LIVING SINGLE: Dating 101 | Concord Church

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all right you may take your seats we're thankful I want to thank Joseph Solomon for coming to be with us today such a powerful spoken word around this whole matter of singleness been in this series we've had a living single today is part three we will finish up this series on next Sunday today is all about daily dating and relationships dating and relationships a few weeks ago I was in Lafayette Louisiana I was there speaking Friday night Saturday morning I arrived at the airport at 5:30 in the morning but catch the 6:30 flight I was ready to get home had it in gates I needed to get to I got there 5:30 around 6:15 we loaded up the plane loaded the plane up got on the plane and we were now preparing the head back to Dallas but upon getting on the plane there was there was fog so because of the fall they said listen visibility it's too poor I need you to get off the planes we got back off the plane went back found a little corner and chilled out about an hour later they call first again it's okay it's low back up we're ready to go to Dallas got back on the plane again there was a mechanical issue they fixed the mechanical issue then they said there's severe weather in Dallas I need you to get off the plane again so I got it back off the plan again went back in found a little corner and hung out then again I said anybody going to Dallas we need you to board the plane again this time got back on the plane one more for the third time and got back on the plane sitting there ready they said there's still severe weather we want you to stay on the plane after a while about an owl on the plane I said to the flight attendant y'all have any snacks it's around 12 o'clock I got here by 5:30 any snacks are in nearby she grabbed a few crackers and then lo and behold that we're working on something else next thing I know there's a Papa John's Pizza Delivery man come in with ten pizza boxes on to the plane they give us pizza they serve us lunch I got there at 5:30 we left at 2:30 but would finally hint back to Dallas for some this can sound like baby start stop start again stop again high expectations still left at the terminal back and forth back and forth trying to get to your destination that is this season of dating that some will say the rules of dating have really changed some would say I don't even know what the rules are when it comes to dating when you include online dating when you include texting and it just seems as though swipe left swipe right it just feels as though it's hard to figure out where am I going we're are we going how do I get to my destination David Brooks a New York Times columnist he literally talked about the whole issue of dating he said puberty starts around 13 most don't get married until after the age 30 so for 20 years some to live in the season of back and forth start and stop trying to figure out where am I going trying to get to my destination today I want to give you some biblical principles and I hope that can give you a framework for for dating as a Christian to give you a frame enough that the Bible in the biblical times there was not David there was no tinder there was none of this where you could go on and find someone there were arranged marriages where families would arrange and pick and so the husbands and wives were made for this arranged doesn't exist anymore but but here in the text there are principles I believe from Scripture that give insight and direction about how we ought to relate to one another how we ought to build healthy relationships and I want to use our time to look at three real theme that I hope are helpful for it's the first idea the first thing is this Who am I that's the first question that you really got to answer when it comes to this whole matter of dating comes the dating Daan always starts with the person in the mirror and we're so quick to talk about what we want talk about what we're looking for talk about what we desire in a person but long before we begin to look for that in someone else we have to begin looking at ourselves because it's hard to expect from someone else but we don't already possess Hillary Cloud John Townsend and a great book called boundaries and dating he talks about that the key to really being happy in a relationship is to make sure that you're happy with yourself first but that one of the keys to not being desperate not being thirsty but but to find joy and who you are and hidden your season I wanted lift ups a couple ideas around this whole - I deal around my identity look at Colossians chapter 1 verses 9 and 10 Colossians 1 9 and 10 says this so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God see the first thing you gotta rest when the text says this that you ought to be pleasing them every way that you ought to be growing it's when I talk about Who am I I really mean about you finding your identity but you discovering who you are and what you like and the color on your life and the work that God has for you it's about you growing that when you follow after Christ all of us are growing that God doesn't call you connect your relationship and expect you to stay the same no God wants you to grow in every arena of your life and I think there are certain areas I want to lift up that help us to grow when it comes to this matter of dating the first one is this we got to be growing spiritually that there is a single man a single woman that there one of the things that data be a part of my life that ought to be growing in my walk with God now to be growing in my prayer life growing in my obedience to him that my singleness becomes a place where my relationship with God continues to grow and the reason you need that growing relation with God - that growing relationship with God will guide you in your dating but you need that relationship first you don't want to go to church because here she's making you go to church you don't want to be you don't want to be involved in church because you're just following her or following him you want a relationship with God for yourself this is what Luke 10 and 27 says love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength so you got to be growing spiritually not only growing spiritually you also need to be growing emotionally growing emotionally a great arctor pizzas arrow his whole