The Mist - Nostalgia Critic

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check us out at Grand Rapids Comic-Con November 11th to the 13th hope to see you there [Music] [Music] I'm black [Music] [Music] thank you hey y'all what you doing I'm just chilling you're not doing anything that's tied into the movie we're reviewing today I guess not [Music] well good luck with it thanks hi Jim what you up to oh just not existing until one of these videos started keep it up [Music] huh maybe it's just gonna be a normal day maybe it's just going to be a normal day maybe it is just going to be a normal day oh gee I wonder what this is let me go check with the group okay what are we doing I feel so like something's invading my brain what the hell is that what what was it oh nothing uh can I speak to you over here critic we can't tell anyone what we just saw what why it might upset you should have said them there's something in the studio what's that sounds like a roar or something yeah that's what you want us to hear what how do we know that's not what you want us to think it sounded like I'm sorry but has anyone found Jesus yet okay hell this I'm checking out the kitchen let me know if you find Jesus there is that really the best effect we have I don't know but keep it under wraps Malcolm Tamara come over here it's a monster tail or something oh you'd like for us to believe that wouldn't you yeah it's probably Jesus's tail no it's not Jesus's tail just take a look why would we follow you because it's literally one step oh your YouTuber mind would have us believe that what does that have to do with taking one step Jesus only took one step don't think that's right here let me just bring the tail to you no okay it's right there oh and I know what this is everybody's a cutout no one's making any sense there's no trust anywhere we're being invaded by the commentary what's that supposed to mean none of you are going to make any sense because the commentary has taken you over you're not going to make any logical steps because you're just pawns for somebody to hammer their messaging with Oh you mean like you YouTubers seem to yes but when we do it it's intentionally fun Jesus was intentionally funny name one joke Jesus told you look there's oh I bet it's him oh I guess it's also Stephen King [Music] yeah I've been cutting King a lot of slack recently talking about Good Works and even works that technically weren't his and honestly could have used his help what I missed on King Properties everyone seems to love the Mist sounds good released in 2007 and written directed by King favorite Frank darabond the Mist was a pretty big box office disappointment and at the time the few people I knew who saw it really didn't like it based on Stephen King's Novella I guess I stayed away from this film based on all the bad press I got over the years but his fan base has been growing and more and more people are saying it's actually pretty good so I finally watched it for nostalgiawine and yeah I think you were right the first time this film kind of sucks okay admittedly I've seen far worse horror films but this is a case of a story clearly taking a lot from other stories and not doing them any better it wants to prove the same point as Lord of the Flies The Treasure of Sierra Madre and several Twilight zones with creature ideas from the fog alien and several bug films but it doesn't know how to do any of them nearly as good like I said I know this film has gotten the following and good for it I guess I'm sure a lot of people worked hard on to leave an impact but for me it teeter-totters between totally inconsistent unintentionally hilarious yet somehow aggressively dull and yes I realized that would make for a very odd teeter-totter but you get my drift I'm not saying you have to dislike it like me I just want to explain why there are some people out there that just don't think it worked I have one thing to say to you critic is it Jesus and yeah why the in your face commentary might play a part in that too let's take a look at the Mist the credits roll and oh you think you're gonna win me over with the main character being streuson well you came pretty close true zone is arguably the best movie poster artist who ever lived and it's pretty cool the main character David played by Thomas Jane they show him painting his works the only downside for such an interesting job it plays into nothing I thought maybe he's gonna draw pictures for his kid to help him get through all this or paintings of the people who died I don't know something it's referenced once in a really forced conflict but we'll get to that in a minute just a random talent that never comes back it's like the Ninja Turtles learning martial arts and then they just shoot people why introduce interesting things if you're not gonna do anything interesting with them looks great little full a lot of sap a massive storm destroys the outside and inside of David's Home who lives quietly in Christ King there's a whole world out there to be fair that's what Hollywood does with the last true Zone's work oh well you just met the most interesting person in the movie I'm not even kidding almost all character development this essential amount of time before the monster arrives can be summed up in one word chores get some plastic sheeting and duct tape and seal this up just think we should trade insurance and I'll find my insurance guy's number I'll bring it by address I'll take it into town you