is tomorrow I'm not sure I I might be here tomorrow I'm not sure normally it's not a uh stream normal stream a day for me so we'll say no but I might I might pop in thanks n hope you have a good one
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 78,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf fortress, Nookrium, Indie game, Volcano fort, Df, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress 2024, dwarf fortress steam, simulation, colony sim, simuation, bay12, kitfox
Id: dIba0FKez7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 41sec (11201 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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