Just Messing Around: Teen Girl Two-Timed Potential Father Of Baby (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Thank you. You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Jackson v. Pickens.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. Miss Jackson, you are petitioning the court to determine the paternity of your alleged granddaughter. You claim your son, who is currently incarcerated, <i> would be a fool to think he fathered Miss Pickens' one-year-old daughter.</i> Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: Now, you say she's a liar and had sex with multiple men at the time of conception. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Miss Pickens, you admit to sleeping with at least two other men while involved with Miss Jackson's son. You argue Miss Jackson initially accepted your daughter with open arms, <i> but now has turned on you both.</i> Yes, Your Honor. Okay. So, Miss Jackson, why did you initially accept the baby if you had doubt? Your Honor, I never accept the baby. That's a lie. I've stated from day one I do not believe this is my granddaughter. She first... If I can bring you in into my reality... JUDGE LAKE: I want to go in. Tell me what happened. Okay. She came to my home with her mother and another family member. Let me remind you, this child <i> was already four months old.</i> <i> I never even heard of this young lady.</i> That's because you don't have a relationship with your son. Yes, I do. I have a relationship. We lived in my household. He lives in my household. And he never mentioned her. Okay, let's get some order, ladies. NICOLE: Yes. Miss Pickens, I'm gonna come to you, but I wanna understand... Miss Jackson, you say you never heard of Miss Pickens... Never heard of her. He never mentioned her. JUDGE LAKE: You never heard about a baby, and one day she shows up at the house? NICOLE: She comes in with this child and again they came in together, this baby's four months old. <i> I said, "I have a problem</i> <i> "because you said it was another man's child.</i> <i> "You should understand where I'm coming from."</i> <i> And in my face she stated,</i> <i> yes, she did understand</i> exactly where I was coming from. At the end of the day, I have the right to say that this is not my grandchild when I never knew of you all. And you know this. Okay. NICOLE: And this is something you know. So now, Miss Pickens, let me hear from you. So you find out you're pregnant and you know it's Miss Jackson's son's child, or what happens here? I did believe that it was one of the guys that I was dating. That would be biologically the answer. It was one of the guys you were sleeping with. Yeah, he pursued me. JUDGE LAKE: How many guys were you sleeping with? Two. Two. NICOLE: She don't know. She don't know. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Well, I'd know if I had a boyfriend. NICOLE: Is it? Many boys stop... (BOTH CLAMOR) Stop. Hold on now. Miss Jackson, let her speak. NICOLE: I'm sorry. You... When you met her son... MARKEL: Yes. ...you had a boyfriend? Yes. So somehow you get into a relationship with Miss Jackson's son? Yes. Like, we wasn't in a relationship, we were just messing around. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Me and her son was messing around everyday JUDGE LAKE: And you had unprotected... Every day. Unprotected sex every day. JUDGE LAKE: And so now, listen. Were you also having unprotected sex with someone else at that same time? No, not at that same time. NICOLE: When you had, did you call somebody else the father? When we broke up... Yeah, with the boy... Because you was having unprotected sex with more than one men. When we broke up, I did start talking to somebody else. Hold on. Ladies... I can't understand a word any of you all are saying. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Yes. We're gonna understand a couple of things. NICOLE: Yes. I'm the judge. Yes. And I ask the questions, you answer them. Okay? NICOLE: Yes. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: Talk to me. I will. I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated. Understandably, this... Nobody wants to find themselves in this situation. However, if we're gonna resolve it, we gotta be able to talk about it. Now, Miss Pickens... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Were you, at the time your child was conceived... MARKEL: Yes. ...having sex with any other man? MARKEL: Yes. Okay, so Miss Jackson's son and who? The boy who I was going out with after him. JUDGE LAKE: "After him"? Yes. And you thought he was the father at first? MARKEL: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: The guy that was after Miss Jackson's son? Yes. Did you get a DNA test with him? No, ma'am. So why are you convinced he's not the father and Miss Jackson's son is? Her son pursued me. He called... No, no, no. The pursuit doesn't have anything to do with the pregnancy. I know, but the pregnancy... Yes, I did. I thought the other guy was her daddy because of my... Well... "Well, you're the last person I slept with," so, of course, I'm gonna think that he was her father. When did you change your mind and decide, "No, no, it's not that guy, "it's Miss Jackson's son." <i> When did you change your mind and why?