Sims 2 but it's a weird PSP game

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kevin oh sorry sorry i'm just so fluent in simulation sometimes i speak in it by accident i think in simulation as well you know i was always useless at languages in school i studied irish for nine years and i i can barely speak a word of it but simulish just comes to me naturally but today we're going to be playing the sims 2 on the psp which is a game i played many many years ago but it's very different to normal sims so we're going to jump in and take a look at it this is going to be pretty nostalgic to me i imagine wait so i can edit all my neighbors this is kind of cool have you heard of the high elves i just gotta make this into oblivion have you heard of the high elves milady tips the fedora ah there he goes he looks like he's about to drop the newest remix of little naz old town road i'm just making everybody cowboys probably an absolute waste of my time but everyone is now cowboys in the village my guy looks really cool already he even did a twirl for us i didn't even ask him to he just did it why is this a default face this is no way it resembles like an actual human being all right what will his name be i think his name will be milady there you go yes save my lady somebody please save him oh there he goes look at him he is our protagonist he's not here looking where he's going he's space looking off into the sky as he drives he's currently five dead and three in critical condition we can only hope he's one of the dead ones what can i do that's inappropriate can i rob this dude wait is he licking that i don't know he just kind of went really close to it let's try and interact with another human being he go oh my god he's freaking out i'm not just any mechanic i'm the best mechanic i'm an artist okay like i'll pay you to fix my car i learned a secret what did i learn that this guy's [ __ ] psychopath just talk to me don't come in here with me i'm trying to talk to you you're freaking out talk to me like a human being while he's freaking out and screaming in my face you don't get out much do you my guys want to talk look at him what could they possibly talk about what could they possibly have in common this is a weird way of socializing by the way he brings up a topic and then i have to match it and then they like that it's weird oh now he loves me now that i talked about skiing and he's going to give me a discount all right go outside something like i never thought he'd do oh i found some trash great he just stopped it in his pocket she's gonna use your toilet with the door open if you don't mind it's really awkward for everyone in the shop but oh my god she's like doing a pam reading except you know putting her pam in my mouth i think i'm reading her pam with my tongue at least it's not the other way around because i i didn't wash my hands so i came out of that bathroom your aspiration is social you want to be popular you want everyone to love you two of my answers were threatening people with violence if they don't do what i say she's getting pissed because i don't agree that she just defined my whole personality after sticking her hand in my mouth well i guess she does have a point she stuck her whole fist in my mouth so if i let her do that just so she'll like me i guess that's where she's coming from yeah i kind of see it now i want to be rich tell her you are a fiery individual who always has to have their way hey that's right milady knows what milady wants all right what are his wants change appearance well that's not gonna happen don't look at me like that he looks right into the camera almost begging me milady bella is running away because she was abducted by aliens okay i just wanted small talk i wanted to talk about the weather and stuff but whatever wait what is he doing why is he so what are you doing dude i already know how to flirt clearly clearly he does call a sim do i have any friends i do i'll call her even though she's two feet away no i answered god damn it i heard that ring and you just not answering it when you saw it was me wake up i want to talk to you what's that is this flirting wait is he asking yeah he's asking for her number now so who was he calling on the phone a second ago acquire a home is one of my goals okay what is this oh the phone okay i feel like i shouldn't answer this have you lost something no but i found this ground phone wait actually yes i seem to have misplaced my car and my mechanic and his shop what you should come work for me okay uh yeah the whole garage is gone i don't understand it has just disappeared effects sake to get a ride into town i i need to get him donuts god this trip is going really badly i never should have left my mom's basement all right hand over your donuts intimidated after you just helped me learn everything about this town i'm not going to start intimidating you for donuts there you go pusher yeah big man oh he's pulled it off she's crying fantastic she hides her donuts in the trash can in the restroom okay great should i tell the cop that they're bathroom bin donuts or no yeah i'm not going to tell them this i just want my ride into town wait what oh for [ __ ] sake he's not taking me there until i find a place to crash all right who can get me a house i only know three other people and one has disappeared along with his garage and my car and the other i just assaulted that leaves one more bella hello i'm sorry this is urgent i had to walk in on you i've been looking for someone to sell my house to i can't think of any place better to buy a house than a gas station restroom nine hundred thousand simoleons i think i have about ten here will that do wait