Halloween Candy Hacks

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- We have tricks for your treats. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Happy Halloween, Luigi. - Happy Halloween, shorter Luigi. - Okay guys, Monday is a big day for us. We're gonna up your dosage of daily Good Mythical Morning. That's right, for every one video that you were used to getting, now you're gonna get four everyday assembled together and experienced as an episode starting on Monday, so subscribe if you're not already subscribed. We're going to take the rest of the week off to just chill. No we're gonna get ready, so you get ready too for Monday. Lots more GMM every single day. - Yes. Now Halloween is not only an awesome time because you get to see what skin tight costume your neighbor Ralph's wife's squeezing in too. - We're squeezing in to. - Or is that just me and my neighbor Ralph? You also get a lot of candy. - That's right. You always get too much candy, so you can either eat it all at once and go into a sugar coma or you can try to ration it out to last all the way through Easter, but today we're gonna present a third option, a third way to have a lot of fun with your Halloween candy. It's called Halloween Candy Hacks Halloween Candy edition. Since Halloween falls on a Tuesday, that means everybody's got to go back to school or work tomorrow, but we got you covered with something you can actually break out at lunch. We call it the peanut butter cup and jelly bean sandwich. AKA the PB and J and K and K. - Mmm, letters. - All right, so, I got in my handy dandy jack-o-lantern bag here, and I'm gonna start with some jelly beans, some full size Kit-Kats. - Dang, how'd you get a full size Kit-Kat? - Rich person's house, man. - Yeah. - You know the rich person's always got the full size. And then some Reece Cups, one of my favorites. The first thing you're gonna do, take the Reece Cups and put them in your back pocket to warm them up. - Or just sit on them. - Okay, second thing you're gonna do is your gonna take out your Good Mythical Tote and grab your pipe because rats. I'm gonna deconstruct these jelly beans, okay. - Okay. Okay, we get the idea. - So basically what I've-- - We have some done over here. - Not a complete flattening, just a deconstruction. You're gonna break the shell a little bit. - You can also smoosh them between your fingers. - Then you're going to take your full size Kit-Kat. Link, I think you got a couple pre-prepped over there. - I got some in a tray here. I always thought that Kit-Kats look like bread. - Hmm, well it's your lucky day friend. - Finally they are. - Now you're gonna take those Reece's you been sittin' on. Hopefully they melted nicely as you can see they've gotten pretty mushy. What you're gonna do, Link, we've got some prepared over there. - Right. - You take all these really squishy ones and begin to mix it together with a knife or with your pipe and will make this amazing Reece Cup chocolate and peanut butter mixture that then you are going to spread directly on to the Kit Kat. - Oh yeah, spread it. See, this is getting good y'all. - And then you're gonna take your deconstructed jelly beans and place at will. Okay, you can do just like that. And then, we're going to finish the sandwich. - Be ginger. - Take off your mustache. Go to happy town. - Which end is happy town? Okay, you chose the good end. Mmm, you get the peanut butter hits you, you get to chewiness of the jelly beans, and you get the crunch of a Kit-Kat. - And you get the adoration of all your co-workers and schoolmates. - Okay, if you love candy corn and you're weird, you're gonna love it even more in a second. But if you don't love candy corn and you're normal you're gonna start to love it thanks to this cream corn recipe. Of course, you got the candy corn, the star of the recipe and I've got some Cadbury Cream Eggs. They are actually selling Cadbury Scream Eggs now if you're lucky enough to get those. But these will suffice for us. So let's get this party started. Rhett, you've got some Cadbury Scream Eggs already open and what I want you to do is just crack the yolk into the ramekin. How's that going to work? It's kinda fun to try to get the yolk out of there. Sometimes it requires a little raking into some sort of container. - You gotta really separate the chocolate shell. - Yeah they more you touch it, the better it tastes. You know let's just skip ahead. We got a ramekin here with what is 45 Cadbury Scream Eggs worth of yolk here. So, if there's a time investment involved. - It's worth it. - Open this candy corn because what we're gonna do is we want to dice the candy corn and mix it into there. Now I went to my friendly neighbor Ralph's house and he always gives me an apple which usually is lame until you bite into it and you see oh there's a razor in there. - Oh thanks, Ralph. - He usually buries it deeper, so you have to bite it to know it's there, but this year he kept it right on the outside. - What is Susan dressed as this year? She was Catwoman last year. - Power Ranger. Her face is obstructed in mystery, but that doesn't matter. - How do you know it was her? - I can tell by the close-fitting Power Ranger suit. All right, so then you just want to sit here and very safely children, use this razor to cut the candy corn. You wanna dice it up. You don't have to go too crazy with it. - And eventually, you'll end up with this mixture here which is basically just halfzies of cream corn, candy corn. - So you take the candy corn and I'm just gonna sprinkle it into the yolks, there. - Mmm, yum. - You wanna get a good ratio. And also if you're lucky, you went by the crazy rich person's house and you got yourself some salt and pepper. - Oh, yeah. - Which here, you hit it with the salt, and I'll hit it with the pepper. - So odd. - I like a lot of pepper in