Worst Cosplay Ever - Ranked

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Man they really had a decline in quality recently. They just ran out of stories I guess

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RemiusTheMage 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2016 🗫︎ replies
- Some cosplays don't play. - Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - We're all familiar with cosplay at... ...this point, but do you know what it actually means, Link? - Uh, yeah... costume... playa. - Yeah! Costume play. That's right. Bit costumes can run the the gambit. There's quite a range from some elaborately handmade Maleficent costume or just a pair of underwear... - ...and cat ears. - Mm. Yeah, I went to a few... ...Halloween costumes in college. Lot of duct tape involved. - As Catboy. - (laughing) Yeah, that was me. A lot of you have even cosplayed as us! We see you! But today, we're not gonna focus on cosplay excellence. We are gonna focus on cosplay catastrophe! It's time for Ranked: Worst Cosplay Ever! - (crash) - Okay, the way Ranked works is... ...so we can make an unbiased decision, we have crew members make their argument for what they think is the worst cosplay. And they are conveniently all cosplaying as characters. Mhm. Over here we have Stevie, Daniela, and Lizzie. And over here we've got... - ...Kevin and... (laughing) - (Rhett) We don't know. Mystery Man. (Link) I think it's Alex. Alex, is that you under there? And one clarification: they will not be making an argument for the character they're cosplaying as. Don't get confused. You'll understand. (Rhett) Who are we starting off with, here? - We're starting off with Daniela... - Hi! - ...slash Mr. T. - Yeah, Mr. T. You know, when I picture Mr. T in my mind, I forget that his mohawk was... - ...also on the sides. - Yeah, side-hawk. Yeah, well, we did it wrong. They don't... It's doesn't actually work. - (crew laughing) - You can thank Chase for that... - ...so thanks. - Ooh, throwing Chase under the bus! He did my beard. Look how good my beard is. - Give us your Mr. T Impression though. - "I pity the fool." - (laughing) I'm very intimidated right now. - (Link) That's good. - (Daniela) Okay, so... - (Link) You got something? - Yeah, I've got... yeah. - (Link) Look at that. I can't say... - ...what that is. - (Rhett) Yeah, who is this? (Daniela) You may not know, but that's Iron Man. Or that's supposed... - ...to be Iron Man. - (Link laughing) (Daniela) But really it's just a guy who grabbed some construction... ...paper and taped it around his legs, put on a snuggle, and put a gift-wrap bow on his palm and called it a day. I thin it's less cosplay and more like the trash leftover after Christmas that he just threw on top of his body. (Link) A construction-paper face is pretty ingenuitive, except it's coming... - ...out of the hood. - I think that's not the only issue... ...with this costume. "Well, you know, it's pretty good, except for the... - ...construction-paper face is not... - (laughing) - ...really holding tight." - I'm saying there's lots of problems... - ...but that's the first one that comes to my mind. The shape of the... - ...construction-paper face is a problem. - And also, Iron Man does not wear a dress. - (laughing) - You ever seen Iron Man in a dress? Do we have an Iron Man point of reference, because I've totally forgotten what he actually looks like now that I've seen this. (Daniela) We have another one that a 17-year-old made. (Link) Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is some 17-year-old by his trash can? (Daniela) Yes. And that's what good Iron Man cosplay looks like. (Rhett) Yeah, that's Iron Man. I recognize that as Iron Man. I have to be told... - ...that Iron Lady is Iron Man. - (Daniela laughing) Yes, exactly. So, as you can tell, it's really, really bad. Like, really bad. - Like number-one-spot bad. - Are we missing anything else that's... ...horrible, that we we should know about? - I think you've summed it up, really. - I think the look from this person... ...in the background sums it up entirely. It's like, "I don't want to... - ...be in a picture with this person." - "I think this person should leave." - "Leave the convention." - All right, we'll put this down... ...and then at the end we're gonna rank all of these. So, Kevin, you're next. - Yep. - Are you Zorro? - No, the Hamburglar, man! Come on. - (Rhett) He's the Hamburglar, man! And it's homemade. At least, the stripes are electrical tape, right? Yeah, and I ran out of tape, so