sold what i just need to give her all my money okay think about it an answer sure for indecisive pansies my guy's like that's me well if you're just asking for all the money in my pocket i'm gonna spend all of my money all right now i have 10 bucks left all right about that house you mentioned yeah you give all the money i got it for 10 bucks hey stop screaming at me it was your deal just because i found a loophole you can't get mad all right get in the car i think i'm getting kidnapped no who am i kidding no one would want to kidnap me i know she took all of your money too here have some of mine he gave me eight hundred dollars when i bought the place for ten is this my house oh my god it's huge this was the best ten bucks i've ever spent wait i have a maid oh god she doesn't like me i don't blame her this is nice oh well that's the problem right there some ghost in his underwear is haunting the place oh here he is again okay are you just going to keep doing this because it's dropping my sanity meter something fierce what does she even clean there is no furniture in here what do i pay you for and do i pay you i don't know he was swimming he turned around and then all of a sudden the ladder disappeared so i need to find his remains and bury them god this game is weird my guy's sanity is almost nothing left and there he goes okay he has lost all of his sanity he has gone nuts what oh okay i i guess i died went to heaven but god said you're not ready to die yet and sent me back five hundred dollars what no i refuse i am loading that all right get out of this [ __ ] house before i lose money talk to blah blah blah i gotta talk to a lot of people there's a lot of talking in this game and my guy does not like socializing he's an introvert look at all these cowboys it's kind of weird that there's a graveyard in the middle of this cul-de-sac but i kind of like it i'm looking for the garbage men and they're saying garbage truck parked outside creepy mad scientist decor i'm betting that these people kidnapped the the garbage man but like kind of jumping to the conclusions there buddy ah this bed is just right i don't even know these people i never introduced myself i just walked into their house and hopped in their bed oh she's showering hello i'd like to introduce myself please this is so creepy hello all right i'd like to start flirting now [Music] wait why didn't it work come on what more does a guy gotta do walks into your house unannounced goes to sleep in your bed and then walks in and you're showering hello i've already met your wife how are you doing what the hell don't touch that what i was just trying to access your hidden vault touch it again i'll be within my rights to set you on fire is this flirting again i'm gonna touch the keypad again they do not like me you need a logic skill of two i have zero logic i'm afraid i wanna get in there now i wanna see what's behind there god this sims game is weird using their phone i have done like everything inappropriate that i possibly can at least they're okay with me using all their furniture and shower and everything because i have no furniture at home and there's a lot of ghosts there it's actually the house where the devil appeared and played cards and i need something for logic what can put up logic skill this bookcase great yeah there's fine i'm no interior designer but i know what i like and i like the bookcase here okay i have two things on my list now one is to get into that hidden room and the other is to find the remains of my ghost roommate all right let's try intimidating first immediately as soon as i got into our house uh yeah that'll intimidate her she took a step back anyway that's a start uh there we go i'll keep burping your face until you tell me what it is why is she not threatened by me i don't understand what's not intimidating about that there you go physical violence will solve this issue right she's not intimidated at all so i think i'm just gonna have to try and get my body skill up a little bit and then just really take the battle to her or maybe a nice kick to the throat the zombies only come out late at night what kind of neighborhood am i living in i'm spending all my money on this to get hench the maid's probably like uh you still have enough money to pay me right nope no i don't i like how after a workout instead of a shower he just washes his hands all right now that i'm [ __ ] hench i'm gonna beat up my neighbor's wife i can't wait oh wait hold on maybe i can wait it's time to do the zombie mini game whatever that is what the hell is this this seems a bit disrespectful okay i lost sanity because i i didn't really do a good job but that doesn't matter i earned 16 and now i'm getting put into the insane asylum for it i mean i did just have to beat up the dead with a shovel i can't really blame him this time the important thing is i don't have enough money to pay for it oh my god i'm in debt and i'm gonna lose sanity and get stress headaches until i pay it off perfect's sake all right i'm gonna beat up that woman that'll make me feel better hey i've been working out and i'm here to beat you up again there we go now i'm big and strong i'm bullying you she just admitted she's having an affair you cannot tell loki or i will never forgive you i'm gonna go tell your husband about this neat pump go get her yeah there we go and now can i can i hack this surely they'll be distracted with their marriage falling apart great i'm getting in there this is boring this is just an office oh wait hold on i found the garbage worker god i kind of like these neighbors now reward is that this is about well here thank you i i'm in serious debt seriously stop