Teen Mom: Who Is the Father? (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> White v. White.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. Ms. White, you claim your daughter's low self-esteem and struggles with her weight have led to promiscuity and questions of paternity. Ms. White, you admit you are unsure who fathered your three-month old daughter but say you blame your mother for many of your problems. Now, both possible fathers have been tested <i> and are waiting outside of the courtroom.</i> So, Ms. White, when did you find out about your daughter's promiscuous behavior? Well, Your Honor, it's been since she's been 12 or 13 years old. She create an anger problem toward me. Uh, misbehaving in school. Uh, she used to have low self-esteem, she said because of her weight problem. I say she look beautiful to me. But... And she questionable about, you know, her weight. You know, it's not where she wants to be. Well, she can do something about that. You know, she can go to the Y. So, Christy, I have to ask you. Have you felt uncomfortable regarding your weight? It's like everywhere you go, you have to be a certain size, and, um, it's like sometimes when I went to school, I wanted to wear True Religion. Uh, Rock Republic. I wanted to wear stuff like that but, you know, I couldn't fit into it. And, you know, as my mom says, she offered to take me to the Y, but when I went up to the Y, I got teased on up there and, uh, it was an incident where, uh, you know, I went in there to exercise, and boys were throwing candy and water on me. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) I just felt like even though people could tell you you're beautiful, you know, but if I don't feel it, I don't feel like it's true. Is that why you started to sleep with young men, boys, to try to get that feeling of "I'm beautiful, someone loves me, I'm accepted?" Yes, Your Honor, I did. Um, I just... I wanted someone to, you know, Valentine's Day I wanted a gift. I wanted to walk in parks, I wanted all of that and I never got it. So, you were dating and sleeping with more than one guy... Yes, Your Honor, I was. ...at the same time? Yes. And, Mom, you've been very concerned? Yes, because my daughter, she's finding love in all the wrong places. I'll wake you up... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) She want to feel love, she wants boyfriends, but you don't find them like that going on craigslist. MocoSpace. You know, you jeopardizing your life, you getting into cars at nighttime sitting in a strange car with people I've never seen before. All right, so at some point, you found out you were pregnant. Yes, Your Honor. Tell me what happened. I was going to my friend's house, um, you know, I felt as though she was my real friend, she had my best interest in mind. So, I was going out with one guy and, you know, if she didn't feel like he was good enough, she would introduce me to another guy. And you know, if he wasn't good enough, it was another guy. So, you know, I always did it to please her. You know, I didn't want to lose her as a friend 'cause I don't make many friends. Were you sleeping with these guys that she was introducing you to? Yes, Your Honor. And that's why, Your Honor, she doesn't know who the father of her child be. I mean, I was dating Mr. Langford. He wasn't the guy that I was looking for. <i> And so you started dating Mr. Clopton as well?</i> I wasn't dating him. That was just like a one-night stand. But obviously, you slept with them during that same period of conception? Yes. Were there any other men you were with during this time? There was a other guy that I had met at her house also. Did you sleep with him as well? Yes, Your Honor. Okay. Now, before anybody comes in here and tells me anything, I want you to know, number one, you're beautiful. You're a beautiful young woman. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) But it's only so much people can tell you that. You have to believe it yourself. Okay? KATHIE: Yeah. Now, I want you to come sit next to me here and then we're gonna bring in two of the possible fathers. And Jerome, will you please go get Mr. Langford and Mr. Clopton. Yes. Hello, gentlemen. Thank you so much for being here today. Please state your name for the court. My name is Phillip Langford. Mr. Langford. And your name, sir? My name is Corey Clopton. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Langford, I want to start with you. You were in a relationship with Ms. White? Yes, ma'am. Please tell me a little bit about your relationship. We were dating for about a month and, um, after a month, she had some trust issues with me, after the fact that me and another of my friends had... Had a threesome with her. Was that during the time of conception? Yes, ma'am. I was... So you are one of the possible fathers? Yes, ma'am. Now, Mr. Clopton, what is your relationship to Ms. White? I met, uh, Christy White at a party. Mmm-hmm. She started coming to me and started saying let's have sex and stuff. The other guy, they ain't have on no condom. Hold on. The other guy? Yes, ma'am. What other guy? The other guy she used to date. So, she asked you to come in the room, after you were intimate with Ms. White and you left out, this other gentleman came in the room? Yes, ma'am. Ms. White, they're both claiming that they had sex with you on nights when other guys also had sex with you. That's not true, Your Honor. That's not true? That's not true. But you do say that you had sex with both of them? Yes, Your Honor. During the time of conception? Yes, Your Honor. And you say there's a third guy? Yes, Your Honor. Now, Ms. White, you, and understandably so, you seem upset by this. I'm very upset, Your Honor. I just met Phillip last year. He's so sure that he's the baby's daddy, he even put on Facebook a picture of my grandbaby alongside his picture. I don't know Corey. This is my first time I'm ever seeing him. Mr. Clopton? Yes... Yes, Your Honor. But, going down there to Ms. Miller house, <i> multiple partners</i> <i> I've heard that she's had sex with down there.</i> That's a rumor, or may be a rumor, I don't know. But I'm here for Kristinah and for my daughter. Kristinah did not choose her family. None of us chose who our family would be. And if either one of these young men is the father, I want you to stand up, help me, because I've been there. Have either of these young men been there during her pregnancy and the birth? If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Have either of these young men been there during her pregnancy and the birth? Phillip, he came to the hospital, he tried to come at one time, but the other young man, Corey, I've never really saw him before. But at least, Phillip has tried to be there, but... So, Mr. Langford, you have tried to step up and be a father? Yes, ma'am. So, Mr. Clopton, have you? I didn't even know she was pregnant. You never knew she was pregnant? KATHIE: That's not true. No. Till they came and told me. Why you say it's not true. Because he met my daughter at the train station and said, "Why you trying to pin this baby on me?" And I believe my daughter. I'm her mother, I believe her. What happened, Christy? I... I posted it on Facebook after I came from the, um... After I came from the doctor, I posted it on Facebook. It said, like I... I've just found out I'm pregnant. And he commented on it. And he was like, who do you think the father is? You posted it because you didn't know who the father was and you just wanted to let it... No, I wanted to let my friends know 'cause I told everybody that I was going to the doctor that day. Did you know who the father was when you posted it? No. Oh. Oh. All right, I want to hear from Ms. Miller. Jerome, can you please escort Ms. Miller into the courtroom, please? Sure. I blame this young lady for everything that happened. This happened at her house. The threesome and all the orgies happened at this young lady's house. You're wicked. And I thought you were Christy's friend. You're no friend of Christy's. And I want you to know that. I always respected you. But you allowed this to happen at your house. Hold on. You put her life in danger. There's diseases. There's AIDS out there. You knew what was going on. Well, she grown up, I can't... Ms. Miller... JUDGE LAKE: Hold on one second. KATHIE: You're her friend. Thank you for joining us, first off. Now, secondly, we have heard that there has been a lot going on at your house. Exactly. None of which has been positive. KATHIE: Exactly I want to understand from you. Christy says you set her up on dates with guys. If you don't like them, then you set her up with another one. What is going on over there? Well, Your Honor, I didn't set her up with nobody. Christy came over, and she was talking to my other friend. Before she met Mr. Langford, she was talking to my other friend. And she was telling him she wanted to have sex before she even knew him. She would just say, "I just want to have sex with anybody." And I was there when they had a threesome at my house. Yes, ma'am, it happened at my house. I was there, in the room. Yes. But you're supposed to be her friend. In the room? (ALL ARGUING) You could've called me. I can't control that. That's a grown woman. I can't tell nobody what not to do and what to do. But it's at your house... (ALL TALKING AT THE SAME TIME) We're not children. But it's at your house. My momma would tell Christy all the time, and Christy'll know. My momma would say, "Christy, you ain't gotta sleep with these guys. I don't feel like..." She's like, I don't feel like you should sleep with these guys. Hold on. Hold on. Look, at the end of the day, you all can argue back and forth across this aisle, but this is her choice, and she admits that she's sleeping with men for the wrong reasons. She already said that. Yes. And ultimately, you know this is your responsibility. Yes, Your Honor. You know that. Yes. 