Pastor Smokie Norful - Single & Satisfied | Rules of Engagement Series - Week 1

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you're watching NGO life on demand with Pastor smoking or phone in victory Cathedral worship center your hope healing and empowerment starts now one hundred and twenty seventh number of some the one hundred and twenty seventh verse when you found it say Amen amen let me wait for you then say Amen when you found it alright I'll try it again if you found it say Amen it's not that hard it's really it's on it's on the screens alright it says except the Lord build a house they labor in vain that build it except the Lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it except the Lord build the city keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain now jump over to the first Corinthians the sixth chapter verses 12 through twenty first Corinthians sixth chapter verses 12 through twenty first Corinthians six chapter verses 12 through twenty all of the people that time worship so that they get here about the time they think I'm going to get up I'm going to be disappointed today first Corinthians the sixth chapter will he know passing out of preaching yet we still got time first corinthians the sixth chapter verses 12 through 20 when you found it say Amen I read it aloud I'm reading from the New International Version it says I have the right to do anything you say but not everything is beneficial I have the right to do anything but I will not be mastered by anything you say food for the stomach in the stomach for food and God will destroy them both the body however is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord and the Lord for the body by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute never do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her body for it is say it the two will become one flesh but whoever is United with the Lord is one with him in spirit flee sexual immorality all of the sins a person commits outside of the body but whoever sin sexually sins against their own body do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God you are not your own you bought with a price therefore honor God with your bodies let's pray father God in the name of Jesus it's app reachable moment and I need your help I need your grace and your mercy to abound sufficiently I need you God too magnifying in this place that all seen said and done would be pleasing and acceptable unto you but more importantly that we would get the benefit of transformation change our thinking from the inside out that it would change our eternity forever thank you for what you're about to do thank you for setting this time up in Jesus name Amen you may be seated in the presence of our incredible magnificent awesome marvelous extraordinary phenomenal ridiculously good God anybody know who he is his name is Jesus to God be the glory this is a month a new month rather that we are celebrating relationships we are honoring God by understanding in a greater capacity what his will and his desire is for our relationship specifically those relationships that yield marriage and/or ultimately are fruitful in their context and so we're very excited very very excited to dig deep into the Word of God so that we can understand relationships not from a world perspective not from a simple carnal understanding but from a biblical understanding and my prayer is that everybody who comes through the doors this month will desire to know more about how God has given us instructions and covering and and has completely unlocked the truths of dealing with and pertaining to relationships I have gotten some most incredible revelation to share with you this month so I enter into this month even on this first Sunday of the month excited because I figured out that in order for us to be effective we've got to go back to the foundation of our truth and we have to begin to discover what the Lord has instructed us or given us relative to our relationships amen I said amen let me help you understand this dynamic before we can go any further except the Lord build a house they who labour build it in vain it makes no sense whatsoever to go into a relationship and not have the foundations of the truth of God's Word because except the Lord build the house anything that you build outside of the context of God's Word you build it in vain it will not last it will not make it it will not be fruitful I don't care what kind of relationship it is it can be a friendship it can be a marriage but whatever it is it needs to be built on the foundational building blocks of God's Word because except the Lord build the house they that labor build it in vain and so if you want to have happy marriages it starts with you understanding the Word of God are you with me if you want healthy relationships it starts with you understanding the Word of God what is the foundation come on we're talking with each other today what's the foundation the Word of God if I'm going to be successful in any relationship I have to have the Word of God in addition to that if you want to have a happy marriage then you have to have a happy individual people are what comprise the marital Union and so if individually you've got issues your marriage is going to have issues if individually you are a miserable person then your marriage is going to be a miserable marriage you got to make sure that you understand the individuals that bring something into the relationship are going to dictate the terms of how the relationship functions after