I had to draw on the rest of them. - (laughing) - Oh, you know what? I wouldn't have... ...event noticed. You shouldn't have said anything. - You shouldn't have pointed that out. - I said it though. - You said it brother. - (crew offscreen laughing) - Do you got any burgers? - Do you got any nuggets in your pants? - (Rhett) He didn't steal nuggets, man! - Uh, no. - Are you familiar with the Hamburglar? - Oh yeah. (Rhett) He doesn't steal -- it's not the Nuggetburglar. - Why is he eating a bagel? - I'm Hambagelar, man. - (laughing) - That's more believable. - (Rhett) Okay, this is your guy here. - (Kevin) That's Mystique. - (crew laughing) - Yeah, it sure is. Hold on, though. That's Mystique in her natural form, which is blue skin, red hair. - (Rhett) Uh-huh. - She's been played by Rebecca Romijn... - (Rhett) Mhm. - Jennifer Lawrence... - (Rhett) Yeah. - ...and this dude. - (Link and crew offscreen laughing) - Oh, man. (Kevin) I wanna point something out, though: the paint job. If you look... - ...and his upper inner thigh -- - You don't have to draw my... - ...attention there. I mean, my... - (crew offscreen laughing) ...attention was there. At first, I didn't think it was a bad paint job. I have a theory. I think that he painted himself. - (Link) Mm. - (Rhett) Okay. (Kevin) And I think that there's paint on the backside. - (everyone on and offscreen laughing) - Right, but we'll never know. - (Rhett) That guy in the back knows. - (Kevin) That's why that dude's taking... - ... a picture. - (Rhett) Yeah, yeah, yeah. - (Rhett) We don't have that photo. - (Link) There's another angle... ...somewhere. If you're that dude who's taking the backside picture... - ...don't post it. - (Rhett) This really makes you... ...appreciate the evenness of the paint on the real character. - (Link) Is Mystique's hair red? - It's red, yeah. It's not curly... - ...but it's red. - And does she usually stand like that? I mean, she looks pretty any way that she stands, if you think about it. (crew offscreen laughing) I kinda like the outfit of the guy who's taking the picture behind him. - This is obviously a dorm hall. - (Link) Big pajama pants. (Link) Those pajama pants look really comfortable. I was talking about the real Mystique, by the way. - Oh. - I wondered why it was so awkward... - ...when I said that. - (crew laughing) - Rebecca Romijn? - No, it's the bagel. Now, is this painted blue? Because what's happening here? - I know what's happening down here. - (Link) That's a Speedo, maybe? - Can we remove it for now? - Yeah, take it down. We'll take this into consideration as we move forward. - Next up: Stevie. - Hello. - Who are you? - I'm Redd “Rabbitclaw” Moonshine... - ...from the band Rabbit Lightning. - (both laughing) Okay, my dude. This is called Spongebob Nopants. Oh my goodness. And he's totally defeated about it. Look at him. Well, he's casually looking at some brochures or posters or something, really analyzing whether or not he wants to pick them up. - (Link) Oh. - (Stevie) I'm hoping he has another... ..friend with him that's cosplaying as Bend-Over-And-Pick-Things-Up Man... - ...'cause I don't wanna see his Spongeballs. - (Surprised) Oh, wow. - (crew offscreen laughing) He might be at... Wow, Spongeballs. - (crew laughing) - He might be at an underwear counter... ...at that particular convention. He's like, "Hm, what color?" He should be. He should be at a pants counter. "I should've done this this morning. I shouldn't have waited until I got... - ...here to make this decision." - Now, the thing that I hate about this... ...is that this is just a kid's Halloween costume. Yeah. So I Googled rules of cosplay, which was a first for me. Because I was expecting, like, "make some element of your costume" to be number one. But actually number one is "wear deodorant," which I was like... - ....That's a great number one!" - Yeah, it is. - "Wear deodorant." - But I was wishing that number two... ...was "wear pants." They got the "wear" part. But where does "buy a kid's Halloween costume" fit into cosplay rules? I think that it's a respect thing. The more you make your costume... - ...the more people respect it, but... - Are you saying that the people at... ...the convention would not respect this man? - (laughing) - I don't know enough about cosplay... - ...but I don't feel like this is cosplay. - I don't think it is either. I feel like this is... It is a costume, and maybe he's playing. - That's the qualifier. - When I think cosplay, I think you put... ...some effort into it. You