guys get the goodies I'm gonna try Stefan Payphone I gotta go check the pharmacy once you get your stuff let me eat the chicken meet me back at the Jeep in five minutes and I want a date night babysit yeah because your pressure gauge no safety valves you raided for 160 every night and yeah I know it's not who you are underneath that's what you do that defines you but if Batman spent a whole movie just fixing his car and cleaning up batshit you would find him interesting either daddy look there are a few scenes building up the danger that's coming but plotex positions are chore too this little defense research you know I'm sure you've heard the stories the arrowhead project they have a crash Flying Saucer up there with frozen alien bodies all right that's absurd unless it's Tommy knockers then it's really absurd maybe the film's just trying to be really subtle with this character setup like take a guess who the villain is with lines like these I don't know how good it is but I guess we'll have to make do that's right Dr Zola you Hydra bastard hey David thanks for helping me out today the actors are all fine and sometimes there's a hint of a character moment I am if you're not gonna be friends now Daddy I guess you're not mad at each other anymore but not enough for them to be memorable or root for them when the trouble starts which by the way is not even 12 minutes into the film yeah I feel like I know everybody by this but let's introduce the threat shut the doors shut the doors Michael hey hey nobody take my spot I have ice cream it's gonna melt God is finally using his can of raid on the earth funny enough only the insects survive no William Sandler scenes come later everybody's trapped inside as the play shakes and the people Outdoors scream in pain I I can't just stay here I have to get home to my kids that might not be the best Carol when darabon teams you up with kids it doesn't end well so here's one of the problems there's very little music in this which isn't bad several films utilize that great but when your characters aren't set up and you're just thrown into the danger 11 minutes in every dramatic scene looks like the nominees for best supporting actress are Melissa McBride the miss [Applause] Ed is looking after little Victor she's only eight I told them I don't want to be gone a few minutes yeah I don't know anything about this woman I'm already expected to applaud at her Oscar moment it looks like we won't learn anything about her either as she walks into the mist and never returns the only other two characters I kind of like in this outside of the kid is Francis sternhagen as Irene and Jeffrey demon as Dan not because they're written especially well but because they work within the clunky character Exposition and surprisingly make it sound natural all she does here is say who everybody is and what they do like their dads and Kindergarten Cop but I'll be damned if she doesn't make it sound natural and memorable Amanda Gumtree teaches third grade she's wonderful a kid's lover David's an artist he does movie posters and such even with her acting I can't pretend I'm not distracted by the background saying Randall Weems makes cake get your bike Mrs ruppler's here the hell's with the shaky zooming cam all of a sudden oh I guess this is trying to look more realistic and gritty like a found footage movie only 20 minutes in yeah almost all of this is shot cinematically a lot of them composed very nicely honestly but man the shots go Blair Witch Handycam from here on out oh you're so cute I could just shoot yeah David Goes looking for blankets in the back and do the prophecy of Home Improvement worn the something violently tries to break open the back door and decides to tell the others oh not that something gigantic was trying to get in but rather he heard a sound does heard that sound like whatever made that noise I heard but look I heard it okay I'm not convinced that you heard anything weird noise I mean we're not hearing anything now right anybody okay so here's an example of it's obvious what they're trying to do they're just not doing it well they want to create distrust among these people so we can see it build over time I get that but they're sacrificing any logic a rational person would have for it just say there's something that shook the door and tried to get in but no he keeps saying he just heard something I know you're you're a big shot artist with Connections in New York and Hollywood and all like that but that don't make you better than anybody else all that come from didn't these guys just meet like he was clarifying their names a second ago Jim right Myron but suddenly this guy acts like he has a random long-running beef you're a big shot artist with Connections in New York I know you big Shad artist claim to hear things better than us they're right what nor do I like being talked down to or called stupid by a guy who went to college just because he's got the Jitters oh maybe that's why they worked in him being an artist could have literally had any big shots out there but making an artist there's so many visually pleasing ways this visual medium is not gonna take advantage of that ready kid let's rock a kid decides to go outside and fix something but a monster attacks so um people were afraid of this huh Ivan oozes CG dicks got people shaking in their sheets huh I mean aside from having himself with puppet tentacles that were Act ively there really caused that much more if they don't