Sims 3 but I ruin the future

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First, a team of heroes, including a big green guy, fight an alien which leads to Dear Leader's death and ultimate resurrection. Now time travel and alternate storylines? Guys, I hate to say this but...

I think the MCU is stealing from Kevin.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/talkintater 📅︎︎ May 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

He should play the dystopian version of into the future, the constant meteors would be hilarious

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/elle2011 📅︎︎ May 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dick looks like a Danny Devito Stuntman now. I love it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/awhite54 📅︎︎ May 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
Oh Jim it's so good to see you again hey Doc I'm just gonna put this book on the ground for no reason so you have to pick it up Oh Jim what seems to be the matter you're acting out again I'm just tired doc you know I'm not a glorified babysitter mr. Pickens shut up trying to sleep alright I feel a bit better now but still so sad well I'm sorry to hear that Jim what seems to be the matter well I died that was kind of a bummer I'm sorry you died but I guess really it all goes back to my childhood I believe you already told that story mr. Biggins oh I did oh well in that case it all goes back to when I lost touch with my dad and then realized he'd been sent into the future and I went to find him into the future you say now Jim you wouldn't be lying to me would you what no we've never I would never lie all of this is the truth doc you just gotta open your eyes man okay yes tell me the story Jim also one other thing would you mind removing that headdress yes doctor yes I would mind actually okay so the year was 2099 9:1 and I had just arrived in the future wow I can't believe I'm in the future now what a bizarre journey that you'll never hear the backstory to also wear my clothes dad I finally found you how could you leave me like that for love Jim you're supposed to love me dead who are you talking about I'm like sorry Jim I just can't control it the heart wants what the heart wants Jim I'd like you to meet mole for Hi Larry mole for high five your new stepdad kiddo I guess you you guys didn't do that in the past okay Nold four okay Jim this is starting to get a bit unrealistic doc just pay attention it's the mole people they lived in my walls for a while I swear I pay you to just ignore me look there's loads more to come just pay attention okay hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing The Sims 3 I don't know why Jim is freaking out probably because he's in the future and I don't know why he's wearing that or why he's so hairy but let's ignore all of that say I figured we'd go back in time and explore the Sims 3 and what it has to offer cuz i missed a good few of these expansion packs I've never played this before and I want to find out more about it you like mole for is just ripped gems judging heavily look how youthful he looks even though he's still all great okay apparently I have a mission to fly around in a jet pack and I also who are you what are you doing you like what you see yeah but apparently I have like some distant relatives descendants tab oh these are my descendants dick Pickens and Jim Pickens are the same descendants their mole Pickens has his own Jesus she's unique family work destitute family worth the ostensibly poor why are you using such big words you trying to prove something alright let's visit Jim's family first this doesn't look like they're poor look at this place it looks amazing all that there out okay how about the mole man's family they have slightly worse this mole man just shows up and it's like hi I'm from the past I'm your great-great-great-great great-great-great grandfather can you mind if I stay with you I'm [ __ ] jacked if that makes a difference it's all the way over there how was he gonna get over here of course he's running hey oh wait no he's gone in here is this a train station or something aha here we go transport of the future I bet even in this future scenario Ireland would still have crappy bosses that don't run on time oh my god no he's getting in a taxi dude dude dude what about - what the [ __ ] hit what about us do we really all hate each other that much we gotta get separate taxis there I can't wait to see what mole thinks of his family I've been through how could I be in by the time I get there are we going in or no we're just gonna stand out here awkwardly three men from the past look just looking in the windows Robbi is fairly like oh I wish you'd invite me in for some food where he's sneaking off to come on go in Jesus Christ why are you sneaking up okay he enjoyed that what is going on who following the leader what how does he know he's the leader no way come back we gotta get in here alright hey kid let me into your house I'm gonna fight him declare my nemesis