Sig P365 vs Sig P365XL- My thoughts

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[Applause] welcome guys it's j crew for you with that gun talk and welcome back guys i've been away for a little while and i apologize for the delay but i am back and i'm having more reviews and more comparisons and show you guys great great stuff thanks for tuning in guys so today i'm bringing to you my personal comparison between the sig p365 and this sig p 365 xl [Music] but yes it's been a video this long before we do uh shout out to my subscriber edward villas because everyone's been pushing me to do this video and i'm doing it right now for you buddy and everybody else that wants to see this guy so yes j crew is back more good stuff let's rock let's roll let's go [Music] three all right guys so let's talk about them i mean you guys have seen my previous videos with the p365 and my 365 xl nra edition and coyote tan um since uh we've last talked i've done some upgrades to the p365xl um and i'm going to show you that in a second um and again like i said this is going to be my personal feel my personal opinion on how i like these two different firearms uh and when i say different uh it doesn't mean that they're like totally totally different because they're made from the same manufacturer of course um but let's let's roll with it let's see what we got here like here was my beautiful baby girl right here my p365 uh my original one that i had with the tlr-6 on there and my whole grip that i put on to give me a little extra bite on that with 12 rounds uh mag in here which is cool give me a really nice feel because it came with a 10 plus one mag so um now i have done an upgrade to the p365xl and again i shot both of them guys and boy boy oh boy i want to give you a little glimpse you see it you see it guys there it is tlr that's hot and i have that romeo zero red dot installed it is fabulous guns are cleared guns are cleared and empty guys this is a beautiful baby right here i'm loving it look at the flush mount on that 12 round mag beautiful beautiful beautiful great feel in the hands as you can see great great feel guys i just want to give you a little quick look at it because it's hot it's really nice loving digging feeling this romeo zero oh my goodness amazing amazing amazing talking about getting on target quick here it is guys that's the one for you right there okay so let's look at them both here we have the p365 and the p365xl um the p365 when i purchased this this firearm it came with two ten plus one mags uh with this firearm which was cool and then i ordered a 12 plus one mag which made it even better which is in there right now as you guys can see it's more of a grip with the 12 plus one on there as opposed to the ten plus one um when i got the sig p3665 xl it came with a flush mounted 12 round mag which is cool as you guys can see so it's totally flush with with the body of the gun with it with the grip here which was a nice design that they put together with this bad boy and as again as you guys can see i did install the streamlight tlr-6 as well and i added the romeo zero red dot uh on this firearm as well as you guys can see right there bingo yes um so not only did this come with uh 212 plus one mags it came with also one fifteen plus one mag which i absolutely love in this firearm so as you can see that 15 plus one oh my god that gives a nice grip and i've been actually rocking and rolling with this 15 plus one it just feels that good in my hand so i've definitely been rocking and rolling with this 15 plus one which i definitely like over uh the smaller version here um you can see that the slides are different lengths as you can see the top slides are different lengths second demonstrating here to you it's definitely shorter than the xl um you have a longer sight radius with the xl of course because of that longer slide um and again you know the xl came with the plate to be sure you can mount your red dot on there and it did not come like that with the p365 which is all right which is cool i mean i still can rock and roll with this as well but um yeah that was a nice feature having this red dot installed on here my first red dot sight on any firearm that i've ever owned and it's just absolutely talking about getting on target quick guys this is it right here this is absolutely it um streamlight beautiful bright is all get out uh i can use it like that i can go laser i can go light and light with laser so it's cool i love it love it um so yeah i've had them both out at the range and i shot with both of these guys and wow i am impressed with both i must say i'm impressed with both but there has to be one winner out of the two if i must say and i'll let you know what that is later but um i shot them both on the range um and as you can see on the footage here uh the 365 nice firing gun can't complain about it really nice firing gun shot well shot flat i was able to control it and it felt very good in my hands as you can see uh but when we switch over and we look at me shooting finally 365 xl oh my god guys what a nice what a nice shooter and i think it's because i'm able to get my hand on that grip really really well um i like the the dovetail on the back hold it in there pretty well and as you can see um it shot very well he was nice with this and i was pretty excited just to shoot this firearm and compare the two um totally totally pleased with the new edition of the p365 xl i know my buddy edward uh was looking at getting this firearm and i believe