ministry is wrapped around our emotional health one of the conversations I often have with singles is that they say one of the struggles we have is that I was dating someone who we just weren't on the same page emotionally here's the deal every single one of us got emotional baggage there's no one in this room that grew up in the perfect family that grew up where everything was just perfect all of us have our own struggles whether it was an absent father whether it was an abusive relationship that you were in whether it was mental health issues and it's what happens when you get a relationship you bring all that with you and oftentimes if we don't do the work to try to deal with those issues on our own as we are growing then it can hinder us from having a healthy relationship I mean sometimes you just gotta as a single I think you're growing spiritual I gotta grow emotionally which means when I know there are certain issues I'm struggling with I gotta use my season of singleness to begin to work on those issues to begin to be honest about where I am to be honest about my struggle to be honest about where I am so that as I work on those God can prepare me for the person that God wants to send for me in my life and only emotionally for here's the next one financially fine I need to be growing financially there's this ideal in Matthew 25 that we are stewards that God gives stuff to us so we can manage it everything he gives us it's something for us to be responsible to him for we are his managers so simply means this that your finances are an important part of your life because a single is the time when I'm supposed to learn how to manage my money that's a good time as a single to learn how to have budget to learn how to have man I've had to live on the budget you don't want to have to get in a relationship and their credit have to carry your credit you want to learn as a single how to pay your bills on time you want to learn as a single how to get a job how to keep it because if you don't find financial security as a single you will end up not looking for a date but looking for a sponsor this is stuff you got to work on yourself so you're not looking for a sugar daddy looking for a gold-digging looking for somebody to take care of you because you didn't take care of your own business you got you as a single you got to work on your whole financial situation use your singleness to work through your own financial status this thing right after financially is also this whole idea of Independence in Genesis chapter 2 look at what he says he says leave your father and mother and cleave whose husband or wife do you see that leave and then please so there is a principle of Independence it's dangerous to go from depending on somebody else to somebody else now taking care of you there's the v8 one of the goals is it's a singleness to move toward in between oh and today's structure a lot of people move back home that's okay and so long as home is not the final destination you with me at some point you want to move into your own place of Independence move into your own place where you can pay your own light bill pay your own insurance or your own phone bill but this is this is independence the term is called adult team it means it means stepping into some some independence you with me this leads to healthy relationships if so if you move from your mama taking care of you to your girl taking care of you it doesn't lead to a healthy relationship you're mean it creates these strings that this stay there so independence is the next thing professionally you got to think about where you going professionally it see that have some type of vision about your career I'm not it's not about how much money you make it just simply means this first test alone 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 18 says you need to have a passion at least work you know I'm not talking about how much money they make I'm talking about whether they work in McDonald's or whether they work in downtown on corporate America here's the deal that if you want to be if the date for date and the work the person at least has to be willing to work Tech says if he doesn't work he doesn't eat it's male and female all right you got to be willing to provide for yourself um here where do you want to go what do you want to do what's your plan for your life even if you don't have the full plan worked out at least be heading some direction where you can at least provide and take care of yourself professionally couple more relationally relationship you need to be grown in how you manage relationships see every single person it can't just be about my romantic interests and also need to have your own circle of support same men and women just that you're friends with that you can that you can have fun with that you can kick it with that you can have a good time with but are also there to help you as you sort through your relationship sometimes those friends are the ones that can tell you when you have a pattern of picking the same type of person when it seems like you're dating the same person with a different things and your friends are those they can say hey listen listen this if you want this to work this time this is what I think you ought to be doing you know people that can say we're really that was your fun you know you need people around you these guys so you can grow relationally so you can you can continue here's the last one you got to be growing physically you got to be growing physically the Bible says that the body is the temple of God which simply means just it's not about your size your shape your figure doesn't make a difference means this whatever God has given you just take care of whatever he gives you so similar sentiment it means that you don't want to have to do it to be able to to please them you ought to be doing it because you value yourself and you care about yourself and you look beautiful and however God has saved you if these are foundational ideas that help you to get into place here's the deal you're not doing this so you can win somebody you're doing this because you want to you want to honor God in every arena of your life and you want to be the best version of you that God has called you to so that if God sends someone into your life hey you you're ready for that too but if he doesn't you can still live a full and