yes I got in perfect who's fighting I can hear fighting what are you doing here how did it escalate to this this fast alright at least you won a good job dick my god look at her she's beautiful she's definitely a mold person with that face somebody is group has unresolved issues I think I'll get out of here before the fighting starts dude what are you on about you're the one fighting when you can take both of them go for it I'm just eating all their food Beckham maybe they'll be more careful about who they lend to their house in future she laughed that laugh was terrible Jesus oh my god these people are filthy who what is wrong with them I don't like any of them Jim is behaving inappropriately if he continues I will have to ask him to leave he just tried to make a salad dick beating the [ __ ] out of his mom is fine by me making a salad is crossing that line don't be disgusted just because your dad and his mold person have their faces inside each other bringing a whole new meaning to the term sucking face Jesus Christ that's terrifying that is actually what you call soul mate no wonder if and Janice never worked out and what's your hand buddy that's dangerously close to being appropriate because the rest isn't wait did they lock me out what the hell let me back in just because a man and his lover go inside of each other in your hallway it doesn't mean you can kick me out I'll ring this bell all [ __ ] night dude you may as well leave me in what was that oh I think I just pissed myself in your Porsche you see that's what you shouldn't let me in I know he's screaming Jesus he made himself angry you ever piss yourself and just start screaming taking evil baths that much different to a normal bath I think you'll find ya they kicked me out okay well you know what your relatives are [ __ ] okay what am I supposed to do like I'm actually homeless I don't know how I get my needs up or anything he's going somewhere but I don't know where he's going all I know is he's not going with his family because they always take separate taxis what are these romantic compliment appearance oh no one plays the guitar screw this one wait do an evil dance for him he's ready to pass out and I'm just like yeah Jim do an evil dance that's an evil dance apparently just kill you get your hips into it that's what makes it evil come on let's get you to bed where the hell is a bed oh I think II found one AHA a bed is that even mine set bed ownership me I just claimed that even if it's not mine more for Pickens thought media's descendants would be awkward but they have a lot in common do they kicked you out of their house three times in this visit like 20 minutes sleeping where it's like I want to be as ripped as mole no one will know it's just a t-shirt what small even up to oh okay he's also passed out on the concrete as a robot hoverboards over him the hell is going on here it's awful please stop oh my god she's got faster I didn't even click speed up time she's just going nuts oh wait I actually have a jetpack I thought I had to like do a quest to earn it or something but no I just have it alright I'll use that but first of all I gotta introduce myself to that guitar playing robot are the futures wild why are all your clothes ripped why do you stink what was going on where's the robot gone where am I going I'm gonna find the robot I don't even know how Jim knows where he is I said to introduce himself while he was at the community center and I guess he ran away oh no he just drove around the block to the other side of the community center wait what am i doing to him I'll call my god I'm modifying him I'm just gonna reject him the way I want him to be oh wait I think it just took all his traits okay yeah that's fine Jim remove trait chips from but not in his household which is considered quite rude I just stole his personality pretty much what he thinks I mean creepy that's it prank this dude wait what is the prank okay assault assault is the prank okay he's dead okay now I'm just an annoyance I'm just flying around dude the Train might hate you watch oh you're gonna write in the way of its tracks there's so many robots even though this one doesn't look like a robot this looks like a guy just did some cardboard let's talk to him wait actually he is actually not a robot he is literally just some guy in some cardboard that I found in the past I probably shouldn't mess with him or just you know taunt him that's fine whatever you want Jim I'm just his personality and making him afraid of humans I've got I'm giving him a reason to hate humans all right I'm supposed to high-five the guy how do i high-five high-five high-five him he hates me still I fight me though that's all that matters this guy's sending me on a wild goose chase of little activities like he made me do all that and now he's like go to the cafe like I'm in the future I want to do something exciting I'm gonna go visit my descendants that's what I'm gonna do just screaming at the front door thank you look so homeless and rough he's embracing me