Pushing the Limits of FaceApp

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- Today we let artificial intelligence manipulate our faces. - Let's talk about that. (fun theme music) (fire blazing) Good Mythical Morning. - There is a new app called FaceApp that can transform your face and it transformed my Instagram feed this weekend when I saw lots of different versions of people that I follow and I didn't know what was going on. And it turns out they were using this app from Wireless Lab called FaceApp. Basically it uses machine learning to predict and apply changes you're intending to make. - Yeah, I saw a collage on Twitter of someone made of me. It's like - Yes. - Old and a woman and a A kid. - Old and a woman. - And I think that was it. - Old, young, lots of different things. - Oh, also hotter. - Yes. - Which that leads to some controversy. - We will get into that. - We will get into that in a little bit but first let's experience this app, - Let's do that. - See what we can make of it. So first you just - Start with a photo of yourself. - Take a photo of your face. - [Rhett] Wanna get a good one. - Don't smile though 'cause you can add that later. (camera clicks) Okay. Alright, there's me lookin' normal. - [Rhett] There's me lookin' normal. - Now, I don't know, you looked a little bit like you were trying to look hot already. Let's be honest. - Really? - Like, look, I just look totally normal, man. - You look dead eyed. I mean, I wanna - Yeah. - Give 'em some good material to work with, man. - No, man. I wanna push the limits of this app. - Alright. I'm gonna make myself old. - Okay, me too. - Oh, gosh. That's what I have to look forward to? - Oh, my goodness. - I look awful. - It's really good at making people look old. Especially with that gray beard. - Hold on, that's you? - Yeah that's me as an old guy. - But you didn't change that much, man. You look sadder. - Yeah, it gave me more of a frown. - You're gonna be a sad old man. I'm gonna be a mean old man. I'm definitely not gonna wear my hair that way anymore, I don't think. - You could still be in some sort of ads. Like a knock off of Dos Equis. - Yeah. I could be like what, like Modelo? - Yeah. - I could be the Modelo man. (laughs) - I mean, I'm just gonna be on porch unhappy. - I don't always drink Modelo. - But when I... But... - But I do when I'm paid to do so. - When I'm old. - Okay, we've run some famous NBA players through this to see how they're going to age starting with Steph Curry. - This is the GNBA. Geriatric National Basketball Association. Look at him. - He looks like Dell. Looks like his dad. (laughs) No, Dell looks better than that. - He is worn out, man. - As you can see, he's been working on his body though. He kept his body completely in tact. - Yeah. - He worked out a lot. - Well it's a FaceApp not a face and body app. - Yeah. - I just wanna clarify. It did not change his body. - (laughing) And here's Russel Westbrook. Whoa. - Oh, my goodness. - He became Skeletor. Oh, my goodness. - I used to be able to get like triple doubles like you wouldn't believe. I still do. - Okay, another interesting thing that this can do and is very useful for me is, as we've established on this show before, I do not show my teeth when I smile. But thanks to FaceApp that is no longer a problem. - Yes, let's make ourselves smile. - Now there's smile and smile two. Smile two is what works really well for me. - I'm going for smile two. Oh, my goodness. Just looks like a veneer. It looks like someone put - Yeah. - Fake teeth in there. - It looks like you got hillbilly teeth on. But look at me. (laughs) - Now that's more like it. - And now you see why I don't ever smile. - I did the regular smile and look how awkward I look. - Uh, uh, uh. I'm not excited about being here. - I'm kinda nervous, I need to have... - That's nice, look at that. I don't actually have those cheek things but I got 'em now. - It took away some of your beard in order to make the smile. - We've also added smiles to celebrities who never smile starting with Kristen Stewart. - She never smiles. Until right now. Look at that. That's really accurate. Who knows? I've never seen her smile. - I think I like her better without a smile. Kristen, don't start smiling I know you're watching. - No, no, no. I like happy Kristen. - But I tell you who it really works for. Kanye. - He never smiles in a photo. - Look how happy Kanye is. - Wow. - Look how approachable he looks. - Wow. - This isn't a guy who's looking for Marble conference tables on Twitter, this is a guy that you just wanna hang with. Look at that. - I bet his music is not as good though. - Oh, really? - You know, something about that-- - He's not cocky enough. He doesn't know how good he is. - Yeah, that cocky angst. - Cocky angst. - That's something that you need. - Let's become women, Link. - Oh, yeah, let's go back and become ladies. - Oh, my goodness. - You wanna become a baby first? Let's become babies first. - Oh, okay. - Let's become young. - Okay. (laughs) Oh. (laughs) I look like a baby that stuck his face in something green because it doesn't know exactly what to do with my beard. But it did a pretty good job. - You have stubble and lipstick. Hallo, I'm little Rhett. Look at me. I look like a pubescent Link. My nose is like... - It looks like you about three years ago. - My nose is kinda, I don't know. It looks swollen. Like it's got acne. Like acne's about to bust out. - Your face doesn't change as much as I thought it would. - You got a lot younger. You became like a toddler. - And I became like a, I don't know, your chem lab partner in like high school. - Okay. Now let's become women. - Now let's become women. - I always wanted to say that to you. - Now, it only wants you to add this to a collage but we'll zoom in on this. Now, she looks friendly. - I look so hot. (laughs) - What on earth? - That's what could've happened, man. You could be that's best friend. - I didn't change hardly any. Look at that. (laughs) - What, it doesn't change you, man. - It doesn't change me. If it ain't broke don't fix it. (crew laughs) - But look at how different I look. - You're like a different being. - That's good, isn't it? I'm attracted to me. - Why are you biting your lower lip, that's a little much. - 'Cause I'm so hot. Look at my hair. - That's a little much. - My hair looks good and I've got like up and the bangs. I've got the bangs up. - Wow, wow. There is hope for you. - Well I'm not planning on becoming a woman. But what if you take One Direction, a boy band, and turn them into a girl band? - Send them in the other direction. Well Zayn looks... - Zayn looks hot. (laughs) - Look like Ariana