Are You Secretly Left-Handed? (TEST)

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- Are you secretly left-handed? - Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - 12% of the world's population is left-handed, and you just might be a left-hander and not even know it. - Huh. - And here's why. Because of the fact - that 12% of people are left-handed... - I thought it would be higher than that. and 88% of people are right-handed. Just doing some math in my head. - You did. That was good. That was good. - Real quick. That means that almost 90% of the world's population is right-handed... - Mm. - we have a right-hander's world. And there are a lot of things that you may not think about that are actually - designed for right-handed people. - Right. Like a measuring cup. You know, if it's got the handle on it, it's actually like this, so you can read the measurements while you're holding it. Watches are made for right-handed people. They go on the left, when you're trying... - The clasp. - do the clasp. Computer mouses: right-handed. Zippers are for right-handed people, because the flap is on the left-hand side, so if you're left-handed, you kinda get in there and -- - Sorry to demonstrate here. - Don't demonstrate. Or if your'e like making a jacket zipper, I think that's... - Yes. School desks. Scissors. - Maybe? - Right. - Lots of things for right-handed people. - I've got some scissors here. - So because of this... You can't see how to cut if you're left-handed with these. - Can't see the cut. - Now, a lot of people -- a lot of parents, especially a long time ago, but it still happens -- have actually seen left-handedness emerging in their children and they try to (yelling) "Slap that left hand down! Slap it down, boy!" They want people to be right-handed because it's a right-hander's world. - Well, because society is built that way. - And it turns out, this may not be a good idea. There's a study out of Sweden that ambidextrous children -- because what happens is when you try to get somebody to use their right hand when they're actually left-handed, they just grow up being ambidextrous. - They've got equal use. - Mhm. Mhm. Or somewhat equal use of two hands. Ambidextrous children are at greater risk for developmental conditions such as ADHD. And another study revealed that ambidextrous children and adults both perform worse than left or right-handers on a range of skills, especially in math, memory retrieval, and logical reasoning. Wow. I always associated ambidexterity with just general awesomeness. And that's because you're a little bit ambidextrous. - Oh. (laughing) - And you think that way about yourself. Which is precisely why I wanted to do this, because, you know, we've had - this long-standing thing where I have - Yeah. a theory that you are a closeted left-hander. - Right. - I have a lot of reasons for why... - ...I believe this. - I write with my right hand. But that's easily explained, because you were trained as a child to write with your right hand, just like a lot of people were. But if I drink from this, yeah, I'm... - Look, there you go. - I keep it over here. You keep it on the left-hand side. You're using your left hand. - But I think it looks good over here. - And you also -- strangely, this blows my mind -- you hold a microphone with your left hand. - Yes. - if you look at any pictures like at VidCon on stage, I'm holding it like a right-hander, and Link -- it's not for symmetry. It's because you're most comfortable... - So I can gesture with my right hand. - Mm, okay. It's like, you know how I do when I have a microphone. I'm like... I can't gesture with the left hand, it's like, "Oh, gosh." But today, I am gonna try and definitively prove, or at least I am interested in just how left-handed you are. Because I took this test that we're about to take at, and I found that I am 100% right-handed. Every single - question was for a right-hander. - Okay. I already know a few of them that you're gonna answer left-handed, - just from experience. - So you're gonna administer the test to me. Click the link in the description if you want to play along and discover your left-handedness along with me. That's your theory, at least. Okay, here's the first question. Do you consider yourself left-handed - or right-handed? - Right-handed. Write with my right hand. But I consider you left-handed, so maybe we should put both. - Just put right. - Okay. All right. - I don't consider myself ambidextrous. - You already said this. You write with your write hand. You cut... You use scissors with your right hand, apparently. - Right hand. Definitely. - (snipping sound) Here's a bat, Link. Grab it with a hand! Grab it with a hand! Grab it with a hand! You grabbed it with both. - Well, I'm a right-handed batter. - Well, yeah. Because you were trained