Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About Dawnstar

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and welcome to Dawnstar a shivering gem of a port on skye Rinna's northernmost shores this settlement is home to some of Hamor yells proudest Nords and serves as the capital of the pale the community here bears some of the harshest of the known world's winters but thanks to bustling sea trade and a rich mining industry it nonetheless prospers one of the oldest of Skyrim settlements it's no surprise that the yarol has recently enthusiastically declared for Ulfric Stormcloak and is now fighting to break away from the Empire today the people of this frostbitten city often debate whether leaving such a historic Kingdom to bring back an old one was the right thing to do divided cold and historic dawn stars a place everyone who's ever played Skyrim knows oh but there's far more to this location than the average person will ever discover so today we'll be taking a look at five things you probably didn't know about dawn star in the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off well today the people of dawn star are some of Talos tiber septim's proudest and most open worshipers literally fighting for the right to continue praying to him it wasn't always that way and if one account is to be believed it would seem their ancestors were some of tiber septim's greatest enemies okay so you know how some details we cover on this channel require bit of context this is definitely one of them you see long ago in the late second era before becoming a god Tiber Septim was a living breathing human person a general then king then Emperor who conquered the entirety of the known world literally all of Tamriel was under his control he founded the Septim Empire which quite ironically is the very same Empire the people of skyrim are trying to get away from now but I digress Tiber Septim of course didn't take over the world peacefully no it was through of brilliant military campaigns and conquests well most of this period is incredibly well documented we have names and locations of individual battles specific generals and tybor czar me that he really liked we know everything but how he ended up taking over Skyrim is left really ambiguous in the game's lore we know there was some military action in the region but we're not really sure who he was fighting with Skyrim United at this time under a single High King who opposed Tiber Septim was it divided into individual city-states some of whom opposed and some of whom supported him were unsure but there is a single book which first popped up in the elder scrolls 3 morrowind though can still be read in skyrim which documents this time period and it indicates that the city of Dawnstar fiercely opposed Tiber Septim to the point where if they had their way they might have been able to stop his whole conquest in its tracks the novel ice and chitin by Imperial historian plenteous Patek takes place during one of tiber septim's campaigns somewhere in northern skyrim during this time period he's at war with the WarChiefs ruling a city called danced Rara or perhaps dawn star the book doesn't do a whole lot to clarify on this distinction but seeing as there's no cities in skyrim called dawn straw we can safely assume that that was the ancient name used for dawn star anyway the text itself isn't really an overview of tiber septim's campaign with a lot of historical details instead it's more historia that centers around the struggles of one of his generals a woman named Bhatia evidently while patel was leaving an army through enemy lines on her way back from a meeting she just had with Tiber Septim her forces were ambushed by those war Chiefs of Donst Rara looking for her she and her small personal bodyguard of around 5 troops were able to make it out of the chaos though it's implied her entire army was decimated from here the book on to document 'but a and her men's desperate attempt to get back to safety as they're being pursued by these war Chiefs they hide in abandoned forts try to only move at nightfall make desperate rushes to evade the eyes of these war Chiefs all throughout this adventurer but a engages in dialogue with her fellow survivors where she makes it clear that the war Chiefs of dawn straw are some real competent fellows she commends their strategic ability for being able to defeat one of her entire armies catching her off-guard she mentions an ultra powerful cavalry that's apparently the Empire's equal and we're overall given this impression that these enemies these don straw regions or whatever you want to call them or giving the Empire one heck of a fight ultimately the Tay and her small gang are able to escape running over a frozen lake that our enemies can't chaser on too evidently due to them having whoa hey too heavy armor at this point the book comes to an end and not much more is said nowhere else in the entire Elder Scrolls universe is this specific conflict even mentioned though if what that text says is accurate and the naming continuity sticks it looks like Don Stara was once one of tiber septim's greatest foes I do wonder what Don's stars war Chiefs would think if they knew that a few hundred years later their descendants would be openly worshipping the guy they fought oh well it's all history now next on our list fast-forwarding to a modern-day Skyrim in the fourth era Don stars economy is dominated by two mines Quicksilver mine and iron breaker mine and it's the hilarious though tragically imbalanced relationship between these two mines owners that I want to explore right now because they're both owned by a pair of ex-spouses yeah the people who owned these mines used to be married to each other a lovely nord woman named Bay tilled runs iron breaker while her ex-husband leg L runs Quicksilver not a lot of context on what went wrong in this marriage is offered however it's very clear that they're splitting up was a nasty 1 both characters hate each other's guts and neither can go for more than a few minutes talking without trying to dunk on their former spouse I own iron breaker mine we make twice as much coin as those horrors over in Quicksilver mine and don't let anyone tell you otherwise iron breaker mine is three times the worth of that Quicksilver mine and its Fathead owner if you don't mind me saying leg if you're working too hard go home never not until we turn this mine around drive bay tilt out of business and force her to apologize to me for everything she's done it's quite funny but all it really is is a harmless rivalry right oh ass players who go through the dark brotherhood questline will eventually receive a contract to kill bay tilde now all dark brotherhood contracts are anonymous so we can't be sure who's paying the Brotherhood to do this but let's be honest it's obvious that leg Elif her ex-husband is the one responsible one and after you've committed the murder up if you go and speak with leghul he'll be as static enthusiastically happy that his ex is finally gone so it's clear who did it my wife bait illed is dead can't say I miss that old saber cat here's where things start to get really really tragic though if you decide to kill leg elf the husband before you've killed Bay Tilda and then go ahead and speak with the woman she won't be happy her ex is dead instead she'll be depressed claiming that well she thought she hated the man's guts now she just misses him in a way she never imagined my husband leg elf is dead I I never thought I would miss that oaf so much and thus well lake elf genuinely hates bay tilde to the point where he likely hired someone to kill her or at the very least celebrates a news of