you are together it's not going to matter that you you find someone who has all of this spiritual maturity all this apt and all of this all the trappings that you are looking for in a marriage if you yourself are not in a condition or a position to bring something viable into the equation it takes two individuals who have an individual healthy spiritual lifestyle in order to have a healthy spiritual marriage are y'all with me in other words tell your neighbor deal with your issues deal with your none on saying with attitude put some stank on it if you feel and tell them deal with your issues yeah because at the end of the day if you don't deal with your issues you're gonna bring those issues to somebody else's issues and now y'all got a whole house full of y'all gonna preach this thing for me today tell your neighbor hold on we going somewhere I promise brace yourself I travel a lot and I spent time I spent a lot of time on the airplane I was on the airplane not too long ago and I was actually some years ago now but I had a smooth flight and you you you've got to know that it's a blessing to have a smooth flight that means no turbulence no issues no incidents nothing that calls you to be unnerved or rattled nobody is sitting next to you talking your ear off when you really don't want to be bothered and I had a smooth flight it was a great flight got to the conclusion of the flight and of course the the plane began to do its descent and as it began to descend towards the runway I could hear the landing gear come out the whole pressure in the cab the cabin changes and the noise level increases because you now hear the wind coming up through the channel where the landing flaps have been opened up in the gear has been let down and so I was close enough I was sitting in first class and I was close enough to the front that I could hear the what was going on in the cockpit and there was an automated computer eight computer-generated voice that began to countdown as we begin to make our descent and I heard it say twenty five thousand and fifteen thousand and ten thousand and nine thousand eight thousand seven thousand until it got to out down to about five thousand and at this point you could hear the flaps begin to raise you see the plane is now making a very swift descent the the runway and all of the runways are now in view you can see them plainly and all of a sudden everybody on the plane our heads jerked back and we started very very rapidly making an ascent and going back up into the sky until we were almost 35,000 feet back in the air well of course everybody is panicked and everybody is taking the guard taking off guard and then to make matters worse again because I was sitting so close to the front I could hear what was going on in the cockpit I heard the pilot shouting pull up pull up pull up now the last thing come on can we be real today the last thing I want to hear sitting on an airplane when we're about to land is for the pilot to be inside the cockpit shouting pull up pull up and then to make matters worse we're now back in the air and we're in a holding pattern and we're in the holding pattern but the pilot is not saying anything so can you imagine the anxiety can you imagine the the tension that was built up inside of the cabin that everybody's wondering what in the world just happened and when we're circling the airport and nobody's saying any Thayne that's the same situation that some of my single Saints are in today you were circling the runway of marriage you would put your landing gear down you thought you were about to land you you had found the right one and all of a sudden you heard God say pull up pull up now you're in a holding pattern you're in a holding pattern but nobody is saying anything so now you have the anxiety of the weight you now have to figure out what do I do in this season what just happened what went wrong and what am I going to do pastor while I'm in this holding pattern how do I wait on the Lord to send me the right mate how do I function in this holding pattern how do I make it through this season of anxiety this tension of silence how do I make it through this holding pattern God knew that this would be an important subject for you and he instructed Paul divinely through the Holy Spirit to write these terms write these words for you in first Corinthians the sixth chapter the 12th through the 20th verse and in this passage of Scripture he gives Paul some specific attributes and elements of your waiting that have to be prevalent and present in order for you to wait successfully but more importantly in order for you to see God's blessing on your life are you with me all my single st. just say a man like I just want to make sure you're in sleep now y'all saw who they were I'm gonna need you to hold them accountable for the rest of the service just just just tap them and say I got you I got you I got you how pastor do I manage the weight how do I stay in this holding pattern and what do I do in order to be successful in the way I want to be successful because I want the favor of God on my life I want to be successful because I want the joy and the abundance of life that God promised me he sent Jesus to provide me I want to be successful in the weight but I just need to know how what couple of things that Paul points out in this passage of scripture first and foremost the first principle in waiting is that you have to maintain your purity if you're going to be successful in the way you have to maintain your purity now in this scriptural text