he believes me even though I looked absolutely nothing like him I'm immediately taking a shower I'm sure they won't mind like I'm your relative for the future if it weren't for me you wouldn't exist okay yeah my family is considered poor I don't understand oh look who just showed up they don't even wait to be greeted they just walk on in mol is amazed by the fact he can just spawn food he can't get it off he can't decide what he wants so I'm just getting one of everything oh they kicked me out god dammit look at all that food that I left on the counter and I'm hungry you're so I'll just wait till morning even happen I've never seen him do that before well he put his gloves on now okay good I'm glad you got dressed oh he's taking them off to go in the pool okay they better get undressed if I'm going into pool then just takes off his [ __ ] gloves I've literally never seen this before where a sim just has his full clothes on and I I don't know how it happened but I don't know why he's freaking out so much yes okay they let me in huh give me some of that food wait I'm not even hungry all right let's just spawn more for later not only am i spamming food I just paste in the kitchen just throwing it on the floor who carries a sponge around with them to dry themselves off when you need to but just answer the phone who the hell could be calling you you don't know anyone in this world okay he doesn't like whoever's calling him anyway he just wants to spawn more food who the hell was that it didn't even tell me who it was look I'm just dropping them everywhere Jesus Christ I know they pissed all over the food as well but hey a meal as a meal grab a plate buddy I assume this is the police you calling the cute police hey remember me I'm your descendent from long ago do you mind if I sleep next to you okay he's getting into the bed naked with his son this is very worrying oh my god Jim won't do it what the hell and wake up my turn to sleep that's better she's okay with this summer he's in her God knows why he's even hairier than Jim is good they're really making themselves at home here and they dick pickings are starting to feel a bit ill then why is he just chillin by the pool or they're actually sleeping god damn all fours like 2% body fat Jim Pickens descendants are average because the traits that have been bred into his family over generations well thanks thanks for that Jim has been invited to stay over for the night as if he wasn't staying there anyway worst case scenario we were staying in your pool all night Jim pickings are starting to feel a bit ill how were they getting sick who is causing this maybe it's their immune system since that from the past and all that oh my god we've so much in common I'd love to get to know you better you stay away from mole you don't treat him like a piece of meat wait what the hell Jim has experienced a personality swap from being delusional he no longer has the following trades insane or hot-headed he will never be a vegetarian and a coward wife it's like oh god this illness is really getting to me all of a sudden I don't feel insane but I do kind of feel like a vegetarian I should go to the hospital it's saying but I don't know if there are hospitals in the future it's getting pretty late perhaps it's time to leave you me to stay over what the hell dude I'm sick and a vegetarian you can't kick me out like that there's one Hospital engineer a baby with our cut dammit I don't have enough money what was that why is lightning striking as soon as I think about a baby okay I'll just cheat to make a baby my god this is not a good night to create a baby it really feels like I'm Frankenstein or something you don't have any friends in this world to engineer a baby with all right mole and dick you're gonna have to make one they're complaining they're in each other's way why don't you just go around ask to be protected what what does that even mean yeah well maybe because he wants to pass out in the rain he wants to watch over him I liked how he was in the shelter and then he walks over into the rain and then collapses at least mole is the right idea yo could we like come in we're both hungry and I can see of a lot of food oh my god she must be disgusted everything doesn't just collapse in the floor oh why do these people keep leaving me in before you've been misbehaving it's time to leave it's raining and there's lightning outside though and werewolves customize baby DNA with mole for Pickens perfect - he's like mold for things dick is okay antics like you want to make a baby yeah sure I think you're okay brown eyes and they're gonna be evil and insane it's like this is why we're allowed modified genetics so you can purposely make an evil baby wait I can change stuff on the color wheel or maybe make them have red eyes that's crazy awesome I forgot how customizable The Sims 3 was with colors and stuff I wish they didn't get rid of this okay there we go we customized the baby what does that even do where is her baby all right we're just running away I