Killer Innovations Barrel & Comp for SIG Sauer P320

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alright guys what's up just doing a quick unboxing and an initial reaction I haven't even looked at the product I'm about to open I do have their product for the cz P 10 see here of course weapon is safe so essentially they've made a comp for the p320 the company is called killer innovations so let's go ahead and open that up and see how that's going to look for the p320 so got the box here cut the tape I have not opened it let's let's open it up see what actually I didn't cut all the tape I've got the sides here to cut open and here we are let's get this opened up I can figure out how to open the box Oh check that out I do like your packaging same same packaging that they had for the the CZ comp and barrel that i purchased oh wow they've even thrown in some a slide plate there and some more swag here so some stickers and stuff so that's awesome so here we are packaging boom simple let's keep that out of the way the killer put their sticker here killer innovations gonna go ahead and open these up and check them out so this is the gold anodized for the 320 whoop instructions sim with my cz one it came with two little shrouds here you'll see how that works once I do the the assembly but like I said I'm doing a little just kind of unboxing right here will probably stitch this together with the assembly yeah excited excited for this alright I do hope they create a I can get this open I do hope they come out with a full-size barrel cuz then I would definitely be putting this on the MP 17 brace from flux defense that should be coming in here shortly that's your gold right there I love this cut right here has cut passes through see that and now you can see it's come lightening this the the the barrel there but it does come with threaded of course and the comp wow this is very lightweight I don't remember if the cz comp was that light weightless wouldn't put these side-by-side so definitely some different let me get better definitely some bet some different angles because it needs to match one thing that they've done is sort of my kids jumping in the background yeah one thing they've done there is keep it to where the comp will stay in line it won't extend outside of the the dimensions of the slide and so they would definitely be different than that then the cz one here so that's the barrel and comp buy killer innovations so I'm very excited to go ahead and put that together one thing I'll show you before we get onto the assembly is how this thing works it's really in it's really innovative so this button right here keeps keeps it from unthreading it locks in the little nut that goes on there pretty cool so let's go ahead and do that and get back alright yeah I'm just gonna keep this recording and don't know if this video this part of the video will show there are plenty of videos on how to remove a slide this is already a threaded slide on our sorry this is already a threaded barrel I do want to just kind of compare where the threads line up oh it's not too bad it's about the same size let's see look like that might fit cuz it's not very big through this slide [Music] but we're gonna take this off probably won't even end up using that let me go ahead and put this guy in and there is our barrel and there let's go back together the 3d printer printing in the background sorry guys it's nice and nice and loud so will this work with other barrels believe it will but you'll lose some of the features and the features you're gonna lose if you're using a different barrel which should look in the destruction see it'll even work pretty sure it will but you won't get right there yeah you see those little dimples run right here those keep a comp from being able to turn once it's mounted so they've got some some set screws in there and those kind of line right up so this can't turn you thread a little thread on and you're you're golden thread well technically it is golden but it that was super lame joke it does say to take off the Gasquet Oh ring vo ring someday we take the bow ring oh sorry I'm super crazy weird like that yep there we are so it says to take those off I'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of the provided a blue loctite I believe my Loctite it's like garbage now I'm leaking everywhere so let's go ahead and do this a little bit of Loctite and it says to install them in here just so that they're flush on the outside and then we'll get the rest of it going later boom not poking out and it does provide see these little guys provides six of these so to three sets this set is the set that's designed for their barrel because the tips are the tips are flat slides right into the grooves in their barrel they provide another set that has is if he if you've dimpled or if you've paid a professional gunsmith to dimple your barrel you can do that and their third set is just for a standard barrel so these do work for any barrel but you know I really do like their barrel the design of it I'm a I'm a I'm a design guy I love things that that just look right look good and you know not everyone's gonna love it but know everyone's gonna love the cop here this is definitely takes a different approach but honestly it's it's a killer it's a killer design I like it so there is our blue loctite on those got that up against it that's top is level and then it says to go ahead and run the set screws all the way in until they stop so all the way in got the best tools here Harbor Freight and then it says once you've got that aligned that's pretty good actually it says to back those off on a quarter of a turn one quarter oh they're 1/4 you know it feels a little too much and boom and it says to remove that it could be hard first time you know so she said it says two then the quarter turns us to pull this off which could be hard first time and two actually says to pull it off halfway sorry guys and then it says to choose I'm gonna put this down to show you choose the desire locking lug so they give you two different sizes here obviously one is thicker one is thinner it says the small ring is full compensation power and the larger ring is reduced compensation power so if you're not liking how much compensation the full power is giving so if it's overcompensating like the guys with the giant lifted truck sorry oh then you would you would step it down to this and it it's gonna reduce less it's gonna compensate less so gonna start with the the smaller with the reduced compensator so it says to back this is this is difficult I'm not a youtube professional guys I just do this cuz I enjoy it I don't make enough videos I don't make money off my videos I just risk so I've got my finger on the button here if you can see that because I've got to push that button and then I drop this in and keep my finger on the button you know I should be able to push this all the way back now and tighten that down there we are there we are there we are boom oh look at that fit that fit is a is nice definitely will fit in a holster it doesn't get bigger than the slide I'm gonna go ahead and give you guys the down the a dirty look here and show it off and it's in its glory here and see if we can get it to focus so it's a lot of light a lot of a lot of a reflection but I'm gonna turn this around you know it actually makes me wonder I've got the cz one here I might not have this on there right you see I've got quite a little bit bigger of a gap on the cz one right here so but yeah cut that a little better but let's focus on this guy right here yeah I got that on there it looks pretty good probably gonna drop a little bit of oil in there or some Loctite I'm just kidding I'm not gonna put Loctite in there we go let's put this back on the slide so it's like back put the takedown forward takedown lever forward and there we are boom what do you guys think of the layout of this guy I understand some people don't like the the comms don't like this design I tend to like it it's it's purposeful and it kind of completes itself by keeping that light weight there so but what's your thought on the gold accent yeah I've got a couple other videos on this pistol and the build and the parts of it if you have questions I will link that that video down there but here we are I'm very very excited to go try this guy out we're gonna go up to camera so that is the killer innovations p320 barrel compact barrel and compensator drop your thoughts in the comments I'm very interested in to see how many people what they think of this design I personally I think it's I think it's nice I like it I love the angles I love the cuts I love overall the whole design the way that it attaches you're not it's not gonna go back and forth on me it's got the set screws in there up to different sizes of compensation rings still comes with a threaded barrel if you're buying just the barrel cuz the barrel is nice but yeah let's see if we can get a little little peekaboo window in there boom
Channel: Tactical Dev
Views: 358,801
Rating: 4.8506222 out of 5
Keywords: SIG, SIG Sauer, p320, p320c, P320 Compact, edc, carry every day, 2ndamendment
Id: VGeZi9SmXCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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