Paul points out two different categories of people he addresses married people and he addresses virgins are you're with me this is not going to be one of them real loud sermon so I have to ask you now oh don't preach boy only two categories of people are dressed in the text that is marriage and virgins but one would ask the question in our contemporary understanding why didn't he say anything about singles because the scriptural presumption is that if you are unmarried you are also a virgin Oh help me Holy Ghost so in regards to our contemporary understanding virginity or virgins and purity are used interchangeably when the scripture talks about purity it is literally referring to those individuals who are pure in heart not understanding that in this day and in this age virginity would not be regarded in the same way that it was in the time of the writing are y'all with me so Paul use the word virgin because in a spiritual context being single goes hand in hand with being celibate so every now and then I'm just going to pause for effect now it's difficult and I got to be honest with you it was hard for me to prepare I had to practice this sermon in the mirror to myself last night because it's hard to preach this way in our 21st century culture where we have modern media and television and social networking and housewives pastor Chris pointed out something he gave me a very divine revelation the other night we got a show full of housewives and ain't none of y'all married we operate currently in our culture we operate under the guises of if it feels good do it but Paul addresses that in verse 12 when he says I have the right to do anything but everything is not beneficial just because you can does not mean that you should just because you can test drive the car does not mean it's going to be beneficial don't please I got babies in here please don't make me get wrong I'll need y'all to look at me like what do a car got to do with this what is just because you can try the milk do I need to go deeper I'm trying to present they were trying to keep it G with the babies in here hey man tell your neighbor keep up and quit acting like you don't know no no tell them tell them now anybody got time to be playing with y'all today we are living in a time come on let's be honest we're living in a day where your expectation and anticipation is that the pastor is supposed to water down the message so that it does not make you feel uncomfortable and it not it's not supposed to be a message that deals with your compromise you want to go to a service where you leave filling all warm and fuzzy on the inside but you don't want to be uncomfortable you don't want to sit and have to deal with the the things that you are doing in the dark help me Holy Ghost and a lot of times we expect the pastor to preach a sermon that that helps us to feel better about our compromise and we do it under the guise of times have changed that's how it used to be in the Bible days but this is not that day this is not that error let me help you understand we are supposed to we are not rather to change the Bible to fit the times but we're supposed to change the times to fit the Bible so although times may have changed the Word of God is still the Word of God right is right even when I'm wrong I don't care how wrong we are right is still right God wants us to boast of our purity and let me just be real about it can we talk like we feel like talking today sex today has been cheapened yeah you know something is cheap when you give it away yeah when something is valuable you protect it you defend it why did you turn the alarm on your house before you left because you've got some valuable things that you want to safeguard and protect well we're no longer protecting some things there was a time let's be honest there was a time when if you kept your virginity you were praised and celebrated you were regarded some of y'all can remember back that far hidden come on you were looked upon as something in someone who is very special but now you let somebody who's 40 say they're a virgin they're making movies to ridicule you everybody's looking at you like what's wrong with you we can we can measure your value by your morality what position then do we take as a church as believers of God as Christians as we who say that we are called of God what position do we take as a church do we act like the problem doesn't exist do we turn our heads and pray that the problem goes away do we pretend that it's not an issue in the lives of single people even in the church pastor how do we maintain a divine standard in the midst of this culture in today's reality how do i uphold a divine standard I'm glad you asked first thing that you have to do is you have to look at sex for what it is it is a biological act however just as much as it is a physical interaction it is also a spiritual interaction look at verse 15 of what Paul says he says do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself I need you to understand what I'm saying do you not know that your physical body is joined with Jesus Christ himself he then asked shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute and he emphatically replies never so what you have to understand is that when you have sexual intercourse you are making Jesus participate with you I felt that for you I felt it for you so then you have to ask yourself the question is he having as much fun as you are till that same person you've been talking to I got you I told you to brace yourself look at verse 16 what Paul