Single & Want to be Married... Self-Check!

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yep yep yep yep that's what happened all right how y'all doing good afternoon we're starting a new series today is called holy matrimony I want to welcome everybody watching online joining us on our internet campus thank you all for being with us today so glad you're able to use technology to worship with us wherever you may be in the country of the world right now this is a series that's primarily about marriage but if you're single this information can be a great value to you if you plan on getting married or if you plan on getting married again this will be helpful I want to start off by saying that I do not consider myself to be an expert on marriage I am NOT an authority on it and I'm certainly not the poster child for the ideal husband I need this series as much as anybody in this room so I'll be going through with you trying to learn how to acquiesce to biblical truth and how God would have us to function and operate in the context of a marriage relationship let me also say that during this series that even though I am NOT an authority on it and I'm not the standard that we will have a standard and I believe the Bible gives us the standard by which marriages should operate so during this series there'll be some laughing and that's okay and and you know what there'll be some crying probably and that's okay there'll be times when you'll be angry with me I'm going to tell you today is going to be one of them and that's okay I'll be angry with myself too and the reason why we get angry is because sometimes we hear things that we need to hear that we really don't want to hear because you know we really make us happy is if the other person got their self together y'all can't relate to that I got ya guys so anything that will challenge us is going to be upsetting so I want you to know I understand that and that's cool so with all of that in mind here's what I want to do typically we close out sermon series with a prayer I want to open this up in prayer and I want us all to pray together that God would use this series in our lives the way he would have it so if you would start I want you to pray silently as we pray and pray that God would speak to you and use this series in any way that you need it and then I'll give you a moment then I'll close let's pray lord I thank you that I'm in good company today amongst family not one of us in this room has not messed up and failed in a relationship there are people here who who are married there people who are unmarried people who are separated people who are divorced there people who are widowed there people who have never been married people who are all places on the spectrum of marriage and single relationships would you please meet all of us where we are I've worked in the natural realm to prepare this message but would you do something supernatural in this service speak to us in light of the specificity of our experience in life would you make preaching fun I need your strength now I'm unable to do this without your power and your anointing and your grace so would you please make preaching easy make it fun but more than anything make it effective so that we are improved by what we hear and see in Jesus name Amen I want to start this series off in Genesis chapter 2 so if you have a Bible turn there in Genesis chapter 2 if you don't have one the verses will come on the screen that we're going to use for your convenience if you are on Twitter and you follow me on Twitter or you follow the church at Zion Church MD or Zion Church Woodbridge on Twitter you already know that Genesis 2 was what we're supposed to read if you're not on Twitter I encourage you to check it out get on there and start you know doing your Twitter thing it's pretty cool I like it I don't spend really any time on Facebook so that's the Twitter works with me and if you're not on any of those things then just go to our church website usually by Wednesday afternoon we'll have the Scriptures up for you to read to prepare for service the more you read the better prepared you are the easier the message goes for you because you have a sense of understanding of where we're going Genesis 2 was chosen a day I'm going to look at verses 18 to 25 because house in that passage in that section of Genesis 2 is the first marriage ever recorded it's the first marriage between the first two people ever to live Adam and Eve God performed a marriage ceremony and there are things about this marriage in this wedding if you will and the people involved that I'd like to extract truths out of the passage that we can use in our lives all right I want to start by kind of summarizing the story in Genesis 2:18 God said something everybody said God said so in Genesis 2:18 the Lord God said something then in what he said was is that Adam single state is no longer cool it's not good for him to be single anymore and then in verse 21 of chapter 2 the Bible says God caused something he caused Adam to go to sleep while he prepared a wife for him and then in verse 22 it says that God made a woman from the rib of Adam that he took out of Adam and then at the end of verse 22 it says that he brought the woman to her he brought her to the man so there are four things in this passage to God that first of all God says something then God caused something to happen and then God made a woman for this man and then God brought the woman to the man God is all over this Union all over it he said something he told he let he let Adam know he was he was aware when it was time for Adam to get married he caused the relationship that happened he made someone just for him and brought the person to him God was all over I want to ask you as a search as a single person the relationship that you're in how much God is in it it amazes me how intimate two people can be and one of them at least is a Christian and the relationship is God less is it just a little bit of God in it is it like medium God is it extra god I mean you should evaluate your relationship to the god content in the relationship because sooner or later see I don't care people we tell people son you