</i> MARKEL:<i> Well, he pursued me and calling me and, like,</i> <i> "Oh, well, that's my baby," this, this, that.</i> Oh, so when you say he pursued you, you meant when you had this baby... Yes. Miss Jackson's son called you and said, "That's my baby." Yes, yes. <i> And she looked just like him.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> And you felt, like, "There's a resemblance,</i> <i> "she looks like him and he's saying this is my baby?"</i> Yes. He ain't never denied it. If he did, he denied her around them. Your Honor, I will agree... JUDGE LAKE: So you think they look alike? Yes, the do. Your Honor... MARKEL: They look just alike. NICOLE:<i> My son look like Sonya?</i> MARKEL: And now... Yeah, come on. My son look more like her than he does... MARKEL: She's saying her son looks like me. Yes. No. Can you... Can you stand up and turn to the courts? That look more like her son than mine. SONYA: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Let's be real. So, Miss Jackson, even looking at this shot, you still don't see the resemblance? I see that all three of them can stand by each other and you all would think that's her son than mine. Yes, so I personally believe that the child looks like the grandmother, okay? Yes, I will agree with that. I do feel that way. I don't have no connection to this child. I have two granddaughters. So when you met Shazyia... Yeah, because you spend more time with your other... Because your child isn't mine! But I'm just saying if my daughter was not yours, you would have never took the time and be, like, "Well, she can come around my house... "Well, you can come around my house and spend... "You can come over with your daughter and spend..." That's because... Because my son is claiming this is his child. I told my son, "Don't be a fool." If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. You're saying Miss Jackson actually expressed interest... Yes. ...and established a relationship... Never. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: ...with your baby? (BOTH CLAMORING) JUDGE LAKE: One second, ma'am. I never accepted a relationship with this child. We got text messages saying that we... Saying never established a relationship. That child been to my house three times. If that's the case, Your Honor... (GAVEL BANGING) Listen, we can either get this resolved or you all can go on back home and act a fool in the street, 'cause you're not gonna act it up in here. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I am serious. We're all ladies here, and well want the same answers. We're trying to figure out who is her father. Now, Jerome, can you go stand in between them to stop this cross-talking? JEROME: Certainly. JUDGE LAKE: Miss Jackson, you're saying you didn't establish a relationship because you never truly believed this was your son's child, but the child has been to your house on several occasions. NICOLE:<i> Three occasions, because my son wants to get her.</i> There's no relationship and... So you do acknowledge that your son felt like... NICOLE: Yes, I will say that. I do not deny that. So, now, walk me through your doubt. If your son says, "Mom, I'm going to pick up my li'l girl..." He never came to take. My doubt is... Your Honor, my doubt is because... She came to pick us up. NICOLE: No. You came to pick us up. The doubt was, for the simple fact of my son... My son looks more like her mother. So you're saying the first part of your doubt is you don't feel like the baby looks like your son... NICOLE: Exactly. No grandmother connection. You don't have a grandmother connection. NICOLE: No. Meaning when you look at the baby, you do not have that feeling? Exactly. This is my grandchild. I have two grandchildren that I love dearly and take very good care of them. Not with Shazyia. I can't. Okay? JUDGE LAKE: So other than the two... So other than grandmother's instinct, what else? NICOLE: She had several men that she was sleeping with unprotected. Then she claimed that another man was the father. So these are the reasons that I have my doubt. She has lied about faking the pregnancy, stated she was pregnant with twins when she found out Aaliyah was pregnant. I come to find out that's a lie, 'cause her mother told me it was a lie. She act like she was in the hospital when she really wasn't, Your Honor. And she gave me a bogus number stating that it was the hospital number and it went to a cell phone. What hospital has a voicemail? You're saying she lied about a second pregnancy? Yes, when she found out Aaliyah was pregnant. She is very