my cream corn. - Too much. A little mixy-swirl. - Yeah, mix that up. And totally change the way you think about candy corn. So you got a spoon? - Yeah, a big hardy spoonful. - Dink it. Mmm, sweet. Salty. - But savory. - Peppery. - I mean. - I can taste the razor. - Dude this is excellent. - I actually like the pepper. And the way that it offsets the sweetness. - Yeah. - Yeah. - This is a hit. Worst part about Halloween is that it is so fun that when it's over you're just depressed. Well, with this next hack, we can keep the fun going. Invite all your friends over for Swedish Fish and chips. - Mmm. - Okay, so you're gonna take, again, you really scored. You really scored, you got a bag of Swedish chips. - Fish, Swedish Fish. - Fetus, fetus. - Fetus chips, I love fetus chips. - No fetuses were used in the making of these, they're Swedish Fish. The Jenkin's gave us a full root beer like they do every year. And the Parker's, they just cut right to the chase and they just hand out bags of straight sugar. Chips-ahoy. - Big one. - Hershey's Cookies and Cream and the Dingledjes are weird, they gave me straight eggs. - Well we need all of that, right. - Okay, so first thing you're gonna do is you're gonna take Chips-ahoy, your egg and your sugar and we're not gonna waste your time on this one. What you're gonna do is your gonna mix all those together and you're gonna get what we're calling the Dredge. - Well, bam. - That is a mixture that we're going to dip our Swedish Fish, not our Swedish Fetuses. Oh, sorry and the root beer is a part of that too. That makes the root beer batter. - Yeah. - So, Link, we're both gonna do these and this is about to get dangerous. - Get yourself some flour and get yourself a fryer from your house. - So take two of these fish, Link. And what we're gonna do is take this dredge and you're gonna create a sandwich situation with these two Swedish Fish. Try to keep one hand dry. - Too late. - Then you're going to dip into the flour and then you're gonna come back over to the dredge. You really want to make sure that none of the Swedish Fish is exposed, because it will disintegrate very quickly inside of the oil. - Well I buried mine somewhere down deep. - Oh gosh, these fishies are swimming. And then you want to come back again. I'm doing a lot of awkward reaching across here. - Not awkward at all. It's actually not reaching either. Yeah, it is. - And then, we're gonna take that and dip it one more time, making sure that I've got full coverage. Oh gosh, it's so sticky. - It's gross. And is that hot? - Oh yeah, it's hot. - Wait for me to catch up. I got put all this over top of this. All right, here we go. I think it's in there. I just grabbed a big hand full. - That's too much man. Get it out a little bit. Okay, and then you gonna try. I'm gonna just set it in there nice and easy like that. You don't need much more than about 15 to 20 seconds or so. - I'm also going to make a Chips-Ahoy dollar. - Keep it moving, you wanna keep it separated from the bottom. - Oh my goodness. My hand dirty, I don't like to cook. - I'll say five, four, oh they're getting real nice. - Is it? - Oh yeah. - It's like a trick-or-treat hush puppy. - Okay, so no more than 30 seconds. - We'll put right over here. - Nice and crispy. Then you grab your tongs, ta-tong, tong, tongs. - Let it drain a little bit. Put it on this plate over here. - Here's your weird alien one. - Oh, wow. - And here's my perfect one. Okay, look at this Neal. It smells. - It smells strong. - You were wondering what we were gonna do with this Hershey's Cookies and Cream bar. Well, break it out Link. We have melted it down and created a dipping sauce - Oh yeah, let's see how. Mine did turn out really well. - No, no, no, no, no son. - That's kind of hot. - All right, let's dip these suckers. - Put that right in there. Make sure it's cooled before you bite this thing. - It's like a hush puppy. - It is like a hush puppy. Oh look at that, pull that part off. - You hush, puppy and eat it. Oh my, oh man. - Wow. - That's incredible, look at that. - It's crunchy on the outside. - Look at the fish on the inside. - It's chewy on the inside. It's like a fruit filled fried treat. A fruit filled fried treat. - That's a subtitle, though. - Swedish Fish and chips, a fruit filled fried treat. I'm double dipping. - That is incredible. We may have peaked. Happy Halloween everybody. Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Sans. - And I'm Sans, too and we're at Saboten, Arizona. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - We'll see you again on Monday and in the mean time after you get off your sweaty and sticky costume if you're trick-or-treating tonight, you can slip into the comfort of an I want my GMM t-shirt, available at Mythical.store. - And, slip into Good Mythical More by just clicky-click clicking. You can see us make the ultimate chewy candy taco. - Don't Google that. Whatever you do, don't Google Rooster Eye. - Really? - Oh come on, you're doing it. - Well it didn't seem that bad. - But don't. Thanks for clicking subscribe. - [Link] Click on the left to watch the show after show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And be sure to check out our other channel, This Is Mythical by clicking the video on the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,322,170
Rating: 4.9080253 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 12, halloween candy hacks, rhett link halloween candy hacks, gmm halloween candy hacks, halloween candy, best halloween candy, halloween, candy, life hacks, hacks, trick or treat, chocolate, comedy, trick, life hacks for kids, halloween hacks, treat, diy halloween, trick-or-treating, candy (food), mythical, gmm taste test
Id: 8yCp9tK6JZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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