says do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her body for it is said the two will become one flesh let me give you context Paul is addressing the people that are in the temple because in the temple they have now no regard no understanding no knowledge of what their physical bodies possess and how their bodies are joined with God and their representative of the spirit or the dwelling place of God so Paul is instructing the people of God who are in the temple and he's making sure that they understand what you are doing is out of control and out of order you need to look at your body as a spiritual interaction or a spiritual conduit for the presence and the power of God and even go so far as to say the Holy Spirit is inside of you and you are joined with God now the reason he even had to address this is because on one side of the temple you had people who were feasting and that were eating but in the temple there was some prostitutes who were the prostitute the temple prostitutes and it would sell themselves to the priest and the other men in the temple and then go on to the other side of the temple and they would have sex in the temple as a form of worship and so the reason he had to address them is because he had to make sure you understood it is not okay for you to do anything with your body just because you can does not mean that you should because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and he says your body is joined with Christ himself now unfortunately there's still some thieves in the temple I'm trying to keep it together I promise because I know I got the children's Church in here today unfortunately there are still people who will prostitute themselves in an effort to try to gain what they think is the right thing but ultimately what you do is you diminish God's presence and power in your own being are you with me I knew this wasn't gonna be popular preaching because it was gonna be quiet now it's quieter at 10 o'clock than it was at 7:30 make me wonder lord have mercy Jesus say this with me it's spiritual do you not know that he who unites himself with the prostitute is one with her body for the two will become one flesh it is spiritual you want to know why you couldn't shake them it's spiritual want to know why was so hard for you to get over it is spiritual want to know why you can't let it go because it's spiritual the other thing that you need to do if you're going to be successful at maintaining the standard is that you you will never you have to understand you'll never maintain moral purity in your own strength in your spiritual willing but let's be real in your flesh you are weak look at verse 14 Paul says by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also by his power every time you think you're strong enough to withstand the temptation of the enemy in your own strength you will fail you will fail can I say it again I'm just gonna go over at midnight ninja we just was just gonna watch a movie though y'all gonna be quiet if you want to but I'm still gonna preach it yeah no no no weed no no no no you know we're just gonna kiss every time you position yourself in your own strength and you go into it thinking I have the power to withstand the temptation of the devil I ain't giving in this time you can stop by for a few minutes started on the couch now we're here every time because the only way that you're going to be able to maintain your purity is through the strength and the power of God I want you to hear what I'm saying the same power according the first fourteen by by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also the same power that raised God from the dead will raise you from the wrong bed Oh bless His name this is the quietest sermon I have preached in this church this whole year my god your silence is convicting you you better say Amen for your euro start looking at you crazy you have the quad today usually up shall not to tell you to sit on break the value of divine involvement in your daily somebody say daily daily lives is the difference between you walking away in purity or immorality the value of God and his involvement in your daily say the word again daily you're gonna have to wrestle with this thing every single day it's not going to just go away it's not just going to magically disappear but daily you will have to deal with your flesh daily you will have to wrestle with yourself daily and can I just let you in on something I'm not just talking to the single foe imma let that because I got next week for y'all thank you Mary couples in your own strength you're never going to be able to do it but when you pull on the strength of God God will give you the capacity to withstand the temptation of the enemy but another thing the third thing that you need to do in order to maintain the standard I need I need maintain the standard because I won't God to be pleased and I want his favor and his blessings on me well how do I do it the third thing is that you got to have divine fulfillment the only reason the enemy is able to tempt you is that he presents a case that causes you to feel like something is missing like there's something that you are missing out on or something that you don't have that you should be a part of that's the whole premise behind temptation are you with me so when he tempts you he is basically trying to convince you that you missing out on something and if you'd if you don't take advantage of this you gonna keep missing out on something that you should or could have so what he's doing is trying