I Spent $1000 On Sidemen Cards!

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okay Lads as you can see right here we have got a load of the new siden pops thing or whatever it is I spent a little bit too much money on this but they're my friends and I like supporting my friends all right so we've got just a normal like hobby box I think to be fair this is about 30 quid which you know that's nice and humble uh however these ones were about 100 quid each um you know let's just hope we get some good cards here as you can see in these like big boys you are guaranteed an UNC autographed inside every box so technically I've got two onard autographs from the side men Yeah Boy uh but we're start Lads with just a humble you know 30 quid one not expecting a miracle on this one you're not guaranteed anything I don't think but we're guaranteed to have fun all right and that's all that matters and that's all that matters so we'll get straight into it and open these up what do they look like inside hey they look like normal cards to be fair so we get uh eight packs I think it is yeah we get eight packs in this little mini one but let's be fair we're excited about these ones later on let's just warm up all right we'll start with the first one I don't know these actually I Lads I was a bit curious and I went on like eBay some of these cards genuinely go for a lot hey we start straight away with the one and only kswt it's done it's done it is done uh but I don't think any of these like go for anything you need the one oh look at Vic there mate you need the ones of like autographs what on Earth is that a drawing of Josh by Simon yeah never draw again oh oh that one's quite cool uh we're looking for numbers like obviously if you don't know cards normally like if they're numbered it means they're good uh but none of these are numbered so I'll be honest that pack was quite mid but yeah lad as I said like I went on eBay and checked some of the price of these I saw like a k SI card go for like 500 quid and someone actually bought it I don't know who's buying that for 500 quid but I know who's selling it do you know what I mean if I get a card like that it's going straight on eBay what on Earth is [Music] that oh uh okay there's a there's a card there oh we oh an IC wait this one might be numbered it's not it's but a pretty cool card of Mr zerker right there that's lovely straight in the bin no you mean I will actually be keeping the numbers or I might give away I might give away some cards to you lot what's that don't waste the mixture unbelievable good clip that is oh our first Ethan Bazinga of the day thank you very much I don't like I don't I don't get these on a drawing of Vic by Toby awful and then what's that the whole thing oh we just got the whole Sid men but again not numbered qu down the drain all right we go again Lads at least in these ones we're guaranteed an onard autograph which I think quite oh wait we've got a match attacks I think that's from the the the siden charity match uh that's from K that's a KSI for a video another KSI looking very very Dapper another drawing and then oh that's wait I actually really like that it's h it's Ro of shore match attack again not numbered I don't know like how common numbers are but apparently not very but I actually that's the first one I'll keep I actually really like that am i b bigheaded right but could I potentially be in this if they're doing match attacks of the siden charity match could I potentially be in it I very much doubt it but imagine I just unpack myself no next up hey another Harry rotor oh God another Harry rot to Short Card followed by the Bel elium trip I don't remember that one but I assume that is absolutely terrifying that's supposed to be a draing of Harry oh another KSI card now I this one could be numbered man will it be our no none of these are numbered right now right we've got three left of the uh of the the basic cards if you will still hunting our first oh we've got a numbered I actually I didn't see but the back card of this one is at actually numbered so we start with hide and seek another drawing of Toby ooo vickar in space and then Lads under this one is a numbered card this could actually be potentially money if this is like a numbered autograph KSI the stocks are going up it's root to sh oh my god oh that's actually a fitting one to get we get a uh we get a FIFA video of Ro of Shaw number two 63 out of 99 um I don't know you know how much that's going for I also probably won't sell it you know what I mean like it's that would be quite weird if I do sell it hey so far Lads we got two Harry root a SH cards hide your wife all right second to last one of these another match attacks I really like the match attacks I'm going to keep all the match attacks I thought that's quite cool uh we've got a random picture of all the boys oh that's the exact wait is that the exact wait that's the exact same thing but this one isn't numbered uh all right oh actually it looks there's a little bit of a different design there sure another