'Cause any friend that stands by and watches you having sex with man after man after man after man, that's not your friend. Now today, we're gonna break this cycle. 'Cause you can't keep doing this. You're 18 years old, sleeping with men. You all using sex like it's a spectator sport. I don't care if another person in this world ever tells you you're beautiful. One thing's for sure, everybody's beautiful in the bed with their legs in the air. You hear me? Yes. That's the okie-doke. You get it? Yes, Your Honor. You're too smart to fall for that. You're too beautiful to be in that. But you gotta know it for yourself. Do you get what I'm saying? Yes, Your Honor. But you're gonna get it together. Starting today. Are we clear? Yes, Your Honor. Okay. You all are not making it better for yourselves. You're rushing into adulthood, don't know what you're doing. We all, as Ms. White said, we don't choose our families, we can't choose where we come from, but the moment you make the choice to engage in activity that can produce a human being, is the moment you have made the direct or indirect decision that it's time for you to grow up, because now you gotta raise somebody. KATHIE: Yeah. You all got a lot of growing up to do. All of you. I can't believe young people your age, and I'm looking at you, you all are people's parents. (SPORADIC TITTERING) I'm not laughing, I'm scared. Because this whole thing can repeat itself. When you look at your beautiful baby girl, can you imagine her in a room with guy after guy after guy? No, Your Honor. Can you even imagine that? No. Is that what you want for her? No. So, what you gonna to do about it? I'm going to job court to get my high school diploma. And I'm gonna do better for her. Okay. Ms. White, are you okay? Just want to know who the daddy is of my grandbaby. It's about her. I've heard no... Nothing about love. I love that baby. I love her so much. She need her daddy in her life. I'm hoping Phillip is the daddy, so we'll know the daddy is here. I can touch him. Please let it be him. And if he's not the father? She still have a father. Her granddaddy and me. That's all she needs. She will be taken care of, regardless, Your Honor. We love her. Now, the first thing we need to do is determine whether either of these two men is the father of beautiful Kristinah. All right, Jerome. You have the results? Here you go, Your Honor. Thank you. The first result relates to Mr. Clopton. In the case of<i> White v. White,</i> when it comes to the paternity of three-month old Kristinah White, Mr. Clopton you are not the father. Good. Good. Good. (EXHALES) JUDGE LAKE: You all right? Excuse me, I'm sorry. JUDGE LAKE: Please, say what you want to say, young man. I'm sorry with everything that is going on, I'm going through a lot right now. Listen, I could see it in your face when you walked in this courtroom there was a lot on your mind. I'm gonna get to these other results and then I'm gonna talk to you young people because you all are not making it better for yourselves. You're rushing into adulthood, don't know what you doing. Now, I'll go to the next result. These results relate to Mr. Langford. In the case of<i> White v. White,</i> when it comes to the paternity of three-month old Kristinah White, Mr. Langford, you are her father. KATHIE: Ahh! (CRYING) (INDISTINCT) Cool. Cool. Made you emotional. You're happy? Yeah, I'm happy. Yes. Yes, Your Honor, I'm happy. How do you feel, Christy? I just feel like Mr. Langford is very childish and immature. Girl, let me tell you something. I'm looking at these two young men and truthfully, they were the last two I expected to cry, and both of them broke down in tears because at some point they understood what was at stake. I look over at you, and you're dry-eyed and bushy-tailed. I don't know if it's just that you hold everything in because you just don't know what or how to express, but I have to challenge you to take a deep look at yourself and your behavior. I have a celebrity trainer in your hometown. I want you to meet with him, and he's agreed to help train you and help you start managing and working towards your fitness goals. You understand? Yes. And I also have a facility they work with that specializes in programs that relate to self-esteem. They're gonna help you with a nutrition plan, and they're gonna help you get started on your workout plan so you can engage in positive activities and most importantly, begin to associate with people that are doing positive things. Do I have your word that you are going to take advantage of what I'm offering you? You have my word. Court is adjourned. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) I feel like Judge Lake really understood where I was coming from with my low self-esteem issue. And she was right. I need to choose way better friends than Laura.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 397,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, not the father, maury povich
Id: 0EL7tvtDbVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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