shouldn't be unequally open an unbeliever one of the reasons why you should not unite with somebody who's not saved is because at the end of the day the most important person in your life is God at the end of the day he made a way for you to be alive and so if you or in a relationship with somebody doesn't have relationship with God then the most important thing in your life y'all can't even talk about why would you move forward in relationship like that and it happens every summer I see it every summer people are marrying people that ain't even save and they do it every single summer because you know what happens your feelings overtake your faith because your feelings is what you can feel this is reality this feels good this is so right this is our jam and we have our favorite jam and we just connect and we just vibe and we have these things going and God is totally absent from the thing and what happens is people get married like that all the time and here's the problem you may end up asking God to bless a relationship that he never told you to get in so it's time to do an evaluation how much God is in the relationship now here's the good thing about God because he established marriage and he instituted the the institution if you will of holy matrimony then he will bless people and help people who are in that institution and that's why even if you don't marry the right person if you do the right things you can have a good marriage now here we go with this passage the Bible says in Genesis 2:18 that God said not Adam God said it's not good that this man should be all by himself God said that that's significant Adam didn't say man is rough oh here Adam didn't even know he was alone because he had never had a relationship before and I know it's different now but I think it's still terribly important for you to wait for God to say you're single life should be over now then for your mother to say it or your girlfriend to say it or your colleagues to say anything about time everybody else has a plan for your life isn't that funny everybody got a plan for your life and they won't hook you up with somebody and all that stuff wait till God says it's time and then here's the next thing that that happening God says it's not good for him to be alone and the reason why God said it one of the reasons was was because God had a creative plan for Adam that was revealed back in Genesis chapter 1 that Adam could not execute without a mate God said to Adam I want you to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth I need you to create I need you to continue the human race and he could not carry out that procreative purpose by himself so watch this his marriage was purpose-driven he was given a wife he was given a spouse to help him accomplish his purpose that's significant it wasn't about his preference it was about his purpose purpose is greater than preference one of the problems single people have and people in general have is is that we're to preference driven in that purpose driven so we get in relationships based on preferences I like his hair I like her I like her body shape I like his complexion I liked his brain his intellect and we deal with all these preferences and I'm not saying preferences are totally obsolete I'm saying they're not more important in purpose so before you marry somebody you need to know your purpose before you find the person that you're going to spend the rest of your life with because purpose is more important than preference and when God looked at Adams situation and knew realized he can't carry out his purpose he said this is not good first time God ever said someone good all six days before God was was trainer took six days to do it rested on the seventh day as an example to us every day at the end of the day day one God says look at what he did said this good day to look at what he did that's good day three look at what he did that's good day four that's good day five that's good day six that's good in fact when he made man Genesis 1:31 says he said this is very good we get to Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 and God says something's not good it is not good that this man should be single anymore I will make him somebody to help him fulfill his purpose see this is significant yo you got to evaluate instead of saying I know we're attracted to each other here's what you got to evaluate can this person can we help each other accomplish our divine purpose every relationship should be able to have stamped on it if you're if you're following Jesus Christ you should rather have stamped on your relationship Psalm 34 3 so I'm 34 3 says this in the old King James Version it says oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together that's what your relationship should be able to say you hooked up with some person you should be able to say you know what Oh magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together can we exalt his name together better than we could do a part if we can't we need to cut this off what greater purpose could there be than you to find somebody that can help you magnify the Lord and exalt his name and that's about purpose not about preference because we want to compartmentalize everything no God is over all in all and through all in your life and he's expecting to get glory out of your relationship Gary Smalley put it like this he says every single person needs to have three things in mind here it is first of all you must be clear about who is your master then you need to be clear about what is your mission then you need to be then you select who's going to be your mate who's your master what's your mission now who's going to be my mate who's because now I need my mate to help me to walk with my master and accomplish my mission can we do that if we can't next we don't even talk about mission while we're dating we spend all our time dating dealing with preferences so instead of talking about what I feel my purpose is and my mission is because guess what if your mission is your god-given mission is is somebody do philanthropic work in third-world countries if that's your mission and you don't bring it up the whole dating town all you worried