he's gotten it already um so ed uh this is amazing i must say this definitely uh shoots better and this is gonna this is my opinion but this shoots this shoots better than the original i must say now i do love my original steel i'm not gonna say that i don't love her i still love her um she's very concealable because she's small and a little less concealable when you have the 15 round uh mag in there but it still works perfect and as you guys can see here i've special ordered uh better holsters here for my firearms because i just love the way better holsters work with the firearms and here's my light tuck right here my holster which is designed for the tlr6 and my red dot so as you can see it has a cut out there so my red dye can go right in there here's your claw which when your belt goes inside here it pushes it tight to your body tucks it into your body um amazing works perfect love better holsters custom ordered this one same color as my firearm beautiful um you guys know i did have the other one the light tuck for my 365 and it also fits the streamlight tlr6 bingo positive click better is the way to go guys i'll put a link in my comments so you can see and you can order from there to get a discount price on your boy of course and thanks for helping me by doing that when you purchase from them i will supply the link but yes here is also uh the 12 plus one mag that came with 365 xl and i'll show you the difference in the hand so we'll take this one out pop this one in and as you can see still got a nice rip on it still have a nice perch on it as you can see still got a nice purse my pink is able to get around the bottom without slipping off down here so it's it's it's still firm but when you put that 15 plus one mag in ah heaven must be like this that's all i can say i love this love this feel um let's talk about the dimensions and the size of these two that's compared to the dimensions and the size see what we have some of that height difference here as you can see oh it's considerably a little taller okay uh so the barrel on the 365 uh the length of the barrel is 3.1 inches versus 3.7 inches here on the p365 xl so we have also have a longer barrel longer slide which which again i'm going to state better sight radius on this one on this here this guy here um the weight uh the p365 weighs uh 17.8 ounces versus the xl wing and at 20.7 ounces and that's what a 12 plus one mag so you guys see where i'm getting at here with with weight and length and things like that so the more weight i'm going to say the better control you would have with recoil and these two firearms um and i'm not going to really say that the p365 is your best choice for your new shooters um because it does have some snap to it and if you don't have proper grip on the on the handgun you will not be able to control that snap now i did shoot this with a range ammo and personal defense ammo and there's a difference when you shoot these two um you will feel the difference in the recoil and the snap with personal defense protective defense rounds in these firearms but again to mediate that and to control that better you have to have the proper grip on these firearms because they are smaller so with that saying of course this is going to shoot a little better because it's heavier it's a longer slight sight radius so it's going to shoot better because you have a little more weight on this guy so again petite small women that are first starting out or just new people in general that are first starting out i wouldn't say it would be the best firearm for them uh because of that but if you learn proper grip technique you would be fine with either one of these either one of these guys so i am excited to have brought you this short comparison on these two firearms that i love so much never had a problem with my uh striker issue on the 365. thank god um definitely if there was an issue with this riker it's corrected in this one i can guarantee that i have not had a misfire or a striker drag with this one at all and i've put now about 150 rounds through it so far flawless not an issue and i know that's not a lot of rounds but i haven't had one single malfunction with this with this new 365 xl so i am definitely happy about that so with that being said we have to pick a winner um and let's just roll the curtain and show you the winner drum roll please and the winner is [Music] what the i'm sorry guys wrong firearm i know you're saying what the is that holy [ __ ] guys it's a 308 handgun can you believe he used to hunt with this [ __ ] can you believe this freeze here's your chamber back here you twist it open you put it in there 308 winchester clip lock it up [ __ ] it and fire away crazy [ __ ] my buddy tony let me check it out it's actually belongs to my buddy tony tony thanks for letting me check out your 308 handgun this [ __ ] is crazy but now let's get to the winner the winner is [Music] the p 3 55 xl guys clear winner right here guys this is a banger a clean shooter it feels great in the hands it is phenomenal and i'm glad to own this little puppy right here this guy is beautiful works well and just guys if you get your hands on one get your hands on one check it out uh edward thanks again buddy for uh pushing me to do this video but this is our clear winner guys the p365 xl boom [Music] hey
Channel: JCrew 4u
Views: 2,044
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Id: WgtgfHsd4Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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