Compensator 4 - How to Waste $30,000 on a Gaming PC

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if you're new to the compensator series the rules are simple number one no exotic Enterprise build to order hardware and with rule number one in mind you buy the most expensive possible thing in every category which is how we ended up with I kid you not 11 8 tbte ssds believe it or not though the storage is far from the most wild thing about this year's build nope that award goes to this case from ER this is the cooling system Pro and as we already kind of teased here it has not one but two full side panel radiators built into the C look how thick it is this is a Linus for scale it's thicker than me and that thick computer needs a thick budget from today's sponsor ug green click the link in the video description to find solutions for all of your charging needs let's start with the CPU where we've gone with the core I9 13900 K from Intel which it's kind of weak right where's my thread Ripper at right no really neither AMD nor Intel has a consumer high-end desktop platform anymore meaning that if we're going to buy the highest price consumer product this is it between the filming of this video and its release AMD announced the return of the thread Ripper platform HT lives on it's not out yet though so our choice is still valid I mean it's not so bad eight per performance core 16 efficiency cores and it clocks over 5 GHz when it's at full Boost but the bad news is that it is neither the fastest CPU on the market for gaming nor is it the fastest for productivity and by the time this video comes out it won't even be the newest from Intel though at the time of filming it is the most expensive the good news is everything we lacked in excessive overkill on our CPU we more than make up for with the MSI z790 God like it has everything ddr5 7600 7 m.2 slots 2 1/2 gig and 10 gig ethernet 60 wat power delivery dual Thunderbolt and it comes with a touchcreen I know right what this is the definition of excess both in terms of included accessories and in terms of price it cost a whopping $1,200 I could build a pretty good land Center for $1,200 like if all I wanted to play was older games man moving on to system memory I think this is a compensated a record for how quickly our excessive budget is actually going to cost us performance because instead of equipping our system with the fastest ddr5 7600 memory we've actually gone with DDR 56800 why so we can have two kits and a grand total of 192 GB of system Ram I don't know what's more impressive about these how tight the latencies are considering the speed and the capacity or the fact that each of them was only 500 bucks when we got them and has already fallen under 400 since then Ram went from being the thing keeping gaming Out Of Reach for people to being one of the cheapest things in this build now's the part where things get really interesting remember how I said it supports seven m.2 storage drives but in the intro you might have noticed we only have five that's because if you want to connect more drives to the SATA ports you have to disable two of your m.2 slots which we felt was an okay tradeoff to more than double our total storage capacity it just means we need to make sure that we put all of our drives in the active slots uh where are all the slots I found four so far this took me longer than I'd like to admit but so cool oh these aren't cheap but boy are they cool 8 tabt at PCI Gen 4 speeds in the form factor of a gumstick after Consulting the manual these two are going to be disabled in our config while the rest of them will run either off of the pcie lanes coming from the CPU or the ones coming from the motherboard chipset and normally I would care which one of these has my OS on it and I'd want to put it in this primary slot but because we traded pcie Gen 5 speeds for more capacity it doesn't really matter we're just going to go ahead and throw these in every time we build one of these I just can't stop myself from thinking wow this is just so stupid the whole time really I know I've already said this this is the point where this build goes completely off the rails but that was all a big lie because it's actually happening now this cooling system the wildest thing about it is it's not to cool the CPU it's to cool the cooler of the CPU this is the EK Quantum Delta squared Tech a five 500 plus doll water block nay water block system this is the water block and this sandwiched in between is a 210 wat thermoelectric cooling module that's right this block is capable of sucking up power then using the pelch effect cooling the CPU side to below ambient temperatures here's the thing about that while your CPU can get get so cold with this block that condensation will start to form on your motherboard that's why we've got foam on the back and this cool rubber booty that goes around the socket that is only the case when you're sitting at idle unfortunately managing idle temperatures is not the main concern of most Gamers it's load temperatures