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hey yo what's up it's your boy KSI and yes ladies and gentlemen we got another upload yeah I know right and guess what it's a brand new idea yep I'm flying only problem is it I stole it from Simon now don't don't don't be like that look I'm uploading so be happy okay look it look it doesn't hey yo suck my di man suck my God Dam all right well today we are doing this thing called powerful websites and basically I'm going to just try them we're going to have a bit of fun see how it goes let's start off with the first website powerful websites us should know part 154 did you know if you go to this website okay you can upload a picture of someone I'm going to choose myself then you can upload a picture of someone else I'm going to choose this lawyer and it'll use AI to predict what your baby will look like oh wow okay uh let's try that ah it's Chinese I think uh so it's going to take my uh details or my information [ __ ] also I don't I I can't read this yo what oh I guess that's the man woman let me find a photo to upload oh no I just go on the internet my face is everywhere on Google uh Google I literally Googled Google oh but I'm half asleep man honestly all right let's go come come on let's Jesus Christ uh preferably one without bandana uh screw it we'll do we'll do this mini Minter I'm sure this will gas a lot of people up yes that oh we can get a better quality one yeah there is save all right who else I'm trying to think of people famous people je leaper sick all right let's save that face give me more people Tob jizzel yeah that was to uh save image uh who else can I think ofing Goku fam N I guess it has to be real life people Goku real life face yeah there it is this is lowkey terrifying uh yeah sure kind of looks like Jin from Tekken I think that's good that's good we'll we'll leave it there we'll start out with me okay there we go there I am we'll do Simon let's see what baby we make okay what do I press I don't know what any of that means I'm just going to press that okay now we wait wow that's actually a really cute baby all right cool wow don't know how we would be able to do this but sick all right let's try again let's do me again let's do JEA let's see how this how this will look it kind of looks similar to Simon and me but okay why is it look kind of Indian sure all right we move all right we'll do me again and then let's do Toby me and Toby all right let's go imagine the kids just white I mean again just looks what n they got the nose all wrong man ain't no way the nose can be that small ain't no way man let's do me and Goku okay here we go the ultimate being no brother this this thing's [ __ ] broken all right know this thing's [ __ ] broken next you know if you go to this website okay you can use any of these voice changer effects just upload your audio or use your microphone that's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind okay pick your effect I'm going to go with Lance Armstrong that's one small step for man okay let's hope I don't have to spend any money to use this [ __ ] thing oh it's recording okay uh suck your mother yeah that's right your mom's a [ __ ] God probably could have done something better but all right we'll go with that so can I oh it's recording okay uh suck your mother yeah that's right your M's a [ __ ] okay I don't know how I feel about that what is this [Applause] trumpet just no what's this oh it's recording okay uh suck your mother yeah that's right your mom's a [ __ ] so is that me to be like the black hole or something uh this [ __ ] sucks what is oh it's recording okay uh how's this b a mother how was that Bane how was that Bane ah chipmunk okay they oh it's recording okay uh suck your mother yeah that's right your mom's a [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] Sor man have you ever had a nice picture taken but it got ruined by something all you have to do is go to this website then you can upload your picture then just color in what you want to remove let's get rid of all this and there we go now we have C Drogo all by himself okay I think that could work I think I've got perfect picture for this okay sick now let's just do this uh-huh get rid of all of that all of that okay Aras okay here we go I'm I'm ready let's see if this works it will do I like it it's now improved the photo M gusta all right I think this is the first one I actually liked did you know if you go to this website you can enter in the budget that you have to design a room and it'll generate a room plan that you can buy if you don't like it just edit it then click on what you don't like this a scent chair and let's swap it much better oo okay I like the sound of that what was that website called uh my budget is 1 oh oh okay value must be less than or equal to 3 I'm obviously too rich for this all right well next next this is absolutely crazy but if you go to this website and then type in a topic you have to write about I'm going to do idy it will actually write you an essay on that topic as you just type on your keyboard uh it's finals week I have to finish my KSI eating ass sa say immediately can't help you there champ try another one KSI eating [ __ ] can't help you there champ try another one KSI eating H can't help you there try another one I just KSI here we go KSI is an English um YouTube personal musici position and professional boxer KSI or KSI may also refer to killed or seriously injured I ain't even going to try that what no I'm not done I want that that is it no we what what the [ __ ] was that no okay um side man all right uh okay oh okay apparently there's a lot more about siden than uh me uh all right uh we will not show the rest of that we will move on swiftly did you know if you go to this website you can actually create your own music by selecting some instruments and then add them on to the tiles and when you're done just hit play the Star Trek theme song oh wow okay this can actually be pretty SI I can show my musical Talent let me look for where's a minor just oh o o okay I'm just going to make it random [Music] just okay okay all right it's getting there it's getting there it's getting [Laughter] there oh oh yeah yeah that's oh that's good oh yeah yeah that's oh yeah that is I think we're ready ladies and Gentlemen let's hear my masterpiece yeah what a beat woo uh-huh hey this is been your boy KSA I hope you enjoyed this abomination of a video Jesus Christ I'm off
Channel: JJ Olatunji
Views: 1,245,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksi, ksiolajidebt, ksiolajidebthd, jj olatunji, tntl, reddit, streaming, sidemen
Id: qzsBeQreKKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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