just didn't buy something off of rack, right? - (Link) Yeah. Let's take this off... - (Rhett) Spongebob Nopants. - ...of our rack. - (Rhett) Next up: Lizzie. - Hello? - Lizzie, you look comfortable. - I am warm, which is great. - So you're Tin Man. Well, Link, I'm... It's a very versatile costume to be honest. I'm whatever you want me to be. I could be a Tin Man. I could be a Hershey's Kiss. I could be Mel Gibson in the 1997 move Conspiracy Theory. - There's a lot of options. - I haven't seen that film, but... - It's good! - (crew laughing) - It involves a tinfoil hat, apparently. - Whatever you do, don't... - (Lizzie) It's about conspiracy theories. - ...put you in the microwave. Yeah, I'd blow it up. Don't anyway, though. Tin Man actually died from his makeup, so I'm glad you only dabbed the end... - ...of your nose with it. - It's hairspray, though. Chase insisted... ...on using hairspray on my face, which I regret, to be honest. Chase is having a difficult day and he's not even here! - (crew offscreen laughing) - Are you telling me that Chase... - ...sprayed your face with hairspray? - He sure did. That's what friends are... - ...for though, right, man? - (Link) Why? - It doesn't do anything to your face. - Oh, I hadn't seen it yet. - I didn't know that. - (crew laughing) (Lizzie) I thought maybe it looked real good! - I think she means the tip, right? - Just the... just the tip. - (crew laughing) - (Rhett) I don't think she means... ...the whole face. It's like metallic hairspray. - Oh! (laughing) - She didn't just get, like, a face full... - ...of hairspray. That would've made... - (laughing) - ...no sense. That would've made... - Hairspray's clear! - ...no sense. - Since when is hairspray silver? If you have gray hair. I think it's been all your hair. - (Link) Who's your thing? - (Rhett) This is your cosplayer. (Lizzie) This, my friends, is Jabba the Hutt. - (Link) Oh, wow. - (Lizzie) It's a comforter and some... ...sheets and some gardening gloves. But, you know, I mean, it looks like... ...what would happen if your pillow fort that you made just came to life. - That's a good thing, right? - (Lizzie) It could be. I think this looks like a it could be fun to have around at a sleepover. Well, I immediately liked this. I don't think this is bad. I think if you gave me, like, an hour to come up with Jabba the Hutt... - ...and I had a gold sleeping bag... - (Lizzie) You know what? There's a video of this thing in motion, which adds a certain level... ...of beauty to it that I'd like you to see. - ♪ (Star Wars-like fanfare) ♪ - (Rhett) Oh, gosh. - (Rhett) Now I see it. Oh. - (Link) Ooh. - (Rhett) Did he sneeze? - (Jabba) Sh--(bleep) - (Rhett and crew offscreen laughing) - What happened in there? - Something happened inside. - Something structurally just snapped... - ...halfway through. - It's like a lampshade that, like, popped. - (crew offscreen laughing) - Jabba was not happy about it. No, it's the saddest Jabba in the entire world. Well, except for the actual Jabba. I rewatched Return of the Jedi just a few days ago. And I mean, let's be honest; Jabba's hurtin'. - The CGI version? - Both of 'em. No, man. He's having a good time. He has that weird little friend. If you have to rank the best Jabba the Hutts and you had to choose between this one, the original Star Wars, and the CGI, this is number two... - ...without a doubt. - (crew laughing) This is way better than the CGI version that replaced him. They need to redo that whole thing again and re-release and just get this guy just lurch around. But they gotta fix whatever is inside of there. Yeah. You can't have him get mad and cursing in the middle of Star Wars. - (laughing) - Okay, and now: Alex. Where's Alex at? - He's in the yellow. - Right here, fellas. - (Rhett) Oh, hey. - Thanks for having me. I would say, "Thank you for being here," but I'm afraid. - Are you a banana? - No, I'm a yellow Power Ranger... ...that's going through a rough divorce or something like that. - (both laughing) - Wow. Can you see us right now? Not... I can't see anything. I haven't seen any of the other pictures. - (crew laughing) - Sounded real bad, all of them. - (both laughing) - Well, I mean, so you've got this... - ...Morphicon badge. - Yeah, I went to Morphicon... ...the convention in Pasadena. I got some tips on my costume which I think paid off pretty well. I don't know if you can tell. - (laughing) - Can I just say that I wish your... - ...badge hung a little bit lower. - Whoa. So you could see my belt? - (everyone on and