drawing and then last one hey we got Ethan pain but that's not from the recent charry match but you know what I will keep that I'm going to keep all the match attacks ones cuz I quite like them that's the last pack of the hobby box to be fair this only cost 30 quid we get a nice card of Toby there oh he's got spiders on him ooh SI jizzel has anybody ever said SI jizzel another drawing of Josh and the last card is a vickar icon card not numbered so from that 30 quid box these are the only ones I'm happy with to be honest with you but now we have some fun Lads all right the the this is like the premium box wow I think this is about 110 quid just for this and there also was a 500 quid box but uh didn't buy that to be honest with you so we get 60 packs of box here and as I said earlier you are guaranteed an on-card autograph inside of it which I think's quite cool I actually think that's genuinely quite cool and of course if it's like a KSI we could be in the money uh if I can open the box up which I am struggling with now we're talking right 100 quid gets me all of these actually is a lot of packs here look at this wow you no actually I'm not even just saying this cuz all Sid men and my friends in that but uh you know but I actually reckon this could be good value like of course they could stink but all of this I like it let's push it to a side and do one at time again I hope the on-card autograph is very very good so we've got a shirtless KSI I do like seeing that uh another don't waste the mixture Ethan Bazinga and a speman Josh none of them numbered I believe so they're going uh in the in the bin I wonder when I'm going to get my onard autograph is it going to be the last pack or is it going to be right now that's a duplicate I think that's a duplicate that's not and oh okay uh is that numbered no not numbered another one unnumbered another one down the drain next one we've got the hide and seek oh vickar from the Char match is nice I want a vickar match attacks to be honest with you which is a sentence I never thought I'd say but welcome to 2023 I guess all right next one we've got to jizzel saying my little Toby Rose when you join Nicole ooh that one's quite cool little KSI shushing I don't mind that oh oh that's that's different I'm getting a lot of KS size but again none of these are numbered which is basically just what you're looking for all right next pack oh we've got a number and I and I I kind of looked kind of and it looked like that was rare I think that said five out of 14 which means there's only 14 in the world if I read that correctly Che Jeff what is it this could be money oh it's golden wait this could actually be unironically good Tobe jizzel numbered out of oh 50 still though only 50 of these in the world of my man Tobe jizzel that joins the pile of cards we keep so so far we've got these Four Beauties Lads we're about 150 quid down mind but we've got these Four Beauties rip open the next one another one of all the boys uh don't know what that is oh that one's quite cool actually we've got balski and an Ethan none of them are numbered again oh my God oh my God wait I have lad we've got a numbered card and it says three out of five yes yes yes yes yes yes I have a card that there's only five of in the world I'll be honest I think this is going to be Where My onard Autograph is cuz there's only five of them in the world so if we can get someone big here we might be in the money we got Ro toaw SI jizzel oh it's red oh my life oh it's a drawing I don't know if I like that it's it's a drawing of Ethan by Simon and it's three out of five that actually could be quite good obviously I'm going to keep that hey that still means I've not got my onard autograph which is actually quite exciting to get a card only out of five and still have my autograph I'll take that every day of the week all right we got the the hotels we got Tobe jizzel in the Christmas drillings I think that is Simon Mina and then KSI none of them being numbered again lad you know what I reckon this is my onard autograph off I think this is it we have got hen no one's ever said that do you know what I mean roor Shore again Iceland trip and another icon vickar we've already got that we've got a duplic all right keep going oh that one's quite cool to jizzel with a with a is that a fortnite RPG not a clue vickar with that awful awful haircut and then a drawing of J DJ none of them numbered wait lad we've only got these left in that box so far one of these has an onard autograph it's taking its time let me tell you that much if they've forgotten to give me my autograph I am suing we have got Simon looking Dapper Josh zerker there who is that oh that's Harry that's quite a cool one oh oh this could be numbered it's the same thing we got of to jizzel but it's a bit shiny and oh is numbered but that's been passed around Lads that's out of 250 but it's numbered so we keep it we like it I'm on I want my onard autograph onard autograph zurer and Ro to Shaw zerker KSI his first ever Vlog oh wait that that's it right that's