jealous of Aaliyah. She's in competition with Aaliyah. She told me when she found that out, she stood up here and said she was pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: All right, hold on. So, Miss Pickens, did you lie about a second pregnancy? MARKEL: Yes, I did. Yes. Why? I was kind of hurt. Yes, I did lie. And the only reason you know I lied was because I told your son that I lied. We found out because we called the hospital. MARKEL: No, no, no, no. It was no such record. Why did you lie? Yes, I did lie 'cause I was kind of hurt. I was hurt 'cause that... JUDGE LAKE: So you did it to get back at him? Yes. Yes. NICOLE: Then she said she had an abortion. But you now have to understand why your credibility is about shot. Yeah, I know. So... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I just want you to understand... Yes. ...why another woman, another person or a judge might not believe what you're saying when you make up an entire pregnancy story that you then have to admit was a lie. Yes. Miss Jackson, prior to coming to this court, have you ever requested a DNA test? I have. And they told me I need to pay for it. I think... Yes. I asked for it from day one. I said, "Due to the fact..." And my thing is with Miss Sonya, for her to be a mother... Okay? For her to be having a dispute with me, I have every right to feel the way I feel. Um... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) She would feel the same way. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Miss Pickens, let's go to your witness. Please stand. And when I asked, she told me I have to pay for the DNA. First of all, Your Honor, I'm not gonna say what my child don't do wrong and what she is, 'cause at times she is wrong. But with same time, if she is having problem with Aaliyah, why do this one got to get in? This is a grown woman. So my child's 19 and I got a 37-year-old woman... I'm talking. ...jumping in at the same time. So just to clarify, Aaliyah, seated here, is Miss Jackson's son's... Yes. ...other child's mother. NICOLE: Yes. Yes. This is the mother of my grandchild. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) For real. Okay. I wanna understand your position. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: And why you are certain that your grandchild was fathered by Miss Jackson's son. To me, she look just like him. <i> Hair, eyes, she does looks like...</i> This li'l boy done lived with me for about a month because his mother put him out. MARKEL: Exactly. He didn't have nowhere to go. But I had a picture of Kevin, <i> her, his little brother, and his dad</i> <i> and they all look the same way.</i> So besides looks, you feel how they look alike, what else? I got four daughters. And I confide in my daughters, and I even came, I asked Markel, "Is there anything you need to tell me, anybody else "before I go out of here looking like a fool?" And when you asked her to tell you the truth, she said... SONYA: She told me. I mean, I knew about the other guy. And I knew about Kevin. JUDGE LAKE: So once you knew about the other guys... Right. In your mind did you say to yourself... I never said that... He came around, but I never, ever said, "Oh, Shazyia looks like..." Never. But when Kevin started coming around... But when you knew your daughter had slept with another man around the time of conception, did you say to yourself, "Well, are we certain that it's Miss Jackson's son?" Or did you just go on the look factor? No. No. I asked her at one time, you know what I'm saying? Because she didn't have no features of this other guy. You know what I'm saying? Then when she told me... She never said Kevin, she said, "Somebody else." Didn't happen, so Kevin came around, <i> and that's when I start seeing her features,</i> <i> you know what I'm saying?</i> <i> Okay, she do. She got...</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So you went off of that fact that you felt like they resembled?</i> <i> Okay.</i> SONYA:<i> Right.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Thank you so much. You may be seated. So, Miss Jackson, now, she's saying that your son came around and claimed, he said, "This is my daughter." Why would they not believe it? Your Honor, I do understand your question, and the only thing I can tell you is this. My son, he did say that this is his child, but a woman should know who the father of her child is. <i> Period. Period.</i> (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) <i> It's not for a man to come tell you,</i> it's for you to know. And I have told Markel over and over again, "We could have had this resolved. "If this is my grandchild, "I will apologize to her." I said this to her on Facebook. And I will take in that child. But I don't believe in my heart, Your Honor, I'm not wrong for not feeling like this child is mine. I'm not wrong for that. I'm not. JUDGE LAKE: So this is really... (MUTTERING) I just told you. Comprehend. I say if this is my grandchild, let me dumb it down for her, I will... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) ...take care of her. She good. She good. She don't need your handout. So this is hurting, and I can tell... NICOLE: It is very much because... And is it because you feel misunderstood, or you feel just so frustrated? Frustration. Ben left the building because this child... Hold on! Because people know I take on kids that's not even mine, so it's not even about that. But if I'm telling you I don't believe this, do not attack me for feeling how I choose to feel. Everybody wanna talk about keeping it real, but I'm keeping it real with you, and you attacking me for being real. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And it hurts. You know, as I sit here, literally between both of you at the side, I understand both positions. So now I wanna hear from your witness before we go to the results. Miss Manning, please stand and tell me what you have to add. Okay. Markel's not even concerned about Kevin being the father. She is concerned about me and Kevin's relationship. MARKEL: No, I have never been... From day one, I didn't even know Markel from a can of paint. I know you. AALIYAH: She found me. So you're Miss Jackson's son's current girlfriend? Okay, Miss Pickens... MARKEL: Yes. Let her talk. Okay. Miss Manning, I'm trying to understand, you're his current girlfriend? AALIYAH: Yes. And you have a child with him? Correct. Correct. You didn't know of Miss Pickens... At all. And you say her concern... Is more about me and Kevin's relationship than finding if that's Kevin's daughter. So you say this entire position she's taking... MARKEL: No, no. JEROME: You need to be quiet. ...is based upon the fact she just wants to destroy what you all have. Basically. JUDGE LAKE: And she's jealous of it. Very. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I think it's important that we begin to talk about how to move forward. AALIYAH: Yes. MARKEL: Yes. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) This is a mess. Miss Manning, you can take a seat. Miss Jackson, what are your hopes for today? What do you want? I don't want to be involved with these people at all. Period. I really don't. That's my hope. Let them go on about their business. Find the father of this child. And just like I stated, if this is my granddaughter, I will today start taking care of my grandchild. But I don't think it is. Great. And I want you to know I will hold you to that. NICOLE: Oh, you don't have to. Good. My grandkids that I have, they will tell you that. And here's one of the mothers. JUDGE LAKE: Good. I'll take good care of my grandchildren. Miss Pickens, what are you hoping for today? I'm just hoping that we find out who her daddy is today. <i> Because I do want her in Shazyia's life.</i> <i> I really don't care too much about me 'cause it's just about Shazyia.</i> JUDGE LAKE: That's right. And I just want her to just call about Shazyia, see is she's okay, and at least spend time with them... NICOLE: I will. ...if I do come back to North Carolina. That's all I want. NICOLE: I will. That's my word. Okay. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Jerome, may I have the results, please. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows. When it comes to one-year-old Baby Shazyia Pickens, Mrs. Jackson, you are not her grandmother. Got you. (SHRIEKING HAPPILY) JEROME: Get off! Yes! Yes! Thank you, God! SONYA: Don't do that. Don't... Don't do that. Don't do that! You can't do that! Momma, she just can't... (GAVEL BANGING) I need order! Court is in recess. When we come to this courtroom, it's about the children. Yeah. And if you do know who her father is, for her sake, ask them. Be willing to offer and say, "If you wanna go have, if you wanna take a DNA test," whatever it takes for your baby. That should be your focus. And look, I tell people all the time, mothers come in this courtroom, you don't let no man take you off your game. And your mission in life is what? Take care of my baby. Exactly. All right, so I needed to call a recess because, while I know this is the news that you wanted, I think courtroom decorum would suggest that maybe we didn't need to do a dance and throw papers in the air. I could have handled it better. You could have handled it better. I could have. And I want you to acknowledge that. I will. So at some point when things calm down, I don't care if it's a letter, a phone call or a text, I think an apology would be nice. And just to wish her and the baby well. You know being a mother is tough. You need that village, right? Yes, that's right. And today she lost a portion of what she thought would be her village. Okay? Okay.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 373,763
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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