Man Always Dreamed of Having A Daughter and Seeks Paternity (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. -This is the case of<i> Benning v. Bodine.</i> -Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. Mr. Benning, you recently appeared in couple's court, and it was confirmed that the defendant cheated on you. This infidelity has caused questions regarding your two-year-old daughter Robyn and sixth-month-old Jermaine Jr.'s paternity. Although you are hopeful that both are your children, you now have doubts. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Bodine, you claim you are certain the plaintiff is Robyn and Jermaine Jr.'s father and have evidence to support your claim. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Benning, tell me about your relationship with your daughter Robyn and how these paternity doubts are affecting you. Well, first off, Your Honor, my mother passed away when I was 14 years old. She was my best friend. We spent every waking moment together. And after she died, it left me hurt, and I always wanted a daughter, and I promised I was going to take care of her and treat her like my mother took care of me. -Oh, that's wonderful. -So I've always stuck by with that. [Judge Lake]<i> So having a daughter has been so important to you?</i> [Benning]<i> So important. I waited.</i> -[audience]<i> Aw!</i> -[Judge Lake]<i> And tell me about that relationship.</i> Um, you know, we are so close. She's goofy, and she always... She loves Daddy. <i> She's a daddy's baby.</i> <i> We love to play,</i> <i> chase each other around.</i> Goldfish is our snack. We love Goldfish. "It's our snack." I love how you said that. And what else? Um, I mean, I've just always been there, always been there, no matter where I've been needed. I'm always there for her. And, so tell me about the day you first found out she was pregnant. Well, when she first came home and told me she was pregnant, I was excited, especially when we found out that it was a girl. That's something that I've always wanted. That hyped me up, and I couldn't ask for anything else. That's my world. So, Ms. Bodine, Mr. Benning says he was so excited when you told him you were pregnant. At that time, did you know there could be any other possibility? No, Your Honor. I admit, I did cheat, um, but, for certain, he's the father. We was together while I got pregnant with Robyn, and I know for certain he's the father. [scoffs] It actually happened during labor, Your Honor. I was in the hospital sitting across from Kayla, and she was pushing this baby out, and I received a text from a guy telling me to leave the hospital because that's his baby and he needs to be there. -[Judge Lake] What? -I am in labor, like literally in the hospital, and I receive a text telling me that the child I'm waiting to come isn't mine. [audience exclaims] -And so you get the text and you know who it's from? -Yes. What do you do? You can't say anything to Ms. Bodine while she's in labor, can you? I just kept going, and I signed the birth certificate. So you just kept going through the entire experience? [Benning]<i> I pushed through it. I wanted my daughter,</i> and I wasn't going to let anybody take her from me. So even though you have the doubts... You had to know... I mean, you had to feel the doubt at that time? Yes, it started to sink in, but I fought through it. But you were just too excited, and you said, "I'm not going to let anybody steal my joy today"? [Benning]<i> Right.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> So, Ms. Bodine,</i> this other man sent a text to Mr. Benning while he's by your side at the hospital. How do you know this other guy is not the biological father? 'Cause, Your Honor, I stood up and did the woman and the mother thing I had to do and got the other guy tested. [audience exclaiming] Oh. So you had a DNA test on the other guy already? Yes, and he wasn't the father. And you submitted those results to the Court? -Yes, I did, Your Honor. -All right. [audience murmuring] The results read that the probability of paternity <i>between you and this other guy</i> is 0 percent. [Bodine]<i> Yes.</i> [Judge Lake] So he was not the father? No, he wasn't 'cause Jermaine is the father. [Judge Lake] All right. <i> So, Mr. Benning,</i> <i> you go...