to be. But if you had to hold that with one hand. "A burglar's about to come in! Oh, I gotta one-hand!" - The right hand. - Okay, all right. Right hand. - Right hand. (laughing) - Eating with a spoon. - Right hand. - You use right hand for that. You know. I hold the bowl with my left hand. Holding a tooth brush. You brush your teeth. - Like this, with the right hand. - Okay. Right hand. All right. And a toothbrush. I use a toothbrush. Is that the question? Brush your hair! Quick! (brush clatters to the floor) - Brush my hair? - (crew offscreen laughing) Don't think about it! Brush it! Brush it! I'm not actually gonna brush by hair. I don't wanna mess with it. But I brush my hair with my hands, and I use both hand equally. - Mm. - The left side of my head, I use my - left hand. And my right side of - That's not an option. - my head, I use my right hand. - If you had to choose, which would it be? - If I had to choose? - Looks like the left hand to me. - (crew laughing offscreen) - I don't know. I move the glasses with - both hands. - Just be honest. - Oh, hey, hey! - There's more hair on the right side. - Yep, you know what? So we're going... - I'll let you go left for that one. - Okay. (laughing) - If you really want to. - I use my left hand. - Okay, now... If you use a telescope, which eye do you look in the telescope? Well, I know the way to get the dominant eye is look through the... - That's Illuminati, Link. - ...Illuminati, and then you come back, and it will au -- left eye -- it will automatically to your dominant eye. - Okay. - Definitely my left eye is dominant. It is. If I were to bow-and-arrow it, It should be this way. When you use a telephone, which ear do you hold your phone to? - Watch this. - it's in my left pocket. Left ear. - Okay. This blows my mind, because... - Is this weird? ...I cannot have a conversation with... If I had an earmuff on my right ear for some reason and I had to have a conversation with my mom... - Oh, no. - ...on my phone, I wouldn't be - able to hear her. - I can't align the earhole with the... - Yeah, I feel totally inept. - hole. On the right side. I've never done that, but I text with my left hand. - Oh, gosh. Really? - Yes. - You text with your left hand? - Yes. - See?! - Because my phone's in my left hand! That's not a question. I can't even answer. I feel like I want to. - So I'll text like that. - There's no questions about microphones... - And then if I have to use the other hand. - ...or texting. Okay. What foot you kick a ball with? Well, I personally know, and was there and witnessed this, that the only two goals you've ever scored in your soccer career - were with your... left foot. - Left foot. I kick most of the time with my right foot, but I've only scored with my - left foot. - Yeah, the successful foot is your - left foot, so we're going with left foot. - (laughing) Okay. Fold your arms in front of you. Okay, the right arm is on top. So right arm's on top, that means right-handed? - Uh... I think so. - Okay. Start clapping your hands. Hey, look at that! - (clapping) Good job. - There's a great show. - What... - You're kind of on the side. - (clapping) I go like this. - (clapping) - I hold the left hand down. - If I'm gonna do a side, it's - the right hand on top. - (clapping) - So that's right-handed. - But you wen't straight like this. - It's right hand. - You kinda did a Nutty Professor laugh, - is what you started to do. - (both clapping) - I did right-handed. (coughs) - Okay, right-handed. Clasp your hands behind your back with one hand holding the other wrist. - Um. - Which hand is doing the holding? - The left hand, ladies and gentlemen! - Left hand for that one. - Okay. Which hand do you throw - Okay. - a ball with? - The right. - This is not -- listen. - And that's what it looks like. - (crew laughing offscreen) - That's why I never throw a ball. Which hand do you play cornhole with, though? Either hand. If I'm on the right side of the board, I'll use my left hand... - Just the other day at my house, - ...and I'll dominate. we played basketball -- (through laughter) we did, believe it or not. - (both Rhett & Link) We played horse. - And you show the entire time with your left hand. You were like, "I'm better with my left hand." - Well, that was (stammering) - it's one of the reasons I wanted to - do this. - That was as an advantage. You play cornhole and you shoot basketball with left hand? I'm going with left hand. Which hand do you use to turn the pages of a book? Here's my famous book "My Hair Goes Up." Self-published. - This one's easy because... - You opened it with your left hand! But then I turn the pages with my right hand. - Okay, right hand. - But what are you gonna do: - reach all the way across? Thats crazy. - If you have to hold the bat -- you already said this. The left hand