Skyrim: 5 Unsettling Mysteries You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5 (Part 9) – Skyrim Secrets

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hey how's it going guys it's nae here and Skyrim is a land of many things stories places people and mysteries indeed it's that last one that often drives our curiosity the furthest the Elder Scrolls 5 is peppered with a plethora of unanswered questions and unexplained phenomenon that we yearn to figure out but no matter how hard we all try we just can't seem to quite get them so today we'll be diving right in to 5 more spooky mysteries in the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off olaf 1 i was the legendary yarol of Whiterun and hiking absque ayran from 420 to 452 of the first era he's known for constructing dragons reach and trapping the dopa Newman acts inside of it we later used the tools he built in dragon's reach for a very similar purpose in the main questline Olaf also managed to conquer the reach in Skyrim's name and was all around a heroic and great figure or was he you see well today most the Nords revere olaf as a god-like man during his reign there was one critic that challenged all of his accomplishments a troublesome barred by the name of spot near wrote a number of songs and hymns critical of olaf calling him a fraud and a trickster arguing that he never really defeated a dragon but instead bribed Newman axe and overall really just rained on the Kings parade in response King Olaf had spot near arrested and destroyed all copies of his work as mentioned while most of Skyrim today has a pretty high opinion of one eye as a result of his treatment towards a fellow musician the bards college of solitude hate cinema like they have a seething dislike of this man in fact they despise the King so much that every year the college hosts a festival where a statue of him is constructed in his name and then burned it to the ground if you decide to join the bards they'll send you on a quest to recover an ancient undestroyed copy of one of spot nears poems critical of Olaf and its tomb in dead man's respite here will face off against the drug refine Olaf one eye have a little help from spot nears ghost as we make our way through the dungeon and find the poem so that seems to settle the debate right spot near spirit was cool and helpful and Olaf was an undead dragger who tried to kill us so the bard was probably telling the truth and Olaf must have been evil right well not so fast because insolvent guards Hall of Valor where the spirits of many an honorable Nord can be found we can meet none other than the essence of High King Olaf one eye when spoken to if you've completed the bards college quest line the man's spirit will mention savate near and surprisingly speak very highly of him calling the bard an honest enemy you friends [ __ ] via a fool of a poet but an honest enemy was earned my respect sadly is now lost in the soul sneering mists defeat Alduin and his doom avert I hope to greet him in this Hall as a friend that's a little strange didn't you literally arrest him for lying about you on top of all of this because stuff's not confusing enough safak mayor can also be met in sovngarde wandering the mist though he doesn't have any dialogue so what's the deal here was olaf an evil corrupt man who achieved little and abused political opponents if so how did he make it in the sovngarde but if he wasn't why does he call spock near honest and how would that bard also have gotten into sovngarde if all he did was lie hero war villain I suppose we'll never know the truth behind Olaf one eye perhaps it lies somewhere in the middle next on her list we journey to the lost region of the Forgotten Vale a once bustling snow elven metropolis now little more than a depleted icy Valley inhabited by hordes of angry Fulmer the area is home to a wealth of curiosities and sites of intrigue but perhaps the strangest scene one can come across here can be found underneath the frozen lake that the drained vitality word wall sits atop of here on the north side beneath the ice and water resting on the seabed is a massive pile of human or elven bones something to the tune of a dozen people's remains lie here in this watery grave of course begging the question why amongst all this calcium are a number of satchels implying that these skeletons don't belong to the local foamer as they don't use satchels instead those that died here were probably of a more civilized species either ancient snow elves or recent human explorers no matter I think we can all agree that these bones not belonging to Fulmer makes it even weirder now this area isn't exactly the only of its kind in the Vale bones and bodies of the departed litter the snowy land and there's evidence of some major conflict having occurred here long before your arrival in pretty much every direction but this place is by far the largest concentration of remains so again what happened was this Lake a place that bodies were dumped after some battle was there possibly some mass executions staged here before the lake actually came into being who are these dead folks anyway and who took their lives and why I find these types of mysteries to be my favorites yet also the ones that I find the most frustrating because we know just so little at least with other ones like mysteries concerning King Olaf one I we had a lot of background information and supplemental stuff to build theories off of here there's nothing but bones though something tells me Bethesda left us with little on purpose coming in number three who is a Mon mo t heir okay well that question alone isn't a very hard one he's the shady Breton man who offers the player and dark brotherhood the ultimate contract to