about what you're dating is do your toenails look good and is your hair right and does your breath smell fresh and it's done arms free and we do all this superficial stuff and then we get married right and now our breath is thinking and now we want to bring up the mission well you know Rilo up I believe I'm supposed to do missions work overseas he like on are we leaving do you see no but since ever since I was a teenager I always for you ain't say that mean when you bring this up ever since I was a little girl I always thought I would do that ah uh-huh when you leave in DC we go to Baltimore like on the weekend Wingo on DC or nothing now you have a matrimonial mess why because you put preferences over purpose you didn't figure out what the mission was and who my allegiance is to before you hooked up with mati and gave them your vows it even affects people are already married people who are already married are affected by this purpose over preference thing people who put preferences over purpose that's why people are unhappy in their marriages because their they have more emphasis on preference than they do on purpose so they have what I call is called an emptiness syndrome and emptiness syndrome that is caused by unfulfilled expectations this is a marriage killer right here people who are in marriage relationships have this sense of expectations that when their expectations are not met they feel unfulfilled and because they feel unfulfilled they're empty and when a person is empty and they're not they're not filled with real love they they become empty and hungry and they put a lot of pressure on people around on the fill them up I expect you to make me happy I expect you to fulfill me I expect you just spend time with me expect you to love me and so what happens is we put all this pressure on a human being to fill our lives we don't have enough extra relationships healthy relationships that we get other things and we feel renewed and revived by we're not in a small group we don't have social outlets we're not we don't have any professional companions even you know anything else we put all of our weight into one person fulfilling us and the way it all starts is because relationships start off that way you know when two people first hook up they hook each other up all is that what you need when I'll be there it's all that all that stuff happens early all relationship starts that way that's why it's so explosive right and so everybody's willing to pitch in well then once the once the kids come and financial pressure and job stress and family sickness and got to run this child to football practice and this one to a dance recital and got to run the church for a meeting and I got an appointment and I got this and I got that now this person who spent all of their time pouring into you have divided interest and now a person is feeling unloved they don't even love me anymore where's nothing to loving what we got a lot of work to do and so now now because this person has expectations they feel unfulfilled and this is a kill and one of the things that's a set up I think is the Senate I think a lot of weddings are setups with this because a lot of people feel like their spouse promised them this it doesn't matter whether you got married at the courthouse or a church house whether it was a judge or priest or minister and whether you did traditional vows or contemporary vows that you wrote yourself you heard in your head that just spells promise you that they had you you heard I got you no matter what they say in your mind it was like I'm gonna take care you you heard that and see well you know I don't do weddings I don't have time I just don't have time to do it it ain't even personal so just say that tweet I don't know I don't I don't other people to do it I just don't do that so so so so what happens is you know people shut me out at the weddings because people be talking all this trash in the wind like they don't they want to get off script and everything let me say something Reb girl will tell you right now girl if this world with my eye place at your feet all that I own like he wrote it you've been so good to me this world was mine you my world girl I'm your everything she's talking back to him I'll be your friend I'll be your companion I'll be your confidant I'll be your lover I'll pick you up when you're down I'll hold you when you're cold and he's back he's back they're saying and I got your back shorty I'm a lover I'm a love you past your past hurts I'm I love you in your present knees and I'ma help you reach your dreams and she said I'd be a sugar mama I'll be your sugar daddy you gonna love each other forever and ever and ever for always love you know what I think people should say that when just what I think people should say give me the mic umm.we god is my help I'm gonna do my best Angie's name Amen good all right Keesha let's go in that's my couple Keesha and Rallo I don't know anybody I just I just like the way that's saying Oh Rallo and Keyshia unfulfilled expectations places you in a situation where it is impossible to be happy in your marriage when you have expectations you know why because when you have expectations even if your spouse does something that you were expecting you can't be happy because you were expecting it that's what you supposed to do and when you have high expectations that's your anniversary and you're expecting is you you turn you turn 25 years old and this year your birthday you expecting 25 roses if you get 12 of them you can't celebrate the 12 you are upset about all 13 that are missing I'm telling you it's a setup it's a setup when your expectations are high you set your relationship up to where there can be no pleasure your spouse cannot please you they can only appease you or disappoint you they can only appease you or disappoint you they can only meet it up to your level of expectation or come short they can never really please you because then we repeat please you they got to go above and beyond one thing you can ask or think or imagine just be up in the stratosphere hire a helicopter and drop up the jury down on you oh you got me on that when he broke down unfulfilled expectation