we care about and under an intense load a modern processor like the 13900 K can draw upwards of 300 watts which introduces two problems now number one we now have to cumulatively remove the 210 Watts plus the 300 plus watts and dissipate that thankfully we've got that covered but problem number two is that this Peltier module can only move 210 Watts away from the CPU meaning that at a certain point it becomes overwhelmed and can actually start acting as an insulator I'm not going to say this thing is completely pointless because that would be rude I'm just going to say that from EK you could get a block that would perform better under an all core load for half the price and that half price block would be goldplated I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit though I haven't even put on thermal compound and the reason is that I'm not just going to goop this stuff on here if I'm going to pay for the most expensive tube of thermal paste we could find I'm going to use the included applicator kit look at this what am I even looking at here it comes with a card I'm a card carrying nerd now I mean I guess and it has peels it has peels so it can be beautiful and pristine for 2 seconds before you put thermal goop all over it holy shnikes this is actually a thing that you actually stick to your CPU okay look so pretty I know right it's going to look professionally applied okay this block is the gift that keeps giving did I mention that the installation is way more complex first you have to run well your power connector for that 210 W Tech the leads for your thermal sensors um your RGB let's run all that through the boot In fairness to EK and I believe Intel might have helped co-develop this it does have a purpose if all you want is one maybe two cores to boost as high as possible POS this may help get you 100 200 MHz higher which could improve game performance a little bit it's just the second you hit it with an all core load Things Fall Apart now with the back plate the mounting posts and the boot installed we can just put on these little spring-loaded screws and we are almost halfway done is that our most expensive Dever nice this one no this one's the same price as the standard color I should go get it but you have it I'll be right back keep working on this there are some technical challenges oh my God but if this sees the light of day it will be substantially more expensive than the screwdriver you're holding holy crap machined from a solid piece of aluminum with brass end cap and accent ring yeah I'm building the rest of the system with this okay get out of here retro driver that you can sign up for a notification when it comes in stock LTT what about second annoying thing to M what the heck is that this is is the controller module that handles tech power see the thing is you don't want it running full bore all the time because even with your insulation you could still get condensation so this makes sure that it is only kicking in at full strength when it's needed and allows you to set a Target temperature of course we can't Mount this until we're installing things in the case which I think it's actually time to start wow this is heavy I have a SC I there was a scale here okay here we go here we go I think it's about 10 lb though 10.4 lb so that's like 4 kilos 4 and 1 half kilos do you want to weigh the empty case okay all right fine wow immediately blocks the sorry I can't see what I'm doing okay stop wiggling 224 how about now 164 it weighs 60 lb empty you're not going to be able to move this computer no it's going to be full of water but that's okay because you probably have a team of Lackey to carry it around for you because you can afford this computer yeah pretty much now that is going to have absolutely no trouble dissipating the 500 plus Watts from our CPU and our GPU and what's really wild is that's on both sides for the size of this case it has has shockingly little room to maneuver it's kind of like if you had an SUV on the outside but then inside is like a VW Beatle but then if you think about it so much of the interior of cases these days is places to put radiators and we don't need that because our radiators are in our side panels which by the way incidentally are almost the same thickness as an entire other computer case this is a fractal Ridge one like this will run you about $2,200 which okay strictly speaking is not the the most expensive case that award would go to probably the Carl Jacobs desk PC but compared to the desk PC this is relatively available for order they do build them to order they paint them to your specification and they include actually a lot of what you need two 400 MX 400 MM radiators loaded up with noct to of fans love to see it some 10m ID 16 mm OD tubing along with these fittings that I guess oh these are quick releases but they're threaded medium medium speed releases you also get a reservoir just bring your own D5 pump and a little Corsair RGB controller along with one strip I believe in the front and then some more strips in the