getting angry at me honestly i wouldn't mind being their prisoner for a while the outside world is hard there's zombies outside the house just here in my tiny whities you have the computer in here why didn't you just [ __ ] email me i'm just in there playing fortnite in their secret room i should leave before i get locked in here my guy wants to dance he also wants to use the toilet can i dance on the toilet i want to multitask stop freaking out dude stop it oh my god he's having a breakdown i think i just died i am dead hello and welcome to the afterlife i'll be your grim reaper we have some resurrection packages available uh tell me about the gold package 2500 sanity points i don't think i have any what about the bargain package you come back with an empty stomach a full bladder and a host of other problems i mean i'm pretty sure i died with those problems too i'll just be a ghost for a while if that's okay all his wants are just scare someone now this is kind of weird there's no music or anything going on it's just me floating around silently wait where's the lady oh she's there that's why he's just idling there he's waiting for her to come over but she's stuck okay well i best be leaving i think i took their sanity along with mine hello everyone i'm the new neighbor i'm dead by the way okay i kept scaring all the villagers and now i can come back i just respawned right in front of him hey buddy sorry about you know the introduction of me being a ghost and just screaming at you where did the garbage truck go oh yeah i rescued him i forgot immediately the whole you know dying and coming back to life makes you kind of forget other things all right the last thing i need is the remains from my roommate okay this is their pool i think so it should be in here somewhere he's kind of freaking out i am flirting with his wife got one flirt and a meter went flying up she loves what milady has an absolutely ripped bod from working out for one day why do i always come in and just stare at my neighbors while they're naked i need to get mechanical skill but i can't afford anything to get it up there's a scratched up wedding ring lodged in hazel's drain okay well they clearly murdered this dude and again i respect that why are you having a breakdown now he's having constant breakdown he's dead again oh my god they're like wait what happened i don't know i was cleaning the bathroom and i just sort of died i i don't know why now i guess i'm haunting you sorry this is kind of all i got going on for me this four woman this is a great way of living to be honest by which i mean dying just keep dying keep scaring people then come back with a gold package when you get enough points there's a note in hazel's fridge help my wife is starving me to death okay well that's a damning piece of evidence and i'm surprised you didn't remove it to be honest you just put the food around it oh my god what's happening to you now you're starving to death why is there always something wrong with you okay i'm dead again yeah just keep scaring keep scaring all right sorry about scaring you and all that dude but i'm glad to be back insane as ever which is not very you found a pacemaker buried in her garden oh lovely i can really relate to all these neighbors you know let's take a look in here huh there's a shredded swimsuit in hazel spool filter all right time to expose her i found a pacemaker someone must have lost it that's not very creative i found a note in your fridge saying help my wife is driving me to death signed gordon he complained about my cooking this doesn't really add up you know you don't intimidate me i ain't telling you nothing oh yeah take off your shirt my lady no not you i mean my guy it's that intimidating i can't see what i'm supposed to be clicking it's underneath the door i can't see it after effects say there you go confess you must confess i fell asleep one day woke up a month later and my husband gordon had started okay yeah that makes sense i believe you i'm going to die old and alone yep that's what you deserve she likes that it's kind of awkward she's using the toilet in the background here thank you so much for saving my life yeah whatever bye um he's having a bit of a breakdown he didn't take the news too well well i guess the last thing to do is to bury his remains which is just a swimsuit unfortunately well i just bury it in in a flower bed it's buried great i just buried them in her flower bed he's gone the music room is yours great this was a mistake look what i'm gone all right i can't think of a better place to end this one i hope you guys enjoy though what a strange game it is much weirder than i remember i just remember that there was a bit of a story to it oh my god he's freaking out but i don't remember it being this weird i hope you guys enjoy though if you want to see more do let me know i think i'd be up for playing more of this it is a wild ride if you want to see more of me i post every day and i also stream over on twitch the link to that is in the description but that's about it for now so hope you enjoyed appreciate watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 925,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, imovingtarget, lets play, the sims, video games, the sims bustin out, sims 2 console, sims 1 ps2, sims 1 ps2 gameplay, sims 1 ps2 get a life, sims, let's play, ps2, playstation 2, the sims 1, sims 1 funny moments, lets play the sims 2, the sims 2 ps2 gameplay, the sims 2 ps2, the sims 2 lets play, the sims 2 ps2 lets play, sims 2 psp, sims 2 psp game, sims 2 psp funny
Id: LRv0N03Tzdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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