all have please I don't want to be a monster's Unleashed [Music] so just because you're a big shot artist doesn't mean you heard it oh shut up don't say anything anybody why not you know what the threat is wouldn't that be helpful there's military guys there for shit's sake it'd be good if they knew well you got a piece of it there just go ahead and show them in fact I've gotta edit this scene to show how it should have gone down come back to the love and deck okay I'll show you boom just a few seconds but that one contribute to the commentary of distrust so we waste an entire eight minutes just talking about showing this damn thing to them should we show them no nobody's gonna ask where one of the staff members went okay let's bring him a piece no you have to come back to the storage room to see it I know I'll go back to the storage room that's like a 30 second walk I swear to God there's eight minutes of this I'm sorry I'm I'm just not that stupid I'll show you no what reason could we possibly have oh please look I'm gonna be taking down names starting with you this is payback for the lawsuit that I filed against it oh look pilot do you want me to report to you you want to lose your time hello can hello can anybody hear me but you see neighbor turned against neighbor my God this could be us if we were really anti-walking for some reason this could be us when they finally do go to the back room they see the arm melt away and realize he's telling the truth it appears we may have a problem of some magnitude here our screenwriter really blows let me preach your word Get Me Shine Your Life Marcia Gay Harden the Mist ake [Music] some can be brought guess what her role is the crazy religious nut yup main rednecks monsters alcoholics religious extremists who double as bullies you don't even need to play the Stephen King drinking game with this one just down a bottle of Redrum and it'll even out well if you need a friend don't you condescend me I have a friend God up above Immaculate the Scarecrow isn't as much a straw man as this character I am not even kidding when I say every time they cut to her all she's doing is quoting religious extremism and you guessed it they cut to her a lot from the glory of God he is a Stern and vengeful God and bring the fiends of hell down on our head as Abraham prepared to sacrifice his only son we are being punished he points the finger the fiends of hell you see they are let loose get off the strange right she's pretty much Mr Freeze if you've replaced the ice puns with Bible quotes she is the worst combination of annoying and boring she never says anything interesting and she says it in the most obnoxious way just put this graphic at the bottom of her and you'll have the complete package damn gun in the store please what do you think this is a school my husband's I was like away on business yeah a grocery store in constitutional Kerry Maine and only one person has a gun got a shotgun in my truck red pickup right the shells are in the glove compartment now I believe we're in Maine again the neighbor and a few others venture out into the mist and the biker ties a rope around him to see how far they can get hey crazy lady I believe in God too I just don't think he's the bloodthirsty you make him out today that's King's way of saying hey I wrote the stand that earned me like 10 more stories where I can focus on religious nuds we get what should have been a suspenseful scene if we weren't already shown Ursula's STD so it's not exactly really the scariest mystery of what's out there on the plus side if Billy Wanda makes a production of onward I can pull that off now do you believe Jesus Jesus Jesus oh God that works too Jesus yeah don't you just hate her yes yes I do that means we understand drama no it doesn't just means you made me hate someone that's annoyingly easy to hate doesn't she just get on your nerves yes well that's complexity complexity would be if I liked and hated her would you shut the hell up Jesus well our work here is done our commentary is just too intense for him line she jeez why is this entertaining do you find this entertaining why is this entertaining [Applause] [Music] Doug returns to playing Kingdom Hearts and Birth by Sleep every Friday on Twitch we also have new content six days a week hope to see you there foreign [Applause] catches their breath after the attack the movie is kind of to ask who the hell are these two I thought I'd come in and say hi oh it's one of the military guys and the girl has to babysit they each got maybe two lines earlier it's nice that 55 minutes in they finally start a romance between them how come you never asked me out I'm stupid I guess yeah a little late to set them up don't you think what's even the point oh this is to make us feel bad when she dies literally six minutes later yeah that's brilliant remember when psycho opened up with Janet Lee saying and then got stabbed immediately after I was so shocked they did that after all the investment I had in her story speaking of keeping you infested get a load of these effects um aren't I supposed to hold up my phone to capture that don't worry they get better [Applause] now we're in a Flintstones cartoon now listen to that dramatic music that's so much more powerful than the last they play after he says it's a living I'm sorry there's people that are afraid of this when I get more afraid of a Peewee episode with Terry I'm sorry something's not working God didn't do that you did it [Music] oh don't do that they're even funnier close up they look like a Monsters University candle melted over a Rango toy I mean oh I'm so horrified by the terror I'm seeing right now can you make a plushie out of him I totally snuggle up with that yeah shake that camera this is real life God damn it embrace the adorable culliness that I think a Power Rangers movie fought once guys this is really silly the creature's back and like I said babysitter girl yeah why even learn her name at this point it's taken out did we get him did we get them all what are you yogurt clearing his throat did we get them all and our legs were still there they discover one of the military men all messed up from being attacked by the monsters on Partner oh he's got that gun right right oh uh no way just give me the gun again they treat it like we're losing a crucial character but I can't even remember if this guy was introduced or not I'll give something like Langoliers this the characters were cartoons but they were memorable cartoons I still recall their personalities and backstories all these years later I am literally still watching this movie and I can barely remember anyone want another reason to get the hell out of here Mrs carmony I'd like to leave more people start drinking the Kool-Aid they do put together the religious nut is going to start forming a resistance in most stories about tribalism and survival the characters always pick up on this way too late so I like they do logically figure it out early this among many reasons leads them to want to venture to the drugstore across the street to see if they can find other people and supplies we need back some comic books I don't want them I want you to see here unless they have X-Men you can die for X-Men they make their way to the drugstore and find a whole bunch of people cocooned up not enough like alien well don't worry they impregnate them too and their bodies burst open with spied foreign I'm sorry this is hilarious I have human teeth like one of those shark memes these poor actors are giving their all to fight effects they have no idea are gonna look like the Joker fish again I so see why they shot it like this because God it just feels so real like I'm really there laughing at these effects oh yeah I believe that's King's Pharmacy because that's what he saw when he was on drugs half the time has the film mentioned yet this character is bad and wrong I don't know I think we're too subtle with it so we're just gonna repeat it 20 more times the Earth is squash with whips and scorpions we have seen the Earth vomit forth from her lips why is she still talking want this to feel realistic like wow you're really there let's over explain parallel Dimensions we're in King's comfort zone all right I thought that there were other dimensions all around us I wanted to try and make a window they must have ripped the whole open by accident this other world came spilling through to hours you know how did a series with a kid obsessing over waffles make this feel more legit seriously this film would have been 10 times scarier if we never saw what was in the mist and it was never explained you just made it a story about surviving and tribalism and before anyone else brings it up yes this does remind me a lot of extremists during the pandemic but we saw how that happened people got into their Echo Chambers algorithms the internet exploited lies for hits even cable news has heavy liens in order to give views there's tragically but obviously a logical progression and that's not here I don't know why these people do the cuckoo things they do like not walking into a room or carrying something into a room or saying you saw something move or not explaining the threat you're up against these classic stories seem relevant because you could almost see yourself doing the same if you made any of the dumb choices these people did you deserve the Ice Age dinosaur eating you up punish for going against the will of God his atoms or stem cells and abortions yeah I didn't vote for Trump can we skip this now the military dude is tossed out to the monster and our heroes I guess we're rooting for it simply because they're sane tried to leave without crazy lady's permission people who refuse to bend to the will of God they mock our humility oh my God I'm just fast forwarding to where she gets killed [Applause] [Music] because I know that's what you want like oh that felt so good but no there was no satisfaction in that you want me to have the same reactions I had to the religious nuts in midnight mass and Edward Scissorhands but you're not gonna get it because one took a lot of time to give great insight and background into a character's cunningness the other gave a brief but effective look at a Psy character's kookiness both serve their story for what was needed and it felt so good to see him get their comeuppance this character was written like a bad impression of someone the writer didn't like that went on forever below they try to outrun the Zelda spiders and most of them get in the car and you know this is the early 2000s when they give you one of the lamest cliches of the time you guessed it the one-woman Wailing soundtrack [Applause] [Music] order today well Amanda was surprised to find the wife didn't make it she was only in the film's intro so I really thought they were building up a reunion it was a little fun when they found her dead it is one of the few legit emotions I get out of this I'm tolerant