Box it's pricey but it's a pretty complete package and if the results are anywhere near what I'm kind of expecting it's going to be very quiet and very cool you know what else is very cool ug Green's Revo do pro 313 if you've got data to move that's no problem you can transfer files in seconds with their three 10 GB per second USB ports or you can quickly upload those files to the cloud with the 1 gig ethernet port with five USB ports you can easily expand your laptop into a full-blown triple monitor workstation that won't drain your battery thanks to its 100 wat pass through with USB power delivery check out ug Green's Revo do pro 313 at the link in the description now that I've been compensated let's keep compensating and while it's got like a bit of a DIY Vibe like These are 3D printed yeah I see that the craftsmanship is incredible there's not an sharp edge anywhere on this case oh yeah that's in there oh she's not going anywhere let's take a short break from the cooler though and talk about how we're going to power it surprisingly the Rog Thor 1600 wat titanium is the first appearance from Asus Rog they do charge quite a premium for their Rog Parts I guess just not the biggest premium wow that's a lot of modular connectors that's a lot of screen I mean it's only one screen but that for a power supply that's a lot of screen oh this is something to watch out for unlike most cases there is no Grill at the bottom so if you put your power supply in this way you in trouble but also you wouldn't be able to see your screen so why would you do that do we want to talk cables next I do wow yeah those are cool now we wanted to use a cable kit cuz that's something you can just like Buy Off the Shelf at New Egg but because of the way this case is we have really really long cable runs that need to be accounted for what this motherboard has right angle power imagine building a motherboard that is a way wider than normal and B has the power plugs coming out the side dang it MSI it has four type a USB 3s and two type- c what motherboard even has two type- c headers I think this one might it totally does wow match made in heaven how about I do cable management for a bit sure let me just go ahead and plug these into the power supply with my small hands power and whoa that looks awesome yeah the gold connector not tasteful but awesome we got most of the important cables run all of custom cables they're pretty long runs just because of the nature of this case it doesn't have a big hole up here it's got no space cables are annoying to run we want it to look nice you know we're going to try and make this 90° turn that goes behind the reservoir look a little bit nicer it looks kind of sloppy we just don't want to commit to anything yet and then up here is just honestly the most annoying position for any EPS connector it's uh we're doing our best we actually ended up buying another kit of the most expensive RGB we could find uh but this is for technically outside of the computer it's for behind your monitor I think we can still get away with it it I think it's going to make actually a really nice glow it might be a little inconvenient cuz we're going to have to run a cable out through the back to get power from the wall but I think it'll be worth it to have a cool Golden Glow hey these RGB strips look great yeah um just uh just don't look at how they're like wired in this doesn't look that bad maybe you'll see it later basically all that's left is to get this thing in there and then we start water cooling oh good you saved the best part for last yeah and the plan is to mount this at the back yep that is awful M yeah especially when you look at where the wires come out on that thing oh both sides great you can't hide them not even 90° opposite sides oh my God there is no good way to do this no I don't like that and this USB cable why have it be type c so it can go either way no let's have it go this way um neither of these are threaded you know that right yeah we use nuts there's uh EK provides nuts which ones uh these ah how am I supposed to punch a hole in this did you have a plan for this uh no I just shot we just Jam screws through oh my God but we could cut we could Jam knife through you saw it here first guys the metal screwdriver it can do anything it can screw up your case interesting update by the way on the ssds yeah these look great yeah you got three 2 and 1/2 in ssds per 3 and 1/2 in Drive Bay I love it is this a special Mount or is that how they intend you to do it this is exactly how they intend you to do it that's so cool it's super cool but oh but uh we just found out when we asked for the drives from Team group they said sorry we don't have any more 16 tab drives we don't make those anymore right right cuz why would anyone buy a 16 TB 2 and2 in SATA drive it's like silly product doesn't really make sense for most people however Apparently after we got these suddenly a listing for 16 terab drives appears on new EG oh so this is the only part in here that isn't actually the most expensive