assassinate emperor titus Meade the second but more specifically what's this man's background and what are his motivations for wanting the ruler of Tamriel dead well after first meeting Aymond one can simp we ask him these questions but he won't offer very straight answers if interrogated about his own background he'll straight-up refuse to tell you anything instead demanding his privacy I performed the black sacrament contacted you people because I thought you guaranteed discretion is this no longer so we can also question mr. mote here about why he once Titus me dead and he'll reveal a bit more but still be unwilling to share details in the year 3 II 41 Emperor Pelagius septum was murdered in the temple of the one in the Imperial City cut down by a Dark Brotherhood assassin his killing ushered in shall we say unnecessary change in Imperial policy there are those now who wish for a similar change I am sorry but that's all I'm at liberty to say this seems to suggest that Iman is involved in a much larger grand conspiracy rather than just acting out alone but will circle back to this statement in a moment shortly after first meeting us and offering the contract Iman will give the player a strange amulet as a sort of advance payment to show that he's serious later on in the questline astrid will have the dovakin take that piece of jewelry to Delvin mallory of the thieves guild and have it appraised and inspected Delvin will state that this is no ordinary necklace but what mo TR gave us was an amulet of the elder council and it's worth a fortune the elder council is of course the body of Imperial government that manages the Empire's day-to-day affairs and advises the Emperor on policy Delvin and astrid reason that Iman himself must have a seat on the Imperial Council and have something to gain by killing the Emperor but that's never really confirmed it could be possible that he just stole the amulet or it was given to him by someone else in on the plot all of this gets even weirder and more mysterious when we consider that the mo tier family actually has a long history with the Dark Brotherhood in the Elder Scrolls for oblivion which of course takes place two centuries before Skyrim the door Brotherhood is hired by a Breton name - Frank SWA moti air to help him assassinate a debt collector and in the Elder Scrolls online which occurs eight centuries before oblivion and a thousand years before Skyrim we can meet a female Brotherhood Breton member named Maribel moti ere she tells us her family is rich and powerful though she left that all behind to join with the Dark Brotherhood so even a millennium prior to the events of tez 5 the moti r family was an insanely powerful one the question is with all this wealth and luxury what does a Mon have to gain from the death of the Emperor he states it'll result in a favorable change in policy but what does that even mean is there some sort of tax reform he's after or something at the end of the quest line when you inform moti R that Titus Mead is finally dead he'll say that you quote may not realize it but it served the Empire in ways you can't imagine my friend you may not realize it but you have served the Empire indeed all of Tamriel in ways you cannot possibly imagine so clearly the bretton at least believes that his causes just and he's doing this for the good of his country some have suggested that perhaps the conspirators want to restart a war with the Aldmeri Dominion that they're unhappy with the white-gold concordant and what a new leader to lead this fight not tremendously unlike the Stormcloaks there's even another theory that the Emperor used modiere to call the hit on himself but that's a whole nother story whatever this man's motivations are only he knows and he's just not telling us for fourth spot stole rim is a strange ice-like material introduced the sky armed with the dragon more DLC now it was also featured prominently in Mora winds Blood Moon expansion as well it's used as the base for a powerful class of weapons and armor though the lore behind this element is a lot more unique than simple stuff like iron or steel according to some dialogue we can have with the skull tribes storeroom was used by the ancient Nords of the island as a means of encasing and preserving their dead but no one today really knows what stall rim is or how those ancient Nords got ahold of it is the ice and natural resource did they make it somehow the answer to that question is a long-lost this is why the only way to actually obtain stall rim is through mining it out of coffins and sarcophaguses in ruins the intricacies of this frozen water don't start there however as it's also extremely difficult to forge and work the only people who still remember how to temper stall rim are the skull but as mentioned wenton forged properly the material creates some of the most powerful equipment in the game evidently the items this stuff can create are so valuable that even the Thalmor have taken an interest and during the quest a new source of stolen you'll have to rescue a skull blacksmith from Dominion agents who've kidnapped the man and want him to reveal how he forges this stuff thankfully you can throw a bit of a wrench into this little plan of theirs and ingratitude afterwards the rescued blacksmith will teach you how to craft stole room weapons and armor though remarkably it still requires that the player have unlocked the ebony smithing skill one this is especially noteworthy as ebony at least as far as the Elder Scrolls universe is concerned is the fossilized blood of lorkhan one of the universe's most significant gods so considering knowledge of how to work evany is required to work stall Rim there could be some relationship between the two maybe