</i> <i> You still build the relationship,</i> but you still have a doubt? Yes, quite a few. First off, that DNA test doesn't mean anything because of the fact that she's cheated on me with more than one person. Oh. There could be other guys out there. That's just one, you know? [Judge Lake] Now that's the plot twist. [Benning laughs] As well as, Your Honor, any time that something is wrong, I'm also reminded, "Oh, you're not her father." As soon as we start to argue, "You're not her father." -You do... You say stuff-- -But if you need something, I'm her father. You say stuff to hurt my feelings. Why can't I do it to you? But I haven't told you you're not the parent of your kid. You can't! I pushed them out. [audience exclaims] -Okay. -So you're just going to stab me in the back and tell me that I'm not the father -of the kid that I take care of. -This is why we're here today, to prove it. -Let's prove it then. -[Bodine] Okay, let's prove it then. She looks just like your mom. Mr. Benning, I do want you to explain to Ms. Bodine 'cause I feel like Ms. Bodine you're, you know... To say someone is not the father of a child, now that's a little below the belt. That's not just hurting somebody's feelings. That's ruining somebody's life. [Judge Lake] And I want you to tell her what that feels like, so she can understand. What does that feel like when she says that to you, Mr. Benning? That little girl right there is my mother come back to be with me. And she looks like your mother. And when you tell me she's not mine, it feels like you're taking my mother away from me again. [Bodine] She's your... Look at them. Look. They're twins. -[Benning]<i> She's beautiful.</i> -[Bodine]<i> They are.</i> They do look a lot alike. So, Mr. Benning, explain what the doubt feels like, having to live with it everyday. Yeah, I had to change her diaper and look at her and play with her, and she's calling me "Daddy," and there's something in the back of my head saying, "She might not be." You know, there's a text message on my phone saying, "She's not yours." There's people calling me on my phone saying, "I'm her dad." You know, it's constant. It's just constant and-- Well, this is why we're here to prove it. After a certain time, you can't just ignore it anymore. It just keeps happening. It's hard to ignore. Very hard. Why are all these people calling Mr. Benning saying the child isn't his? I don't know. I cannot control what other people say. I know what I'm saying, and I know what I prove. So you have your daughter or not? I'm here to prove today that you're the father. 'Cause you are just 100 percent certain? -Yes, Your Honor. -Okay. Ms. Bodine says she is 100 percent certain. That doesn't make your doubt subside? I don't trust a thing that really comes out of her mouth. I really don't. And to be honest with you, after all this has happened, you know, depending on the doubts with Robyn, I wanna know about my son as well. I think it's important that we get this family some clarity. -[Benning] Yes, Your Honor. -Yes, Your Honor. I think we need to first go to Robyn's results. Jerome, I'm ready for the envelope. [audience applauding] [Judge Lake] These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. You are shaking. -[chuckling] I know. -[Judge Lake] I feel your nervousness from here. Are you okay? -Yes, Your Honor, I'm perfect. -Okay. I just want to get it out there. I want to know the truth. She deserves it. She deserves everything. In the case of<i> Benning v. Bodine,</i> when it comes to 23-month-old Robyn Benning... When it comes to Robyn Benning... It has been determined by this Court, Mr. Benning, you... are not the father. [sniffling] I'm very sorry. [sighs] [Benning] It doesn't matter. I'm still going to be there. [audience applauding] <i> That moment when she calls Daddy,</i> you can't change it. We spent two years together. You can't change that. You can't take that away. You said earlier that, if Robyn was not your biological child, it causes you to doubt whether or not you truly are the biological father of Jermaine Benning Jr. And because of that doubt, <i>the court wants to make sure, when you leave here, you have the whole truth.</i> [Benning]<i> I think I deserve at least that, Your Honor.</i> [audience applauds] Can you describe some of the circumstances that lead you to doubt Baby Jermaine? <i> Is there anything else in addition to the fact</i> that we've now learned that Robyn is not your biological daughter? On top of that, the same thing with the, you know, texting me, telling me I'm not the father. I even received a text telling me, after he was born, which I still went through the whole labor and everything. <i> After that...