to feel a vacancy or a void in your life and verse 17 Paul says but whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit so in order to feel yourself and make sure that there is no room for the enemy to come in you have to continually fill yourself with the things of God there must be a joining with the Lord that is so strong that it overrides your desire to join with another person are y'all with me if you're going to if you're going to avoid the enemy's temptation and pulling you into immorality then you have to be filled with the with the Spirit and the power of God well how do I do that through prayer through the word and through worship anytime you start feeling void and vacant like you're missing something you then need to duck dive into the things of God so intensely that it feels you up and causes anything else not to have room to get into into your life are y'all with me let me make it plain for you let me put it in real terms for you when you get the next call at one o'clock in the morning come on somebody and you get the call that 1 o'clock in the morning and you pick up the phone and you know they're not calling you because they're trying to sell you some Girl Scout cookies I dare you to feel yourself with the things of God at that moment as soon as you answer the phone hello hey what you're doing oh I'm praying father God in the name of Jesus glory to your name Lord you are a buckler and you are my shielding god I bless your name Oh God you are worth it to be praised from the rising of the Sun it's hard to be sexy and quote the Psalms yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you still there I shall fear no evil die rod and thy staff they oh man Hey hello hello he hung up he hung up and called somebody else lord help me Jesus pray for me I'm doing the best I can you got to feel yourself up with the things of God the only reason the enemy is able to tempt you is because he causes you to think you got some vacancies and some voids you're gonna maintain a standard with a culture that's telling you that it's okay to do it it's okay to live with him you can live with him y'all got to sleep together just cuz you living with him don't fool yourself first time he walked through there in his boxers my god how do I maintain a standard pastor I gotta be filled with the things of God I think you crazy to think you were religious fanatic no I just I'm smart I'm wise enough to know that if I don't feel this up with something godly then I'm gonna fill it with something more godly are you with me y'all play like y'all don't think it's true or not but I'm telling you it is not because I said so but the Bible says so and I know what some of you are thinking right now I get it I feel it in my spirit let me help you out some of you right now in saying pastor this is good preaching I wish I had this many years ago but let me go and be real with you real you talk about this virgin thing and this purity thing it's a little late for me cuz I got a whole lot of stuff that disqualifies me it takes me out of the running I wish I'd had it way back then I gotta mess this thing all the way up pure oh not me rare too late for me it was a man that had a ring he was actually working in the flower bed when he's pulling up dirt planting flowers he found a ring in the dirt pull the ring out of the dirt looked at it and said man this little cheapo thing tossed it over into the trash can his wife came through saw the ring sitting on the back on the top of the trash heap and so what is this grabbed it out looked at it as a man so she took it to a jeweler the jeweler cleaned it up and after cleaning it up the jeweler looked at it and said let me get my hoop the jeweler put the hoop in his eye and began to look inside of the stone to see that the clarity and the quality of the stone was part excellent so he wrote her up an appraisal come to find out the ring was worth tens of thousands of dollars so she went home to her husband and said hey I took this out the trash why did you throw this away he said I found that in the dirt a little cheap worthless thing she said no look at this appraisal this ring is worth tens of thousands of dollars I just want to encourage somebody because at the end of the day life might have allowed you to be tossed into the dirt and the enemy would have discarded you and said you were worthless because of the dirt and the filth of your yesterday but God sent me to tell you that he's got a way of reaching into the trash and when he pulls something out of the trash he takes it through his spiritual cleansing system and he washes it with his precious blood and though your sins be as scarlet because you've been dipped in the blood of Jesus you gonna come out white as snow if any man be in Christ Jesus somebody should say thank you right there you are a new creature all of the mess all the mistakes all of the hang-ups the bad relationships all of the shortcomings Oh things are passed away somebody better look at your hands and say I'm brand-new I looked at my feet and they did to somebody give God praise that he washed you Oh bless His name slap somebody high five and say I'm clean I'm clean track record is clean second thing you need to do you're gonna be successful in the holding pattern is you gonna have to change your mindset about singleness first Corinthians the seventh chapter jump on over seventh chapter 26 27 and 28 first corinthians the seventh chapter verse 26 says I think then that this is good somebody say this is good I think then that this is good in view