here's my takeaway takeaway number one I got two of them today is takeaway number one what is it expect nothing in your marriage I said it expect nothing in your marriage this one y'all wanna walk out don't you I already know I'm gonna get some blocks action this week emails Twitter tweets how you gonna stand up there and say we need a speck what kind of what kind of preacher you don't say don't expect know what you're gonna get married for if you can't expect no I don't had his children and raised a kid I can't expect nothing from him what you taught ma you can I didn't gave him my hand in marriage I can't expect nothing no you can't expect nothing in your marriage when you expect nothing in your marriage you're grateful for everything you get do away with your expectations and become the become a contributor not a consumer now just because you have no expectations on me you can't make requests doesn't mean your marriage dying you can't ask for something you can ask but you have to understand your spouse reserves the right to say no they're human with a free will you can't control that person and some of us control people with anger we control them with our emotions start crying erratically or start going off start going into isolation and making people sleep on the couch all this kind of crazy stuff because we ain't getting we want all that stuff is immaturity that's what little children do when they don't get their way they have temper tantrums they don't want to speak anyone talk to you they got their door locked to their room and it's my room cuz I'm praying for everything in the house how you gonna lock your door be no xpecting there's a difference between a request and a demand request means I respect you a demand means I told you owe me something you owe me something so no expectations see I see I got some bad news for you if you thought the marriage was intended to make you happy you're gonna be disappointed and some of y'all just don't believe see it's me people just have no clue they just don't have no clue you don't believe that i'ma tell you right now I believe marriage wasn't meant to make us happy I agree with Gary Thomas I believe was meant to make us holy because there's no greater context to make you holy in marriage then nothing like it ain't nothing like it to bring out the worst in you and the best potential in you at the same time ain't nothing like marriage it is the crucible of marriage that gives you an opportunity to die so that God can resurrect something better than you and you can either choose to die so that your marriage can live or you can choose to live and let your marriage that but you can't do both marriage gives you opportunities daily to die to yourself to your knees to your ones to your aspirations to your self-centeredness marry here's what God does with marriage marriage is God's gift to you and what God does is gives you a full length mirror called your spouse to show you who you really are it's invasive like that Johnny Parker said marriages gods is God's laboratory where he does his best work and I'm telling you you how many y'all want to grow spiritually get married that's what you do get married anybody that makes you happy all the time when you're happy all the time you can't grow you grow through brokenness and disappointment whoo I got so much to say on that that's I'm gonna deal with that next week I just feel like going right into that but I ain't gonna do that let's back go back to Adam so Adam has this Purpose Driven relationship God says you God says it's not good for you to be single anymore now in verses 19 and 20 he starts preparing Adam for what's coming so the first thing God does he stop making all these animals because yet understand Adam is there by himself there's nobody there for him in God which is also powerful Adam had a relationship with God before he start a relationship with a woman mmm do I have to go into that you shouldn't even deal with a due to being saved it's simple I struggle and I'm saved I'm really saved too I'm saying to the bone I know I was saying when I was a teenager and and I had on WI BS 95.1 in my car one day and I was sitting to delight and all other people in the car was listening to rap and gogo and I was listening to there is a quiet place how doesn't hymns like I was like I really am saved um so he starts bringing these animals to Adam and Adam names the animals that's his job every animal every species Adam named him and Adam got to see God creating this context for perpetuity in the animal kingdom because every species had a male and female male and female male and female rhinoceros male and female giraffe male and female horses and zebras and all this and so Adam gets to see the power of relationship he's never had one and he leaves the process feeling somewhat empty God lets him go to sleep puts him to sleep and then while he sleep makes a woman for him that's powerful right there he had no choice in the matter it wasn't about preference it was about purpose when he woke up he had a wife that's what something I need to do just take a nap wake up how did she first person you see that's going to be your spouse when he woke up God brought the woman to him you know what I was in this what happened God opened him up cut it made an incision in his side went in there took his rib up and closed the incision I was in Bible College I had a friend of mine as a white guy we used to cut up in Bible College this is good he's good friend of mine so all you paying African back power Black Panther dudes don't eat this is a joke so I'm sending class with a man we should get in trouble in class they say move me to the front I'm a grown man we move me to the front of the classroom so one day we was in class right I don't want to say this cuz then kyndall gonna think it's okay for him to be there anyway so I'm doing a man class he said hey you know Adam couldn't have been black right it's my white friend I said go ahead man I know he was he says nah look at this so we do description sit and God made Adam go to sleep and took a rear from he said you know God couldn't got a rib from a black man I can't tell you all the jokes with the Savior