oh cuz these are 8 terab these are 8 terab drives but New Egg must have just found them somewhere team group doesn't make them anymore so if you want to pay $2,000 for 16 terabytes of storage now's your chance this is not the way to do it you should get a different interface than SATA that is way too much to spend on a SATA interface Drive even with only 8 tab per SSD this was over $4,000 oh okay it's two pumps it's the most expensive one did you not realize that one of the pumps goes directly onto here though yeah we realized but you just got the most expensive one knowing you would be throwing away one of the two pumps hey maybe we could hook it up later in the loop we need yet another differen Siz bit to install the pump on the reservoir so I'm just going to go get a whole pack of them Adam bye bye while he's doing that I'm going to take apart this pump done now water cooling can get like really really really expensive especially when you go like all custom Hardline stuff so we didn't want to go down that rabbit hole this being compensator so we just kind of got like some zmt tubing from Ek as well as some fittings that look like kind of the ones that are in the case already I'm a little confused as to what to do next we could start Plumbing it up but without the GPU it doesn't really make sense should we put it in yeah here we go in3d Brutal by Nature a brutal graphics card okay you could definitely a person I'm not saying you should I'm just saying like you could full back plate full nickel plated copper front at about $2,000 this isn't strictly speaking the most expensive 490 on the market but it is the most expensive one that doesn't have an AIO cooler attached to it and given there's nowhere for us to even mount a radiator in this case did you notice that no vents uh this is the best we can do this is not good as much as I love the functionality of quick disconnects and the high price when I'm trying to build the most expensive system I do not like the look this is awful how many hands are you supposed to have to install this side panel you got to get the cables and tubing in here get go okay and then you got to line up the thing oh boy uh is this going to fit does that even fit there no no no I got this i got this i got this he doesn't got it I no I got it I got it yeah hey I told you guys I got it wait a crap that's the other side panel has a really cool logo here now it's on the back a ah hamburgers what the heck no they're both the same they're interchangeable you just have the logo on the front and the back I could have just left that on dang it all right sick made in Germany baby I realize the tube I'm attaching right now is way too long but the issue is that to get it any shorter I'm going to have to be working on it through a tiny little Gap in the panel and then I got to lift this up and I got to slide it on so I guess we're stuck with it the more compensator thing to do would be to put one radiator right before each of my heat generating components oh yeah rather than going straight from the GPU to the CPU I mean we have to right 100% let's do it like if we're going to cross all our streams anyway then it not going to lie I really did did not think this through look at this I got to get back down here to this radiator with a quick connect yeah I know right there we go like that then I got to get this bad boy up to the CPU oh no I know I know oh I should have I should have done the ugly stuff from the back one but it is what it is at this point okay I moved this we go out from here into the GPU out of the GPU into this radiator straight out of this rad into the CPU we take that we go back to the other radiator rinse and repeat hopefully no rinsing no rinsing just repeating and all while being able to detach our side panels if we really need to this is going to take a minute to fill the sheer volume of water these radiators are going to hold uh let me get a filler tool our original plan was to just put tap water I went no wait we can't do that but I see you couldn't decide what the most expensive water was so you bought both well we have the most expensive water but if you want to pull that out and take a look at it I was a little worried carbonated natural mineral water oh it's carbonated yeah so I was worried want to put carbonated water in a water cooling loop it's technically the most expensive all right if we want to go still we do have this uh nope wait how much did we pay for this water that was a that was seven bucks a bottle $7 a bottle yep fun fact I know one of okay carbon and this is not a great [Laughter] comb my God feel like I'm doing a shoot for the only fans we should get it in there yeah this is this is going to be a disaster yeah this is a terrible idea actually the worst idea we've ever had no using this water is a bad idea because until it goes completely flat it's still going to be pressurizing the inside of the loop so we basically have to have our Reservoir open it's also full of minerals oh it's full of minerals oh good yeah you don't