Sims 4 but I lock prisoners in the basement to make my videos

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing the sims 4. god my mansion looks out of place i like built it in this quaint little suburb and it's just [ __ ] huge alright so we're back in the pickens family with jim pickens wait why is the child judging him so heavily what is wrong with you jim looks like he's experiencing shame for the first time in his life the kid is judging him what happened in here okay actually i think jim is just ignoring a really upset child yeah he's just walking away he's got into the shower ew the mere sight of a baby makes me need to clean myself they're disgusting grim's new skill and wellness will allow him to perform various yoga poses what's he doing he's just doing some yoga it's so weird that the black smoke is coming off him but he's still getting these like gold auras around him all right well we need to move on to what's important in my life making content you do a product review of beauty products and you do a cheerful vlog he's down here locked in a basement through a vault door and he's making a cheerful little vlog yo what is up closers i have a kickass vlog for you today today we're just gonna stay in my room but not because i have to just because i want to i'm flirting with the nanny now since we are somehow like best of friends i don't remember ever speaking with her but we are just best friends and now they're kissing it escalates fast with mr pickens oh uh what do you want to call this video i'm trapped please help me 152 pickens lane video file description remember to smash that like and subscribble it's like he's trapped but like he still cares about his content you know he's a good guy try for a baby there we go it's just she's a nanny so i think she'll be really good at caring for it and i won't have to be involved at all which is nice he's just like hey you know the way you're like minding kids for me you want to mind another one santa's in the background like oh come on please not another or maybe he's just pissed because i'm taking the nanny away to make another child while my own child is neglected and he'll have to take care of it oh my god look how well they get along already it's like they were meant to be anyway get out of my house go make a baby look at this money from all these videos god damn how come he doesn't get demonetized the [ __ ] he's making i make a hand simulator video on youtube it's like nah man this is too much for me monetize this your balance kill the man but don't take my revenue fashion tips look at these zombies if you want to look in this summer you're going to get a pair of these right now look at him he's doing it shirtless it's a mechan fashion review shirtless or maybe he's like look before and then he changes it to it after look how slim it makes me look how about you get yourself a nice festive hat with a lovely blazer and some leggings i could build a bowling alley like this way just extend out the basement just to accommodate a [ __ ] bowling alley i kind of want to there we go it's like the only possible benefit of being down here is that you get peace and quiet and then i build a [ __ ] bowling alley right behind this guy's pod i'll get him christmas lights like he is [ __ ] santa claus after all there we go lights that never go off lighting up his bedroom through this massive window god he's really pulling out all the stops isn't he all his best christmas wears coming out i have a feeling like his channel might be popular around christmas but once it gets to the summer months i don't think people are gonna like these fashion tips you know he's trying to reason with the children he's like look i am not the problem here your dad does not want to see you i don't think i have any baby stuff maybe that's why they can't feed him they're just trying to talk them down like look can you just imagine you have food please just put a potty like right there in the middle of the kitchen it's definitely hygienic just [ __ ] ignore it and they don't get bedrooms they sleep in the kitchen as well i like how jim literally makes no effort on his own free will to take care of the kids but the scent actually does like he tries to care look at him he just has no [ __ ] idea what he's doing he's smiling on the outside but in his head he's like oh i want to die wait who's in my [ __ ] pool who are you you want to have a baby fashion tips no fashion nips review some toys i hear there's good money in there i mean i feel like santa should be doing the toys to be honest look at that guy he's literally playing with little cars now i like the ones with wheels because they roll along the ground wait where's santa going i just saw him going downstairs are you really coming down to use the vault why why is he doing that oh santa you've changed your mind you came all the way down to the vault threw some food on the floor and now you're leaving oh there i think they're going at it good she's basically just a prostitute at this point like i pay her by the hour yeah they're they're done their videos they're not even going to name them just reckon leave it what they are where's my little desk where do i upload them