satisfying life whether you are single or married because you're pursuing him and so this is what he's saying he's saying pursue this this is where it starts starts with this whole question Who am I Who am I and how god wired me and how do I live out my perfect before God here's a second one who today who today who today so so now that I Know Who I am that I'm pursuing God's purpose and God's plan for my life the second one goes to this fool who to date all right many of us every single starts out with a list you got that list of what's what you're looking for I mean everybody got they tight I don't mean some people like I'm tall some people like I'm short some kind of people like I'm stocking some people like anything some people like I'm petite some people like I'm full-figured I mean it's everybody some people like me dark like chocolate some people like the light-skinned I mean it's it's all it's all a matter of your preference and there's nothing wrong with whatever your list might have on it a couple weeks ago we did a little survey of what your ideal might be and we had Michael Jordan on there B Jordan and we had Aegis Elba and we had Jesus and and do you know Jesus he didn't win the content I'm just so disappointed I mean I don't know what your list is I don't know what your list is I don't know what you're looking for you got every right to be attracted to whatever attraction you got every right to be attracted to whatever attracts you but there's a verse of scripture we need you to keep in mind when you begin to think about who you want to date when you begin to think about who you want to spend some time with proverbs chapter 31 and verse 30 proverbs 31 and verse 30 reads this way charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised proverbs 31 is a mother talking to her son about what to look for I mean proverbs is this his mother to sin son this is what I want you to look for she tells him listen charm and beauty is great but understand if that person does not have character if that person doesn't have a walk with God of that then you will be soon dissatisfied and what you receive so we talk of three things you need to be looking for one it's character character care there's nothing wrong with the outside yes be attracted to the person yes you're looking for someone that you want that you enjoy but more than anything else make sure you look for character the same thing happened over in a second Samuel they were looking for for King and I'm sorry 1st Samuel chapter 16 samuel is going to look for a king to replace Saul and he goes and looks and he's looking for and he goes to to Jesse's house he's looking so this one looks like a king he's taller this one Jesus said God says not adding on him but sudden loads and all that not him either and he says wait a minute man these all look like Kings and then God says this word man looks at the outward but God looks at the heart you got to look for character if you want that thing the last you want that thing to matter as important as he may have a beautiful body but but she's also she's also little jealous she got a lot and your problem this is not that stable she's not that stable I mean you you you got to be very careful I mean he he got a nice car he got he got a nice job he he's beautiful he's what she's always been looking for yeah but he he ain't reliable he ain't he ain't trustworthy you can't he's a liar I mean you he said you you you you you don't know where he's gonna be your mammy he always got an excuse so as much as the outside looks good you can be you can fall in love with outside but if they don't have any character it will not be long before you're going to be disappointed you are looking for character if you find both great but you won't character more than anything else you want somebody that you can trust you want somebody that's gonna be safe you want somebody that keeps their word you want somebody they're gonna short when they said they're gonna show up you want somebody that even when it's hard just you can depend on and rely on you're looking for character looking for character this is over and over again the Scriptures emphasize this whole matter of character because it provides value Matt Chandler in this book meaning for souls it's a it's a book about relationships he tells the story of when he got cancer about 15 years into their marriage and he says that when he became when he got cancer 15 into their marriage anything that was physically attractive about him went away that that is that is then he was they he was a he was a strong version of who he used to be that he was just a that he was not the outside and the physique and all that he offer was no longer there but it was that his character was that which attracted him that kept his life thing connected to him and kept him connected to his wife that his wife didn't love him just on the outside but she loved him for who he was she loved him for his character she loved him for his heart for God and the provision area made for his family see the truth of the matter if you don't believe it somebody in the room can testify if you sign up just for the outside sooner or later the outside will let you down if you sign up just for this just for the not for the thought you see in that substance sooner or later they wouldn't want you not only character here's the next one chemistry somebody say chemistry what I'm talking about here is really friendship I mean what you're really looking for is somebody that can be a good friend to you that that you're romantically connected to but they're also a friend to you when you talk to couples that have been married in the length of time to have a quality relationship one axis you'll often get from them when they tell you about the spouse that they're my best friend there'll be one of their first phrases if a man they're my best friend because that's that's the value of healthy marriages there's not that it's about that friendship and the connection when I before I married couples I off to sit down with them and talk to them and one of the questions I ask them is what is it about him that helps you to know he's the one that God has sent to you to be in your life and I asked her the same question and interesting enough they always say well she makes me a better person or she's been with me through so much or or she'll say he helped