</i> After all that, I get a text telling me, "Oh, I want a paternity test for Jermaine too." Like why would you say that if-- [Judge Lake] And that was submitted to the Court? [Benning] Yes, it was, Your Honor. There was a text to you, Mr. Benning, that says... [reading] That'll cause paternity doubt 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yes, Your Honor, it sure does. Every day. [Judge Lake] Did you send that text, Ms. Bodine? Yes, Your Honor, I did. Did you send it for good reason, or were you just being vindictive and mean? Vindictive and mean, trying to hurt your feelings. We had got into an argument, and he said stuff. May or may not have been true. They're not arguments. These are not arguments that these texts come from. These are, "Jermaine, can you come over and hang out?" "I don't want to." "Well, fine, they're not your kids anyway." So, Mr. Benning, I want to ask, were you there -for Jermaine Jr.'s birth? -Yes. -I was in the hospital-- -Did you sign that birth certificate too? I signed his birth certificate. He has my first name. [Judge Lake] And that's been submitted to the Court? Jermaine Truth Benning Jr. Your concern is that the truth is, you are not his biological father. Yes, Your Honor. You stepped up for these kids. I mean, you have gone above and beyond. <i> And now you love Jermaine. This is your namesake.</i> [Benning]<i> Yeah.</i> <i> That's my little man.</i> [chuckling] [Judge Lake] So Ms. Bodine, you admitted there were some doubts with Robyn. Yes. Even though you felt in your heart Mr. Benning was the father. But for Jermaine Jr., <i> you say you are certain.</i> [Bodine]<i> Certain.</i> There is no doubt in my mind or my heart -that he's not his. -So what are your hopes for today? That he's his, and that either way... Because Robyn's not his, and we found that out, either way, that he's still a part of her life because she's two. That's your decision if you don't want to be there, but I don't want to go home and tell my two-year-old daughter that her father is not going to be there no more. They're attached. She cries when he walks out the room. I cannot break her heart like that. I can't, and I won't. I'm not the type of person. [audience murmuring] Well, that one last statement. [audience laughing] Just stop at, "I won't break her heart like that." We're going to work on you not being that type of person. -Right? -Right. [Judge Lake] All right. Mr. Benning, what are your hopes? I hope Jermaine is mine. I really do. Um... It'd be good to know at least one of my kids is mine. [chuckles] <i> And, um,</i> <i>I'm looking forward to spending</i> <i> all the time I can with him.</i> [Judge Lake] All right. Well, let's get these results. Jerome? I'm ready for the envelope. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Benning v. Bodine...</i> When it comes to six-month-old Jermaine Benning Jr., it has been determined by this Court, Mr. Benning, you... -are not the father. -[audience exclaims] [sobbing] One thing. [woman] Oh, my God. [audience murmuring] [sighs] [sobs] Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Benning. I got cribs and play pens and toys, and I've done everything that I do and... [sniffling] Ms. Bodine, do you know who Jermaine Jr.'s father is? No, Your Honor. I didn't know it was going to come out like that. Well, you may not have known, but if it's not Mr. Benning, and it's not, do you know, keep track of, have an understanding, recollection, memory of the other people you were sleeping with during that time? -Because that-- -No. -You said, "No"? -We were together during that time. You said you don't have that? You don't know? No, Your Honor. I'm asking this as respectfully as I can. When you say you don't know, like, you don't remember sleeping with people, or is it just that there were so many you can't remember? [Benning chuckling] Or what is it? Because at this point, I hope you go and find the biological fathers for your children because the same way Mr. Benning gets those texts and all those people in his ears, that's how they do the kids. Sometimes, people can be very cruel. And the next thing, somebody wanna come drop a dime that, "you know, Jermaine ain't your daddy." I don't why people can be so cruel, but we hear it over and over again, and you never want that to come to your child that way when you could have told them. You two could have told them, all right? We have counselling and resources for you. Please talk to Dr. Jeff. Please begin the healing process and figure out how we can create healthy, happy environments, safe emotional environments for these two beautiful children. And Mr. Benning, I applaud you. I applaud you. Thank you. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 3,636,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: m_ZFTVOj3Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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