generally want mineral water for your water cooling we uh we should plug this into our power oh hey that's right our sponsor ug green is going to be powering the system with a portable battery bank which is kind of impressive given that this is a 4090 and a 13900 K yeah this actually has an overdrive mode that lets it run at 2500 watts these things are great man for the few times a year that I take it camping I am so glad that I have it that if I were to pay $50 per time I would still be really happy with my purchase and I've probably already reached the break even point now owning one for I think I've had one for about 3 years now it's like very handy I yeah I steal one from work frequently oh my God no way I think the pump is air locked just from like the air of the phys should we water it down that is hilar absolutely not look there's so much air on the antivortex filter thing that I think it's just having a hard time getting water oh okay oh whoa okay buddy oh my goodness okay hold on a second we got anything in the oh yeah it's it's in the GPU block already I mean that could that is that noise that's the pump running dry see in places where they don't have good tap water get it but our tap water is so good in BC that I just do not understand people paying $7 for freaking water I mean at least this is sparkling on like the $6 bottles of water that we have over there that are just still okay that was a pretty clean pour so we are going to get some serious carbonation action here you guys ready yeah water there there's no water oh shoot I got I got the water I got the water this is very hard water water absolutely I'm noticing just from the little bits that have dried on the side of the res um this is awful awful for water cooling awful now that the system's almost ready to fire up it's time to show our monitor now you might think well that's not that big lonus is just a tiny human but here Adam you stand next to it oh yeah it's that big the main selling point here is it's big uh 55 in 4k 165 HZ refresh rate 600 nits Peak brightness almost the most curvature out of any monitor on the market and all this can be yours for just $3,000 you know the worst part is it's not even Samsung's best monitor no you can get the Odyssey G9 OLED it's way better it's just the most expensive one wait no there's still parts we have have an inst installed I forgot about the most expensive kit of three fans which we ended up not being able to use because haha there are no fan mounts in the case and also the most expensive capture card that isn't professional grade yeah you can get very expensive capture cards but this is for gamers yeah game streaming a live gamer live yeah live Gamers no Day game no and we're about to Power It Up all off this portable power station from ug green that has been sitting here fast charging this whole time and it's now at 100% we also have this 12 in1 dock from ugreen and oh there's like a gan nitrate charger in it oh cool so that's just the power supply for that it's not just like it's just a regular power supply that you could also just use for any USB wow it even supports PD okay that's awesome that's super cool 100 watts and we need that because we also got the most expensive laptop for our setup yep not technically the most expensive laptop but it's it's the most compensatory M uh MacBook you can get this is not the most expensive keyboard once you get into custom keyboards there is pretty much no limit to what they can cost you could buy a key cap that costs as much as this entire keyboard but what this is is a very expensive keyboard it's the mountain Everest oh wow so oh that's a good packaging it's full of modules then has a media dock a dial like a numpad that can go on either side it's it's pretty sick oh whoa oh all right uh why did we never see a bio screen or anything it's a TV 5 minutes until we're just unceremoniously dumped on the desktop yeah okay well before we get anywhere we're going to need to use our Mouse oh yeah right what do we have for Mouse what we have is the Razer Viper mini signature addiction wow it's magnesium it's like almost entirely Hollow it weighs just 49 G 30,000 DPI and 8,000 Herz polling rate if you plug this in and Max the polling rate you will legit see your CPU usage go up by like 5% honestly it feels somehow light yet premium how'd they do that magnesium baby wow magnesium alloy just to be clear you're not going to like have your hand light on fire the second you start sweating we got the Odyssey and the a dis the lcdx gaming headset a dis nuts oh oh micro b really on a product that costs how much how much is this thing uh it's like $900 but it is out of date and they've basically replaced it with a better model called The Odyssey Maxwell that's like literally half the price but it's literally half the price so we had to buy this one yep it's definitely working our CPU is idling at 20 to 22° 13 freaking degrees there we are we're below the due Point yeah well well remember for the CPU to be below the due point the block is way below