her death she if all things considered didn't really hate her husband at least not in the same way he hated her in fact she must have even liked having him around it's a really really unfortunate dynamic coming at number three let's talk about something less miserable Silas Vesuvius is one of Don's stars most prominent residents he's defined primarily by his enthusiasm for an organization called the mythic dawn long ago the mythic dawn were group of Daedra worshipers who supported mehrunes dagon god of destruction they were in fact some of the elder scrolls for Oblivion's primary antagonists however since that game they've long been destroyed and likely won't be coming back well Silas whose ancestors evidently served with them is unwilling to let the mythic Dawn's memory die and he's converted his home into a museum we allow visitors to see various artifacts and learn about their history but it's not Silas's museum that earned him a spot in today's video instead it's the man's no it's a yes yes his nose the one on his face bear with me now it's not necessarily noticeable especially by Skyrim standards and it's certainly not unique however it is one of the smallest if not the smallest presets available for a character nose in the game this is kind of funny because Silas his name when translated from Latin literally means snob no is a or a tiny nose the more you know 4/4 spot the settlement of Dawnstar in fact got its own entire Elder Scrolls game technically speaking and the morphing behind it is hilariously misleading which is ironic given how little people know about this game anyway way back in 2004 two years after the successful release of the Elder Scrolls 3 of morrowind Bethesda Game Studios decided to produce a couple of mobile games set in the Elder Scrolls universe and those was the elderscrolls travels Dawnstar longtime fans of the channel are likely already pretty familiar with this game as I've talked about it before in previous videos it's got some interesting Laura set at an unknown time period of course in Don Stara the game revolved around a mysterious blue skinned a humanoid people look known only as the ice tribes who are trying to besiege and capture the city it would be up to the player to defeat this enemy by clearing a variety of odd cube shaped dungeons and saved the town do bear in mind this was a 2004 a mobile game so was made for things like old Nokia's and blackberries and stuff not exactly the most technically impressive feat but I wouldn't focus soon on though that I find really hilarious is it the only real place you could find information on this title was its store page as Bethesda and their parent companies never really did a whole lot of external promotion they don't seem to have ever bought any advertisements or commercials so the store page was the only real source for official information on the title and it was a hilariously deceitful you've seen a glimpse on it now from web archive not only did it kind of stretch truths no it told it straight up lies one of its biggest promises is guaranteeing that you can play your character the way you want for good or evil this is a total lie there is a single campaign one can go through and in it you are very much a good guy there are no bad guy objectives or missions nothing like that and there's certainly no room for player choice you don't get to make decisions in this game there's also the guarantee that as your character grew to be tougher so would your opponent's poking at some sort of leveling mechanic where your foes would level with you that just doesn't exist your enemies are always the exact same strength I could go through the list there's a bunch of these claims and even some of the ones that are true are only like kind of true and highly exaggerated let's just say that the game this store page is telling you about and the one it's asking you to buy are two very different things but despite this relatively harsh indictment I'm giving Bethesda right now I'm willing to bet the misleading marketing probably wasn't on purpose it's possible the person who wrote this development page never got a chance to play it or just wasn't even on the team back in this time period editing standards were a little bit lower it's also quite possible that despite their name being on the box but this the game studios didn't have a lot to do with developing it at this period in time many developers and publishers were outsourcing to small third party studios and paying for them to make mobile games with their names on them that could be what's happened here and whoever made the store page was just not even employed apathetic or was working at Bethesda but didn't really know what was going on the development there's a whole litany of possibilities whatever the reasoning for all this is just know that before the fallout 76 controversy before Skyrim's paid mods and Oblivion's horse armor there were lies about Dawnstar and finally last on our list Saren a Red Guard woman is quite a unique site in the Nord filled city of dawn Stara this far north and Skyrim a long ways from home she was originally born in the hot desert province of hammerfell WA she grew up in hammerfell WA and always thought it was where she would die however one day her father a blacksmith took on an apprentice from Skyrim a Nord named rust leaf the two quickly fell into Mad lava one thing led to another they got married and once Russell II felt good enough at his craft he moved her back to his hometown of Dawnstar where the two now own and operate a blacksmithing business this is an interesting and well fleshed out backstory even by the high standards set by Skyrim though something else that makes serán a very very special character and something you wouldn't notice unless you've got pretty lucky with some dialogue is that she's one of only two people in all of Skyrim that's pregnant the couple doesn't bother to make a really big deal about this fact but if you speak to Saren one of her possible greeting dialogue lines is this we he discovered recently that I am with child I'll need to stop working next season furthermore the following radiant conversation can be heard between the two if you get lucky enough when they're in proximity to each other where they discuss raising a child in this cold dangerous place rust leaf I've been wondering maybe after the baby is born we should move to Hammerfell Hammerfell I'm not against the idea but why I'm just worried about raising a child in the middle of this war of yours war of mine it's not my war Zarin your People's War I mean the Nords what kind of life would we be giving our little one if we stayed here I well let me think about it alas the next time you're on a rampage and Dawnstar at murdering all the citizens to death just know that if you strike sarin you're hurting more than just her and with that we are going to wrap up five things you probably never knew about the chili city of dawn star in the elderscrolls v skyrim thanks so much for stopping by everybody which of these fun facts are tiny details did you find to be the most fascinating and what Skyrim or fallout or any other game Easter eggs do you know of that we've yet to tackle leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 489,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Rare Items, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim tiny Details, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Theories, Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Skyrim, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Dawnstar, Dawnstar, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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