Grande. Harry Styles looks like a hot Miss Piggy. (laughs) Liam looks like she would purchase anything with the word Unicorn in it. (laughs) You know? I just love anything with the word Unicorn, I can't resist it. - Niall has the Link effect. He looks no different. Niall as a woman is Niall as a man. - She definitely owns a flower shop. And is that Louis or Louis? How do you say his name? - Was that Louis or Louis? - [Ellie] Louis! - Louis Tomlinson. Mm. - (laughs) "Mm." All I can say is, "Mm". - Has a Myspace blog called, What Makes You Miserable. - Okay, now. Let's get into the controversy around this app. - It's specifically to do with - We're talkin' 'bout sparking? - The spark button. Now, the spark button, which originally was called the hot button and then was changed to the spark button, as of the recording of this episode, like literally as we were getting ready to record the button was removed. - Disappeared. - And that is because of the controversy around whether or not it's racist because it does two things, people are noticing it does two things. It's supposed to make you hotter, right? But it makes your skin lighter and it makes your features more European. Which, that's being perceived as racist because, for obvious reasons. - Yes. - And this is what the CEO came out and said just today. - You mean Yaroslav Goncharav? - Goncharav. He said, "This is just a side effect of the neural network." He did say, "We are deeply sorry for this unquestionably "serious issue. But it is an unfortunate side effect of the "underlying neural network caused by..." - When in doubt, blame the neural network. - "Neural network caused by the training set bias, "not intended behavior." So what he's saying is, is that, hey, the company's not racist, the machines are racist. And the machines are racist because people are racist. Now, I don't exactly know how the technology works but basically they're saying that they're using artificial intelligence the way people perceive things to make these changes. - And like combing through pictures in some sort of database or on the internet? - I don't know exactly how it works. - In order to like artificially determine... - But it's like when you put a machine, like when they put the, I think it was IBM or whoever it was, put the machine on Twitter and then all of a sudden the machine started being very racist because people were trolling it. - Yes. - So, they have taken this button off and they're saying they're reworking the whole thing. We don't know if it's gonna be back anytime soon or if the spark button is gone, but we can say that while it was still up we used it on ourselves. - Now, let me show you some pictures of me because I did it here on the set. I think you were messing around with this last night. - Yes. - But for me, alright, the first thing I did was, I sparked myself. Just once. - What? - Wanna hang out with him? - No, you look dead inside. - Well, first of all, it removed my glasses. - Yeah. - You can't be hot with glasses. Thanks. - I didn't even notice that. Yeah, there's another complaint to lobby. - Took off my glasses? And then it like, I don't know. This guy looks like the good looking guy from Lost who was the girl's brother. - Yeah. It looks a little bit like a Ken figure. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. It's not a real person. - This is me. - Yeah, that's you. - No. - That's me run through the spark filter once. - Oh. - What does that? - I guess they just gave you a really good compliment. (laughs) - It didn't do too much - Didn't do anything. - But let me show you what happened when I ran it through seven times. - Oh, my goodness. - Are you sure there's not some oldness happening in there too? - For some reason it's darkening under my eyes. First of all, it made my beard smaller. And it did, very obviously, make my skin lighter because look at what my skin actually looks like on my neck. - It's red. - It's red. I have like a red complexion. And it's completely removed all of that. And here's what it looks like when you add a smile. (laughs) - Well at least you're happy about it. (laughs) Alright, now look at me. Here's me sparked and then I sparked my spark. Which is not much change. I sparked my spark again. - Your face is getting longer. - And then I added a smile. - Oh! - I'm happy about being sparked. - I wouldn't hang out with that guy. - Alright, and then - Oh, my goodness. I'd hang out with her though. - I made myself a woman. And I became Allison Williams. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] You did. (laughs) - [Link] I ain't gon' argue with that. - I'm gonna female this. - Hey, I like some Allison Williams. - (laughs) Look what I became. Who is that? Who is that? - I don't know, but she's going to the prom. (laughs) She's like a side-do. - It gives me prom hair because my hair already goes up. - It's amazing how we almost-- We look like sisters. - [Rhett] We'd be friends. We'd be best friends. - Sisters I think. - Okay, we also ran Steve Buscemi. Again, the spark button is gone but we ran Steve Buscemi through it six times. - Not just once. But twice, and a third time, and a fourth time, and then finally, bam. Here is a fully sparked Steve Buscemi. Yeah. - Wow. You're welcome, Steve. (laughs) - And thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm BJ. - I'm Hallie. - And we're here at Flagler College in Saint Augustine, Florida. - It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - There's nothing controversial at all about our Boiled For Safety mug. You just go to RhettandLink.com/store and buy it and drink out of it. It's that simple. (pants) - And click through to Good Mythical More where we're gonna FaceApp the crew. It's gonna get crazy. - Well the Gifticality fell off but I'm actually going for this one, Collect All Five. We want you to keep your eyes peeled and collect all five of people with bigger hands than you. - Ooo. - Find five people with bigger hands than you, take a pic, post it with hashtag Collect All Five. - Big handed people. - We're gonna find the biggest hands in the world if this keeps up. (laughs) - [Link] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 6,773,559
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, face app, faceapp, face swap app, face changer, face swap, app game, funny face swap, weird face apps, ios, apps, face apps, strange apps, rhett link face app, rhett link faceapp, face app rhett link, faceapp rhett link, gmm face app, face app gmm, spark filter, face app spark, spark face app, spark
Id: c_Bcyy1fvBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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