me to be a better woman and he's helped me to believe in myself he's helped me it's amazing what they talk about but we're centers around is this whole deal of friendships that they love spending time together that you love hanging out together they're not you're not looking for somebody to be your Carbon Copy they're different but you have enough in common that keeps you together you're trending in the same direction so what you're looking for is you're looking for chemistry looking for a friend because there's the thing that happens in most relationships infatuation is the first season of the relationship infatuation can typically last from most studies from 12 to 18 months infatuation is when the person you're dating can do no wrong it's when it's when you ask them so what are his weaknesses he doesn't have any weaknesses I mean I just love everything about it I mean there's nothing that I don't love about him and he just you know it's a Nettie infatuation stage where you are you just hooked I mean it's just you're in love it's been an all your money you're spending all your time and it's in this space but what you but when you get past that what you're really looking for is a friendship what do we have in common how do we do we enjoy in common are we headed the same direction here's the last one you're also looking for Christian Christian Christian it's in first and second corinthians chapter 6 in verse 14 do not be yoked together with unbelievers for what the righteousness and wickedness have in common or what fellowship can light have with darkness you're looking for a Christian in that text when he says don't be yoked together with unbelievers it's a frame it's a phrase yoke was something they would put on animals to do work together and ideal is that you need to be headed the same direction but you don't want to become linked up with somebody let's go in the opposite direction it's not that believers a Christian are better than other people we're all valuable but it's then because you are a Christian your faith and thought enough to Jesus is so important to you that it's the most important part of your life and because of that you need someone that's also the most important part of their lives because if you choose to date someone that's not a believer then what you're learning you sign up for your sign up for conflict because you're going to be going this direction they're gonna be going that direction you're gonna be believing these truths about relationships they're gonna have a whole nother set of rule you're looking for someone that's a follower of Jesus Christ now so why that's religious now something less spiritual now somebody that believes in the universe you're looking for somebody that is a follower of Jesus Christ that it's given their life to Jesus Christ that is committed I'm not now our maturity levels may be different when they not all be on the same level but are we headed in the same direction do you believe in Jesus Christ have you giving your life to him do you recognize you're a sinner and a broken person and that you need his help to be who God has called you to be this is what you're looking for you're looking for somebody that's a Christian it's a follower of Christ because here's what you're asking yourself is this person pulling me closer to Jesus or pulling me further away from Jesus now I noticed some pretenders out there you got to look out for the pretenders but this would you look for Christian here's the last piece of the sermon I want to talk about now about wait how the date how to date how today talk about Who I am talking about talk about who to who to date here's the last space ways to date just a couple of brief principles the first one is time time time first Timothy chapter 5 verse 22 Paul says to Timothy he's talking to Timothy about selecting leaders in the church but I believe the principle applies to relationships he says lay hands on no man suddenly or do not be hasty in laying on hands and it simply means he's telling Paul don't put people in leadership too quickly don't don't don't don't he's selling Paul you're if you go build a church he says don't just pick anybody and just put him in the role he says give them time watch them give them opportunity give them responsibility let's see if they're ready for something greater and that same thing applies to relationships then when it comes to relationships you got to be you got to be aware that two things happen one some people move too fast some people can be so desperate or some just in a season sometimes lonely missing is the best of any of us but sometimes you can be in such a place that you meet the person and y'all adjust is moving fast it's moving fast next week two weeks later they got a key to your apartment they drive in your car they they they Center the table and everybody who is this who everybody I mean it's it's it's just moving too fast too fat you don't know anything about them you don't know they character you don't know how they react when stuff goes bad some some would say it takes at least a year to really kind of really good know somebody to really see them through highs and lows and difficulties and challenges to watch them when you go through hard times on how they react to you because remember when you're infatuated you ain't really thinking clearly so everything seems right thin so you got to learn how to take your time I mean before you give him a key or give her a key take your time before you co-sign on something for somebody you just met take your time before you loan them some money take take take your time before you start introducing them to everybody take your time before you post a picture on your social media feed take your time take take your time take take your time take take your time get to know them let them get to know you because you're trying to figure this out but then the other piece is this some people move too fast and some people move to the goal of dating as a believer is there I say is the movement have to be moving toward marriage I'm not saying every right but I'm saying that's that's the goal the goal of it if you if you're if you're dating with purpose if you're dating for a relationship and you meet someone that relationship is building and you're enjoying them to know them and you see their character and it's moving a direction you can't just