it's the only thing i [ __ ] do on my channel is just upload them but it is the hardest part i don't think i even placed my desk that's how much i care about my content come on minions come on make content he can now add transitions to videos on the video station oh look they're getting good at making content i should make them into vampires so they can never die and then they can always just make me content santa is holding on to some garlic for some reason it's like his last resort weapon against jim since jim is a vampire and the other fella is just holding onto some apple sauce and proof that aliens exist the fire has started where do you want to [ __ ] tell me what's going on oh and here santa what the hell what are you doing the vault he's just running away like no no no don't let jim catch me i didn't do it he even changed into his sportswear to do that little run upstairs oh i can't contain the fire i wanted to just contain the fire by closing the vault door wait i can't use my phone because there's a fire on the light how am i supposed to call the fire brigade oh the nanny's coming to sardin i'm with the baby as well don't ask questions about this basement all right well at least santa and jim are outside the others should be safe they're in their airtight vaults the baby on the other hand is making his way steadily towards the flames look santa i hate to drag you back in there but you did kind of start this mess you're gonna have to fix it now ryland discovers the fire jesus christ ryland you're doing fantastic well done on finding that fire look at him he leaves again i've done my part and meanwhile the nanny's like hi nice to see you again it's amazing that the [ __ ] counters are burning but the knives are fine i got my fireproof wooden block there look if you need to pace go ahead but please can you at least do it on the fire oh he's just crying in bed no get up and edit when i have to get out of bed when i'm crying to edit you have to do it too it's weird they can work on the same projects like at the same time so like he's editing and he's adding transitions they're like a proper team oh and also jim is in the team i better start uploading that and take all the credit he's like i'm trapped please help me 152 pickens lane beauty review huh that's an unusual name i'm going to upload now not every transition translate into good transitions the video is now worse than before how can a transition make the video worse upload the fashion video i don't know if it'll like have any negative consequence that i'm uploading them in like bulk i don't upload for a week and then i upload five on the same day oh thank god they're growing up in a day one of them is going to be locked in the basement to make content we'll see which is the most annoying one and he'll be locked down there oh he's doing a little bit of bowling the guy's finally trying to get some sleep after editing for like 20 hours and santa's bowling behind him i appreciate the bowling attire by the way you know you don't need to dress up or anything just please wear the shoes do an inspiring vlog look on the bright side i'm trapped in someone's basement forced to make content you could have it worse i'm flirting with this guy right in front of her she's staring at me let's see what her eyes tell us she's smiling but inside she's dying what's his fame like unknown why i've made like 10 youtube videos i should be famous right now how come it's easy for everyone else but not me jim put that baby down what are you doing all right no i think they're just playing i thought he was trying to kill it or like take its lunch money just shaking it vigorously and seeing what falls out maybe just add to instagram story just spam the thing he just keeps posting the same selfie over and over again but the game is saying beautiful image i gotta get into instagram it seems easy even the og channel trailer welcome to my channel hashtag swag got him 94 dollars and then one where he murders someone got 187 meanwhile grimm's books are getting like four dollars eight dollars i must feel like [ __ ] i feel a little bad for him uh jim i respect you cleaning up at everything but you're [ __ ] burning you're a vampire don't go outside in the day now we need to upload that inspired vlog because they're so in right now i should upload vlogs oh wait no i actually do nothing with my life and that wouldn't be interesting at all this is genuinely a letter i sent to myself notable newcomer yes he went up one bit of fame he's earned his first fame point which is his to keep fame points can be used to purchase fame perks within the fame info panel with his newfound fame though he's now susceptible to developing a fame quirk there's so much fame going on here it's a behavioral oddity shaped by the actions he takes oh god he has enough oddities but it's it's saying i don't have it oh okay now i have it all right okay i kind of like the corporate partnership one it'll give me more fame from uploading and i'll also get like sponsored deals which is nice but i kind of want to go with networking where i gain fame from talking to people who are more famous than me i'm going to go with that one i think because because he's