will... The right hand is the one on the bottom, because you're a right-handed batter. - No, the right hand is on top. - Yeah, it's on top, but when you - go like this, it's on the bottom. - Oh. So that's right. Right hand. And finally -- this is the most important question -- would you like to be registered for the left-handers club and receive our free monthly newsletter. Already a member, right? - No. No, I don't want any more - No. - newsletters. So drumroll... - Okay. - Submit your survey. - ...for my results. - How left-handed is Link? - You got 0%? - Zero. I got 0%. - All right. The Internet's kinda... Whoa! 35%! Oh. You have to be over 40% to be ambidextrous. Link, you are probably a right-hander. - I'm "subi-dextrous." - But it didn't have a question about the microphone in here, so I'm gonna say science is wrong in this case, - and you're still left-handed. - Well, I'm 35% a left-hander, according - to the test. Play along, link - That's more than me! in the description, if you want to. Don't if you don't. Maybe your world - will be rocked along with mine. - (lauhging) Yes. Now on to something that requires no left or right-hand power whatsoever. Oh. It's time for the Airhead Bites Can't Stop, Won't Stop Challenge. Each week, we compete against each other in a ridiculous physical challenge - to see who can last the longest. - At the end of four weeks and four challenges, one of us will be declared the winner, and that person will get to sit on a beanbag with a bunny while wearing a blue tuxedo, eating bacon, as his buddy tells him a bedtime story about how awesome he is in a - British accent. - I hope I win that. Today's challenge is called "Hold Yourself Closer, Tiny Dancer." (Rhett sighs deeply) - Here we are. - Very flattering, as you can see. (laughing) Okay, in this challenge, we are going to be spinning like ballerinas... - Mhm. Pirouetting. - We gotta have our arms up, like this. - You still working that... - Yes. - ...shaved pit there, I see. (laughing) - Yes. (stammering) This is gonna throw me off. - Your balance. Yeah. - My balance is off, because I got more armpit hair on this side. Uh, anyway, we're gonna spin at the same pace, and the first man to leave his circle of trust loses. Okay. - Why is this the circle of trust? - 'Cause I trust that I'm gonna win. - (laughing) No, I don't know. - (Link laughing) Well, mine's a circle of trust that I'm gonna win. - (Rhett) It's just a circle. - You look great, by the way. - You do, too! Yeah. - You're keeping yourself up really well. Not really well. Okay, here we go. - ♪ (classical piano) ♪ - (Stevie offscreen) 3, 2, 1, start! - (feet shuffling) - We gotta go at kinda same rate, - so make sure we're... - (feet shuffling) - Unh. - I have no sense of where the... I'm already... Looking down doesn't help. (feet shuffling) - (Rhett) Oh, gosh. - I'm making weird noises. - (Link) I can't help myself. - Oh, I'm losing it. ♪ (classical piano) ♪ - You gotta go faster, man! - Are we going the same rate? I feel like I'm going faster. Oh, oh, oh! (slow motion, deeper) Oh, oh, oh! - (crew offscreen) Link, you're out. - I'm out?! - Hey! Hey! Ho! - What? I was like - Go, go, go, go, go! - (crew offscreen laughing) Whoa, I still... I still can't... I still can't... - Now I'm a tapper. - Still can't do anything. Okay, Airheads Bites may have long-lasting flavor, but you don't have long-lasting ballerina ability like me. (laughing) (whooshes) - One more challenge next week. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. And thanks to Airheads Bites for sponsoring - this episode! - You know what time it is. Hi. My name's Angela, and this is Leonard, and we're from Bowling Green, Ohio. And it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality! Airheads Bites have the same tangy, bold fruit flavors and chew of Airheads, but are now in easy-to-eat, bite-sized pieces! To find Airheads Bites in a store near you, click on the link in the description. And click through to Good Mythical More. We're gonna talk about left-handedness. - My wife's got an interesting story. - Is she here? - Yes! - (laughing) - Almost won! - "Link Are. Rhett Aren't." - I are. - I aren't. - You aren't? - I aren't. You are? - Well, I are. - Ha! - Because I is. - But I ain't. - And I did. - But I won't. - And you shouldn't. - Because I can. - Not. (laughing) - (evil laughter) [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,666,356
Rating: 4.9312992 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 8, Handedness, left hand, left handedness, left hand test, left handedness test, left handed link, link test, handedness test, test, aptitude test, Hand (Anatomical Structure), aptitude challenge
Id: kx_Bl9J8r3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2015
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