leave it in dating mode or a friend mode forever it ought to be trending somewhere unless of course then you have the gift of celibacy and sex is not an issue for you and you're fine with everything but if there's some if there if you feel like this is moving that means that at some point if you've been with her and you love her or you love him and you've that most of the time it's the brother that that will that will let it linger as long as he can especially if he's getting all the benefits of marriage [Applause] without the commitment of marriage and it's easy for some of us to say well when I get this then I'm when I get old soon as I get that job no soon as I get there no soon as I get this worked out it's a it's a marriage is a good thing and God honors marriage God honors when you've done the work and put God honors it when you say god I don't want to commit to her and she wants to commit to me and we now want to step into a marriage where you can honor this and honor our relationship I want to build a covenant and build a life with her I don't want to just date her I want to build a life with her next Sunday we'll talk about let's just live together well we're gonna be challenging us to just take that next step and what happens when we step in the honoring God in our relation here's the next one not only time who's next one council council council well it simply means this that that the proverbs 15 22 says plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors they succeed proverbs 12:15 says a fool is wise in their own eyes but the wise person listens to the counsel one of the things dating relationships have to have that you got a you got to realize there's at a point where you got to get counsel on the person you're dating because infatuation makes you blind who they are so at some point you got a dating and isolation these secret relationships where it's just nobody knows about it that's that's a dangerous place because sometimes that person can be taken advantage of you sometimes that person can be manipulating you sometimes that person can be using you but you need other people so you got an introduced with your family and somebody need to put at least one out somebody needs to look at them and get a sense of who they are ask them a few questions and and just begin to figure out are they who they really say they are they you need other people that that what the scripture says that the success happens with wise counsel people that can tell you and talk to you I remember uh yelling in our church that was dating a young man and and that she was so in love with this guy but but but she needed other people to get a sense of her so she took him to meet her family and her friends she was real nervous because she didn't know quite how it would turn out but after they begin to kind of ask him a few questions they begin to figure out some things some of the stuff he was saying just wasn't adding up and and they won't beginning to figure out man this ain't this ain't who we say they when that was done she was heartbroken and she was hurt because she she loved him so much but by her own admission she listened to her family and friends they ended up breaking up and do you know everything that family said about him was exactly true you need some fresh eyes and some people that love you to be able to look at another relationship and you some counselors here's the next one sex sex sex Hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 talks about marriage is honorable that that sex God created sex from maryland's and the bond a relationship and a couple together then from God's teaching any kind of sex outside of marriage does not honor him sex clouds relationships it confuses relationships but let's just become all physical but there's no connection because God designed it to be later so when it happens in the dating season it messes up what God had intended for but when you wait when you delay it you can get to know each other when you delay it you can find out if he or she really does have character or not if they can't wait while you're dating what makes you think they'll wait when your mirror it's something valuable about being this delay see sex when you're dating causes all kinds of challenges there's unintended pregnancies 85% of abortions happen from singles Dallas County has the highest rate of STDs in the nation and the highest rate of infection are young men and women of color and not not only that but then you have the emotional baggage of having to sleep with someone and then he goes ghost and you never see him again or he loses interest and here you are stuck trying to manage through that or the man that sleeps around so much that he's continues that he's difficulty connecting when he finds the right one because he's so used to using them just for sexual privileges and so we all need bounce of singles need balances dating in public dating in groups avoiding Netflix and chill and laying up watching a movie just just find something else to do go bowling but watch the movie at the movie theater student meal we agree on find something else go play top golf find an activity to do outside the home avoid living together avoid sex thing avoid sleeping together this is sex short changes the relationship that God wants to give you there's a next one initiative initiative initiative someone got a lead in the relationship one of the things that women often say they say well he won't leave it is nothing wrong with a woman in 2019 making the first move and there's nothing wrong with that but most women still say I wish she would lead I wish she would take initiative I wish she would call me back I wish she would text me I mean brother just shoot your shot man shoot your shot do what you got to do man she God has called you the lead God has called you to pursue this is what God is it's on your heart but what happens is the enemy tries to make us pass the enemy tries to make us sit back and let them do everything but God has called you to lead and pray for her and pursuing her and guiding her and just helping her to be all that God has called her so here's the last piece hilarity relationships me clarity what are we doing where are we going what what is this what what does hang out mean now does that mean this does that mean what expectations every relationship needs clarity I was I was reading