so God takes this rib from Adam right and makes a woman amazing you know women were made different than men in Genesis 2:7 Adam was made from the ground that's why men are natural and earthy and and then in jinn Genesis 2:19 says says that the animals came from the ground that's what God made the animals from but when God made a woman he didn't start with the ground he started with the man and he reached inside of the man and took something out of the man and made a woman by it that's why women were born relational their creative environment they were born out of relationship that's why women are are miles ahead of men relation women are ready for committed relationship while we still playing Madden that's why I think it's cool sometimes when a woman is younger than her husband because that almost balances because we as men are relationally I know men try to act like we act like we knows no we don't know what the heck go on all most of the time so so so in Johnny Parker I believe he's right Johnny Parker said a man is not ready for marriage most men are not ready for marriage today 41 years old and that's on a good day calm down calm down get your life together yeah start looking up you got to upgrade 41 that's on a good day the problem is we want to have sex when we 14 that's a long window in there boy so Adam is sleep God takes his rib takes pieces rib makes the woman wakes at him up but he and brings her to him and when he opens his eyes he's like at last when you got the right one you should be able to say finally all these jokers he brought - oh I like that he brought the woman to the man it's like a picture of a wedding God made Eve and brought her to Adam and gave her to him in marriage it's like when the doors open at a wedding and they started that song and they say here comes the bride and everybody must stand when she walks in there's a man carrying her usually an authority in her life but there's a biological father or some authority in her life and that man comes to the owl and the minister says who gives this woman to be married to this man what authority has permitted this action and that man must say I do and authority ladies if you're a single woman some Authority in your life must say I do before you say I do and some of y'all need to stop running down Vegas and running down the cool house and he'll open with jokers and no man in your life has evaluated that Joker somebody need to do a background check on him do a google search and interview him and any real man ain't running from it it would break my heart if I sure got married and didn't let me meet that dude and interview him and threaten him and you bout to give my name away you ladies got to understand there's somebody in your life to love you before he showed up needs to evaluate him we hate and we just trying to cover you you're going from one cover to another I need to know this cover a and got holes in it ain't got to be perfect but he got to be aligned so don't make a move you don't have some spiritual authority even if it ain't biological somebody needs to bless this relationship you can't be that horny that press that hard up that you can't stop and ask somebody do you think he's okay and if you're a real dude you should go to her father you should go to the authority in her life and say who do I need to talk to about you who do I need to meet and give my criminal history all that stuff give my I need to explain why I've been locked up I need to explain all this situation and now you're going look me up you go find give him a chance to explain it don't mean somebody can come out of jail and be a great person big rare but you we need to have a conversation by all Liss y'all ain't ready for this hunter let me go on let me go on so verse 23 they get Adams name sir he said this is woman this is bone ma he named the animal so we woke up he's still naming anything in front of me name it he named her woman and verse 24 says therefore shall a man leave his father and mother I can say a lot about that he should be joining that's just too easy I I don't want to say too obvious he should he had a job in 215 Adam had a job before he got married Genesis 2:15 his job was to keep the garden Street the man should have a job at least he should have a purpose and he should have a relationship with God and he should have a place to take you to it don't have to be in wood more but there needs to be a spot trying to help somebody okay where am I so man shall leave his father and mother he shall be joined to his wife cleave and they should become united as one we've leave cleave we takes a lifetime verse 25 that's where I want to end verse 25 says and the man and his wife were both naked but they felt no shame that can be interpreted literally they had no clothes on but the the application is figurative figuratively that means they had total transparency they had no secrets in their closets they have any closet and the clothes they need clothes perfect environment the Garden of Eden was a perfect environment it was climactically perfect then he closed it didn't get cold it's perfect environment till sin came it was cataclysmic with sin dear to him but they were at this point naked and not ashamed totally open it just made me think of something I read a book called real loving marriage by Greg bear and he has this matrix that I want to show you that to me is a picture of what being naked and not a shame is all about Greg bear says that everybody wants to be loved everybody wants to be loved and they want to be loved genuinely and authentically but you can't believe that your love until you know you've been accepted and you can't know you've been accepted until you know you've been really seen for who you are and you can't be seen for who you are until you tell people the truth let me break this down everything stuck you can't get to genuine love without truth because that means they're loving which you've shown them not what you've kept undisclosed you gotta pull the facade down and say this is who I am these are my fears my flaws and my fantasies this is who I am and you reveal the truth you speak the truth about who you are you come out of the bushes like