I Don't Wanna Know wake Billy up he should see this I drive off searching for an ending and after the Cloverfield monster passes them over they run out of gas well I'm bored want to kill each other they come to the conclusion to ax each other off pretty fast in fact they don't even say anything they just look at each other like yeah I know King's endings always suck I want out are we there yet is that a no but no more bullets still plenty of annoying zooms though the guy you may Shawshank everybody and he gets out waiting for the creatures to eat him come on come on but it wasn't a monster they heard in the distance it was actually the worst Monday ever I actually love the look on his face like you're expecting something similar to the Curb Your Enthusiasm music [Music] I love too how just everybody ignores him they're supposed to find people and get them to safety and here's a guy screaming outside a car with dead people and they're like yeah he looks good see if Bizarro Carol actually likes being a good mother in this universe I will admit I did know the ending going into this and I'm not gonna lie that's one of the few things that made me want to see it because I love bummer endings and horror films Evil Dead Drag Me to Hell pet cemetery The Descent even Night of the Living Dead which they're also clearly taking a lot from I just love how almost humorously Bleak they are there's just a Relentless meanness to them that's swimming in comic irony but here's the thing this isn't done like it's ironic it's not like it's important [Music] yeah the Wailing singer is still going there's a ton of slo-mo there's a grand sweeping shot this is how you end platoon not a movie where you fight off we're back pterodactyls plus again I just don't give a about these people I barely remember anything about him except a good chunk of the time they did really stupid things which in a Cheesy horror film that's excusable but in a commentary movie it really isn't look I know this film has a lot of fans and I don't know well maybe if I didn't see all these other stories it took from I would be a fan too but I have seen them and I can't help but constantly think back to how much better they achieve similar goals Frank durabot does know horror and to his credit I think what this movie was trying to be he did eventually achieve with The Walking Dead that show does have the gritty realism and tragedy that borrows from other sources but utilizes them in a more provocative way with memorable characters with this I know you're gonna think I'm crazy but I'd much rather have someone like M Night Shyamalan directed I know it sounds insane but look you have roughly a 50 50 chance it's gonna be good either way I'm gonna remember the weirdos he writes and directs and whether it be good or bad it will leave an impression I'd much rather have that than something that does a lot of the same but thinks it's doing something revolutionary and groundbreaking like I said I know a lot of people like it and if you do awesome for my buddy I don't need to search deep to find that this Mist just ain't for me well the intensity was just too much for them so I killed them all did they ask you to do that no but I just got that Vibe you know from looking at them do you want to die no no I'm good I'm good but that's weird we never figured out what the Monster was purple Saurus Rex purple quick get a shaky cam so we can film the realism don't worry Mr mcritic I'm on it hey yes so Shiki Zoo zoomy everyone will swear they're in the same room as this terrifying Abomination I mean I had worse flavors Jim can you um yeah sure okay I think we're done here all right hey wait why weren't you affected by the commentary oh well because I did commentary in the movie but I thought it was supposed to be a pretentious commentary well that's ridiculous I've never been pretentious at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] did we get him did we get them all we're still doing cameos for charity and this month we're doing wings for Life wings for life is a not-for-profit spinal cord Research Foundation their mission is to find a cure for spinal cord injuries they fund world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe aimed at healing the injured spinal cord with a hundred percent rating on charity Navigator this is definitely a wonderful one to check out so if you want a cameo from me saying happy birthday or congrats or whatever go ahead and click on the link below and be giving to a wonderful organization or if you're like screw you I would never want a cameo from you at least consider looking at this charity anyway because they really do amazing work so please consider either giving a cameo donating or spreading the word about what a wonderful Foundation this is [Music]
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 302,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, the mist, the mist reaction, stephen king, nostalgia critic, stephen king movies, stephen king the mist, the mist ending, the mist ending explained, movie, film, doug walker, nostalgia critic the mist, nostalgia critic stephen king, reaction, the mist review, movie adaptation, the mist 2007, review, frank darabont, explained, ending, horror, horror movies, sci-fi horror movies, best stephen king movies, the mist stephen king, movie reviews, the mist creature
Id: tyDd-CZpXrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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