offscreen laughing) - It's right there. I just meant if your badge went even lower, that would be... - Like, over your crotch. - Well, I am wearing an adult... - ...diaper for safety. - (crew laughing) - It's that hard to get it off, huh? - (Alex) Yeah, it's just... - The costume. - No accidents here, you know? - (crew laughing) - Okay, so let's see who you've... - ...got here, Alex. Oh, okay. - (Rhett) Okay, you're gonna have to... - ...tell us who this is. - (Alex) Yeah, this is a Submariner. I can't see the picture right now, but I've seen it before. - (everyone on and offscreen laughing) - Also, I'm not convinced that... ...this man is cosplaying. This might hurt me a little bit, but he kinda... ...looks like he was already wearing that, you know, and he might've just walked into a convention center and maybe, like, grabbed a trident... - ...and said, "Well, I'm already in a Speedo." - (Rhett) Right. - (Link) And Oakleys. - (Alex) "Let's do it." - And he's oiled up, it looks like. - Ooh. (Rhett) Is that part of the look, to be oiled? No, I think that's something he threw in himself. Just a little extra... - ...something, I think. - I'll tell you if I were an ocean... - ...creature, I'd follow this man anywhere. - (crew offscreen laughing) (Alex) He does look like he has certain leadership qualities. I'll give him that. Do we have a point of reference? Again, I'm forgetting what he's... - ...supposed to look like. - Yeah, we've got one of those. (Alex) He's looking pretty swole. He's pretty regal looking. (Alex) And his shorts are green. How hard is that? (Alex) You actually have to ask who this guy is. He also looks like... - ...he could be anyone's weird uncle. - Okay, we've gotta make a decision... - ...here, Link. - All right. I mean, I feel like, right off the bat, Spongebob. This is not cosplay. - Oh, come on. - (Link) I'm with you on that. - Sorry, Rabbitclaw. - Yeah, it's costume play. (Link) We're putting him all the way at the end. - Again, I feel that this is-- - I'm gonna put him sideways... - ...because it's like disqualified. - And I feel like this is good. - No, come on. - This is kinda bad. Let's just... - ...work it for a second. - (Kevin whispering) Kevin's telling me I'm doing good right now. So let's just figure this out. You think this is... (Link) I don't know. Between his confident look... - (Kevin whispering) - What's happening? - You're in trouble. - (laughing) Between these two. (Link) This guy seems a little... He could have done more. He could've done more. He could've done less. And I think I can see, by the context of this one, that this Iron Man went to an actual convention. You can see the context there. (Link) And he did a pose. He's like, "Hey, look at me. I'm owning this." - No, it's owning you. You've been pwned. - I feel like this right here is the... - ...worst cosplay in history. - And I agree. Congratulations. Good work, everybody. And you look amazing. - (Rhett) You do. - Don't change for anybody. (Link) Except for you, Alex. You don't look comfortable. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Rhett. - And I'm Link. - (both) And this is the... ...Good Mythical Morning panel at PortConMaine. (crowd) And it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality! If you wanna see Alex actually in action at Morphicon, check out this Saturiday's episode of Good Mythical Crew on this channel. Good Mythical Crew, every Saturday! Lots of fun! Click through to Good Mythical More right now, where we're gonna share some anecdotal cosplay... - ...stories with the crew. - (Rhett) "First ever cow sighting!" (southern accent) Just lookin' no-- - (whispering) Do you see what I see? - Yeah, it's like a fat horse. It's like a stumpy... black-and-white horse with... - ...a shorter, stumpy face. - You're gonna have to help me out. What is that on the bottom? Look at it. It's like a bagpipe. - Mmm.... - Oh, gosh. - Definitely a bagpipe. - Is it peeing? No, it's peeing and doing that at the same time. - (lips smack) You touch it first. - We should drink the white stuff. [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 5,053,393
Rating: 4.8421283 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, Worst Cosplay Ever, good mythical more Worst Cosplay Ever, Worst Cosplay Ever good mythical more, rhett and link Worst Cosplay Ever, Worst Cosplay Ever rhett and link, gmm Worst Cosplay Ever, Worst Cosplay Ever gmm
Id: hAg47bfdqTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
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