Adam and Eve was you take all the fig leaves and say I'm not the man you thought I was I'm really scared I'm really paranoid these are my fears these are my flaws these are my dreams this is what I dream about you reveal the truth to them you want to be seen into me see this is intimacy when I self disclose who I really am and when you do that and the person accepts you not in spite of this but in light of it they don't tolerate you they celebrate you and they love you the same after knowing the truth about who you are the good the bad the ugly the flaws the failures the fantasy and they say I love you because of that that's where you do you everybody want to love like that you want to love like that don't come back the rest of the series I uninvite you do y'all feel me on this do you understand what I just say it to be loved to be naked and not ashamed to be totally transparent and to be loved incomplete imperfect flawed just like your spouse and then know that the love is mutual this is amazing right so here's my takeaway number two I want you to pray and take the risk of total transparency this week pray and take the risk of total transparency this week what does that mean I want you to pray ask God for the opportunity and the courage to do it the humility to do it and get with your spouse and have this kind of conversation I want to tell you the truth here my fears here my flaws here my fantasies I want to show you who I am and that's all you can do that's your only responsibility you tell the truth you show the truth the rest is up to your spouse hopefully they'll accept you love you in light of what they know not in spite of it and to say but what if they don't will they do they might not what if they reject me they money what if they look down their self-righteous nose at me they might but that's more of an indication of their immaturity than yours you had them you had the maturity and the humility to try to take the relationship to a new level and if they don't want to go then at least you tried but let me tell you something a love like this is worth taking a risk for do you understand that now let me tell you is four groups of people in here I'm tell you four groups of people first of all somebody saying well why should I try that you know I won't try to have that scary that's all the one group in here is not gonna do this at all evening thinking about it is use letting us go you let this go right like that man don't even mean you might as well move on tonight keep going take the offer and come on Elmo move on just want me to leave this point alone one because you're afraid to try it you're so afraid you're paralyzed just thinking about this conversation then somebody is so hopeless you don't want to drive you jus like it ain't even worth it I get that but you still should try it somebody else in here is going to try it and it's going to take your marriage to a whole new level it's gonna take your marriage to a whole new level you gonna come up and give me give me ten dollars and a hug whole new level there's a third group you know what you're gonna try it and you're gonna hit a wall of resistance cuz you're married to somebody they don't want to go there they're gonna be like nah whoo-hoo hold hold up didn't hold slow down giving you you know I got that hypertension you taking my pressure up now they're going going to church come home watch the game and they're good they get some need let's go eat now let's just eat no some people don't even want to go there they like superficial and safe when God's calling us to something special still worth a try if nothing else you get free because i'ma tell you right now God loves you on both of these levels he knows it and has seen it and he still loves you which reveals you're worthy of the love some of you are going to be rejected there's another group you're going to be rejected you're gonna be condemned somebody's gonna talk bad about you and make you feel all terrible as if they're perfect but you know what it's still worth a try you know why because you miss every shot you don't take what you got to lose most people a happy now you might as well roll these dice you played the lottery this week I know everybody was on sir oh if I hit if i hit if I hit people was hitting me on Twitter saying Caston would you take 10% yep I will you got tell me where it came from us I know we can do it 10% of that I know we would do know is you gonna do but I know give saves pin you gender I ain't one of them pass me up you're saying I'll take that dirty money back we don't ask nobody else whatever money came from and it's going hurt some eyes feeling don't get you like together you no one know the truth don't ask me you hit it yes I don't think you should gamble I don't gamble I think it's dumb I wouldn't gamble but if you hit the lottery god bless ain't saying God let you hit it I don't know I don't know who it was but I know what we would do with the money I know where we would be where am i right now what is the point I'm on I'm going to pray for you this week his was his assignment pray and obey just pray and obey just pray and obey just do the thing give up expectations in your relationship give them up be a servant give don't expect nothing you'll appreciate everything and take the risk prayerfully take the risk of total transparency do it this week you you obey and leave the consequences of your beedi ins to god he can handle it our responsibility is obedience his responsibility is outcome it's not our business he deals with outcome we just obey let's pray father thank you for this message help us to apply it to our lives do something special for us in Jesus name we praise you and help us to have the courage and humility and the obedience to you to apply your truth to our lives in our relationships his name we pray amen
Channel: Lady A Global
Views: 300,109
Rating: 4.870399 out of 5
Keywords: Zion Church Maryland, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Marriage, Love, weddings, Bible, Christ, single, dating, engaged, Pastor Keith Battle
Id: s5vvCjGcSHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2012
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