of the present distress that it is good somebody say it is good for a man to remain as he is I think this is good it's talking about singleness I think this is good in view of the present distressed that it is good somebody say it is good for a man to remain as he is look at verse 28 look verse 28 but if you decide to marry it's not a sin and it's not a sin for a girl who has never been married to get married but those who marry will have trouble I didn't say it but those who marry will have trouble in this life all my men folk just say a man and I want you to be free from this trouble so I grew up in the country I grew up down south y'all have flyers in Chicago we had flies down south you can learn a lot by looking at a nasty fly and so our what would watch and whenever a fly would get in the house if you go to the window you would always see the fly trying to get through the screen to get out the window y'all with me but if you look outside you will see another phenomenon you would see the Flies that were outside trying to get in the window some of y'all married folk trying to get out the window while some of you singles keep trying to come in the window so you you don't even know what you're asking for it's not as easy as you think first of all you have to deal with preferences you like it hot she like it go you like a little cover she wanted whole lot of cover you you you want to go this way she want to go that way you got to make sure that you know what you're asking for you got to deal with personalities I want to be left alone you want to play I want to go by myself Ujala let me get my coat you moody and irritable I always want to snuggle and cuddle this what you want are you sure this is what you want now watch this verse 27 if you have a wife Lord told me to tell you don't be trying to get rid of her say I felt in my spirit I needed to put verse 27 up there for you coz some of my marathons like yeah that's right if I wasn't married I wouldn't have to tell what I might ask Bible says in verse 27 if you have a way don't go trying to get rid of them but then it goes on to say if you are not married don't try to find a wife no watch this it's not saying that you should not desire marriage and that marriage is not a good thing it's sanctioned by God ordained by God it is a blessing that is given to us through a by God so it's not saying that you shouldn't desire to be married but what is saying is you should leave your manhunt or your woman hunt behind instead of hunting after somebody with desperation of heart and incline by simply wanting to have somebody you should do what Adam did the way Adam found a wife is he went to sleep he stopped worrying about it he was rested in his condition and when he awakened there was Eve so what the scripture is basically giving you now is instruction that you should not become so desperate that every day of your life is spent hunting for your spouse are you with me God knows how to bring the right person into your life whenever you try to force it you will mess it up every single time whenever you start trying to do it you do it with motives but when God does it he does it with purpose and God knows how to bring you and that person let me help clarify this the Bible also says he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing not she that finally the husband find of a good thing and God will strategically set it up so that you are in the right place at the right time with the right person what you do not want is a person that's not fitly joined in your life because it's going to cause more chaos and confusion then it will blessings and benefit some of y'all said Amen real loud right there unfortunately some people get married and you're chasing after the one because you want to get married to escape temptation please understand marry folk attempted to well if I if I if I get married why can I can have all the sexual intercourse I won't all my man folk just say hmm mmm it's gonna get rid of all my temptation I'm you know if I'm saying aye it's better than Meriden burn oh I'm burning I'm burning this gonna fix everything no it's not no it's not some of y'all single folk having most sex in the married people if I get married then I won't be lonely there are some lonely married people let your motive be God what is your desire and who would you have me make your request known to him and allow God to do what God can do talk to God about your desires but you'll spend your time looking for him and not for them if you seek after him he will bring you all the other things shall be added unto you are y'all with me last one I'm done I feel like I'm my grace is about to leave now cuz y'all up here like ooh scratching under your collar can't sit still in your seat I'll be glad with this sermon over my gun last but certainly not least if you're going to maintain your altitude and stay in the waiting period and allow God to be glorified at the conclusion of it realize your own mortality first Corinthians the seventh chapter verses 29 through 31 brothers and sisters this is what I mean we don't have much time left we do not have much time there so starting now those of you who have wires should be as the same as those who don't it should not be important whether you're sad or whether you're happy if you buy something it should not matter to you that you own it you should use the things of the world without letting them become important to you this is how you should live because the world the way it is will soon be gone let me say it a different