Sister Sleeps With Husband: Is He the Father? (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Brown v. Brown.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. Miss Brown, you claim that after 21 years, you were stunned when in a heated argument, your sister blurted out that the man you believed was your dad, might not be your biological father? Yes, Your Honor. Now, you say your mother then admitted your sister's angry statement was true. Yes, Your Honor. Now, Mr. Brown, you say Miss Brown's mother cheated on you throughout your relationship and you even once found a naked man hiding in her bedroom closet? Yes, Your Honor. You blame her for your daughter's current pain and confusion? Yes, I do, Your Honor. So, now, Miss Brown... Please tell the court how did all this confusion surrounding your paternity begin. All my life I always thought Mr. Brown was my father. But what really triggered me off was on my 21st birthday, when I made 21, my daddy called Andrea and said, "Look, tell Olivia 'Happy birthday,' "I'm sending her some money." She comes to me, "Why's my daddy sending you some money? "That's not your daddy." But, also growing up, as a child I had to deal with the rumors and the jokes from our family, even my own brothers and sisters. Mr. Brown, what do you have to say about this? When Olivia came into this world, they handed her to me. And for all of her life, I am her father. And I told her mamma, "You need to sit her down and talk with her "and try to work on this here, in fact, and let her know the truth." If it's not, you know. We had our problems, I know we fought. We had ups and downs with our arguments and beak-ups. But, I loved Angel and I loved the kids. And I stuck in there because I love my kids. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) So, Miss Brown, tell me about these rumors and how you heard these stories. I would go by my cousin's or my auntie's and they would always say, "Oh, well, that's not your daddy. You don't look nothing like him. "You're red and he's dark." That's what really hurt me. So I went to my mama, and I'm like, "Okay, Mom, what's going on? "I need to know the truth. Is my daddy, my biological father?" "Oh, well, um, I don't know. 'Cause I was with two different men. "I was with your daddy and another man at the same time." Nah. But I don't personally... JUDGE LAKE: All right, I wanna hear from your mother. Ma'am, please, step up to the podium. It was more than two men. Thank you for joining us. Did you tell your daughter that there were two possible men that could be her father? ANGEL: Yes, Your Honor. What happened, me and my other spouse I had before him was together for seven years. And then after that, I got with him, but I was seeing both of them after that. MR. BROWN: I didn't know that. See, I didn't know that. Yeah, you did. No, I didn't. I didn't know that. Yeah, you did. JUDGE LAKE: The bottom line is, Miss McIntyre, there was a time when you were seeing both men... At the same time. MR. BROWN: You told me you broke up with him. After I got pregnant with Olivia, I left my other spouse alone, and I end up with him. A couple years later, I got pregnant with Andrea. JUDGE LAKE: At what point did you decide or did you realize that Olivia, your daughter, may not be Mr. Brown's daughter? After I had Olivia, Your Honor, Olivia's complexion started changing. That's what made me think she wasn't from him, but deep down in my heart, Your Honor, I say he is her father. I am. When I got with Mr. Brown, my other spouse I was with, Your Honor, seven... Seven years... It took me seven years before I got pregnant with her and I didn't get pregnant until me and him got together. So, in your mind, you say to yourself, "I've been with this man seven years, I have never gotten pregnant. "Then I ended up seeing Mr. Brown, starting a relationship with him, "next thing you know I'm pregnant, "this baby has to be Mr. Brown's." This is what you initially thought? Yes, Your Honor. And it wasn't until she started growing up and her features changed and you started feeling like she didn't look much like her father... You look like your mama. She's got her mama's features. To me... JUDGE LAKE: ...that maybe she could potentially be your previous spouse's child? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Mr. Brown. Please go ahead. When I met Angel, we met and a lot of things changed. She said it was just one guy, you know. When I met her, she was outside the club kissing this dude when I walked in the club. That's the guy that she says is the baby's daddy. My daughter's daddy. And me and my sister then was there for the Halloween party. When I left, I left with her. I went to her house with her. And I stayed there that night and a couple of nights after that. It was all good. Okay, so you're saying you had a sexual relationship that wasn't committed... Yes, we had... And I cared about Angel. I knew Angel since I was a kid. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. She and I knew each other. Me and her brother were best friends. We grew up together. When she told me she was pregnant, and she said Olivia was mine, I believed that in my heart. But after she was born, you also say you remember those rumors. I told her aunties, all of them, cousins, "y'all need to stop saying that to that girl." And I been telling them that, but that girl was six, seven, eight years old. I always say, "Don't say that to her, leave her alone! "That's my baby, you leave her alone!" Then her and her get into it, and I told Angel, "You need to sit down and talk with that girl. "If you feel she's not mine, you need to tell her the truth and come clean." I told Angel I wanted a DNA test a few times and you told me... ANGEL: You know why... Wait a minute. What did you tell me? You said, too, she wasn't your daughter when me and you had our argument. What did you say? "If you get a DNA test "and it'd come back negative or positive, you would never see her again." So I said, "Don't worry about it." No, I never told you that. Yeah, you did. You's a liar! Another lie. Another lie. Let's get some order. Tell me this, did you sleep with my brother? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) MR. BROWN: Answer that for me! (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) Did you... Did you sleep with my brother? I slept with your brother, say it if you want. Go there. Why do you always try to push your brother on me, huh? Let's get some order! Let's get some order. He dead and gone, he can't stand up for himself. If he was here, he would tell the truth. I went to the house, I said, "Bro, what's going on with you and Angel?" When I was in Vegas, go to work, I come home from work, working my job at night, I came home to you and him sittin' in the kitchen. He got on my robe, you got on his robe, he holdin' Andrea... You're a liar! And I'm like, "What in the hell going on here?" You're a liar! Don't even go there! Tell the truth, man! That's why we here today. That's why we here today... Why do you always try to throw your brother on me? Because me and my brother stopped talking because of you. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Mr. Brown? Yes, Ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. You feel like Miss McIntyre was basically sleeping with other men in addition to you? Was. Not think. Was. All right. So, that's your contention. I caught that load in the closet, in the house, man. Naked dude. You know, when I came by the house. Who was in the closet? The guy that she said is supposed to be Olivia's father. I went over, me and some of my friends went out drinking. I said, "Look, don't take me by my mom, "'cause she be trippin' about me coming in late." I was old enough, but I was staying with my mother. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So, I said, "Drop me off by Angel." He took me there, I knocked at the door, she opened the door and the lights was low, the music down, and I'm like, "This is the way the house be when me and you here kickin' it." You know what I mean? I'm like, "Man, what's going on?" She, "I don't know, what you mean, ain't got nothing going on." I say, "Man, what's going on?" So I walk through the whole house. And I walk through all the rooms and I got to that last room and I'm like, "Man, something going on." I open the closet, dude's standing there. "Uh." I said, "Bro, you can go, me and her first." We argued and she... I left, we got back together, that's how much I love this woman. He lies. He lies. We got back together. We got back together. Even through that. Her sleeping with my brother, I still got back with her. You know why? I love them. And I wanted this to work. No matter what it took. This is what I want. JUDGE LAKE: So hold on. What happens when you ask your mother? Every time I come to ask my mama anything, oh, she brush it off, "Oh, don't come questioning me." Another reason why I doubt it, is because of my name. When I ask my mama where my name come from, 'cause it's so odd, nobody have Olivia. She always tells me, "Well, um, that was your... "your daddy mama, stepmother name." The man that's a possibility, his mama name is Olivia. You want to know, is he your biological father? Yes, I want to know. Because I'm tired of people laughing and saying it. I'm tired of my own sister telling me, "Oh, well, that's not your daddy. "That's my daddy" He's not! He is not! Ma'am, please step up to the podium. He's not your daddy. This is my daddy. He doesn't even look like you. (INDISTINCT YELLING) Hold on. Let's get some order. Hold on one second. Wait, wait, wait. Jerome, stand between the two podiums, please. So we can respect each other. Thank you. Now, Miss Brown. You are the person that told your sister that he wasn't her father? Yes, Your Honor. Now, how is it that you know that? Your Honor, I'm not sure... Let me tell you something about Andrea... ...but you can look at both of us. Look at me and my father, we look just alike. Andrea is bum. Andrea is a hater. Andrea is jealous of me. We look just alike. Hater? I'm not jealous of you, neither. Miss Brown, you gotta let her talk. You're a hater. You're a hater. You gotta let her speak! Miss Brown, no. So the point is, is you don't know it for certain. You are going off of the physical appearance. You don't believe that you share the same father. Your Honor, I am not a DNA tester, I am not a computer. I cannot tell. But you can look at a person... If you look at me and my father, we look exactly alike. And then you look at my brother and my sister, on my father's side, we all look just alike. She don't look like any of us. She swears that she look like one of my aunts on my dad's side. You don't look like my aunt. Did you also hear, growing up, the family rumors, the things that your sister... My grandmother said it all the time. Like, "Andre, that's not your child. "No, it's not your child!" My mama said that. My mother said it. "It is not your child." We barely even see... My father himself said he has his doubts. You get the fact your father admits, in open court, that he signed the birth certificate. Yep. Yes, I did. JUDGE LAKE: And that he regards and accepts and loves your sister as his daughter. You know that, right? Yes. And I tell her. I tell her! She jealous. JUDGE LAKE: She has his last name and you're saying you don't have any biological proof. You're just going off of appearances and rumors? Mmm-hmm. But you do state that you've heard your father express doubt about her paternity? Yes, Your Honor. Please share that with me. My father and I were in an argument, and he said himself, he was like, "Well, your mom, she's a ho." Or whatever like that. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, let's speak respectfully. ANDREA: I'm sorry, ma'am. But he's like, "Oh, well, this and that about your mom, "and I know that Olivia may not be my child." Or whatever like that. "But that's still my daughter. I love her." That's right. But, no! She's using you. I'm your daughter, and she needs to find her own daddy and claim him. Because my dad is my dad... Just like you do, my mama. Only time she talks to you is when she wants something. I don't have to talk to my daddy every day. She's not calling you, she don't have your number. In order for you to get in touch with her, you gotta go through me. I got a job. I got a job. When she wants something from you, that's when she's calling you. "Oh, well, Dad, can I get this, can I get that?" And when you say you don't got it, "Oh, well, all right, Daddy, I'ma talk to you later." And she just hang up in your face, no "bye," no "I love you," no nothing. I reach out, I come to your house to visit you. What do she do? "Oh, I don't want to go out there. That's a long trip. "I don't feel like being 'round these people, "I don't wanna be around that people." She don't even claim my other brother and sister that my dad have. "Oh, that's not my family, I don't know them." And my brother has two kids, "But that's not my nieces. I don't know them." "That's not my family." JUDGE LAKE: All right. Now, hold on. I hear you. And I see how emotional this is making you. You're upset, because what you feel like is, your sister is claiming your father when it's convenient for her. ANDREA: Yes ma'am. When she wants something. But you don't feel like, the love that your father gives to her is reciprocated by her. Not at all. No, Your Honor. You don't feel like she gives it back to him. That makes you angry. Very. Okay. I appreciate your testimony, you may be seated. Is it true that you do not accept your father, Mr. Brown's other children, the other parts of his family? First of all, Your Honor, I don't know them people. They don't call me. Only person I know is my sister, on my daddy's side. And she don't even look like him. So how Andrea... She mixed! Her mama's Caucasian. It don't matter. She looks like me! No, she don't. That girl don't look nothing like you. All right. So, Miss Brown, the bottom line is, you don't have a relationship with a lot of the people on the side of... I don't have a relationship with them 'cause I'm not a big phone person, Your Honor. And, I have a job. I don't have to pick up the phone to call my daddy every time I need something. I know how to go work, and find a job. Andrea is a bum. She a hater and she jealous of me. I'm not a bum, neither. She got a job! When I talk to my daddy, it is not for money. My daddy know I don't talk to him every day 'cause I be working, I be busy. I don't have time, I don't sit around on the phone, texting all day. I go to work. Okay. There was a point, Miss McIntyre, where you also were very emotional when your daughter was speaking. Do you feel like you regret that your daughter isn't as close with the man that you raised her to think her father was? What was that emotion about? They're sisters. And they shouldn't get along like that. That's right. You know, they should love each other. 'Cause I didn't raise my children like that. You don't be saying, knocking your sister. All right. So your point is, is regardless of the paternity issue, you want your girls to be sisters and to act as such. Yes, Your Honor. I think that's fair. Well, you know what, everyone, this has been very emotional and challenging for all of you. I think it's time for the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Jerome. Your Honor, can I say that no matter what the results are, I want the court to know that I love my child and I'm not giving up on her for nothing. I'ma be the man that's been in her life for these 21 years till she die. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I just want her to be happy. Jerome. That's it. I think you all have waited long enough. Yes, we have. Yes. These results were prepared by DNA diagnostics and they read as follows. As it relates to the paternity of Miss Olivia Brown... Mr. Brown... is... Not your father. Oh! I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. (SOBBING) It don't matter. It don't matter, baby. It don't matter, mama, listen to me. Hey! It doesn't matter, baby. Baby, your mama's sorry. Baby, I'm sorry. Baby, listen to me. I love you, mama. It don't matter. Please. No, but that means it's okay for them to talk to me stupid! But you needed to stop that. I been told you to talk to them. And I told you to stop them from doing that to that girl. Yeah, I told that to them. (SNIFFLING) And you need to get along with your sister, for real. Y'all got to work it out, Andrea. She don't worry about it. She happy. That's what she wanted. I'm sorry, Drea. You know what? That's our fault. We done this. We did this. We did. I'm sorry. Being young and stupid. Do you know what? Do you know what? That's the only one hurting right now. Her pain is the only thing that I gotta worry about. And that's the one that needs our attention. It ain't about you and me no more. You need to console her, and if she don't want it, guess what? You got me. This shoulder always there. I'ma still be your dad. I'ma still love you. I'ma help you. If you need something, come on to me. It's okay. I still love you. MR. BROWN: Don't you say that to her no more, you hear? For real. Don't do that. You all sisters, and I want you all to be together. You got to come over Daddy's, we gonna talk. Ah, Daddy, you messin' up my makeup. Oh, stop it. You still beautiful. I'm sorry I couldn't deliver the news you wanted. But I am happy that I could give you the truth. Thank you. Going forward, I'm hoping that maybe you all can come together as a family unit and walk through this situation together. You have people who love you and who support you and I know you can do it, okay? Okay. I wish you all the best of luck and stick together. Court is adjourned. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I'm still gonna try to find out who is my father and I think we should just grow stronger and get closer and spend more time together, and learn how to get along instead of every time we get in the room, there's all the bickering, going back to the past. Just move forward, and just get strong.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 251,238
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, not the father, maury povich
Id: fnVEpUzOtKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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