don't understand all right I'll pack in the morning - dude stop sneezing and all these future people their immune systems aren't able for it there's something up with the future and the the disease floating around oh look at them they're so cute together all right we're fueled up back to the hospital let's make that bloody baby who knew so much goes into making a baby I thought it was just kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing it's like I'm born when I have be sure come on this is the future okay they're crafting a baby I think maybe they were just too tired earlier they couldn't do it but they're in great moods now I can you're crying that could just be dick Bacon's though he doesn't like hard work name your new baby girl test-tube babies just were who'd with mold for pickins for the first time what I didn't sign up for that I just wanted to design a baby I didn't realize that's what they were doing in there I thought it was some futuristic thing but really it's just a brothel he's like finally yeah I have a child Jim's just back at the community center like you don't even care about me why are you making another one carrying test-tube it says you just drop the baby just put it down make another one like I'm homeless I'm a homeless in this world baby instead of trying to get a home where did they put the baby oh just on the floor the community center that's fine he got engineered specifically to be abandoned steal candy hey go ahead [Laughter] this is what he became evil I think he's complaining that it's crying come on let's just leave enter a name experiment there we go no a new baby make one more he's like where's the other one go yeah he stops to the floor where did it go no where is it all they brought it he'll pay the party good I wouldn't want it to feel like it was excluded or anything like it's a community center can the community band together and help it out yeah I think she just said no and they're off to make another one they're all evil and insane it's what brings them together it's crying and I don't know what to do I can't even wash the thing and that's what it's complaining about its fecund dirty don't just keep stealing it's candy yeah that'll cheer it up it'll distract it can't think about how it's smelly where if you're starving oh look at this yummy lobster lobster he's thinking about the baby though at least he's not like totally ignoring it I think that robots kidnapping my baby it's probably for the best to be honest name your new baby boy on wanted good I'm really good at naming things if I have a kid I'm gonna come up with a name just like that I'll just know it immediately you cannot sleep while experiment is crying ah no this is gonna be tough okay it's sleeping that means it can't be crying let's get some sleep go go go go go go go sleep sleep sleep their whole company meet with the crying they brought three babies here now they're just wailing on like every floor is clapping it's like well done Kevin you've impressed me again as always your genius knows no bounds hey could you like let me into your house so I can sleep those babies at the community center won't let me sleep they're so selfish [ __ ] oh my god dude you were like feet from the bed wake up please don't gather around me don't kick me out I need this I need this a lot at people in the future really trusting they just let me into their house all the time like I wouldn't let this guy into my house and plus he's wearing gloves all the time which is really unsettling sleep in her bed Jim I mean the worst thing he's doing is sleeping there bed and spamming food all over the place so it's not that bad I guess apparently it is they kicked me out all right well you know what I think we'll leave it there for today I hope you guys enjoyed Ida blast I'm definitely down to play this more it's so much fun I kind of forgot mostly about this game to be honest because I didn't actually play it that much compared to the other ones played it a lot of The Sims 2 and a load of the sims 4 but this one kind of got passed over of it but I hope you guys enjoyed appreciate you watching as always folks and I guess I'll see you next time bye for now share its patrons roach puppy Ruby Jean Ruby Terrell Rhine survey Sarah Campbell Shawn Fitzgerald Siobhan Louise slam event Jones SPC Alba sushi wolf de sica Timmy Jay Elijah Royal Elliot lodge SEMA Elia Boyko Emma Hampshire Eric Weiner Tony Farrell Trevor Bruce uncle Ethan are swollen vein Fox velvet Ian war goth wu-tang Yale yummy man as Sakura Taylor's Eve and Zara [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,175,730
Rating: 4.973649 out of 5
Keywords: sims, jim pickens, callmekevin, lets play, sims vampire, expansion, sims deluxe, sims collection, pc game, the sims, expansion packs, sims 3 lets play, sims 3 commentary, sims 3 gameplay, sims 3 jim pickens, sims 3 into the future, sims 3 mods, sims 3 series, sims 3
Id: v1Dg24mOqiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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