way life is short it's too short to be worried about trivial things that you have no control over it's too short to be chasing somebody in the daytime with a flashlight because you are trying to find your own spouse it's too short for you not to enjoy every minute of your lives you have to take authority over your own self and say I'm going to enjoy the life that God has given me watch this in Genesis in 2nd chapter verses 15 and 16 Genesis 2 15 and 16 the Lord God gave this command you may eat of any tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree that gives knowledge about good and evil there are 2,000 plants that are edible to humans there are 200 fruits that affect our world commerce so that means that there were 22 at least 2200 other things in the garden to partake of but Adam and Eve out of all the 2200 other species that they could have consumed were focused on the one they couldn't have do not let your life be consumed with the one thing when God has blessed you with so many things some people become so consumed with what they do not have that you miss out on observing appreciating and benefiting from everything that you do have being single is not a curse being single is not a derogatory condition single means that God has positioned you so that he can get the greatest out of you and ultimately do what he desires to do through you are y'all with me some people will cause you to feel all kind of crazy because of your singleness but I want you to remind them I am bought with the price when I stand before God I'm not gonna be standing with my spouse when I have to get of a given account for my own soul salvation karlik ain't getting me into heaven I'll have to stand single before God and as an individual I will have to answer the question of what I did with my godson did I receive him or did I reject him did I accept him as my savior or did I discard him will he tell me I knew this one or will he look at me and saying depart from me you worker of iniquity I knew you not what will be his response to you when you as a single individual stand before him and the last day trust and know God set this up God does everything with purpose and he positioned you ordered your step so you would even make it to this sermon on today because there's something extraordinary he wants to do in your life and some glory he wants to get from your life and there's something powerful he's going to do through you don't let the enemy or anybody else let me say it a different way don't let your frenemies talk you out of your blessing because God's got something amazing incredible in store for you he's waiting on due season and I want to give you this indication fact that he has me speaking this word in this season means that due season is closer than you think he's about to do a new thing in your life something amazing and incredible and this word is meant to prep you for what that is this is gonna be a great series the revelation knowledge that God has given me is so absolutely next-level mind-blowing and amazing I can't wait to preach I want to preach all of them today but trust me it's going to be a phenomenal experience next week I'm gonna be dealing with our married couples on Valentine's Day now my hope and my prayer is that you will spend Valentine's Day the right way before you go and do whatever else you have Liberty to do and that's that you will come to the house of God and worship together amen everybody stand God in the name of Jesus I thank you for your word I thank you for your power your grace and your light thank you for opening up my eyes and letting us see through the clear word that now filters everything in our lives take out those things that should not be for every shortcoming and every failure every fault that we have got we repent we bring it to you and we say Lord we're sorry clean us cleanse us wash us make us brand new and then even beyond that God as we move forward we recognize we can't do it in our own strength we have so many temptations that are all around us so many cultural contexts that are telling us one thing but God you have given us the truth today and for that we are grateful thank you Lord Jesus more important to God we want to take it a step further and thank you in advance that the days ahead of us are gonna be better than the days that are behind us continue to cover us with your grace and your mercy continue to cleanse us and washes of all iniquity and continue God to let us live so that we might live again thank you for what you're about to do in this new season in Jesus name Amen why a it means give yourself away and at victory it's more than just a slogan it's who we are we're living to be missed not just remembered and thanks to your generous support we're changing the world one heart at a time find out more and give now and get the victory org slash g.y a we hope you were blessed by today's message for more information about what's happening in and around victory visit us online at smoking or thanks for tuning in have a great week be blessed and keep walking in victory my god
Channel: OfficialSmokieNorful
Views: 36,948
Rating: 4.8716578 out of 5
Keywords: pastor smokie norful smokie norful artist, morning manna, new, music, album, hope, healing, empowerment, victory cathedral worship center, grammy award winner, singing, preaching, teaching, forever yours, itunes, amazon, google play, chicago, illinois, bolingbrook
Id: ZJbRlC53SmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2016
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