my onard one I think hey my onard autograph is from the legend himself Jos zerker and it's numbered out of five there we go so only five of these in the world my first onard autograph is from the legend himself Mr zerker I like that obviously going to keep that put it in the pile so that means uh the rest of these aren't autographed but of course Lads don't worry we've got a whole new box so we've got another autograph coming soon let me just rip through these very very quickly I mean there oh we've got another numbered one there is the potential I get another autograph it's guaranteed one but there's nothing stopping me getting multiple so Vic Finland tripped and then Toby this is numbered again oh quite cool it's 249 out of 250 so technically the second to last card of this in the world and it's quite cool obviously going to keep that we got three left of this box to be fair I don't think we're going to get another like sick card but let me be delusional ksr to jizzel again he loves it and then a drawing of Toby again not numbered oh that one's quite cool hey two Simon cards both not numbered so I do not care and the last pack of this box Lads I think it's been all right so far like genuinely like I'm not just saying that I think oh a match attack I like it I want more of these match attacks we got Vic JJ JJ and then a to jizzel match attacks card I like it I'm going to keep all of these I think I've got Toby the most right now all right cool so that's that box done so we're technically what about 150 quid deep right now and these are all the cards I've got to show for it obviously this one being the creme La Creme right now but we're not finished there we've got a whole new box and a whole new chance of getting a very very sick onard autograph let's see we're opening up and we've got all these packs again let's do it baby sweet all righty I guess we get straight into it imagine we get the autograph straight away we got that a vicar quote Vic has St Vic has started working out specifically working out how to look taller than his girlfriend what a line from Max fosch another hyen oh oh that's good all we get the on-card autograph straight away but it's one of Harry root toaw and I think this is going to be numbered out of five right a ah it's out of 99 oh it's out of 99 which kind I mean it's still good like it's a very cool one to add to my collection I guess if I'm collecting these but that means he's signed 99 of these hey at least Josh only had five this has been passed around but it's still cool I know a lot of people would want that and maybe I'll give it away to someone watching at home I mean that means now all of these aren't going to be onard autographs again it could be there's a very slight chance but I very much doubt it so that means I just steamroll through all of these if I get any numbered cards that is what we're looking for but I reckon we have used all our luck up on that one it looks that way oh that one's not bad I like the blue oh that's numbered okay we got another number card it's out of a lot but that's not too bad I like it ooh an icon KSI card not too bad I'll probably keep that it's not numbered but I'll probably keep it another a JJ man I'm getting a lot of JJ I thought it'd be a little bit rare you know another JJ and I know what did I let you down oh hey that's surely numbered yay oh let's go that's class out of 50 we've got my first Simon card my boy I like it that obviously gets in the collection absolute horror haircut by the way this guy had the cheat to talk about my hair once when he looked like that unreal mate but how many times am I going to get this one it's not numbered again though oh oh oh my god oh oh my tripod's just gone on my kneecap oh my god oh I got another numbered card the last card of this is numbered it is oh it's the Italy trip out of 250 we keep all the numbers of course oh that one's quite nice I like that one it's going in the bin but I like it all right lad and we are down to the very last pack why would you say that will we end on a numbered card or even an autograph it's not looking likely oh no hey we get a numbered the last pack is a number out of 250 so there we have it boys that is all the cards I have you know kept to be fair like genuinely not awful like there's a lot of cards here um I did spend let's be honest I was about 250 quid for these so I you know I'll let you be the judge if that was worth it or not but we are ending it on these two cards they are the Highlight so with that being said thank you for watching please leave a like And subscribe to the channel we are so close to 250k so if you want to sub it would be amazing thanks for watching peace I want to keep this feeling forever and ever I'm there when you need me whenever whenever keep this feeling for
Channel: DannyAaronsMore
Views: 134,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Spent $1000 On Sidemen Cards!, Sidemen, Sidemen Cards
Id: KK8zlHL-NpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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