like a social butterfly right a shame i killed like the one good celebrity i knew all right let's go out in the town and try and make some celebrity friends oh wait it's daytime all right let's go to sleep the only problem with the content side of things is i have to really keep on top of it it's almost first name's birthday i'm assuming since his name is first name he knows he's not getting a birthday party right look at him talk about neglect jesus christ that's like an image that would be on the side of a bus stop saying like we can protect them call this number to stop abuse the hell was that slap why are you slapping people they're all given out about him now stop stop it was an accident i just heard a bunch he's very confident now feeling powerful that felt great and they totally deserved it jesus christ all right let's go out and about see where we can find some celebrities hottest spot in town i guess i should go there like i'm sure i can mingle with anyone really bring this random kid again i seem to bring him around with me quite a bit i can't remember if i made this kid an orphan or was that a different one it all just kind of blurs together at some point oh ordered drinks for group they could see a fame uh yeah waters please wait what the hell is that i want to say hello she's a proper celebrity could you come inside please i'll order you a water oh my god stop freaking out just say hello to them you're the most likable man on the planet stop freaking okay get right up in her grill yes you'll like that uh he's getting a little hog he's making it work somehow just be careful with that scythe lady wait i think i'm burning i think i'm burning i thought the sun had gone down he seemed fine oh god i asked to take a photo of her and then i ran away [Laughter] hey are you drinking the waters i ordered get out of here god these are some uncooled celebrities what the hell is that about wait requires three stars for access how did i get in here oh yeah i flew in as a bat i forgot did they just say weebs taking a picture like we're weebs even the bartender's coming out taking pictures of him i think that's a bit unprofessional to be honest for [ __ ] sake like look bartender it was all your [ __ ] fault i was in there until you started coming out making it awkward the bouncer's afraid of me he came over to sort out the situation and then he was like oh no not dealing with this guy i've heard the rumors okay now he's slapping the bouncer do your job next time protect that bartender okay i've knocked him out with that slap why are you all judging me i did what had to be done he wasn't doing his job ask about interests oh i can actually interact with this one now exclaim adoration romance compliment appearance yeah just go for it do everything jim you're charming oh she likes the pickens god kiss her kiss her in front of everyone no don't think about sports cars think about sports men think think about pickens think about how his sweater wraps perfectly around his waist jim's running after her no please okay no he ran past her i think he forgot what she looks like what's he doing he's shouting at traffic okay he's coming back hey it's me do you want to go on a date no we just made a baby together there's nothing romantic about it i'll [ __ ] i got rejected oh [ __ ] no no no no recover make naughty suggestion uh let's just not think about that for a second now he can use that as an excuse he's like no i didn't try and kiss you it was that guy asked to be girlfriend i know he won't kiss me but like want to be my girlfriend zombo oh yeah okay he's definitely just a beard all right well that's a great start we got a famous girlfriend now oh yeah and you can see the fame bar has actually gone up quite a bit there it's up like a a quarter maybe a fifth i don't know we have set the foundations for something beautiful time to go home before i start burning alive again all right well i think we're gonna end it here i hope you guys enjoyed this episode i had a blast messing around with this whole fame system i think next time i'm gonna try and like advance on the whole networking thing especially with his new girlfriend see what happens with the kids maybe lock one away maybe become an actor to get some more fame that way and continue the content creation in the basement so i can upload more videos it's all about keeping a schedule you know how do you think i do it here posting every day it's not possible unless you got a few people locked in the basement but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed appreciate as always and i'll see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,444,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims, jim pickens, callmekevin, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, grim reaper mod, sims 4 mods, sims 4 story, sims 4 best mods, sims 4 episodes, grim reaper babies, sims cats and dogs, sims pets, sims vampire, sims 4 seasons, expansion, sims deluxe, sims 1, sims collection, pc game, the sims, simes deluxe edition, expansion packs, sims 2, sims 2 2018, sims 2 funny moments, the sims 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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