Skyrim: Top 5 Miraak Secrets You (Probably) Never Knew in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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Hey how's it going guys it's neigh here and Skyrim is a game with a nearly endless number of enemies and potential foes for the dragon board to contend with in your everlasting quest to save the world and among the most daunting opponents the player must jockey against is me rack the primary antagonist of Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC mirik was once the world's first dragon born who thousands of years ago served the ancient dragons that once ruled all of Skyrim when the man found out he was special he attempted to overthrow the Domas and create a new world order with himself at the top alas things didn't go quite as planned and he was forced to flee to Apocrypha a plane of oblivion ruled by hermaeus mora where he's remained all these years of planning to return to the mortal realm and a betrayal of his divine master of course that's where we come in overall his incredible power central role in the storyline and interesting background make me rack among the most prolific villains in the Elder Scrolls franchise but despite his notoriety chances are there are still quite a few surprising things you've never knew about this central antagonist which is what we're going to explore today sit back and relax as we dive into five things you probably didn't know about the Elder Scrolls is first true dovakin starting off we begin this video with the conclusion of the Dragonborn DLCs main questline where me rack meets his end as well at the summit of Apocrypha after the ploy is weakened him enough during your final battle hermaeus mora the Daedric prince who saved me rack so long ago in the first place turns on him and impales the first dragon born putting an end to his life once and for all and naming the player his new champion it's an odd somewhat bittersweet moment as it's certainly relieving to get rid of me rack but we all know hermaeus mora isn't exactly the most benevolent fellow however what you may not have known is that bethesda seems to have at one point in the DLCs development intended for me rack to survive this moment and live on unused dialogue found in the game's files that mirek was meant to say after the battle implies that he would have survived and lived on to fight another day take a listen well fought Dragonborn but I'm afraid this is not over I shall return and take what is mine necessity demands it now it's unclear if Bethesda was planning on giving the player another battle with mere act after this moment or considering this is the final main quest simply end the dlc with him surviving heck it wouldn't be out of character for Bethesda to have given this quest line multiple different potential enemies and me Rex continued survival could have been one of them there's also the question of what hermaeus mora would have done in this situation as mentioned hermaeus mora took mere act in two Apocrypha as a means of saving him after his failed power grab from the dragons under the condition that Marik would serve him and the DLC ends with Mora killing MARAC and replacing him with you effectively so in this scenario would the failed Dragonborn just have evaded the Daedric God's wrath somehow would Marik remain hermaeus mora's champion there's a lot of variables here and that's likely part of the reason why the Fez de decided to cut this element from the game but it's still always fun to speculate on what could have been next on our list mirac is also a man of many faces let me explain throughout our experience with him Barak remains clad in a unique set of attire that covers his full body as well as face the character can never be pickpocketed and when he finally is killed his corpse quickly dissolves into little more than a skeleton meaning were never given an opportunity to see what this man looks like without his mask on in normal gameplay however with the power of console commands we can do just that and our discovery might surprise you as it turns out mirac never had a custom character model designed for him or at least not a single one and underneath all of his clothes he'll actually spawn in with one of two randomly selected nordic character presets that will vary from play through to play through this effectively means the Dragonborn DLC central antagonist has no real canonized physical appearance one of the two body and face combos he may spawn it with appears to be one we commonly seen Nord bandits spawn in with the other is a bit more special and I think suits him a lot better a bald character with completely blackened eyes that has a facial appearance that just comes across as quite a bit older it's still not exactly what I was expecting but it's certainly better than the first one additionally despite spawning in with Nordic presets and physical features no matter what plus it making logical sense that me rack would be a Nord what with him hailing from Skyrim and everything not even that seems to be confirmed as his character technically spawns in with a custom race that Skyrim's files call the mere AK race so not even his race is explicitly made clear either I personally found all this information incredibly fascinating and somewhat odd it seems Bethesda did design a special face and character features underneath all that armor for those curious enough to use console commands but for whatever reason they also gave me rack a 50% chance to spawn in with a relatively generic looking Nord character it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and of course this again also means that there is no definitive appearance me rack has at least not according to the canon lore considering there's two possibilities so for the time being unless bethesda decides to elaborate upon this somehow in a future Elder Scrolls game it looks like we don't really have a definitive face to attach mere axe mask to coming in at number 3 bethesda sets up the players first encounter with me rack to be quite a dramatic one after reading a black book and finding yourself in Apocrypha me rack will introduce himself with an intimidating but somewhat expected I'm the bad guy nice to meet you speech before giving you an evil laugh and sending you back to the mortal realm ax but what you may not have known is that depending on how many dragons the player has slain throughout the game prior to meeting him the contents of mere acts speech will change ever so slightly you are dragon born I can feel it and yet you have done little beyond killing a few dragons you have defeated dragons yes but still you have slayed a great many dragons I see so you have slain Halloween well