in one piece where he talked about he said he did a good job of riding Clinton every few months he would check in on a relationship say hey right now he's getting to know each other and I appreciate this time with you I love being with you I love spending this time with you so many months later he check in again and say how we doing where are we how you feeling about that there's something about clarity that helps our relationship so that you're not left for the fall instead of leading somebody on where she leads him on because he takes good care of her and she don't want to be lonely but she's not interested in just just tell him just at some point you gotta learn how to be honest with people because when we live in that lack of clarity and lead him on or lead her on you know only leads to other things and then you end up doing that other thing just being absent just going ghost and never hear from again don't respond to text just like them and then it just it never have the courage to be able to indicate this where we are even when it's awkward and that's where we're going last trick was this date prayerfully you got to baptize you're dating in prayer you you got to be if you're a husband or if your father or a mother we'd be praying for your children praying for your children as they date as they try to manage through this the God would send the right one and protect them from those that may mean harm for them the God was sending but it is in your own dating life you ought to be praying God give me a detector so I can detect what this person may or may not be God would you guard me and give me the courage I need in our relationship to be able to pursue her at a pursuing him this whole matter of Prayer must be an important part of your whole dating journey and so we finally took off from the airport we finally took off and we finally made it to Dallas you were six seven hours after that originally intended and missed an important commitment but I was distinct with an ad finally made it to my destination and what does I plan and what like I thought it would be but I'm just thankful that I finally made it to my destination and I just want some single to understand today that God will get you to your destination it may not be like you thought or when or how but I want you to know you can trust with confidence that if God intends for you to be married and you follow his way he will get you exactly where he wants you to be but if God intends for you to live a fully single then satisfied life he will get you right there too you serve a God that is faithful you serve a God that is with you you serve a God that is able you serve a God that's not in heaven scratching his head cuz you ain't got a date this week you serve a god that has a plan for your life and a plan for your season and womb and he will get you to your destination you can rest and know that he's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you can ask or imagine in Christ Jesus let's pray together family [Applause] but you bite your hip wherever you are and just take a moment and talk to God as you think about your own season of dating as you think about your own journey and perhaps you need to say lord thank you for all you've been doing in my life thank you Lord for how you're growing me and the fella be me perhaps you in a relationship with somebody else and you need to lift up that relationship to God right now now perhaps you had a season of peace or you're satisfied where he is and would you begin just to thank God for where you are come on take them on right now heads about eyes are closed I want to invite you just talk to God or perhaps you have a son or a daughter and you want to pray for them that they would make good choices that God would send the right people or perhaps you've been hurt and you need your heart heal would you talk to God today [Music] father we come to you in the name of Jesus and I thank you for every story in this room I thank you for every single in this room that's known both the joy and heartbreak of sometimes dating so father right now I pray that whatever season they're in but she will meet them in that season I pray for the one that longs to be married but Lord it's been a journey to get there there's a father would you give him give her the direction and the peace they need as they continue to look towards you I pray God that you would send the right person a person Lord that loves you loves them and I pray that they would trust you in that journey I pray for a couple of days this dating Lord I pray God that you will give them clarity about their relationship but you will guide them that you would direct them but you may leave them to honor you I pray for purity in the mists of their relationship I pray God they will seek you more than anything else I pray for the one Lord in the room that's single again Lord I pray for them as you kill them as you renew them as you guide them I pray for the single mom in the room today I pray for her Lord as she cares for her family but steel rattles with this desire for a relationship I pray God give her wisdom give her direction as she leads and loves her kids first but then also considers what you may want to do in her life as well father I just want to pray for everyone under I pray for the teenager the college student in this room today I pray Lord for that teenager that college student to make good decisions about the relationships I pray God that you will guard them from the pressure of sex the pressure of sex teen the pressure of so many things Lord give them a peace and who they are give them a security and who they are father we just want to say thank you right now that God there's no area in our lives that you not about there's no area in our lives that you don't want to be involved with it's a lure thank you for being involved in this area and we need you Lord and Lord every single day we thank you Lord and we honor you it's in Jesus name that we say this prayer and the people of God said amen come on can you honor God together in this out [Applause]
Channel: Concord Church
Views: 5,017
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Keywords: Dating, Single, Single Men, Single Women, Single Ladies, How to ask someone on a date?, How to date?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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