the D point that classy water is really working hard okay here we go wow that's really big at least it scales properly I hate bioses don't support Ultra wide yet I have a G9 at home and so everything's just like well XM is enabled 6,800 megat transfers per second are we going to get that no no wait this thing has 200 gigs of RAM yeah yeah why did we ever think that was a good idea anyway screw it we can't even get it running at 5600 so we're going to rip two of the sticks out and then we're just going to do the most compensator thing ever and put the sticks we're not using on display hey, 1600 MHz disappointingly you are rarely if ever going to see that 6 GHz turbo behavior in the real world as you can see with even a single core load on it we're turboing at 5.6 cuz you know there's still stuff running in the background but uh you know hey if you really want to play around with it you can use XTU to uh you know change your turbo ratios I've seen these KS chips do 6 GHz across all performance cores in the past and you might get lucky with this cooler we probably won't we're at 40° right now but that's only because we're running a single core load the second we hit this thing with a multi-core load you are going to see trouble with that said this is 360 watts of 370 and we're at 101° oh boy oh coolant temperature must be great I mean yeah the coolant is ow why did I try to touch the radiator through the fan while we wait for it to reboot why don't we answer the question you guys have all been waiting for how much does the finished system way okay I'm 167.5 today with computor oh wow that's really heavy that is [Music] 26 263 oh my God crap it weighs almost 100 lb wow 500 watts from this thing and all I'm doing is downloading a game In fairness a lot of that is probably the monitor we got the setup huh 150 watts doing absolutely nothing do we have the monitor on this too no that's just the cooler that's over 700 Watts that's just the CPU what the actual is going on right now the the GPU is not doing anything sir no let's let's try it I'm trying to scroll down to the GPU and it's just this wall of ssds I'm still going there it is okay there we go all right oh those GPU temps okay so we need firm Mark ready to go as well right yeah sorry how many watts are we at at 700 watt we at 700 Watts okay you're kicking in the CPU now oh okay so the thing is it can do 2500 watts in boost mode or whatever but that's for a limited amount of time and the voltage can drop which is not good for sensitive Electronics so we are riding we are riding the limits of what this thing can do how's the heat how you doing buddy not bad how long do we get to run 36 minutes actually I know that's a lot 1,200 Watts for 36 minutes how many Pizza Pockets could you microwave quite a few it turns out 37 well that's like 38 Pizza Pock that's enough to feed like your whole family and then a couple campsites around you that excellent for extended gaming testing though obviously that's not going to be enough time why don't we plug it into the wall and see if it can run Crisis crisis yeah no something new crisis new crisis we got Starfield right hey there we go yeah we got Starfield let's go we got cyberpunk CK so what what what did you change such that we are actually exceeding 12200 Watts now we're at 1,300 Watts for the tower alone I tossed on a quick little uh dirty overclock on Bo on everything oh good and now we're at 1300 but now we're throttling down because CPU got too dang hot oh I am holding up oh error we overloaded it 100lb monitor plus 100lb computer how is this still running at like 60 FPS average the 1% lows are still above 40 this looks absolutely flipping stupid good new question though what's our power consumption and our temps like in games the intended use case for the cryocooler wow CPUs at 30 to 40° depending on how you want to measure it and power consumptions at just shy of 900 watts if all you ever do is game cry cool yeah if you do anything else alt to draw your weapon uh well that weren't it and crashed oh what the what is happening right now over real good there now the cops are after you what is happening [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] this is definitely the fastest most Overkill ludicrous gaming experience I think I've had today today well if you guys enjoyed this video maybe go check out any of our past compensator videos they're kind of awesome no my car is not working um oh how' I end up there I got out of the car I end up I end up behind the car F the camera over there Focus I need I need this car I I like these cars I like this model of car I need another one L video thanks for watching
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 67,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd, top of the line, expensive, pc, custom, watercooling, threadripper, nvidia, titan rtx, ddr4, compensating, rtx graphics, 64 core, HEDT, asus, trx40, ekwb
Id: JjYUZ6Ct1ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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