the enchanted ice is the fossilized blood of another God or maybe that's lorkans fossilized tears or something alas whatever the case is the secrets of what this material truly is seemed to have died off with the ancient Nords and finally last on our list we journey back to mainland Skyrim specifically the Whiterun hold to ask what is the sleeping tree and how did it get here the sleeping tree is a mysterious while tree that sits in an odd liquid wets the fort grimoire the area is well protected by some Giants and their loyal mammoths and on your map the location is referred to as sleeping Creek and the tree alone is weird enough but nosy players will quickly find there's more to this place than just some interesting sights to see as not too far away from the pond is a cave and inside of it the body of an orc named pool a glazed dead smashed next to the giant that did the smashing in Oleg's inventory will be a few unique potions cold sleeping tree sap as well as a letter from Isola one of white runs merchants requesting that alag you get her more of the SAP so she can sell it to Khajiit merchant caravans promising the orc a cut of the profits so evidently this tree sap has some special properties and is also fetching a pretty penny on some black markets if you decide to confront you soul de after discovering all Axe body and show her the letter she'll quickly admit to her whole scheme confessing that she's been able to sell the tree sap at a very nice price amongst shall we say adventurous people but now with her old supplier dead she kinda needs a new one so he sold it we'll offer to pay the player for every bottle of the SAP you can drain her and that's pretty much where this mini quest ends but so much is left unexplained how did this tree get here and what exactly isn't thankfully we can ask you solo those very questions she's unsure herself unfortunately though here is her response how the tree came to grow there's a bit of a mystery some say that when Vardhan fel erupted a piece was blown to the middle of sky room and from the crater brew the tree i've also heard that it was a spore that fell from an island floating in the sky but that just sounds like nonsense all I know is that the SAP makes you feel as healthy as a cave troll but slow as a drunk Harker and that it fetches good coin so yes Alba seems to acknowledge two distinct possibilities one is that the tree grew out of some ashes from the eruption of the Red Mountain which were carried over to Skyrim and the other is that it was a spore that fell off of a floating island sounds ridiculous and isola dismisses it as nonsense and she's right to do so or is she believe it or not a giant floating island has actually existed in the Elder Scrolls universe it's not a topic featured prominently in any of the games however it's actually the subject of the real-life novels the infernal City and Lord of souls strictly speaking these books are only technically based on the Elder Scrolls their canon status is a little confusing as they weren't written by Todd Howard or the writers of the Elder Scrolls but they were still produced with Bethesda's blessing and there was likely a lot of internal communication and advising making the books exist in this weird sort of semi canon that were kind of unsure of anyway the two titles tell the tale of umbria a floating island with an insatiable hunger for souls that essentially just hovered around Tamriel killing people for a while there's a huge amount of lore and backstory to this place that we don't really have the time to explore all of today I mean it's literally the principal subject of two books however here are the spark notes that you need for the context of this video on Umbriel there were a bunch of history's histories our race of sentient godlike plants that once could be found all over Tamriel but today are pretty much exclusive to Argonia where they sort of governed the argonians I know it's weird trees in charge of people stay with me histories are also said to produce a special SAP that when consumed usually by Oregonians result in hallucinations and changes to growth so given what we know about embryo and histories and the fact that Umbriel carried them you sold a suggestion that perhaps the sleeping tree grew from a spore that fell off a floating island isn't all that crazy it could be one of the last histories not in Black Marsh this theory makes even more sense when you factor in the giant camp that spread around it could the tree be intentionally controlling and using the Giants as a for protection if it's a hissed then definitely I suppose ultimately we probably won't ever find out what the deal here is for sure but the floating island theory despite as crazy as initially sounds actually seems to be the most plausible suffice it to say I don't think I'm gonna be drinking any of that sap myself anytime soon and with that we are going to wrap up five more unsettling mysteries you may have missed in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim part 9 thanks for stopping by everyone which of the unexplained happenings and phenomenon that we explore today did you find to be the most fascinating they're intriguing what are your own theories behind some of what's going on here we have a comment down below as always like writings are very much appreciated feel free to cyber stalk me on Twitter and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everybody
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,343,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Mystery, Skyrim Theory, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mods
Id: l3Zb3kD4hV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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