done I could have slain in myself back when I walked to the earth but I chose a different path for fourth spot me rax temple is a central location in the Dragonborn DLC a grand structure currently being built by a small army of somewhat unconscious slaves dedicated to the first dragon born it stands as a testament to both mere acts own power and his ego it's also suggested me rec needs the temple fully completed before he can return to our universe beneath the sight is an impressive series of hidden tombs and chambers making for one of souls x largest dungeons and only increasing just how impressive this place is the temple is built around an ancient magical rock known as the tree stone it's just one of six similar boulders scattered across the island that the skull tribes refer to as the OL maker stones they play an important role in their faith and have a similar gameplay function to that of Skyrim standing stones granting the player powerful abilities depending on which ones you interact with after mere acts been murdered to death by her maius mora and the DLC quest line completed the last Dragonborn can return to the tree stone to receive a power called the root of power see what Bethesda's doing that anyway which allows the player to cast spells for 75% less Magica than normal for 50 seconds when used quite helpful alas something one might find rather interesting is this same tree stone maiden appearance and had a part to play in the elder scrolls three more Owens blood moon DLC which like Dragonborn also took place on the island of souls time just a few hundred years earlier in Blood Moon the tree stone was located roughly in the same place with a somewhat similar appearance though didn't have an entire temple being built all around it in morrowind and this is later reiterated in Skyrim we learned that the stall believed not in many different gods like most Tamriel ik religions but instead they believed in a single one called the OL maker and the all makers point of contact with our world that comes from these stones so for instance the wind' stone is the OL makers point of contact with the sky the water stone is his with the sea the earth stone with the earth you get the idea and the tree stone represents his point of contact with nature we're left unsure why me rock decided to build his temple around this stone in particular however in neither of the games is the tree stone suggested to be the most powerful of all of them or special than any capacity so mere axe decision here is rather odd but nonetheless it's cool to know that all the way back in the Elder Scrolls 3 Morland an object we interacted with so frequently would become the point of contact for a different more evil type of God and finally last on our list he was called upon to help defeat Alduin but declined this fact is somewhat connected with one of the varying phrases the dragon priest could say upon your first meeting with him which we covered in the third category of this video but let me elaborate a bit first so we've already went over mere acts own story he used to serve the Dragons back when they ruled over Skyrim realized he was a dragon born and pretty powerful tried to revolt and seize power for himself but failed pretty miserably and scurried off to Apocrypha under a Daedric gods protection however while mere acts little revolt might have failed an unknown amount of time later towards the end of the maratha era many humans living under the rule Dragon's rebelled themselves and they were much more successful using a special shout to defeat the leader of the DOE va's Alduin to send him forward in time making him the futures problem and slaying the rest of the winget beasts to win their freedom this conflict was known as the dragon war and marked the end of dragons being a decisive force in Tamriel at least up until the events of the Elder Scrolls 5 at the climax of Skyrim's main questline during our showdown with alder win and sovngarde were actually aided by the spirits of some of those Nords who had leading roles and fought in that original dragon war so long ago well if by the time of your final battle with me rock that takes place at the end of the Dragonborn DLC the player has already completed sky arms main quest and banished all de Winne admits your battle Mirek may say the following line of unique dialogue felling Alduin was a mighty deed and I thank you for it he would have proved troublesome to me they wanted to use me to deal with I'll do it hey Colin the rest I chose otherwise similar to what we covered in our third spot here mere acts sort of commending you for taking out albeit in an arrogant manner a dragon he thought could pose an obstacle to his plans of world conquest but more significantly he mentions that Hakan and the rest wanted his help in fighting Alduin without context such a quote may not make much sense but hackin of course is one of those Nords who helped lead the dragon war uprising and helps us out in sovngarde so it would seem assuming mere acts being honest that the heroic warriors who saved Tamriel so long ago and again alongside us indeed sought the support of one of the universe's most devious characters in their struggle maybe this is what me rock meant when he says well done I could have slain him myself but chose to walk a different path during your first meeting if you've already killed all the wind for a while prior to and during that whole mirik was still held up in Apocrypha so it's unclear if the Nordic rebels ventured into hermaeus mora's realm or found some other way to communicate with him it's also possible they simply didn't know how evil and twisted mere act was in the first place whatever the true story here is it's quite odd to imagine that some of Skyrim's greatest heroes were seeking the help of one of its most evil villains and with that we are going to wrap up five things you probably didn't know about the Dragonborn DLC central antagonist thanks for stopping by everyone which of these secrets hidden facts or tiny details if you will did you find to be the most impressive and what skyrim Easter eggs do you know of that I've thus far yet to tackle leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated special thanks to the patrons appearing on screen now and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everybody
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 993,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim Special Edition, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Miraak, Skyrim Dragonborn DLC, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Mods
Id: LuXfGitPw7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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